Chapter 3: The Tsundere goddess

At the train station in Lastation we see a train coming into the station and as soon the train make its stop the doors open and passengers walks out of the train station and among them was Y/n as he climb out of the train station and look around as he pulled out his phone to look at the text sent by Buffa that he will be at the exit.

He make his leave out of the station as he walk through the massive hallways of the station and soon he leaves the train station and around him were pillars lined up at the entrance as he walk through the pillars when we see a man leaning against one of the pillars with his arms folded as he noticed Y/n coming out and so he called out to him by saying.

???: Have a nice train right?

Y/n: (Turns and noticed him) It was bumpy but it was alright. So you call me here for something going on here or what?

The person walks towards him as his face is revealed to have black hair while wearing a purple jacket and black trousers and shores as he approaches him, his name is Daiki aka Buffa and he tells Y/n.

Daiki: Well it's more of a job and I figured I bring some back up.

Y/n: (smirk) A job Huh? Who give you this job?

Daiki: Take a guess.

Y/n: Goddess of Lastation, right?

Daiki: Yep. Right now she is waiting for us at her place. Come on, we don't want to keep her waiting.

Y/n: You've spoken to her before?

Daiki: On phone yes but not in real life.

Y/n: (smirk) Well then, let's see what she has to say once we get there. (Walks off with Daiki)



They soon arrived at Black Heart's place which looks pretty interesting to Y/n once they walked up to the door as Daiki knocks on the door and as the two wait Daiki ask Y/n.

Daiki: So how are things in Planeptune?

Y/n: (smirk) Pretty good. You could say its a bit nicer then this place to be honest.

Daiki: Can't say I blame you. This place looks like a huge factory then a city.

Y/n: (chuckle) You could have assigned on any four nations and yet you choice this one.

Daiki: Whatever, at least this nation as a good leader.

Y/n: Whatever you say.

Soon the doors open and a young long black hair girl opens the door and sees Daiki and Y/n there.

Uni: Oh hello. You must be here for the job. Welcome, my name is Uni, its nice to meet you.

Y/n: (smirk) Uni, a cute name. You must be Black Heart's sister right?

Uni: (smile) Yep. She's always busy with work so I'm here to help her by any means necessary.

Y/n: (smile) Guess your like Nepgear at Planeptune.

Uni: Wait, you know Nepgear?

Daiki: Anyways, is your sister available to see us.

Uni: Oh yes of course! Please follow me and I can take you two to her.

The two enter and follow Uni to an elevator which they take as they go up and soon arrived at the top as the trio walked into the office as they heard a frustration cry while they enter her office.

???: (frustration) This is hopeless!

They look over to see her sitting on her desk as she slam her face onto thr table while she let out a frustration like sigh while Uni gets her attention.

Uni: Um big sis, you have guests.

She looks up to see the two to which she immediately sat up straight and then leaves her desk and walks over to them.

Noire: It's about time you showed up. My name is Noire aka Black Heart and I need you two hel- Wait? (Points at Y/n) Who is he?

Daiki: Oh sorry this is Y/n my friend. I call him here to help me out on this job.

Y/n: (smile) A pleasure to meet you Noire. I see your a very busy person unlike Neptune.

Noire: Oh, so your that Geats guy that Neptune told me about on the phone huh?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. You a fan?

Noire: Look I don't have time for this so listen up. I have reports of people going missing every night. I've been trying to locate them but they just disappeared before me and Uni caught them. We were hoping you know those monsters that these reports.

Daiki: The Jyamato. Yeah we've fought them a lot. They kidnapped some humans so they can turn them into one of them.

Y/n: It's how they get a bigger army. All we know those missing people could already be gone for.

Uni: Still we need to locate wherever they might be at.

Noire: Yeah and we hope you two can help us find it.

Y/n: Well then if those Jyamato does have a secret base here, then maybe they could be somewhere that none of us would never think of.

Noire: But where? We search everywhere but we couldn't find nothing.

Y/n: Let's see.......what about here, the greenhouse.

Noire: And why there?

Y/n: It's far from the city and there are alleyways seemed to go through a same path to the greenhouse.

Uni: That is true. That place has been abandon for a long time.

Noire: And I suppose we haven't checked it as well. Alright then we'll check it out but if are wrong about this then-

Y/n: (smirk) Relax I know what I'm doing. Boy you really are a tsundere type aren't you?

Noire: (angry) Say what?!

Daiki: (sigh) Y/n.

Y/n: (smirk) I'm just messing with you, come on let's go and check it out.

Noire: Fine, let's go.


They arrived at the greenhouse and it looks very abandon with cracks windows, plants picking out and garden tools are seen laying there and rusting as Daiki walks up to the door and try to open it but it didn't open so he start ramming his shoulder to open all awhile Uni walks up to Y/n.

Uni: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Uni: Neptune told us you wielded a Magnum and have a good aim. Is it true?

Y/n: (smirk) Yep. Why, your a fan of guns?

Uni: (smile) Yep. You could say I love guns.

Y/n: (smirk) Perhaps I'll challenge you to a target shooting once this is over.

Uni: (smile) Sounds great!

Daiki: Got the door open.

Noire: Alright let's go and try not to mess things up.

Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry Noire (pets her on the head) We know what we are doing.

Noire: (blushing) Why did you pet me on a head!?

Y/n: (smirk) Just to show you how friendly I am.

Noire: (thought) What a idiot.

They all walk inside to see overgrown plants everywhere as they walk through what feels like a jungle.

Daiki: Better be carful.

Y/n: Yeah. Feels like we're being watched.

They were walking slowly through the greenhouse and keeping an eye on anything as Uni and Noire were behind them.

Then theyd top when they heard something as ghey stood there and look around. They stood there for a moment when Noire felt something grabbing her leg and look down to see vines grabbing her leg and seconds later she was pulled away as they quickly turn around and she was lifted upside down as she let out a scream.

Uni: Sis!

Y/n: (point) Look!

Noire looks to see her underwear was being exposed which she blushed and cover it up as she yells at Y/n.

Noire: What is a big idea pointing at my underwear pervert!

Y/n: No not that, that one behind you!

She turn to see Saboten Knight Jyamato appear behind her as he stood next to her.

Y/n: (Pulls out his Desire driver) Looks like he's encharge of this.

Daiki: (Pulls out his Desire driver) Seems like it.

Uni: Let me help you two!

Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing.

Desire driver!

Daiki pulled out his Zombie buckle and slide it in while Y/n pulled out a shield armor buckle.

Daiki: Why a shield?

Y/n: Your the sword, I'm the shield.

Daiki: Huh. Good point.

Desire drivers: Set.

Y/n and Daiki: Henshin!

Desire driver: Armed shield.

Desire driver: Zombie.

Uni is surprised of their rider forms but she shake off her surprised and also transforms into her goddess form and stood between them.

Black Sister: (smile) Let's do this!

Ready, fight.

The Knight Jyamato charge towards the trio as Geats goes first and blocks the Knight Jyamato with his shield while Buffa leaps over and slash it with his claws.

The Knight Jyamato stumbled backwards but spins his spear and try to swing another strike but Geats blocked it and moved the spear downward for Buffa to land a strike at Knight Jyamato several times.

Then Geats grabs his shoulder and leaps up to land a air kick at the Knight Jyamato which sent hij flying back while vines launches towards them but Buffa cuts them with his claws while Geats rushes over along with Black Sister as Black Sister shoots the vine which was cut as Noire fell but Geats catches her before she could hit the ground.

Geats: Gotcha! You alright.

Noire: (little blushed) Th-Thanks.

Geats: Your welcome.

Noire: (little blush) Yeah, Yeah just put me down.

Geats puts her down and then she changed into her goddess form as well.

Black Heart: Let's shut this down!

Geats: I think Buffa is already doing that right now.

They look over to see Buffa dualing the Knight Jyamato as he strikes him with his claws and then kick him back which cost him to crash through the wall and now was outside as Buffa walks outside as Buffa rushed towards him and summon his chainsaw sword and lands a few strikes at him, even chopping off his spear half off as he charges up his chainsaw sword.

Potion charge!

He then charge towards the Knight Jyamato and once close he swings it up in the air and then throws it down and it lands on the Knight Jyamato's head and then he start to cut through him.

Tactical Break!

He cuts through the Knight Jyamato as he stood there while Buffa walks away and seconds later the Knight Jyamato blows up behind him.

Black sister: (surprised) Wow!

Black Heart: Interesting. So your both are the only one's that can beat those things.

Buffa: That's right.

Geats: Pretty cool that we are basically heroes ain't that right Black Heart?

Black Heart: You really do act like Neptune.

Geats: (chuckle) Is that good thing?

She just look away while Black Sister looks around and found something which she called to everyone.

Black sister: Guys look!

They walk up to hee and find the missing people trapped in plan like cages as they let them go free as they are shown to be very much alive as they leave the greenhouse after that.

(Sometime later)

We see Uni and Y/n outside and having a target shooting game as they use BB guns and take out cans that are stand up all awhile we see Noire and Daiki watch this going on.

Noire: Your friend seemed to be one interesting person.

Daiki: Yeah. He may act cool but he's really kind to others. After all, he became a rider just to help others.

Noire: I see.

She stare at Y/n for a bit. She felt something about him that made her heart skip a beat for a moment. She then shake away this feeling and tells Daiki.

Noire: Anyways thanks for the help.

Daiki: It's no problem. If you need any help you can call us.

Noire: I will.

She goes back to stare at Y/n as he noticed her looking at her and give her a smile which she blushed and just drink her tea.

Noire: (thought) Damn it! What is wrong with me?! Why can't I stop looking at him or get him out of my head. After all he's such an idiot like Neptune.......but.....on the other hand.......he is kinda......handsome.

To be continued.......................................

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