Chapter 3: Never Replace her
(Several years ago)
In the pouring rains at the docks, we see Kanade and Tsubasa battling the Noise in their Symphogear as they battle the Noise around them for sometime.
After Kanade took out the last Noise, the two girls stood there within the rain as Tsubasa was breathing a bit after taking on the Noise as she stood up straight while Kanade was behind her as she turns to her and says.
Kanade: Hey Tsubasa?
Tsubasa turns to her as Kanade smirked at her and then tells her.
Kanade: (smirk) Thanks for having my back. We made a good team you and I.
Tsubasa stared at Kanade in amazement that she said it. She then smiled at her and then nodes to her.
Tsubasa: (smile) Yeah, we are a great team.
The two girls smiled as they stood there in the rain before they return back to base.
(Present day)
We see Tsubasa at the same dock as she stood there, looking depressed since Kanade lost her ability to sing and won't be able to fight no more by her side, she was filled nothing but anger and sadness within her.
She stare off at the ocean and then turns and make hee leave as she returns back home and awaits her next mission.
We see Y/n walking down the schools hallways minding his own business as he walk by everyone. He was walking by when he heard a familiar voice calling out to him from behind.
He turned around to see both Hibiki rushing over to him while she was calling out for him.
Hibiki: (smile) Hey Y/n! I wanna talk to you about som-
Suddenly she slipped on a wet floor and sent hee flying a bit and then land hard on the floor in front of Y/n.
Hibiki: Ow.
Y/n: (chuckle) Seems like you have something existing to tell me about?
She slowly get up as she rub her head and back while she said.
Hibiki: Yeah I do.
Y/n: (smirk) Well how's about we talk about it outside?
Hibiki: (smile) Right, good idea!
He smiled and soon they were outside at the schools garden as Hibiki tells him what happened after he left her with the agents as she tells him everything that has happened.
Y/n: So a shrapnel from Kanade's armor is some sort a relic that allows you to transform into your Symphogear?
Hibiki: (smile) That's right!
Y/n: Huh....Well I guess that does make sense. So what happens now?
Hibiki: I was given an offer to join Tsubasa and the others in battle against the Noise.
Y/n: And how did that go?
Hibiki:......Well not too well. I mean I wanna try better but it seems to hard for me to handle.
Then Y/n pets Hibiki on the head as he smirked at her while he tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) True things might be hard for the first time, but as soon you get used to it, you'll get better and soon, you'll be a pro at it. Not everything is easy on the first day, sometimes we all have to start the hard stuff and slowly we get better and better.
Hibiki: Still I think Tsubasa is a bit disappointed.
Y/n: (smirk) Then you just have to empress her and proof to her that you are ready.
Hibiki: Right. I just need to try better!
Y/n: (smirk) That's the spirit. I like your desire, its cute.
Hibiki blushes after he said that while Y/n smirked at her when someone said behind them.
???: (smirk) I'm I interruption something over here?
They turn to see Kanade as she smirked at the two as Hibiki face turned red as she blushes mad.
Hibiki: (blush) N-N-Nothing is going on! We-We were just talking!
Y/n: (smile) Yeah just a nice chat. How's Tsubasa doing?
Kanade: (smile) She's doing alright. I've been trying to help her getting through with the changes but things are doing well.
Y/n: (smile) Well that's good to hear.
Kanade: (smile) Yeah. Say break is about to end.
Y/n: (smile) Right, guess we heaf to our next class.
Hibiki: Right!
(Sometime later)
School ended and we see Y/n and Kanade arriving to Y/next apartment building as Y/n open his door and shut on the lights as they walk inside.
Kanade: (smirk) Nice place. I can totally live here.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't blame you.
Kanade: Say I've been meaning to tell you about Tsubasa?
Y/n: She's not alright?
Kanade: Yeah, she seemed to be a bit depressed for me. Without my ability to sing, She's on her own.
Y/n: Well she does have Hibiki to fight along side her.
Kanade: Yeah but the thing is......I think Tsubasa is mad that Hibiki "replace me."
Y/n: I see. Tell me, how long have you and Tsubasa been fighting together?
Kanade: For years. We trusted each other during battles and never let any of us down. We were the best until the Zwei Wing attack.
Y/n: This forbidden song. What happens if I didn't stop you?
Kanade: Well it does kill any Noise around me but it will also kills me as well. Its not actually forbidden, more like a last result to end a battle but none of us never uses it until.....Well, you know.
Y/n: Right and when I stop you, it destroyed your ability to sing.
Kanade: Yeah, that's what the doctors told me.
Y/n: (sigh) Guess i should have been quicker then.
Kanade: Hey now don't blame yourself, it wasn't your fault! I was stupid and I want to protect everyone while you tried to save me.
Y/n: Still....your desires of singing hope to the world is destroyed and I shouldn't have stopped you sooner.
Kanade: (smile) Hey people can make new desires. Besides, just because I lost my ability to sing, doesn't mean I can't fight and look at me now, I'm a kamen rider, Meow~!
Y/n: (chuckle) Are you gonna say "meow" in every battle?
Kanade: (giggle) Well, what do you think?
Y/n: (smirk) Think it suits you.
Kanade let's out another giggle as the two get close while they stare at each other while smirking at each other. Then the two got a beep which they open their phones to see there is an attack at the highway bridge.
Kanade: (smirk) Looks like duty calls. Ready for action Geats?
Y/n: (smirk) Let's do this.
We see the Highway is under attack by Noise as they kill a lot of people. Soon Kanade and Y/n arrived and see the Noise as Y/n pulled out his Desire driver while he said.
Y/n: (smirk) Looks like the Noise is blocking the streets. Let's clear a path.
Kanade: (smirk) Roger that.
Desire driver!
Then a box appears in front of Y/n as he opens it and pulles up a Zombie buckle.
Y/n: Huh, thanks Tsumuri. You've always give me the good ones.
Desire driver: Set!
Kanade smirked to his response as she pulled out her claw armor buckle and slide it in.
Desire driver: Set!
Y/n and Kanade: Henshin!
Desire driver: Zombie.
Desire driver: Armed claws!
Ready, fight.
The Noise charges towards them while both Geats and Na-Go charge towards them and starts cutting them down. Geats swings his chainsaw sword around while slashing his claws at them as he rushes towards more and cutting them down.
Geats noticed some trapped people inside of a bus so he rushes over, cutting the Noise in his way and gets over to the bus.
Bus driver: Help us! The door is stuck!
Geats: Alright stand back. Na-Go, cover me!
Na-Go: Got it!
She slices a few Noise and then leaps over and gets behind Geats and cuts away the Noise while Geats stabbed his Chainsaw sword and starts cutting the door while Na-Go takes out more and more Noise that are rushing towards them.
Na-Go: Damn, will they just give up already!
Geats: It appears not.
Na-Go: Would be nice if we have some back up right now.
Suddenly a large sword came down from the sky and crashes in the middle of the highway, taking out a lot of Noise as they look over and sees Tsubasa within her Symphogear as she leaps over and battles the Noise.
Geats: Perfect timing.
Geats manages to cut the door and once the door fell off, everyone start to exit out of the bus just as Hibiki arrived within her Symphogear as well as she rushes towards them.
Hibiki: Sorry! Sorry! It too me a long while to get here.
Na-Go: (smirk) That's alright. Just glad you here on time.
Hibiki smiled while Tsubasa took out a lot of Noise and took out the last one. Once that Geats walks up behind her.
Geats: You did well. Seems like your getting stronger ever day. It would be a honor to be fighting along side you.
There was slince from Tsubasa until she turn to him with a smile while she said.
Tsubasa: (smile) Yeah.....we should fight. It would be a honor to fight you.
Geats: Huh?
She then pointed hee sword at Geats while everyone was shocked by this.
Na-Go: Tsubasa what are you-
Geats raised his hand to Na-Go and then turn to Tsubasa.
Geats: I know what this is all about and I understand what you are going through. But this is not right. Kanade give hee life to-
Tsubasa: Quiet! Your suppose to protect lives and yheie dreams but now Kanade cannot sing no matter because you didn't stop her on time!
Geats: I know.....I was too late to stop her, but she's alive either way.
Tsubasa: Yeah but things won't be the same. While Hibiki is dishonour her by taking her armor.
Hibiki: (thought) What? I didn't mean to take her Symphogear.
Geats: She didn't take her Symphogear at all. Hibiki is trying to make you proud. I know this may sound cruel to say, but she wants to be just like Kanade, she wants to save lives just like her. She wants to be a hero.
Tsubasa was silent for a moment as her hand shakes for a bit as she lower her sword and turn away from him and takes a few steo forward and then stop and tells Geats.
Tsubasa: I won't allow hee to replace Kanade.
She then leaps up high in the air and summons a huge sword and she comes down at Geats while both Na-Go and Hibiki rushes towards Geats, about to save hin when Geats grabs his driver and spin it around.
Desire driver: Revolve on!
Then suddenly the Zombie buckle on hid top body swapped over to his legs and immediately kicks Tsubasa's sword as there was a huge clash that cost a shock wave as Geats and Tsubasa enter a blade lock and then Tsubasa's sword starts to crack which shocks Tsubasa and soon hee sword shattered and sent Tsubasa flying while Geats lands on his feet as the pipes beneath him burst, shooting out water as drips of rain fell as Geats stood up while Tsubasa was laying on the floor while Hibiki was shocked that the Desire driver can do that.
Tsubasa slowly gets up while Geats approaches her as Tsubasa and Geats stare at each other for a moment and then Geats reach out his hand to her.
Tsubasa looked at him and then gets up by herself as Geats says.
Geats: Man, you are one stubborn girl aren't you.
Tsubasa: You just don't understand how I feels to lose a partner during battle.
Geats:......I do. I've lost someone who was a friend and always wanted to help us and others. Especially his little brother. I fail to save him and he died because me or Buffa didn't save him on time. Even though it wasn't any of our faults, I sometimes blame myself for his death. Sometimes I wish to go back in time and make things different but....I can't change the past....but what we can do is make a better future. Changes maybe scary and I understand that, but we can get through this together. You don't have to be alone on this you know.
Tsubasa turns away as she forms fist while tears came out of hee eyes and then she runs off as Geats watch her run off while Hibiki and Na-Go watched all this behind Geats.
Hibiki: You think Tsubasa will be okay?
Na-Go: I'm sure she'll be fine. As long I'm around, she'll be fine.
Hibiki: Yeah.......wait, YOUR KANADE?!
Na-Go: (surprised) Seriously?! You didn't know that?!
Hibiki: (shocked) I just didn't realise you were Kanade!
Na-Go: Well it's not my voice is covered up or anything!
Geats sees this and let's out a chuckle as he turns back to where Tsubasa want and smiles a bit, wishing that Tsubasa will recover and will work with them in thr future.
He walked away while on top of a high building we see two female figures watching over the Highway to see Geats, Hibiki and Na-Go heading home.
???: Looks like they have gotten some new friends. Time to see what they can do against you.
The teenage girl noded to her and then the two disappeared from sight as they return back to hideout so they can reveal themselves to their enemies soon.
To be continued.....................................
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