Chapter 10: Abandon

Ken enter the control room where Genjuro is at and he see some activity happening at the park that seems like a battle.

Ken: Whose there?

Genjuro: Right now we have Geats and Hibiki, the two of them are fighting Chris.

Ken: You mean that girl with a cool looking armor?

Genjuro: The Nehushatan armor yes. Surprisingly enough it seems that Hibiki and Geats are getting the upper hand.

Ken: Still they might need some back up. I'll head there and back them up.

Tsubasa: Your not going alone.

They turn to see Tsubasa enter the room as Ken ask her.

Ken: You sure your up to this?

Tsubasa: More then ever.

Genjuro stares at her and then nodes as the two head off to help out Geats and Hibiki.

Ken: Say now your all better is it possible you teach me some cool sword lessons.

Tsubasa: No.

Ken: Well, maybe next time.



We see Miku standing out of the distances from the battle with a singal tear drop down from her eyes as she sees the battle from the top of the hill. She still can't believe Hibiki and Y/n kept this secret from her this whole time.

We then cut to Geats leaping back after dodging Chris wipes while still using the monster buckle form. Geats lands on his feet and looks up at Chris as she charge towards him but he dodges her attack and strike a punch at her and sending her flying and then Hibiki appear in front of her and punched her.

The punch sent Chris flying back and she crash into several trees. Hibiki stands up while Geats came up to her and tells her.

Geats: No wonder you favorite punches more then guns. Feels powerful.

Hibiki: (smile) Yeah. Still cool new form.

Geats: Thanks and i see you have been training well. You better show me those move after this.

Suddenly there was a blast and tress were sent flying and fallen towards the two but Geats and Hibiki leaps back ad they dodge the incoming trees as they dodges more and more trees.

Then wipes wrapped around Geats arm and he was pulled and he was slammed onto a tree as Chris walls towards him while lifting his lifeless body up in the air.

Chris: Your tough Geats but this time I will end you.

Geats: Sorry but that's not gonna happen.

He then flips up and kicks Chris in the chin and once he land on his feet he pulled back his fist and lands a punch at her stomach as bits of the Nehushatan came flying off and the punch sent Chris flying back, crashing through more trees until she made impact.

Filled with rage Chris summon Noise to attack Geats as they launched towards him but he quickly dodges their attacks and fights them all. With the monster buckle, his punches is has strong as Hibiki's as he can take out the Noise with no problem.

Chris was about to attack him while distracted but Hibiki came up and sucker punched her in the face. Both girls begin to fight while Geats dodges and blocks the Noises attacks and he strike back at them. He leaps back and he punched the floor which cost a long line of explosions towards the Noise and once hit they turn into ashes.

Geats gets up and turn to see Hibiki and Chris fighting as Hibiki's punches at Chris cost parts from the Nehushatan to be sent flying off as Hibiki lands a double punch at Chris which sent her flying.

She lands on her feet and slowly Chris gets up while huge bits of her armor slowly came off as Geats came up next to Hibiki.

Geats: Seems like your armor isn't holding up. I suggest you surrender.

Chris is enraged by this as she shakes her fist in anger. With no choice she begins to sing. At first Geats and Hibiki were confused but then there was a red flash which made the two stumble back as Nehushatan armor on her is replaced with a symbergear armor that surprised the two.

Hibiki: (surprised) No way! She's a symbergear as well!?

Geats: Seems like it.

Chris: Damn it! Thank to you I sing, I hate it!

She then aim her minigun at them and begin to fire at them which they immediately get to cover.

Geats: So you don't like singing? Why? Singing is good, I sing in the showers.

Chris: Shut up!

She fire rockets where Geats is at which the explosion sent Geats flying. Then Chris came up and kick Geats and blasted him with bullets before dropping him to the ground.

He crash onto the ground and Chris was about to land on top of him but he flip backwards and dodge just in time as she made impact. Then a barrel of her minigun was aimed at Geats head as Chris points it at his head.

Chris: You people can never understand me. I've been through pain and hardship all because of the world.

Geats: What do you mean?

Chris: Don't play dumb! If you riders are heroes then where were you when my parents died! Where were you when I was taken to slavery! I been through pain and suffering all these years and yet you riders never cared about anyone who is already suffering in pain.

Geats: Is that what it is about? Revenge for the world to give you so much pain? You do realise that your doing more harm to the people in the world. Do you really think this will bring your family back?

Chris: No......but I'll make the world suffer just like I've suffered.

Geats: Not in our watch.

Suddenly Hibiki came up and punch Chris in the face and then she kicked her back as Chris slides backwards.

Hibiki: Let's end this.

Geats: Yeah. Let's do this.

Desire driver: Monster strike.

Geats and Hibiki ready their fists and then they launch towards Chris. Chris open fire at them but they dodges her explosions and bullets. Once they were close the two landed a powerful punch that sent Chris flying back.

Soon Chris landed hard onto thr ground and lay there defeated as Geats and Hibiki see that they defeated her.

Hibiki: (smile) We did it!

Geats nodes as the two high fived and then Tsubasa and Ken arrived to see they needed help but see they have this under control.

Ken: Oh well never mind then, you two have this covered. Also nice new form.

Geats: Thanks and Tsubasa, good to see you better.

Tsubasa: (little blush) Th-Thank you.

Then Hibiki noticed something and she sees the parts of the Nehushatan armor are moving and soon they fly away which they watch as the armor flies over to the mysterious girl on top of the hill and looking down at everyone.

Ken: Whose she?

Chris: Fine.

Geats: Fine huh. So this is Chris boss.

Fine: Not anymore. Her uses is now gone.

Chris: (shocked) What?! No! Give me another chance!

Fine: You have your chance. Now your nothing to me. As for you Geats....hope you and the rest od your friends are ready for what is coming.

She then turn and disappeared from sight as Geats dehenshin and ask.

Y/n: Any idea who she is?

Tsubasa: No clue.

Hibiki: Wait, Miku! I need to go and check her!

Hibiki runs off as Tsubasa and Ken heads back to base. Y/n was about to leave when he hears a groan and turn to see Chris slowly getting up. Her symbergear armor was gone as she try to walk however she fell only to be catches by Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah I don't think your too injured to walk.

Chris: Leave me alone. We're enemies.

Y/n: Well maybe but since you were technical fired by your boss, my guess being your a sorta enemy.

Chris:.....Why are you being kind to me.

Y/n: Because reasons. Now up you get.

He then lifted Chris up on his back which made Chris blush mad as he carry her out of the park. Chris wanted to kill him now but for some reason she didn't. She is surprised how someone disbite trying to kill him many times would be so kind to her and show compassion.

She is lost without no one to follow and decided to let Y/n take her somewhere that he is taking her.

(Shortly after)

We see the two arrive at Y/n's place as we see Y/n cooking some food while Chris looks around his living room. She never live the life style as Y/n's before and it feels kinda nice.

Soon Y/n came in with dinner and he hands her the food and sat down on the couch as Chris looks at the food.

Chris: What's this?

Y/n: Sushi, its really good. Never have one before?

Chris: No never.

She stared at the food and then gives it a try. She tasted it and her eyes open wide with amazement as she quickly eats the sushi while Y/n just simply smile and soon she was done.

Chris: That was good.

Y/n: (smile) Told you.

Chris:......Th-Thanks. No one never give me good food in before.

Y/n: Not even your boss?

She falls silent while Y/n let out a sigh and then ask her.

Y/n: I know this maybe something you don't like me to ask but.......tell me about your past. Why do you hate the world so much?

Chris:........I was born to a famous musician couple. My parents love music and so when I was child I play music and they like the music I made. I love music since then.......that is until terrorist killed my parents. They attack our home and destroy everything and kill everyone, even my parents. Soon I was captured and taking to slavery by the terrorist. When I heard that there is Kamen riders we believed that one day they will show up and save us. But years gone by and......yous didn't came. Soon I was taking to a slave auction and I was bought by Fine and I live alone with Fine who use me and torment me so I can grew my hate towards the world.

Y/n: And that thing of hating singing?

Chris: It just reminds me of my past. Throughout my childhood is nothing but pain, suffering and sorrow. I lost everything I loved and no one never cared about me or even bother to save me or the other children that were captured. Not even Fine cared about me. I'm nothing.

Y/n: Your not nothing Chris. You know, I knew there was something about you that made you evil and I was right. I understand the pain that the world failed you and I'm truly am sorry for everything. You were right, if riders were more active in real world problems then you would have been free along with the children. But that's in the past and we have to move on. I know you've been through pain Chris and I understand that. There's other who care like me. You can stay here as much as you like Chris.

He smile at her while Chris is hit by this emotionally, she never have anyone show kindness like that in her life ans she started to break down. Her arms and legs shake as tears started to form. Then Y/h came over and comfort her with a hug.

Chris couldn't hold it any longer and begin sto let it all out. She cry at the top of her lungs while Y/n keeps hugging her as Chris is now no longer alone and now she has someone who really cares for her after all these years.

To be continued.....................................

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