Chapter 12: A gunslinger date
The birds chirping for a new day as we see Y/n laying in bed sleeping as he sleep peaceful. Soon he started to wake up as he open his eyes and then sat up to see it is a good morning. He stretches out his arms while he yawns as he crack some of his bones which felt good for him as he is ready to start a new day.
Then there was movement underneath the blanket which Y/n moves away the blanket and sees Chris sleeping next to him. She slept like she never slept in her whole life and sounded peaceful which Y/n finds it cute as she is like a cat sleeping on her masters bed whenever she wants.
Y/n just simply smiles and gently pet on her head and then leaves her be as he goes to take a shower and gets change. He takes a shower and after a while he gets out and gets change to his new clothes.
When he came out he hears a phone vibrate which he walks over and check to see he got a text from Kanade which he reads through the text and smirk)
Y/n: (smirk) Well looks like today is going to be a interesting one.
(An hour later)
We see Chris still sleeping on Y/n's bed until she can smell something good. She begins to open her eyes and slowly sat up as she smells pancakes as she turn to the door where the smell is coming from and make her way over to the kitchen to see Y/n cooking and he turn to see her.
Y/n: (smile) Morning Chris. Sleep well?
Chris: Oh yeah....I sleep fine. Your making pancakes?
Y/n: (smile) Yep. Want some?
Soon we see them sat on the table eating the pancakes as Chris find them to be very delicious as they ate.
Y/n: So Chris how is your stay at Y/n's Hotel.
Chris: Really?
Y/n: (smirk) What? Kinda is.
Chris: Well it's a pretty nice place. In fact....I never live a place like this ever since I was a child.
Y/n: I see.
Chris: You know you don't have to do this for me. After all I was your enemy, I do deserve some form a punishment.
Y/n: (smirk) Nah I won't do that especially when you told me about your past. I understand the struggles you've gone through and I can't really blame you being brainwashed by....was it Fine?
Chris: Yeah.
Y/n: Huh....weird name but hey can't argue with it. Point I'm saying people can change and so do you.
Chris: Well maybe if you find forgiveness towards me.....I don't think the rest might will.
Y/n: (smirk) True but soon they will. I mean it's not like you actually killed anyone right?
Chris: True you have a point.
Y/n: Well anyways just got a text from Kanade that Tsubasa is doing her solo idol show this afternoon.
Chris: Cool.
Y/n: And I was thinking since this is a good day today and it is my day off of school. I figure we can go out together.
Chris nearly choke onher pancakes and after she swallow the food she was blushing and ask.
Chris: (blush) L-Like a date?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. Besides you have been in my apartment for sometime and I figure we can go out and enjoy the outside world. What do you say?
Chris heart races as she wanted to say no but Y/n has took care for her all this time and show generally kindness towards her. She calms down and then nodes which made Y/n smile.
Y/n: (smile) Cool. You'll get ready and we can go out.
Chris nodes in agreement while she continues to blush which Y/n finds it cute.
(Sometime later)
We see the two out as they walk by the park with other people walking by. Chris is a bit nervous about this as she take a glance at Y/n which he catches her glance and smile at her which she quickly blush and look around.
Y/n: (smile) I suppose this is your first time hanging out with someone right?
Chris: (blush) Y-Yeah.
Y/n: (smile) Well at least this is a good day.
Chris: Not to mention peaceful.
Y/n: (smile) Yep.
Chris looks around, seeing innocent people going out their day and enjoying themselves. She never see anything peaceful and this was her first time.
???: Will you stop crying!
They noticed a boy and a girl with a girl crying while the boy seem to be bullying her. Chris wanted to teach the boy a lesson but Y/n walks over to the two and kneel down in front of them.
Y/n: (smile) Hi there, is there a problem?
Brother: We're lost and I'm trying to find our dad but my sister won't stop crying.
Y/n: Well yeah yelling at her isn't going to help kid. (Turn to the sister) Hey wanna see something cool?
She stop crying while having tears in her eyes and node. He then pulls up a coin out of his finger as he show her the coin and when he closes his fist and opens it, the coin was gone.
Y/n; Strange my lucky coin is gone. Wonder where it might be? Oh yeah! Right here.
He reach over to her ear and pulled out hid coin which amazed her and claps with joy. Chris is amazed how he brings smiles to those around him as he hang out with them until their dad find them as he runs over.
Father: Thank you kind sir. Here, let me give you some money for your troubles.
Y/n: (smile) Nah keep it. Just a guy who wishes to bring smiles to those that need.
The father thanks him again and after he left with the kiss Y/n came back to Chris.
Chris: That was kinda nice for you to do.
Y/n: (smile) Thanks. You could make people happy if you not all scary.
Chris: Hey!
Y/n: (light chuckle) Just messing with you. Come on let's get something to eat.
Chris: S-Sure.
(Sometime later)
They arrived at ice-cream restaurant as they sat down together and soon their ice-creams came and Chris is amazed how big hers are and her delicious it looks as she take her first taste and it tastes amazing.
Chris: (smile) Oh my god this is so delicious!
Y/n: (smile) Glad you like it. I've seen a few images and videos of that on social media and figured you like it.
Chris continues to eat it while Y/n has his and soon they finish theie ice-creams. There were ice-creams around Chris lips and cheeks which Y/n just let's out a chuckle and takes out a clothes and wipes away the cream off of her.
Y/n: (smirk) Your pretty cute when you get all excited. Your just like Hibiki.
Chris blushes with embarrassment but Y/n just simply smile once more.
Chris: You know.....all this entire time I thought the world is nothing but a cruel place. I've been through so much pain and suffering that leaves me to believe the world is like that. But now.......I see it differently now.
Y/n: The world isn't perfect but us riders will do anything to protect the smiles and bring their desires come true. I want to help people like you so no one will not have to see the world dark or white. But see a world in a way that they think brings them smiles.
Chris: I see.
Y/n: You can do the same as well. I know you forbidden yourself from singing and I can understand why. But a song can bring you and others joy and happiness. A song isn't some evil being that reminds you of the past trauma. It's a song that reminds you to good memories and give others a future that will bring them joy.
Chris fall silent for a moment and before she could respond Y/n gets another text and he pulled out to see there is a attack.
Y/n: Looks like Jyamato is attacking near Tsubasa's concert. Well let's go over there and deal with them.
Chris isn't sure about this but she wanted to make things right so she agrees to come and the two pay for theie ice-creams and leave.
(Sometime later)
Tsubasa solo show is about to begin which she wasn't sure but Kanade cheers for her and so she starts the show while outside we see a large amount of Jyamato about to go in and slaughter everyone when Y/n's bike rides up and blocks their way.
Chris and Y/n climb out and face the Jyamato. Then a box appear at Y/n's feet so he kneel down and open to reveal a new Buckle.
Y/n: (smirk) Fancy. Ready for this Chris?
Chris is a bit nervous to sing once again but she remembered what Y/n told her and gets flashes of her parents. She closes hee fist and she begins to sing. Once she sing she begins to transform to her symphogear and now ready for battle.
Y/n smiles as he pulled out his Magnum buckle and inserts two buckles in.
Desire driver: Set. Set Fever!
Y/n: Henshin!
Once he pulled the trigger of his Magnum he pulled down the handle of the Fever buckle and the wheel spin until it hit Magnum and he begins to transform.
Desire driver: Magnum. Hit! Fever Magnum!
Chris: (surprised) Wow!
Geats: Hm pretty neat. Now, here comes the highlight.
He begins fire his twin Magnum shooters at the Jyamato and he charges foward along with Chris as she begins gunning them down with her twin miniguns. She continues shooting them down while Geats continues to move around and shooting his twin Magnums.
He even shoot bullets at two of his legs when he does a few kicks as he keeps shooting at the Jyamato. He quickly turns around while he spins his Magnum shooter around and around while he fire shots at the Jyamato as he shoots them down.
He then leaps backwards and lands behind Chris as the Jyamato begin to surround them.
Chris: (smiek) Whoever gets the most kills wins?
Geats: Your on.
Chris pulled out her twin Pistols and the two began shooting at the Jyamatos as they blast and shoot them all as they move around almost like they were dancing to Tsubasa song inside the concert as they continue shooting at the Jyamato. Geats keeps firing his twin Magnums while Chris uses both hee twin Pistols and missiles to take out the Jyamato.
The last remaining few begins to charge at them which Geats pulls down the lever of his Fever buckle and leaps up while Chris pulls out a massive cannon and then fires a beam that wipes out half of the Jyamato while Geats comes down and lands in the immediately of the Jyamato.
Desire driver: Golden Fever Victory!
He then spins around while he fires all of his bullets at his arms and legs as he moves around like he is break dancing as he shoots down the last few Jyamato around him until they are wipped out.
They exploded around him while Geats walk through the flames and return to Chris as the two dehsnhin as Chris came up to him.
Chris: (smile) That was really cool!
Y/n: (smile) You did well yourself. Nice job.
Chris: (blush) Thanks.
Then the fire works goes off as they turn to see that the show is over as Y/n let's out a sigh.
Y/n: Tsubasa and Kanade are going to kill me.
Chris: (giggle) I'm sure they can understand.
Y/n: Yeah. After all they can't be mad at this face.
Chris: (giggle) Your such a idiot.
Chris has never been this happy in her life as she turn to Y/n and then suddenly hugged him.
Chris: (smile) Thank you Y/n. Thank you for the kindness you bring me.
Y/n just simply smiles and hugs hee back which made Chris heart skip a beat even more as she feels attractive towards Y/n and likes him even more as they two continue to hug all awhile we see Genjuro in the distances with a smile on his face and then goes inside and leave the two of them be.
To be continued.................................................
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