Chapter 9: Hatching the secret

We find Y/n laying within a field filled with white flowers as he is staring up into the night sky. Looking at the night sky as he then sat up and look around, seeing all around him is noting but a field of white flowers.

He gets up and looks straight ahead as he then begins to walk. He walk through the field, walking to......somewhere that he isn't sure but somewhere as he keeps walking. While walking he noticed something in the distances which look huge as he gets closer and closer to it.

Once close he make it out to be a statue that he doesn't recognised but feels something familiar with it as he approaches the statue. He stood right in front of it as he then begins a woman humming in the distances, almost like echos as he turn to see no one but the humming continue.

He turn back to the statue and stared at it for a while and then he lifted up his hand and slowly move his hand towards the statue, his fingers getting closer and closer to the statue and then he touched it.

Suddenly he was blinded by brightness as everything around him turn white and then he woke up. He open his eyes and sat up and find himself in the medical room as he look around seeing no one is here as he thinks about the dream he had and then said.

Y/n: Well......That was some dream I have.


(3 days later)

After 3 days of recovering Y/n is now back and ready to go as we find him with Hibiki, Kanade, Genjuro, Ryoko and Tsumuri as Hibiki happily hugged Y/n seeing that he is okay.

Hibiki: (smile) Y/n your back~! I'm so so sorry for hurting you.

Y/n: (smirk) Nah that's alright Hibiki, just glad you and the rest are okay.

Kanade: Yeah it was a massive cleanup we have to do while you were unconscious. We have to clean up the mess thanks to Hibiki.

Hibiki: I said I was sorry.

Kanade: (chuckle) Hey I'm only kidding. Its not your fault.

Y/n: Say where is the rest?

Tsumuri: Most of our riders are away for their missions. Only you and Ken are here.

Hibiki: Ken. Isn't he that white beat rider?

Tsumuri: Kamen rider Da-Paan. Yes. He's kinda serious and rarely talks to anymore.

Hibiki: Oh I see.

Y/n: Well guess I should leave now, see ya.

Tsumuri: Wait! I have a new mission for you.

Y/n: Oh? And what would that be?

Tsumuri: Actually. This involves you and Hibiki.

Hibiki: Me? Sure, what's our job?

Then Tsumuri gives Y/n what seems like a large egg which confused both Y/n and Hibiki.

Tsumuri: (smile) Your job is to hatch this egg.

Y/n: Huh, kinda huge? What is it?

Tsumuri: (smile) That's something you will find out soon. Take care of it so it will hatch. Try not to break it.

Y/n: On it. Well better head off now, see ya.

Hibiki: Bye.

The two of them leave and once gone Ryoko said.

Ryoko: (smile) It's a good thing they have a easy job.

Kanade: (smirk) Yeah. Still what's inside that egg?

Tsumuri: (smirk) Best you find that out later.

(Sometime later)

Both Y/n and Hibiki where at Hibiki's apartment ad they stare at the egg as it sat between them. They stare at it for a bit and then Y/n sighs and lay down.

Y/n: This is boring. This is like a school work thing where we have to take care an egg like it was a baby.

Hibiki: (smile) I think it's fun. What do you think it might be? A dragon, a Unicron or maybe cute fluffy fox.

Y/n: (smirk) Well whatever it is hopefully its good.

Then a door open and Miku entered and see Hibiki and Y/n with a large egg.

Hibiki: Hey Miku! How's things!?

Miku: Good but that a egg? Where did you get that?

Hibiki: part of our assignment.

Miku: Assignment? That's odd.

Y/n: You know teacher gives students stuff that doesn't make sense. Best to let it be.

Miku: Oh okay then. Well I'm about to make soke lunch. You wanna join us Y/n?

Y/n: Why not. Let's have some lunch.

Hibiki: Yeah~!

And so they have their lunch together as Y/n and Hibiki take care the egg and not have it fall or crack while having lunch.


We find Ken at the training room and working on his skills by fighting hologram Noise as he takes them out. He trains hard for a while and soon he finishes the training.

He let's out a sigh as he looks at his score and see it was not nearly close as his previous score. This frustrated him so he storm out of the training room and enter the locker room.

He open his locker to grab a towel but stops when he sees a picture of him and his brother stuck at the back of his locker. He stared at the picture a bit. Looking at it for sometime and then he shut his locker door and after a shower he exit out and dry himself when Kohaku enter the locker room to get a shower only to see Ken there so he walk up to him.

Kohaku: (smile) Yo Ken! Long time no seek my dude.

Ken: Oh hey Kohaku. Just came back from your mission.

Kohaku: (smile) Yeah it was a okay mission. You should have seen it, it was so cool.

Ken: Bet it was.

Kohaku: Say we never chatted before haven't we?

Ken: Don't think so.

Kohaku: Well I think it's great we are fighting to save the world. I find everyone very cool and very friendly, even Y/n.

Ken: You found

Kohaku: (smile) Yeah. He's very cool and knows what to do. He saved many lives and always has his head up whenever things gose bad. I can see why he is the best rider within the DGP. What do you thi-

Suddenly Ken slammed his fist onto the wall, surprising Kohaku and stepping back a bit as Ken tells him.

Ken: (angry) Y/n is nothing but reckless and a fool! If he was really a pro rider, he could have saved my brother 2 years ago! But no......he left him to die.

Kohaku: Wow calm down. I'm sure he try-

Ken: (angry) He didn't! Not all riders are pure and he's just selfish. He rather be out there and act like a hero meanwhile his own rider friends die behind him and they down get anything! Only Geats.

Kohaku: Hey! That's not true!

Ken: (angry) Trust me Kohaku, it is! As soon as your close to him, he'll leave you to die while he'll get all the glory and fame because he is special.

Kohaku: (angry) Okay that's enough! I don't know where this hatred towards Y/n is coming from but he's a cool and kind guy! He does care and you just don't see that because you never met him fully yet. He does save lives and bound with us like we're a family. He may have flaws but hell we all have flaws even yourself! Y/n is a hero and there is nothing for you to take that away because he will never abandon us or left us to die.

The two of them stare at each other for sometime and then Ken walk by Kohaku and gets changed. Kohaku just stood there, sighs and hops into a shower.


We see Y/n and Hibiki at the park with the egg as they sat there and watch the sunset.

Hibiki: (smile) This is nice. Sitting here, watching the sunset while keeping our egg safe.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

They stare at the sunset and then Y/n turn to Hibiki and then he ask her.

Y/n: Can I tell you something.

Hibiki: Sure?

Y/n: I've......I've been getting these dreams. They are all the same and I can't help but feel like they mean something.

Hibiki: What was the dreams?

Y/n: I was.......I was in a field of white flowers. I'm not too sure what type but all i know it felt familiar as he walk through them and stumble apon a statue. When I get close I hear a woman humming and when I touch it.....I woke up. It keep happening over and over none stop and I'm not sure what it means.

Hibiki: That is mysterious.

Y/n: Yeah. But deep down......I'm kinda afraid. You don't usually hear me say that but......whatever these deams scared me that if I do find out.....I might not be the same.

Then Hibiki grab his hand as he turn to him as she tells him.

Hibiki: (smile) Whatever happens. I'm always with you.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks Hibiki.

The two stare at each other for a bit as they get close for some reason and before anything happens, the egg moved which surprised them and they pulled back and look at the egg.

Hibiki: The egg just moved!

Y/n: Feels like it.

They stare at the eggas it moved more and more as they think its beginning to hatch. Suddenly Y/n sees something and pushed Hibiki back including himself as a wipe crashes down and they get up to see Chris.

Y/n: (smirk) Looks like your back.

Chris: (smirk) Indeed I am but this time I'm here to end you both once and for all.

Then Hibiki transforms into her Symphogear after he sing and tells Chris.

Hibiki: Oh yeah! I've trained hard so I can get stronger. Last time we fought was on a mission but now it is real!

Chris: (smirk) Well bring it!

Both Hibiki send Chris charge at each other and they fight as Y/n was about to pull out his desire driver when he heard.

Miku: Y/n! Y/n!

He quickly turn to see Moku rushing towards him while waving his phone that he must have dropped.

Miku: You forgot your phone!

Y/n: Miku move!

Miku stop and then noticed a tree Chris tosses at Hibiki was heading towards her. Y/n races towards her and then grab as he hugged her and the tree was about to trash at them when the egg suddenly hatched and sent off a blast, sending the tree flying back as Chris and Hibiki turn as the egg finally hatched.

Both Y/n and Miku look at it and see that it was not a creature but rather a buckle as Y/n takes it and looks at it.

Y/n: Huh, so it was a buckle. Cool.

Miku was not sure what he ment but turn and noticed Hibiki in her Symphogear which shocked her as Y/n also noticed as he sigh and said to Miku.

Y/n: Well....Guess you know our secret. But you should get out of here. Things might get messy.

He let's go of Miku and place his desire driver onto his waist and inserts the new buckle.

Desire driver: Set.

Y/n: Henshin!

Desire driver: Monster! Ready, fight.

Miku is even more shocked as she step back as Geats rushes towards Chris and swings his monster fist and then lands a powerful punch that sent Chris flying back and crashing through trees behind her.

This surprised Geats as he look at his new form while Hibiki leaps towards him all amazed.

Hibiki: Wow! You have boxing gloves like me!

Geats: Yep. Pretty cool.

She smiled and then they turn to see Chris getting up so the two turn to each other, node and then they charge towards her while Miku stood there with a singal tear came down from her cheek.

Miku: (thought) Hibiki, Y/n.

To be continued................................................

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