Chapter 3: Light our darkness
Outside of the power station we see two engineers walking up to the gate of the power station and once they open the gate and enter inside, they start their suspension as they walk around and checking on the power to see if it is working alright.
Male engineer: Say wanna something to eat after this?
Male engineer 2: (smile) Sure what are you thinking?
Male engineer: Figured we grab some burgers at this restaurant I've told you about?
Male engineer 2: Oh yeah I never been there before, sure we'll head there and-
Suddenly there was a flash of light in the distances which cost the two to turn to see something sparkling so one engineer walks over to it to see what's going on.
But as soon he gets there it was gone, he gets a closer look at it but there was nothing.
Male engineer: Everything alright?
Male engineer 2: Yeah it's alright. Come on, let's finish up here and we can-
Suddenly electricity shot the first engineer, sending him flying back while the other step back in shock. Then there was bolts of electricity coming out of everywhere as the Engineer slowly moves backwards while a figure appear as the engineer lands his back at the figure and turn to face him.
(Next day)
It was another day at Kuoh academy where we see Y/n within the hallway and walking by when Akiko approaches him as she called out to him.
Akiko: Hey Y/n!
He stop and turn as she catches up to him and once she catch up to him, the two walk together as Akiko asked Y/n.
Akiko: So how was your first mission with my brother?
Y/n: (smile) It was interesting. You must be lucky to have him.
Akiko: Yeah I do but he's sometimes over protective of me sometimes.
Y/n: Well guess that's what older brothers are when it comes to their young sisters or brothers.
Akiko: True. So Y/n, have you gotten used to your ghost abilities yet?
Y/n: A little. I learn how to be walk through walls and turn invisible. Just need to be careful while I'm in public.
Akiko: You'll get used to it soon, just try not to do something stupid with it.
Y/n: (smile) Well I'm not like Issei so no need to worry about that.
Akiko let's out a chuckle and then they stop when they see Rias and Akeno walking towards them in the distances when Rias was the first to noticed him and the two walked up to the two.
Rias: (smile) Hi there Y/n and Akiko. Nice day we're heading aren't we?
Akiko: Yeah it is.
Rias: So where are you two going?
Y/n: Just going to our classes before the bell ring.
Rias: (smile) That's good to hear. Oh yeah Y/n, I would like to see you later about something.
Y/n: Sure thing Rias.
Rias: (smile) Good, have a nice day.
The two walk by with Akeno wink at him and then walk away while Y/n wonders what Rias needed from him but either way the two head off to their own classes.
We see Y/n at Rias office as Rias assigned him on a job which interested Y/n.
Y/n: There was an attack at the power station?
Rias: Correct. Two engineers were attacked last night, one was injured, losing his ability to move while the other was found dead, fried up from too much electricity. We believe someone or something attacked them so I assigned you with someone to find out what happened to them.
Y/n: So who should I be assigned with?
The twin doors open behind Y/n and he turn as Issei step into the room and walk next to Y/n.
Issei: Hey Rias, you called me for something?
Rias: (smile) Yes I did. I assigned you up with Y/n to investigate a possible monter attack.
Issei: (shocked) What?! Why me? Can Kiba or Koneko not team up with Y/n?
Y/n: Oh come on Issei it will be fine. We can get along more during the job.
Issei: Do I have to?
Rias: (smile) Just be safe you two and good luck. Take care you two~!
And once that the two leave her office and walk down the halls as Issei let's out a sigh and said to Y/n.
Issei: Look not to sound like a jackass but do you even know how to fight?
Y/n: Sort off. Do you?
Issei: Well a little.......b-but I'm getting better! Rias is gonna be pleased of me of becoming the most strongest person and she'll have me grab at her big boobs of her.
Y/n: Um right?.....Well anyways we should start our investigation.
Issei: Fine. Where to first?
Y/n: Well let's see what this engineer can tell us and maybe we can know what happened to him and to his friend last night.
Issei: Alright then, let's go.
They arrive at the hospital where the engineer is being kept as we see the engineer laying on his bed with bandages around him apart of his face as he tells the two his story.
Male engineer: Then my friend was thrown across the room and I slowly walk back to run away but something blocked my way so I turn around and I saw this.....thing. it shocked me with electricit, lucky it didn't kill me and then it was gone.
Issei: Gone? Just like that?
Y/n: can you tell us what dose this thing looked like?
Male engineer: It had these light bulbs on its head and both hands and it sparks out electricity. I can't discreb it more though, everything was a blurr.
Y/n: That's alright sir, thank you.
They leave him to get some rest as they leave his room and soon the hospital as they step outside as Issei ask Y/n.
Issei: So what are you thinking?
Y/n: It's possible he might have encountered a Gamma.
Issei: You think so?
Y/n: Maybe. We need to find it and stop it before it will do anything else.
Issei: Yeah but how?
Y/n tries to think of a way to lower an Gamma when he noticed something which Issei turn and noticed a building across the street has its lights flashing which Issei said.
Issei: Wonder what's going on over there?
Y/n: One way to find out, come on!
They rush across the street and soon made it to the building. They look around, trying to find a way in until they find a broken window which they climb over. They were now in the building as they slowly walk through the halls and soon arrived at the large room where wires of electricity are around the large room as they see a large portal along with an Gamma setting up things so he can active the portal.
Issei: (whisper) Is that what Gamma's looked like?
Y/n: (whisper) Yeah, it looks like he's making some sort a portal using the electricity of this town.
Issei: (whisper) what should we do?
Y/n: (whisper) We'll stop him before he actives it.
They step out into the room which the Gamma turns around to see them as he stood up and said.
Denki Gamma: It seems I have some guest. No matter, I will make sure you both will not stop my plans by opening this portal to our world.
Y/n: We'll see about that!
Ghost driver!
Once Y/n's drive ris summon, he pulled out his Ore eyecon and slide I onto his driver and close it.
Y/n: Henshin!
Ghost driver: Kaigan! Ore! Let's go! Kakugo! Go Go Go! Ghost! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Ghost: Let's stay clear from him. His bolts might-
Issei: (smirk) Oh please I got this!
Issei rushes towards Denki Gamma and throws his fist back and lands a might punch but not only it did nothing but Denki Gamma shocked him with electricity and after a while of Issei getting shocked, he was sent flying and crashed into the wall and fell hard onto the ground.
Ghost: Um are you okay?
Issei: I-I-I'm f-f-fine.
Ghost: (thought) Yeah he's not fine.
Suddenly he dodges a bolt of electricity that was fired by Denki Gamma as he charge up another bolt of electricity and blasted at Ghost but he dodges the incoming bolts as he leap around, trying to get close to him do he can land a strike but his electricity bolts were too strong and he can't even get any close to him.
Ghost land onto his feet as he summon his Gan Gun Saber and turned it into a gun mode and fired a few shots but the shots stopped mid air, catches by the electricity and then the bolts fly back to Ghost and land a hit at him, costing him to be sent flying back and land hard onto the ground.
Ghost: (thought) His bolts are too strong. I need to somehow land a hit a him but how?
He dodges more bolts od electricity from Denki Gamma until he was behind the control console to which he noticed a bulb that looked familiar so he grab it and look at it, he realised it looked very old as he stare at it.
Ghost: (thought) Did he stole this from somewhere? Hhmm let's see.
He draws a symbol onto a bulb and seconds later a spirit came out and soon it turned into a yellow eyecon as it land on Ghost hand.
Ghost: (thought) Looks like I have battle electricity with electricity! That....doesn't sound right but whatever, let's see what this can do!
He swap his Ore eyecon and slide in his new eyecon as he rolled out of cover and pulls the lever down as he changed into a new form.
Ghost driver: Kaigan! Edison! (Electrical voltage crackles) Elec! Hirameki! Hatsumei-Oh-! (Electricity buzzing)
Denki Gamma: (shocked) What is this! Doesn't matter, die!
He fired a bolt of electricity at him but Ghost catches the bolt with his hand and then rushes towards Denki Gamma and strikes a few electricity blows at Denki Gamma, shocking him as he gets punched every time and then kicked.
He was sent flying and crashed through the wall and land hard outside while Ghost leaps out and land hard onto thr grounr as Denki Gamma charge up his electricity and fired a bolt of electricity at Ghost but he move out of the way and fired more bolts at Denki Gamma, landing at him which cost him to be sent flying and then ghost rushes up to him and strikes a kick at him, sending him flying and crashing hard onto thr ground while Ghost lands on his feet.
Denki Gamma: This can't be possible! I can't lose by the likes of you!
Ghost: It's over. Give up.
Denki Gamma: No! No! I will destroy you even by means shocking you 1 billion times!
Then he suddenly started to grow while he changed into a huge Gamma monster as Ghost leaps back in shock to see him grow and change into a Gaint Denki Gamma.
Bolts of electricity was fired at Ghost and it hits him. Ghost holds himself as the bolts of electricity slowly pushes him back but Ghost was not gonna give up as he start to drain the electricity, making him stronger while Denki Gamma weak.
Soon he stop shooting out electricity as Ghost charge towards him and leaps up in the air and land a few blows at Gaint Denki Gamma whoch cost him to stumble back, crashing through a fence as Ghost leaps backwards as he land onto his feet and he pulls back the handle of the ghost driver and place it forward and once that he leaps up in the air as bolts of electricity sho out around him.
Ghost driver: Dai Kaigan! Edison Omega drive!
Ghost flies towards Gaint Denki Gamma, landing a driver kick at him as Ghost shot out another bolt of electricity as he gose through gaint Denki Gamma and land at the otherside as Denki Gamma let's out a roar bedore blowing up behind Ghost as he slowly stood up and dehenshin.
Issei stumble outside after he woke up and look over to see Y/n and rushes up to him.
Issei: You beat him?
Y/n: Yeah, he was tough but it's done.
Issei: Well so much for my help. That was pathetic.
Y/n: (smile) True but at least you helped.
Issei: Yeah I guess so.
Y/n: (smile) Hey don't let yourself down. You just need to train hard so you can get better with this. Like what I am doing and it seems to be working.
Issei: (smile) Yeah your right. Hey, guess working with you ain't so bad.
The two smile to each other and once that they head off to report Rias about their job completed as the sun sets down.
Issei: Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Yeah?
Issei: Is there a possibility you can turn invisible and sneak into the girls locker room and snap some pictures?
Y/n: Tell you what Issei, I know this new ability that you can turn invisible.
Issei: (surprised) Really?!
Y/n: (smile) Yep, here.
He patted his hand three times and after that he said.
Y/n: There, I've share my invisible ability with you and now you can turn invisible. Give it a try tomorrow.
Issei: (smile) Awesome! Thanks man, this is gonna be the bes-
(Next day)
We see Issei being chased by the girls throughout the hallway as Y/n and Akihiko see this as Akihiko ask Y/n.
Akihiko: You told him you can give him invisible ability but you know we can't do that right?
Y/n: (smirk) Figured he'll learn a lesson of not peeking into girls while they are getting changed
Akihiko: Dude...........(smirk) Nice.
To be continued.................................................
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