Chapter 6: Threat in the skies

It was another day at school where we see Y/n at cooking class as he is making his delicious cookies. After sometime has pass the cookies were done and the class can smell his delicious cookies.

Hiroto: (surprised) Wow man! Your cookies smell very delicious!

Y/n: (smile) Thanks, what about yours?

Hiroto looks down at his cookies to see them burned anr messy.

Hiroto: Not great.

Y/n: (smile) Don't give up man. Just keep on trying and soon you'll get it right.

Hiroto: Thanks man, appreciate with it.

Tohka: Hey Y/n, can you taste mine!

Tohka show him some cookies she made and he takes a bite and taste it.

Y/n: Really good but maybe ease off with the sugar just a bit but good job.

Tohka: (smile) Thank you.

Then another batch of cookies is place in front of his table and Y/n looks over to see Origami. Seeing that she wants him to taste them he takes one and eats it.

Y/n: This is good Origami. Very delicious.

Origami: Glad you like them.

Hiroto gets jealous having girls getting him so much attention which cost him to cry a bit.



We see Origami walking through the halls after class when Y/n comes up behind her.

Y/n: Hey Origami! Can we talk?

She stop and turn to him.

Origami: Sure, what is it?

Y/n: still remember me know?

Origami: Yes. I do.

Y/n: Look I just want to know why? Why are you killing spirits?


Y/n: Please Origami, I want to know.

Origami:......One of the spirits killed my parents. I lost them because of them so I promise myself to wipe them out for my parents.

Y/n: So it's revenge isn't it?

Origami: Yes.

Y/n: I'm sorry for your lost but vengeance isn't going to fix everything.

Origami: You can't just believe that all spirits are good. They leave behind destruction and death everywhere they go.

Y/n: But it isn't their fault. Listen, I'm just want you to not let revenge blind you. I'm not saying this just to protect the spirits.....I just don't want you to be hurt.

Origami:.....I gonna go. Later Y/n.

She then walks away as Y/n watch her walk off with concerned on his face. Then his phone begins to go off and he pulls it out to see Kenji is calling him so he answers.

Y/n: Hey Kenji what's happen?

Kenji: (phone) Got a report of a Malgam spreading chaos within the South side of the city.

Y/n: Right I'll get ready and meet up with you.

Kenji: Alright, let's go.


We see Y/n riding his Motorcycle bike towards the area and then soon Kenji rides up nect to him as the two ride together.

Kenji: You look troubled man? Everything good?

Y/n: Just worried about someone. She's going through some stuff and I'm worried she may take it too far.

Kenji: Ah I see.

Y/n: I want to help her as best as I can but I feel like she is determined to go through with it. What's your thoughts?

Kenji: Not good with situations like this but maybe you should ask her out. Not like a date but more like a chill and calm conversation. Have her fill you in everything and try to comfort her.

Y/n: You think that will work?

Kenji: Probably. Either way you seem to know how to help others.

Y/n: Yeah but she's really lost the people she cares for deeply.

Kenji: Well ain't like your not gonna sit by and let it happen. Even if she may not see it your way, at least she'll be grateful that you comfort her.

Y/n: True.

Then the two stop their motorcycle bikes in front of the zoo as the two climb off and walks inside. The place is empty except for the animals still in their cages as they look around for the Malgam.

Y/n: So what does this Malgam look like?

Kenji: They say in the police radio it looks like a Hawk.

Y/n: You have a police radio?

Kenji: Don't ask how I got it. Anyways if that is true then it means this one is a flyer so we have to be car-

Suddenly the two were kicked across the zoo and land hard on the ground by they get up and see the Hawk Malgam.

Kenji: Yep that's him alright. Let's put this birdy into his cage!

Y/n: Right!

Y/n pulls out and place his Gotchardriver onto his waist while Kenji pulls out his Valarusher and the two insert their cards in and call out.

Y/n: Henshin!

Kenji: Tekkou!

Gotchardriver: Gotchanko! Steamhopper!

Valvarush! Tune up! Madwheel!

Gotchard pulls out his Gotcharge Gun and fire while Valvarad rushes towards Hawk Malgam. Hawk Malgam gets shot while Valvarad swing his blade at him and lands a few slashes at him only for Hawk Malgam to block his attack then flap his wings and sent Valvarad flying back.

Gotchard catches him then sees Hawk Malgam trying to fly away however Gotchard pulls out his catchula card and swipe it onto his gun.

Catchula! Gotcharge buster!

Then Gotchard fires a Web that stuck onto Hawk Malgam'q leg and pulling him so he won't fly away.

Valvarad: Good thinking, now time to deal some damage.

He pulls out another card ans insert it into his sword and transforms.

Valvarush! Tune up! Gekiocopter!

Valvarad begins to fire his Gekiocopter arm at Hawk Malgam which cost it ti fall and hit the ground. Valvarad was about to finish him when Hawk Malgam blocks his blade strike and then he force his blade down at the webs and cuts him free.

Valvarad: Oh no.

Hawk Malgam gets up and Valvarad lifted his Gekiocoper arm only for Hawk Malgam grab his arm and move it away as Valvarad is slammed against the wall but he kicks him away.

Seeing Valvarad in trouble he pulls out two other cards qns insert it into his Gotchardriver and pulls back the handles while he rushes towards his aid.

Gotchardriver: Gotchanko! Appareskebow!

Gotchard use the blades of his Gotcha Torando bow and lands a slash then a few more slashes and then he kicks him backwards.

Valvarad walks up next to Gotchard and the two rushes at Hawk Malgam and the two battle him as they slash at him. After a few slashes the two kick Hawk Malgam back and then Gotchard insert his card into the Gotcha Torando and asks it at Hawk Malgam while Valvarad ready his blade.

Chemy set! Tornado arrow!

Scrap! Valvaro Break!

Gotchard fire a electricity shot that stunned Hawk Malgam then Valvarad finishes it off with firing missiles at Hawk Malgam and after a few hits Hawk Malgam blows up in front of them.

Valvarad: And that's duck season folks.

Gotchard: We did it.

Gotchard pulls up his fist which Valvarad fist pump him. Suddenly A.S.T came down ans surrounded the two which the two were back to back.

Valvarad: Guess they didn't came here to thank us.

Gotchard: Doesn't look like it.

Then Ryouko step forward and stare at Gotchard then to Valvarad and ask him.

Ryouko: We heard rumours about you.

Valvarad: Let me guess, you thought they were not real?

Gotchard: Listen we don't want any trouble. We just took down a Malgam so everything is fine.

Ryouko: We saw. You two are willing to protect lives. Including spirts.

Valvarad: Your point?

Ryouko: I know we may hot off on the wrong foot early Gotchard but reconsider. Spirits will just continue to destroy everything and soon there will be nothing to be rebuild. You must understand spirits are dangerous.

Gotchard: There is more to them which you don't see. Spirits aren't monsters or beings came down to destroy the world......they are just lost, scared and needs help. I'll be willing to help them and I already did with two of them.

This surprised Ryouko and the other A.S.T girls including Origami then Ryouko ask him.

Ryouko: Are you saying you found a way to make them not a threat?

Gotchard: Yes.

Ryouko:.......Maybe to should come with us? We may need to ask you some questions at base.

Valvarad: What if we refuse.

Ryouko: Then we'll be authorise to use force. What will it be?

Gotchard: Sorry but no thank you.

Steamliner! Gotcharge buster!

He fires on the floor which they are immediately covered by steam which Ryouko and the rest begin to cough. When the steam clears the two are gone which they look around but they lost them.

Mikie: Aw I wish he would have come. He sounded kinda cute.

Ryouko: Let's just head back to base girls.

They take off while Origami stood there for a moment then she flies after them back to base.


Kenji and Y/n are seen on the bridge as Kenji has a can of beer on him as he takes a sip.

Kenji: Man that was awesome.

Y/n: I didn't want to harm them but didn't want to go with them.

Kenji: (smile) Which is a good idea that you did that. Man, you really are clever. No wonder Tohka and the other girls like you.

Y/n: Well speaking of girls I think one of them will ask me some questions.

Kenji: Huh why?

Y/n: You remember that girl I was talking about.

Kenji: Oh she's among them right?

Y/n: Yeah.

Kenji: Huh. What should you do?

Y/n: I guess I should take your advice and talk to her. Give her the support she needed and get to know her more.

Kenji: (smile) Yeah. Even if she doesn't agree to you, at least be there for her.

Y/n: Yeah. Say do you have a girlfriend or someone you love?

Kenji: No but I do have eyes on someone online. Here, ain't she cute.

He show him a picture of Tamae which surprised him.

Y/n: She's actually my teacher. Her name is Tamae.

Kenji: Really? Still she's cute.

Y/n just smiled as the two enjoy the sunset in the distances.

To be continued.........................................................

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