Chapter 11: Friends stay together
We see Hibiki in class as she sat there and waiting for Miku to show up. She worries since Miku knows her and Y/n's identity and is afraid that she will say something about it. After a while of waiting Miku arrived to class. Hibiki watch her as she approaches her table and then sat down next to her.
The two of them were silent as Hibiki try to find the words to explain but it seems that Miku isn't going to be interested to what Hibiki is going to say. This made Hibiki worry even more while Y/n is behind them and sees this so after class Hibiki watches Miku walk away while Hibiki feels kinda down but Y/n approaches her and place his hand onto her shoulder.
Y/n: I'm sure she'll come around. Just give her time.
Hibiki: Okay.
He nodes with a smile and then he turn to leave only to fine across Kanade.
Kanade: (smile) Sup you two. How are things going?
Y/n: (smile) Pretty good. Yourself?
Kanade: Same, Same. Say why the frown face there Hibiki?
Hibiki: Oh its just.....Miku discovered me and Y/n's identity and I worry our friendship might break.
Kanade: (smile) I'm sure it will not happen. Hey how's about we grab something to eat, would that help?
Hibiki nodes and the trio head off all awhile Miku watch them go as she look down for a second and then she walk away.
Y/n arrived home as he step into his apartment and looks around for Chris but there was no sign of her. Then he hears singing as he follow the singing and soon approaches the bathroom. He opens the door and at the other side of the shower curtain was Chris taking a shower but while that she sang which Y/n step in and listening to her singing.
It was a nice song with Chris having a good voice as he listened as he lend his back against the sink as Chris unaware of Y/n being here continues singing for 3 and a half minutes until she ended her song.
Y/n: (smirk) You have a nice singing voice there.
Chris: Thanks...........wait a minute?
She poke her head out and after seeing Y/n there she immediately blushed and yelled at the top of her lings.
Chris: GET OUT!!!
He ran out while Chris throws things just to get him out of the bathroom all awhile she wanted to die.
(Short while later)
We see Chris changed to her comfortable clothing and still embarrassed from earlier while Y/n is cooking some dinner as he said with a smile.
Y/n: (smile) Come on your song was great.
Chris: Will you shut up about that!
He just let out a small chuckle while Chris really wanted to die. Soon Y/n hands her dinner and then he sat down next to her.
Y/n: (smile) You know there is nothing to feel ashamed or embarrassed about you singing.
Chris: It's reminds me of my past.
Y/n: True but sometimes in life you just have to let it go. If you always keep thinking about the past then your stuck in the past. Best thing to do is to let it go and continue on with your life. that even possible?
Y/n: (smile) Well it maybe hard but if you have people that show care and love towards you then it is possible.
Chris blushes when he mention love which made him smile and then says.
Y/n: (smile) You may try to act tough but I find you quite cute.
Chris: (blush) Sh-Shut up.
She then aggressively eat her food and soon she was done as she let out a sigh of relief. Y/n just smiled and after he was finish his dinner he cleans up the dishes while Chris sat there in silence. She turn to Y/n and sees how kind he really is and never met anyone who is this kind and wise.
She started to have these strange feelings that she never felt in her life. Soon after Y/n tells her while he was about to walk into his bedroom.
Y/n: Hey gonna hit the hey, see you tomorrow morning.
Chris:......Hey Y/n?
Y/n: Hm?
Chris: (blush) ......I....Is it possible I can sleep with you tonight? I......I like how your bed is very comfortable and nice to lay on.
Chris blushed even red while Y/n just smiled and said.
Y/n: (smile) Sure, got plenty of room for you.
Chris is surprised and soon after we see the two sleeping together as Y/n already fallen asleep while Chris lay on his bed as she did find his bed comfortable.
She looks over to Y/n fast asleep and there was a sense of comfort when she is around him so she begin to cuddle him and after feeling his body she find it to be warm and nice. This made her smile while she shut her eyes with a singal tear dripping down of her eye as she too soon falls asleep as the two have a good night.
(Next day)
It was a bright and sunny day and we see Kaito walking through the park just having a stroll when he come across Miku sitting on the bench alone so he approaches her.
Kaito: Hey you must be Miku right?
Miku: Hm how do you know my name?
Kaito: I'm friends with Y/n and he told me about you.
Miku: Is that so. Are you his friend?
Kaito: (smile) You could say we're best buddies.
Miku: Oh....that's good.
Kaito: Hey is something wrong?
Miku:......Have you ever discovered that two of your friends have secrets and they didn't tell you?
Kaito: Oh.
Miku: Well.....I found out that Miku and Y/n are......super heroes and I have mix feelings about it. On one hand I'm proud but at the other....mad that they didn't tell me. It feels like Hibiki betray our friendship.
Kaito: Well I'm sure they didn't want you or anyone to get involve. Besides you shouldn't be mad at the two because what they do.
Miku: You think so?
Kaito: (smile) Yeah. I mean if I have a friend who is a super hero and I found out, I would be shocked and excited knowing my friend is a hero. Besides they are fighting for good right? There is no reason to be mad at them if they are fighting for good right?
Miku: True you have a point.
Kaito: (smile) Trust me. Hibiki and Y/n are good people and you know.....2 years ago Y/n was the one who saved Hibiki from being killed by a Noise. Y/n is truly a hero who inspire others to be one. Y/n is really a kind person and a person to never back down without a fight. (Place a hand onto Miku) If Hibiki wanted to be a hero just like Y/n then you should be proud of your friend and Y/n for sacrificing everything in hopes to make a world happy.
Miku look down a bit and then node as she gets up and tells Kaito.
Miku: Your right. I should appreciate Hibiki being a hero including Y/n. Thank you Kaito.
Kaito: (smile) No problem.
Hibiki: Miku! They look over seeing Hibiki rushing over to them while Miku rushes over to her as well. The two were about to meet when suddenly Kaito spotted something and quickly rush over and pulled Miku back as a Noise charges pass Miku.
Soon more Noise came out and ambush the trio ad they rush toward them while Kaito check on Miku and then turn to the Noise.
Kaito: Those Noise are very rude. Time to teach them a lesson.
He place his desire driver onto his waist and his ninja buckle and then called out.
Kaito: Henshin!
Desire driver: Ninja. Ready, fight.
Miku: (surprised) Your also a hero.
Tycoon: Oh yeah sorry but still go to Hibiki while I'll handle these Noise!
He then charges towards them and cuts up all the Noise while Hibiki begins to sing and then she changes to her Symphogear and blast away the Noise with hee fist while she helped Miku up.
Hibiki: You okay Miku?
Miku: Yeah but Hibiki I'm-
Hibiki: I'm sorry. I should have told you my identity from the beginning I was just afraid what you will say.
Miku: It's okay but I'm sorry for not talking to you. I just didn't know what to say.
Hibiki: Same.
Hibiki seesn more Noise coming her way so she begins to punch the while Tycoon slices them as he move around and cutting the Noise up. Then a Noise was about to jump at him from behind when suddenly a motorcycle bike rams the Noise away and lands onto thr ground as Tycoon turns to see Y/n.
Tycoon: Welcome to the party. How's things?
Y/n: (smirk) You know the usual. See that Miku and Hibiki are talking.
Tycoon: Yeah.
Y/n: (smile) Well.....might as well help them out.
Desire driver: Set.
Y/n: Henshin!
Desire driver: Magnum. Ready, fight.
Geats fire his Magnum striker that takes out three noises behind Miku and Hibiki as Geats rushes over and joins Hibiki as the two were back to back as Geats shoot while Hibiki punched.
Tycoon slice up a few more Noise until he leaps backwards and joins up with Geats, Miku and Hibiki as Tycoon swing his arms and summon a large tornado which Geats leaps inside and then deployed his twin wrist guns and open fire as his bullets hits all the Noise around them as he spins around and around within the tornado.
The Noise gets shot left and right and soon the park is cleared and Geats lands on his feet not phase by the dizzy effects as Miku and Hibiki came over snd hugged him.
Hibiki: (smile) That was awesome!
Miku: (smile) Yeah! You were great.
Geats: Thanks.
Soon after the four of them sat by the lake as Miku ask some questions to Y/n and Kaito and they answer her.
Miku: So there is more riders across the world? Amazing.
Y/n: (smirk) Yep and I'm a pro rider.
Kaito: (smile) It's true.
Miku: Well I appreciate the things you have done and thank you for saving Hibiki 2 years ago.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Hibiki: (smile) Say how about we have a group picture!
Kaito: (smile) Sure I'm in.
Y/n: Why not. Let's do it.
Hibiki pulls out her phone and all four gather together and then took a group picture. They look at it ans seeing Miku and Hibiki are kinda dirty which they begin to laugh while Y/n and Kaito smiled seeing their friendship is fixed.
Hibiki: (smile) Hey what about another but this time something different. Kaito take this.
Kaito: Um sure?
Hibiki: Y/n get in the middle between me and Miku.
Y/n: Sure.
At first Miku was a bit confused until Hibiki wins at her and she realised what they are going to do which made her blush but decided to join in.
After Y/n got into the middle Kaito counted the three and when he said three both Miku and Hibiki each kisses Y/n on both of his cheeks as Kaito takes the picture.
They keep kissing his cheeks until they stop. Y/n is surprised but smiled and hugged the two of them.
Y/n: (smile) I love you both as well.
The two of them smiled while they blushed as Kaito smiled. All awhile we see Tsumuri looking at the security footage as she smiled and then looks down at the table and said.
Tsumuri: (smile) Looks like I have to give you something special to show my affection towards you.
On the table was a new buckle that is golden as she picked it up and looks at the new buckle.
Tsumuri: (smirk) I know you differently would love this.
To be continued..............................................
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