Chapter 2: Meet the devils

It was morning as the sun rises for a new day and we see an apartment building where we see Raynare just sitting down at the kitchen and eating some toast for breakfast while we see Y/n peaking over the kitchen doors and watching her eat, since she is a Fallen Angel he find it very interesting so he turned to Yurusen who is laying on the couch and took a form of a cat as Y/n ask him.

Y/n: So Yurusen have you ever met a Fallen Angel before?

Yurusen: Never, are you interested with them?

Y/n: Yeah I've read a few books about Fallen Angels used to be Angel until they did something to anger the gods and now they have to spend the rest of their lives as a Fallen Angel and not allow to go to Heaven or hell. Still I wonder why is there one Fallen Angel living among humans.

Raynare: You do realise I can hear you guys talking right?

Y/n: Oh sorry about that I was just curious that's all.

Raynare: Eh its fine, thanks for saving me by away. Never know those things was about to kill me.

Y/n: (smile) No problem.

Yurusen: Say should you get ready for school?

Y/n: Oh right! Let me grab something quick to eat and I'll head out!

He grab himself a Banana in the kitchen and then rushes out of the door. After he shut the door Yurusen make his way over to the kitchen and look up at Raynare and then ask.

Yurusen: So what is a Fallen Angel doing blending in among humanity?

Raynare: Well......let's just say I was on....a mission.



We see Y/n arrived at school on time and we see him sitting in his class and working just like the other students. He was just minding his own business when he gets a strange feeling that he was being watched. He thinks it's probably nothing and keeps on writing while a few seats behind him we see a student stareing at him and sensing something has changed.

So after class was done all the students were making their leave and Y/n was walking away from his class when a student called out to him from behind.

???: Hey you!

Y/n turns around to be met with a student who looks pretty serious as he apoorches Y/n.

Y/n: Um hi there, can I help you?

Akihiko: The names Akihiko, I want to ask you something if you don't mind.

Y/n: Um sure thing, what do you want to know?

Akihiko: The Eyecon that my sister told me about, did your Eyecon changed?

Y/n: (surprised) H-How do you know about that?

Akihiko looks around to see a lot of students so he signal Y/n to follow. Soon after we see them behind the school as Akihiko reach down to his pocket and pulls out his own Eyecon which surprised Y/n.

Y/n: (surprised) Who have a Eyecon as well?!

Akihiko: That's correct. My soul was also bounded with the Eyecon and you might be the same as well.

Y/n: So you must have know about the Eyecons and Gamma better then me right?

Akihiko: Correct. You see Gamma's are not your normal spirits but in fact a race of extra-dimensional creatures who are transported to this world through an eye-like gate called a Gamma hole.

Y/n: (surprised) Seriously, they're from a different dimension?!

Akihiko: Yes. You see unlike Heaven or hell, the Gammes world is ten times worse then hell itself. Its nothing but a wasteland and those who step onto that world would never escape.

Y/n: So why are they here?

Akihiko: They wish to restore their lost world by gather all the heroic souls by finding artifacts they left behind for years.

Y/n: Like those in museums?

Akihiko: Correct. Me and my sister were fighting the Gamma for a while. Until we gain some help with some devils in this school.

Y/n: (shocked) Devils?!

Akihiko: It may sound surprising but maybe you can come with me and I'll introduce you to them.

Y/n: (surprised) Um sure thing I guess?


The two arrived a small old building which Akihiko opens the door and they walk down the halls. The hallway was lit by candles mounted on the wall which felt better to Y/n, just a little. Then Akihiko opens the door and they step in to what seems like a office with two couches facing each other in the middle of the room and a dask at the far back.

Then Y/n spotted Akiko sorting out the books when she turn to see Akihiko and Y/n so she apoorches Akihiko and ask.

Akiko: Why is Y/n here?

Akihiko: He bounded his soul with the eyecon and now he is a kamen rider.

Akiko: (surprised) Really? Huh sweet.

Y/n: So you two know each other?

Akihiko: Yeah this is my sister but I guess you've know her before.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah and it makes sense why you two are siblings, you both have similar names.

Akiko: Yeah some people mixed our names around, it's kinda annoying if you ask me.

Y/n: (smile) I see.

Then he looked over to see another girl with white hair and eating a sandwich while sitting on the couch.

Akiko: This is Koneko, she's a club member here and our strong person.

Y/n: I think I've heard about her before by many male students.

Akihiko: Yeah they say things to a lot of girls.

???: Looks like we have a new guest.

Then another female student with long black hair apoorches them.

Akiko: This is Akeno, she's the club president assistant.

Akeno: (smile) It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot aboit you.

Y/n: (smile) Really? I'm not much popular around school.

Akeno: (giggle) Not to me.

Soon three more club members came in. Two boys and one women with long red hair as they noticed Y/n here.

Akihiko: And these are the rest. Rias who is this clubs President, Kiba and........Issei.

Issei: Hey what's with that tone!?

Akihiko: Nothing pervert.

Koneko: Yeah shut up pervert.

Y/n: Say I've seen Kiba around school, a few times actually.

Kiba: (smile) Yep, pleasure to meet you.

Rias: (smile) Same here. So is this the boy you've talked about Akihiko?

Akihiko: Indeed. Not only that but his eyecon has changed as well.

Akeno: (smile) Wow how amazing, that means we have another new rider.

Y/n: (smile) You know not to be rude but Akihiko told me that you guys were devils but you look normal.

Issei: That's what I thought when I first join here.

Y/n: And is it true?

Rias: (smirk) Pretty much so.

Then they spread their devil wings which surprised Y/n as he step back a bit.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow! You'll real? Amazing!

Akeno: (giggle) I like this one.

Rias: (smile) You may think devils are evil but we're in fact just nice race unlike the books you've read.

Akihiko: They helped us on jobs that involves around a Gamma.

Rias: (smile) And speaking with Gamma I got a report about a Gamma planned to steal a sword own by a Japanese warrior named Miyanoto Mushashi.

Akihiko: I see, where is this sword located?

Rias: At the Museum downtown, you won't miss it.

Akihiko: Understood, Akiko you be our eyes, Y/n your with me, time for your first training and lesson.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome let's go!

Both Akihiko and Y/n head off and once they were gone Akeno let out a giggle and then said.

Akeno: (smile) My he's such a cute boy.

Akiko: He's.....alright I guess.

Akeno: (smirk) Do you have a crush on him?

Akiko: (blush) N-N-No of course not! I was only saying.

Akeno giggled once more while Rias smiled as well ans starts their club while Akiko heads off to help out the riders.


We see Akihiko and Y/n standing in front of the museum in the afternoon. The museum seemed to be close but there was no problem to them as they walk through the entrance doors and they were in.

Y/n: Should we be careful with laser lines?

Akihiko: With our spirit forms, the lasers will not touch us and the cameras can't see us as well.

Y/n: Oh well that's cool.

He was right as the lasers doesn't detected them while the cameras can't see them in their spirit forms and not even the security guard can't see them.

Y/n: So tell me Akihiko, why are the Gamma searching for the heroic souls?

Akihiko: So they can restore their world.

Y/n: How?

Akihiko: They needed to collect 100 heroic eyecons in hopes to use their power to restore their world. However it comes with a heavy cost.

Y/n: And that is?

Akihiko: This world needs heroic souls so humanity will still have their spirits up and continue on their dreams. Heroic souls are there for a reason and without them the world will lose their spirit and their dreams. It will fall just like the Gammas world.

Y/n: So we need to stop them before they will change the world forever?

Akihiko: That's correct.

Then they heard something do they lend their backs against the wall and they slowly move along the walls until they were around a corner. Akihiko peeked around the corner and see Gamma approaching the sword inside of a glass case as he said to himself.

Katana Gamma: Well look at this, a sword that I will add to my collection. First I'll drain the heroic soul out of you and this sword will be mine.

Akihiko: I afraid that's not gonna happen Gamma.

He quickly turn to see Akihiko and Y/n there.

Katana Gamma: Kamen riders?! No matter, I'll cut you all up!

Akihiko: (smirk) Like to see you try.

Then he summon his Ghost driver on his waist and pulled out his eyecon and drop it onto the Ghost driver and close it.

Akihiko: Henshin!

Ghost driver: Kaigan! Spector! Ready, Go! Kakugo! Doki Doki! Ghost!

Spector: It's your turn Y/n.

Y/n: Right!

He summon his ghost driver and slide his eyecon in and called out.

Y/n: Henshin!

Ghost driver: Kaigan! Ore! Let's go! Kakugo! Go Go Go! Ghost! Go! Go! Go! Go!

Katana Gamma: You both will be chop up!

The Katana Gamma charges towards them while both Ghost and Spector dose the same and both dodges Katana Gamma's swing and got in behind him and both kicked the Katana Gamma away and Spector charge towards him and lands some few blows at Katana Gamma but trying to dodge his swings of hid arm Katana was easy.

Katana Gamma's swings was too fast and he moves his Katana arm pretty well. He gets slashed a few times and then he rolled onto thr ground. Katana Gamma was about to strike at him but Ghost leaps over Spector and landed a slash at Katana Gamma, making him stumble backwards.

Ghost swings his Gan Gun Saber in sword mode and try to swing at him but Katana Gamma dodges his swings and even grab his blade and elbow him a few times and slashed at him, sending him flying back and crash near Spector, Ghost gets up and then tells Spector.

Ghost: This Gamma is good with his sword.

Spector: Yeah but we can't let him get away!

Ghost: Right! We can't just give up just yet, we will defeat this Gamma no matter what!

Then Ghost chest glow orange and the Katana in the glass case glows red which Spector noticed and tells Ghost.

Spector: Ghost it chose you!

Ghost: What?

Spector: Draw the symbol on you chest over the sword and the heroic soul will bound to you!

Ghost: Um right!

He make his way over to the Katana while Spector holds back Katana Gamma as long as he can. Ghost apoorches the Katana and he draws the symbol on his chest with his finger and once that a heroic soul came out of the sword as it float around Ghost.

Ghost: (surprised) Wow!

Soon the Heroic soul formed into a eyecon which Ghost catches and looks at the new Eyecon.

Ghost: (surprised) Wow this is amazing! Alright then let's see what this one can do!

He swapped his Ore Eyecon to Mushashi and once that he changed into a new form.

Ghost driver: Kaigan! Mushashi! (Biwa chord) Kettou! Zubatto Cho kengou! (Biwa chords and slashing sounds)

Ghost: (surprised) Wow I can feel its power. Almost like I know about blade combat, well let's give this a try!

He pulled out hid Gan Gun Saber and splits them apart and he had two swords now and once that he charge towards Katana Gamma and land a few slashes at him and even block his blocks perfectly as he and Katana Gamma clash blades while Spector watches them battle.

Spector: (thought) Huh impressive.

Ghost blocks a few more strikes at the Katana Gamma follow by landing a few strikes at him and landing a kick, making him stumble backwards.

Katana Gamma: How can this be possible?! You will pay for this Kamen riders?!

Ghost: My life is burning bright!

Ghost driver: Dai Kaigan! Mushashi omega slash!

He then charge towards Katana Gamma while his two blades glow red and then he blocks the Katana Gamma sword which suddenly shattered into millions of pieces and then he managed to land a huge slash at Katana Gamma and then turns around and slash him even more.

Once that Katana Gamma yells out while he falls down and blows up into smoke. Ghost stood up straight while Spector is impressed and walks over to him.

Ghost: (surprised) Wow that was amazing! I don't even know sword combat.

Spector: That's because of that new eyecon you have on you. Once you have its form, you get the knowledge that the heroic soul knows such as sword combat or archery.

Ghost: (surprised) That's cool!

Spector: Still that Gamma won't be bothering this museum anymore now. Good job Y/n, must say I'm impresse of your skills and quick thinking.

Ghost: Thanks!

Soon they make theie leave out of the museum and once outside and dehenshin we see Akihiko climbing onto hid motorcycle bike that he had summoned to which Y/n ask him.

Y/n: So when do I learn to summon a motorcycle bike?

Akihiko: Maybe tomorrow but for not get some rest. You earned it.

He them ride off home as Y/n watch him leave, then Yurusen appeared beside him and ask.

Yurusen: What did I miss?

Y/n: A lot, where were you while I was busy?

Yurusen: Let's just say being a cat made me a bit lazy.

Y/n: (chuckle) I see. Come on let's go home.

Yurusen agtee and they head off home while on top of a building near the museum we see a mysterious figure watching Y/n leaving as he turn and walked away.

To be continued..................................

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