Chapter 18: Let's boost things up

Everyone at the bunker is amazed of Geats new form and how incredibly fast it is.

Genjuro: (shocked) Incredible!

Tsumuri smiles and so does Miku as we then cut back to Chris sat on the hospital resting when she noticed large flames in the distances. She felt like it is Geats then we see Tsubasa within the rubble and also noticed the flames as well.

Then there was Hibiki who is closes to Geats as she sees Geats in his boost mark 2 form and standing against Fine. Disbite losing everything and being outmatch, he never gave up the battle, never gave up on the people around him no matter what.

Hibiki lay there with disbelief and now sees that they should never give up no matter what.

Hibiki: (thought) Y/n.....your the only one that will never give up to anyone no matter what. I now see that now. If you won't give would I!



Geats and Fine stood staring at each other. The two are silent as they stare down at each other waiting for one of them to make the first strike.

Fine and Geats continue to stare at each other then for a second Geats vanished from her sight then appear in front of her and strikes a boost kick.

However she blocks his attack then his leg burst into a boost then his attack break her block and he strike at her in the face.

Fine was sent flying back, spinning while in the air but she then landed on hee feet with a heavy impact. Then she launches blades to strike at Geats but he quickly dodges each slashes that come at his way.

Fine gets annoyed then Geats appear behind her which she immediately turn and swing her blade but quickly he boost himself to the left then he struck Fine in the stomach.

Fine spits out blood while the thrusters on Geats arm fires and he then drags Fine backwards with hee legs sliding on the ground as Fine grab his arm, trying to remove it but she couldn't.

Then he turn his fist upwards and he strike a powerful punch at Fine and it sent her flying.

Fine: (thought) How can this be possible?! How can I someone like him have the power to stand a chance?! Is this the true power of desires?

Then Geats appear over her then he strike a kick at her which sent her falling straight down then crash onto the ground with a large blast.

Geats lands near the impact as Fine slowly gets up and once up she take some deep breaths while she stare at Geats while he turn his head towards her.

Geats: Is thay all?

Fine smirked then an army of Noise appear all around him. Geats sees that he is outnumbered while Fine tells him.

Fine: You have no chance to fight them all.

Geats: (light chuckle) Oh yeah, watch this.

Desire driver: Revolve on!

Then Fine watches as Geats tranforms into a fox right in front of her. Shocking her as he lands back onto the ground with no four legs  as his transformation is complete.

The Noise then charges towards Geats but he slammed his foot then a burst of flames came out of the ground. Then his tail burst into flames then he charges towards the Noise and begin to destroy them all with his flame like tail.

He goes around, burning then and even slash at them with his large claws and setting them on fire. Fine watches with disbelief while Geats kept going until all the Noise are gone.

He then draws his attention towards Fine then he charges towards her. Fine sees this and pulls out her blade wipe and swing it towards Geats but he leaps over and flies over her.

He then lands behind her and strike at her with his tail, making her to stumble back and then he boost over to her and slammed her with his head. She was sent flying back while Geats chases after her.

Desire driver: Revolve on!

Geats turns back and he contest to strike blow after blow at her while she is flying back. He landed him punches while landing some kicks until she crashes onto the ground.

She then landed onto her feet then stare up at him then charges towards him while drawing out a sword and swings it at him but he dodges and he lands onto his feet.

He looks over and recognised of the sword to be the relic that he, Hibiki and the rest were protecting long ago.

Geats: So your now pulling up the big guns or the big sword.

Fine: Very funny but you will not be laughing once I get rid of you. My plan will finally be complete and I will have you to ruin it.

She then swings her sword at Geats but he quickly dodges each of her swings. When he lands back he boost himself towards Fine as he goes over her sword then strike three kicks in the face.

It made her stumble back and anger her more as she dashes over and swing her sword at him. Geats dodges and her sword lands hard onto the ground which cost Geats to be stumble back.

Seeing this Fine rushes over and finally lands a slash at Geats. Geats slides back then he got onto one knee while holding his chest.

Fine: I cannot tell if you wish to fight me because you wanted to die or wanted to be strong.

Geats: You could say I'm just dying for a fight. You know your so call "plan" is a crazy plan. I mean targeting at a moon cause of this "curse" that hinders humanities ability to communicate and reach mutual understanding" seems nuts not gonna lie.

Fine: You will soon understanding once I complete my plan.

Geats: (gets up) So you don't care that lives will be lost? Do you honestly think by destroying the moon would make things better for humanity? Your wrong, what will do would cost destruction and death across the world. No one will not understand cause all will be dead!

Then Fine swings her sword at him but he leaps over her then boosted further away from her. He lands on her feet then goes on to say.

Y/n: You have been Ryoko this whole time right? You've seen how disbite the world in chaos we still have each other! This curse doesn't really effect any of us!

Fine: Then you are a fool!

She charges towards him and swings hee blade at him but he dodges it.

Geats: If you truly think this is the way well your desires is all wrong! Your not doing all of this for a better world, what you are doing is the destruction of everything and everyone.

Geats then dodges another swing from Fine's sword then when she goes to strike at him once more he blocks it with his arm and he holds it.

Fine: Then why couldn't you have wished for a better world?! Why can't you wish for a world that would understanding mutual, how come you never wished wars to end, hunger and suffering to end! Why can't you wish humanities pain, suffering and problems away!

Geats: Because that isn't right!

He then strikes a kick at Fine, sending her back as he land on his feet then stare at her then tells her.

Geats: I could have but then I realise it won't be right. Don't give me wrong if I giving the option I would do it but the truth is it isn't right for me to change the world what I see it. You can't just wish things for things to be better, that isn't it. The world isn't perfect but as long there is desires within people then not all hope is lost. You must ignore the bad things and look at the good of the world. You don't need to do this Fine. Let's stop fighting and let's end all of this once and for all.

Fine: I will not give up....never.

Then seh dashes over which Geats quickly dodges her strike but then a wipe hits him from behind and he slammed onto the ground.

Geats turn his body around only for a tip of a blade to be at his neck while Fine stood over him.

Geats: You don't need to do this Fine.

Fine: I have to Geats. I am saving the world from this curse and I will not allow anyone to stop me.....not even you Geats.

Geats: So what will you do now? Kill me?

Fine stare at him while Geats noticed her sword shaking a little.

Geats: You can't do it can you? Even though you are Fine there is still Ryoko within you.

Fine: Your wrong!

Geats: Then do it then. Proof me wrong by killing me. Show me that Ryoko is gone forever.

Fine wanted to but she couldn't. Something within her is stopping her from ending him. She then yells out in frustration then wraps Geats around by the neck and lifted off of his feet.

Fine: (angry) Your starting to piss me off! I will end you and I will change the world! Even by means ending most of all humanity! YOU HAVE LOST!

Then out of nowhere a fist struck on Fine in the face and she drops Geats while sent flying back. She crashes onto thr ruin cannon while Geats sat up and turn to see Hibiki in her symphogear.

She then turn and lend out a hand towards him which he accepts and he gets up.

Geats: About time you snap out of it.

Hibiki: Sorry about that.

Geats: (smirk) Well I can only forgive you if you take me and Miku out for dinner.

Hibiki: (giggle) Deal.

Fine gets up and looks over to now see Hibiki next to him.

Geats: Ready?

Hibiki: Yeah.

Then suddenly she burst into orange light follow by two other lights from both Chris and Tsubasa. Then the two jump into the air as they come together and then begun to transform.

Geats watch with amazement as he smirk underneath his helmet while he said.

Geats: Now that's the true power..........

Geats: Of their desires.

To be continued...................................................

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