Chapter 2: Gotchard vs the A.S.T

We see the same crater where the woman and Gotchard where at as the area seem to be empty. Almost empty, seconds later three sisters appear at the edge of the crater looking at it ad the trio stare at it.

??? 1: Looks like she got away.

??? 2: Seems so but she must have gotten help by someone.

??? 3: You think so? Who would help a spirit?

??? 2: Who knows.

??? 3: So should we find the spirit?

They all turn to their older sister as she stood there for a moment and then she tells them.

??? 1: One day we will find the spirit.  Right now she might be hiding somewhere so the A.S.T will not find her. We'll just wait until she reappears.

They agree and so they turn and make their leave. All awhile we look at the sky and in a quick second we see a ship suddenly appear for a second and then disappears.



We find Y/n and Shiori on board of the ship with Kotori as the two are shocked that Kotori some how gotten a ship that is high tech. They are seen on the bridge where Kotori introduces to the crew od the ship.

Kotori: This is my crew. Kannazuki, my vice commander and the rest is my crew. Kyouji, Masamoi, Munechika, Kozue and Hinako. We are the Ratatoksr and we-

Shiori: (surprised) Okay hang on a minute here! Can you explain to us about everything! Like, who was that woman and who or what was that monster that attack Y/n?

Kotori: (angry) Hey! If you let me continue then I can explain things!

Shiori: (little scared) Y-Yes sis.

Y/n: (thought) I've never seen Kotori this serious or mad. She was all lovely and cute.

Kotori: First of all, the woman you two saw is called a Spirit.

Y/n: Spirit? Like someone who have died?

Kotori: Not that kind of Spirit. They are beings from a different dimension. Whether their own will or not, we can't be sure. However when they do appear they create Spacequakes which you two saw earlier.

Y/n: That make sense. The Spirit was in the middle of a crater where the spacequake happen.

Kotori: And the monster you fought and defeat where called Malgam. They are the monsters created as the result of combining Chemies with human malice.

Y/n: And what are Chemies?

Kotori: They are life forms created by alchemist long ago. They possess supernatural power that would easily change the world forever.

Then Y/n pocket begins to glow he pulls it out and it was a Hopper1 card which suddenly a create came out.

Hopper1: Hopper!

Y/n: (surprised) Wow!

He stumble back while Hopper1 land onto his lap and he sees how cute he looks so he begins to pet it which Hopper1 likes it.

Y/n: (smile) Aaww your cute.

Hopper1: Hopper!

Kotori: Yeah they are. However they are use to create Malgam. They are followed by someone to capture one of the Spirits and to unlock their power.

Shiori: Okay well what about the others group? Are they working for the Malgam?

Kotori: The A.S.T? No. They have orders to eliminate the spirits and sometimes Malgam. They believe Spirits are a threat that needed to be destroyed. However our organisation believes they are confused and needed to be saved. As for dealing with the Malgam, they deliver the Gotchardriver to you so you can use it.

Y/n: Why me?

Kotori: Because we needed a rider to protect the spirits from either being killed or captured.

Kannazuki: There is another rider we heard that wields a large sword but he's isn't a mood to join.

Kotori: Besides you were born with something that can seal spirits powers.

Y/n: (surprised) Really?

Kotori: Spirits can lose control of their power but you have the power to make sure their power will not lose control. If not....then the spirit may harm others or herself.

Y/n:.......In that case we need to find that Spirit. She might be in trouble.

Kotori: (smirk) Glad you say that. We think we should have pinned her location. Your job now is head over and seal her.

Shiori: You sure this is a good idea?

Y/n: I'll be fine. Besides I saved her life from that Malgam so she may see me as a friend.

Hopper1: Hopper!

Kotori: Alright then. We'll sending you the coordinates. Try not to get yourself killed okay?

Y/n: Right.

(Sometime later)

Y/n arrives to where the spirit is located which is an abandoned school. The place seem abandon as he make his way inside and looks around the hallways.

He feels a bit nervous but he keeps going. He make his way up the steps and then another until he reaches the top floor of the school.

He walk down the hallway and check in the classrooms. At first he couldn't find her but then he checks in the last classroom and finds her looking through a open hole looking out of the city.

She stare at the veiw while Y/n make his way inside the classroom without alerting her. He stare at her for a moment and then he clear his throat which she immediately turn and see him.

Y/n: Hi. You remember me?

At first she doesn't recognise him but his voice sounded familiar so she ask.

???: Were you that mask being that killed that monster?

Y/n: Yeah I was Gotchard. Hi, names Y/n L/n, what's your name?

???: I don't know.

Y/n: Oh.....I'm sorry.

???: Why have you come here? Do you come here to kill me?

Y/n: No! I came to help you. A lot of people is going after you and it must be hard isn't it?

???: Yeah.

Y/n: But I'm here to help. I can give you a place to stay and meals to eat.

???: Meals?

Y/n: Like food but they are good, I can ensure you.

???: How can I trust you?

Y/n: said you don't have a name right? What about I give you a name.

???: Really? What name you have in mind?

Y/n:.......Oh! I got one. What about Tohka.

???: Tohka?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Tohka sounds like a nice name, plus it means "10th day of the month." Which is surprisingly the day you came. And your surname would be...Yatogami. it names "Night Sword of God." Since you wield a sword.

She thinks about it for a moment and after a while she like the name and so she tells him.

Tohka: (smile) I like it. You can call me Tohka Yatogami.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome!

Tohka stare at him and sees that he isn't like the other humans she fought. She goes over to him when suddenly Y/n spotted something and pushes her out of way and duck down. Seconds later bullets fly through the hole and destroyed another.

Tohka: You saved me?

Y/n: Yeah but we're not out of woods yet. Hold on!

He then quickly gets up and place his Gotchardriver and slide in his selective cards in.

Gotchardriver: Gekiocopter! Daiohni!

Y/n: Henshin!

Gotchardriver: Gotchanko! Onicopter!

Gotchard then flies out and was immediately confronted by the A.S.T who hold fire when Gotchard came out. He looks at them and then see Origami among them which she noticed him staring back.

Gotchard: I want to speak with someone in charge?

Then their captain came out of her team  flies over to Gotchard as she introduces to herself.

Ryouko: My name is Captain Ryouko Kusakabe of the Anti-Spirt Team. Who are you?

Gotchard: Kamen rider Gotchard and I'm here because I have this under control.

Ryouko: You know there is a spirit in there. We came here to eliminate it.

Gotchard: You can't! You can't just kill them, that isn't right!

Ryouko: Look in case you didn't know they have been costing Spacequakes that has killed hundreds and millions or people. We were formed to eliminate them before they can cost any more damger or harm.

Gotchard: But this isn't their fault! They have no control of  their power. You can't just kill someone that isn't their fault.

Ryouko: I have my orders. Either you move away or else.

Gotchard turns to Tohka looking ready to fight them and then Gotchard turns to them and let's out a sigh.

Gotchard: Sorry about this.

Then he fires missiles towards them and they quickly move out of the way to dodge them. They immediately open fire at Gotchard which he flies away, drawing them away from Tohka while she is surprised that he did that for her.

They open fire at him but their bullets bounce off of his armor. He turns and fires twin machine guns at them which they fly away. Suddenly Origami slammed into Gotchard and they crash onto the fetid track.

Gotchard rolled onto the ground but quickly gets up and dodges Origami incoming shots. Origami approachs him and aims her weapon at him when Gotchard calls out.

Gotchard: Origami wait! It's me! Y/n!

Origami looks surprised and his voice sounded like Y/n. Then more A.S.T begin to fire at him so he dodges and then he swing swings his spike legs and the spikes launches towards them.

They dodges and then Gotchard flies away from the area. They go after him while Origami stood there for a moment and then goes after them.

Gotchard leafs them to the city where they lose him when he make a turn and disappear around the corner. When they came around the corner he was gone.

Ryouko looks around trying to see him but there was nothing. She then turn to the rest of her team and barks orders at them.

Ryouko: Listen up! If you find him bring him in alive. We need to find out who he is and what technology he has. Spread out and find him?

A.S.T: Yes ma'am!

They spread around and begin theie search however this was all a trick. We were Gotchard flying back and once there he arrives back and sees that Tohka is okay as she came up to him.

Tohka: You lead them away?

Gotchard: I didn't wish to harm them but I can't let them harm you.

This made Tohka blush a little and then he lend out his hand to her and then tells her.

Gotchard: I know a place where you can hide out. What do you say?

Tohka stare at him for a moment and then she take his hand as a sign of trust. She can't help but feel something funny but also good as the two stare each other while holding hands.

Then we cut to outside of the abandon school where we see a mystery man wearing a bike helmet that covers his face while on his motorcycle bike.

Then he start up his motorcycle bike and rides off all awhile we see a sword on his back as he rides away.

To be continued...........................................

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