Chapter 13: Y/n's day out with the girls

We see Ken in his room laying on the bed looking at the ceiling as he gets flashbacks to his brothers death. He lays for a moment and then he gets up. He leave his bed and walks over to his desk and picks up his desire driver qnd stares at it.

All he can think about is his brother and his death was cost by Y/n. He turn to a picture of him and his brother smiling and decided to confront Y/n once and for all.

He takes the driver and then leaves his room and leaves to find Y/n and confront him of the past that happened two years ago. He isn't too sure what he should do once he gets there but he can't take this anymore.

He must find Y/n, wherever he might be.



We see Hibiki, Tsubasa, Kanade, Genjuurou, Miku, Azuma, Ryoko and Kohaku as they sat at the break room the Symphogear base when the door opens and Y/n came in and to surprise Chris enter along with him.

Kohaku: (surprise) Chris?!

Azuma: Why is she here?!

Y/n: Calm down she's not gonna harm anyone. In fact she's now apart of the team. Isn't that right?

Chris: Y-Yeah. Hi

Kanade: (smile) Cool so she's good now?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. She now change her ways and now is a hero.

Hibiki: (smile) That's awesome! Welcome to the Team!

Tsubasa stare at her which Chris gets a bit nervous and then she bows and tells everyone.

Chris: Sorry for what I did. I was controlled by Fine. I hope helping you all will help me to be a better person.

Ryoko: (smile) Well it be nice to have another Symphogear user to the team.

Genjuro: (smile) Agree. Especially now we get to know who Fine is.

Chris: Yeah about that. I don't know either who Fine is.

Azuma: But you have been with her for years. Surely you should have know her a bit right?

Chris: Not really. She keep tings to herself and nothing else. I don't even think "Fine" is her true name.

Kohaku: So we have no idea who she is? That's a bomber.

Miku: What about her base? Perhaps you know where she is?

Chris: Yeah she has this abandon mansion in a forest up in the hills.

Azuma: Right. Me and Kohaku investigate this Mansion and find anything inside. Hopefully we can find out who Fine really is. Come on kid.

Kohaku: Wait up!

The two leave the room and once they are gone Ryoko gets up amd said.

Ryoko: I might as well make my leave. Catch you all later.

Genjuro: Same. Enjoy your break.

And so the two left and now it is just the girls and Y/n as they wonder what they should do now.

Kanade: (smile) Hey how about we have a day out. All of us.

Hibiki: (smile) That sounds fun!

Tsubasa: I suppose it won't be that bad.

Miku: (smile) Yeah let's do it.

Kanade: Hey Chris you wanna come along?

Chris is surprised that she ask that which made her blush but she nervously node while Y/n says while he turn away.

Y/n: (smile) Well Guess I'll leave you girls be. See ya.

Then he was grabbed by Kanade all of a sudden as she tells him.

Kanade: (smirk) I didn't say we be going out just as girls. Yo can come along.

Chris: (blush) What?! You sure?!

Kanade: (smile) Yeah. Think of this as a date. Y/n is dating all five of us.

This made the girl blush while Y/n realised there is no escape so he accepted his fate and said.

Y/n: Okay you won. I'll go out with you all.

Kanade: (smile) That's the spirit! Now let the fun begin!

Girls: Yeah!

(Sometime later)

We see Y/n and girls going out while wearing their nice clothing as they take a walk around the city. They had a lot of fun as they talked, take soke pictures together and making each other laugh.

Soon they arrived at a Karaoke which they each take turns picking out of a song and sing it in front of them. Hibiki and Miku go first and after that Kanade and Tsubasa. Then it was Y/n and Chris which at first Chris is a bit shy but Y/n encouraged her up and they pick a nice music to sing.

He grab each microphone as Y/n turn to Chris and smile while Chris blushes a bit but node and begins to sing the lyrics. After the lyrics came to the end the other girls are stunned to see how well the two did and they begin to clap.

Chris is surprised only to be pulled over by Y/n as he smiled which Chris immediately hit him on the head for startling her. However he just smiled which made Chris blush more.

They soon come across a photo booth so they take turns going inside and taking some pictures. Then Kanade and Y/n go in and while taking the pictures Kanade came over and kissed him when the final picture is taking and when the girls see it they all blushed while Kanade smiled.

We then see them by the lake with Tsubasa and Y/n paddling a small duck like bird while the other girls feed the ducks.

One of the ducks swam towards the two and Y/n goes down to bet it but it hiss at him and even splash him with its swings as the duck swam away. Y/n's face was wet and he turn to Tsubasa who begins to laugh. Y/n also laughed as well and after they have their laugh Tsubasa slowly place his hand onto his which he smiled and grab her hand.

As then see them watching a romantic film at the cinema. They get to a sad scene which made the girls tear up with emotions all awhile Y/n yawn finding this kinda boring and eat some popcorn.

He was sitting between Hibiki and Miku and when a loce scene is shown both Miku and Hibiki look at each other and to Y/n. Next thing he knows both Hibiki and Miku kiss each of his cheeks just before he eat his popcorn.

The two of them were blushing but he smiled and he kiss them right back which made him blush even more while Y/n finds it to be cute.

(Hours later)

After the film ended the girls headed into the bathrooms so Y/n waits outside. He check things on his phone and while looking down and scrolling he heard.

???: Y/n.

He looks over to see Ken looking back at him. The two stare at each other in complete silence as Y/n put away his phone and said.

Y/n: Hey Ken. Its a surprise your talking to me.

Ken: (sigh) Y/n I-

Y/n: I know why you came here. Its about your brother. Rin correct?

Ken: Yes.

We see Ken having the Desire driver behind him as the two look at each other and then Y/n walks over and then gets right in front of him and then he ask him.

Y/n: Do it.

Ken: Huh?......Do what?

Y/n: Transform and hit me.

This stunned Ken a bit as he was not suspected this would to happen. He was about to pull it out but then hesitated and ask.

Ken: Why? Why do you want me to hit you? Aren't you gonna say my brother died as a hero or blame it on the Noises?!

Y/n: No. I deserve it. I could have saved him. He was a good friend and I can tell he was a good brother towards you. I have no excuse I could have saved him and it was my fault. So if you wish to hurt me because of your brothers death.....then do it.

Ken froze there for a moment and after what seems like forever he dropped his driver and begins crying. Y/n pulled him down onto a bench as the two begin to talk.

Ken: (tears) He was a good brother to me. After our parents draths he was the only one that took care of me. After a lost him......I fault nothing. I was mad. I'm mad at you, I'm mad at the Noise, I'm everything. I figured if I can be a ready and be better than you then maybe this can fill my heart didn't sit right for me. It just makes me even more depress.

Y/n: I'm sorry for what you have to go through. I know what it feels like being alone all those years. I never knew my mother or even my father. I was alone until when I became older and Tatsumi found me. She made me a rider and now I'm not alone. I know the pain of being alone. Especially when we lost someone we care for.

Ken: (smiff) Yeah.

Then Y/n lifted up Ken's driver and then hand it to Ken and tells him.

Y/n: But your brother would be proud of you becoming a rider. If he was here right now then he would be proud of you. Sometimes someone's death would 1: Take you down deeper and deeper of darkness and despair or 2: You'll become a better hero and save lives so no one will not suffer the same pain as you have. I know your desire is to not allow anyone to feel the lost and pain you've gone through. Keep your brothers spirit alive and keep fighting for him.

Ken looks at his driver and he node as the two get up and Ken tells Y/n.

Ken: I'm sorry if I was being an asshole towards you. You were good with my brother.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. You going to be okay?

Ken: It will take some time but I think I'll be okay. Thank you Y/n.

The two shake hands and after that Ken leaves. Y/n watches him go just as the girls came out and walks over to Y/n.

Hibiki: Hey Y/n sorry we're late!

Tsubasa: You okay?

He turn to them and smiled as he said.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Whose up for ice cream?

Girls: Yay!


At the Graveyard we see Ken standing in front of Rin's grave as he stare at his grave and then looks at his ID core. He then stare back at his brothers grave and then leaves. He leaves the Graveyard decided no longer he'll be trapped in the past but rather keep going and help others in anyway he can.

Ken: (thought) I'll help others so they won't suffer as I have. Mark my words brother....I will not let anyone go through the same pain as I have. I.....I am a Kamen rider. Kamen rider  Da-Paan!

To be continued..................................................

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