Chapter 15: A little fire power

At first the screen was static but then it quickly changed to a news reporter on the scene of a Noise invasion as the news Reporter tells the viewers at home while in a panic.

News reporter: I am here on live as the Noise Army has invaded the city and attacking anyone on site! It is a massacre out here! Many citizens are being killed by this surprise attack! The military is trying their best to get here but are blocked off by Noise ambush. However there is some hope, mysterious heros have appeared and protecting the civilians. I want everyone to lock on their doors, boarded up your windows and wait for further information. Stay safe and may god help us al-

Suddenly something landed behind them ad the camera man turn and a Noise appeared on the roof of their van. The Noise came down and attack the camera man and killing him and soon launch towards the news reporters and kill her as well while chaos happens at the background as the camera soon shuts off.



We see the city in a state of war. Noise appearing all around while humans run away from the Noise. They get killed left and right by the Noise. However riders show up and begin to battle the Noise and evacuating the citizens.

The riders hold off the Noise and fighting them off as best they can as they use armed forms to push them back. We then cut to a group of Noise attacking a bus filled with people as they screamed inside.

They were about to break through when suddenly a group of Noise on the left is blasted and a sound of a motorcycle is heard as we then see Geats riding his boost striker towards the bus.

He shoots the right side of the Noise with his Magnum shooter and then use a destroyed car as a ramp as he drives through and flies onto the roof of the bus and ran over the Noise as they fell.

Geats drops onto the ground and stop his boost striker and turn to see the citizens cheering and clapping.

Geats nodes to them and then rides off. He soon got a radio of a group of police officers being pinned by some Noise so he rides over there. Once there he sees the police officers standing in front of a police station and trying to hold off the Noise but no such good.

Geats then leaps off the boost striker as it slide across the floor towards the groups of Noise and there was a large explosion. Then Geats lands his foot onto a Noise face and slammed it to the ground, he looked around seeing the Noise surround him so he quickly pulled out his arm cannons and spin around while he fire his cannons.

He then shoot them down an donce that was gone Geats turn to the officers and tell them.

Geats: Spotted a bus filled with people on board. If I were you guys, I'll get there.

Male officer: Hey you have one right to give out orders here.

The two Noise charges towards Geats frok behind but he turn his Magnum shooter backwards without looking and shoot them down. They fly by him and drop to the ground in front of the police officers which they are surprised.

They immediately obey to him and head off. Geats watch them go and then sees a explosion in the distances. He heads over and then we cut to Hibiki, Tsubasa and Chris fighting together against the Noise.

Hibiki begins to punch a few Noise, sending them flying with each singal punch. Tsubasa swings her sword and cutting the Noise into bites while Chris fire her machine guns and launch some missiles and blowing them up.

Hibiki: You think that's a bit much Chris?

Chris: (smirk) Hey it works right?

Tsubasa: This is why I prefer swords then guns.

Chris: And you think swords are better then guns?

They were about to argue while the Noise were coking towards them when suddenly their argument was interrupted when a sonic blast sent the Noise flying as they turn to see Na-Go as she sighs.

Na-Go: We're in of a battle and you two are having a argument?

Tsubasa and Chris: She started it.

Hibiki: Kanade how are things with the evacuating?

Na-Go: Going well so far. However there are a lot of Noise. In fact....I've never seen this type of the attack since the Zwni wing concert incident 2 years ago.

Tsubasa: Agree. Could this be the work of Fine?

Chris: No doubt about it. She seem to be the only one that can control the Noise.

Hibiki: But why attacking the city?

???: We'll figure that out later but right now we have a Noise to clear out.

They turn and sees Geats coming out of tye alleyway. They turn and see an army of them coming their way which they get ready. Geats pulled out a new buckle that Tsumuri gave to him he figured it be a perfect time to try it out and slide it into his desire driver.

Desire driver: Set. Great. Ready, Fight.

Na-Go: That's all? Lame

Geats is a bit confused but noticed another similar buckle attached to the sword which he tried to pull but doesn't move.

Geats: Perhaps I need to charge it up. Alright then, let's see what this thing can do.

They turn to the Noise and then they charge towards them and begin to fight them all. Na-Go blasted them away with her music while also cutting them down and soon Tsubasa join in.

Tsubasa: Got your back.

Na-Go: (giggle) Just like old times.

The two fight back to back while Chris keeps on shooting them while Hibiki punches them. Chris keeps firing at the Noise and turn to see Hibiki in trouble so she took them out which Hibiki turn and smiled.

Hibiki: (smile) Thanks!

Chris: How's about you focus on the battle here.

Hibiki: Right!

We see Geats cutting down the Noise with his raising sword as he move around, dodging and cutting down the Noise. He keeps cutting them down all awhile the sword begins to charge up in each strike.

Geats keeps fighting including the rest until larger and more powerful Noise show up. They try to crush them but they immediately dodge their attacks and land on their feet.

Full charge!

Geats noticed it and try to pull out the buckle and this time it pulled out. He loops at the buckle and to the larger Noise.

Geats: Let's launch it on a grand scale.

Desire driver: Set. Take off complete! Jet & Cannon! Ready, fight.

Hibiki: (surprised) Wow so cool!

Na-Go: (surprised) Okay I'll take it back! That is so cool!

Tsubasa: (surprised) He has wings! Does this mean he can fly?

Chris: (surprised) I wanna see.

Geats is now impress and then active his boosters and take off. He flies over the ground snd then he flies towards the larger Noise as they try to smash him but he was too quick.

He flies around as he land some slashes them which cost them to turn towards him. Geats turns to them and flies directly at them as he pushes a button onto his raising sword.

Tactical Raisin!

He then goes through the first larger Noise which cost it to collapse and once he is on the ground and spin his desire driver and changed into his cannon form.

Desire driver: Revolve on.

The girls are even more surprised as Geats pushes the button onto his buckle and pushes up as he takes aim while his shoulder cannons begin to charge up.

Desire driver: Lock on! Command twin victory!

He then fired a massive energy beam that hits the larger Noise and soon it was vaporised within a second. The girls have theie jaws dropped seeing how much fire power it had as Geats turn to them.

Chris: (amazed) That was amazing! I've never see that in my entire life! I wish I hav-

She noticed they were looking at her sinces it's not like her to act like a excited child. Chris blushes with embarrassment and clear her throat.

Na-Go: Seems like this area is clear.

Geats: Probably not for long.

They hear more screams and explosions all around as the Noise keeps attacking the city.

Hibiki: This doesn't make any sense. Why would Fine decided to attack the city?

Tsubasa: Perhaps she is distracting us.

Chris: But why? There is nothing here that is important.

Geats: Unless it is within our base.

Na-Go: Nah even if that was her plan, that place is highly defended. I'm sure it will be impossible for her to get through.

Geats: True.......wait.....something isn't right.

Tsubasa: What do you mean?

Geats: If Fine would want to break into the base then she should have her Noise Army to attack the school. However the Noise haven't make a singal step inside the school. Not once. They seem to be more focused on the city.

Na-Go: Your right. I was on top of a tower that has a veiw of our school and it hasn't had any Noise around. Not even one. It isn't like the Noise unless-

Then Na-Go froze with realising which the rest stare at her as Na-Go said.

Na-Go: Unless she is alright inside the base.

Tsubasa: (shocked) What?! How? There will be no way Fine would be in the base! That's impossible!

Chris: Unless she is blending with us the whole time.

They turn to Chris which Geats qsk.

Geats: What do you mean?

Chris: Thos may sound like I'm going nuts but I Fine.

Hibiki: No way! How can you be so sure!?

Chris: When I first met Ryoko I can't help but feel like she is familiar. I wasn't too sure why but when Kanade mentioned that Fine is within our base....I put two and two together and realised that Fine is Ryoko this whole time. That would explain how Fine suddenly know the relics. She was blend in as Ryoko so she can get the information.

The group was silent and weren't sure what to say until Geats tells them.

Geats: We can't be sure unless we go there. Come on, let's see what we missed.

They agree and so they head off back to base and hopefully they won't find out that Ryoko was actually Fine the whole time.

To be continued.........................................................

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