Chapter 1: The Starting Line of the Race

On the coast of Japan, the waves were rough around the edges...

A man has a greek coin in his hand and flips it while staring at the sea. When he stopped, a woman with high heels and a fancy coat in black and white comes up to him with a yellow box.

???: Congratulations.

She opens the box to reveal what's inside.

???: Starting today, you are a Kamen Rider.

Ace: Yes...

He turns to face the woman.

Ace: I'm well aware of it.

The logo of Kamen Rider Geats appears.

The camera then zooms out to reveal the show Kamen Rider Geats on a Samsung phone. At the airport, a man in an Ace Ukiyo cosplay arrived in San Jose for Fanime Con, and he was binge-watching the first episode of Kamen Rider Geats on his phone.

(Scene Change)

At the San Jose Convention Center, Famine Con was on roll with a lot of fans in cosplay, along with the cosplayer of Ace Ukiyo; Comai White.

Comai: "I'm a mega Kamen Rider and Super Sentai fan. When I was a kid..."


Comai: "I was about to be a victim of a monster attack until..."

A monster was targeting Comai until...

Kamen Rider Kuuga appears and pushed the monster away from him.

Comai: "Kamen Rider Kuuga came to my rescue."

Comai sits there, watching Kuuga win victoriously against the monsters.

(End of Flashback)

Comai: "After that, I spent my life learning about Kamen Riders and Super Sentai. I even work many part-time jobs to buy their merchandise."

As he enters the building, a woman in black and white comes up to him with a yellow box...

???: Congratulations!

Comai turns to see the woman to see...


Comai was shocked to see Tsumuri.

Tsumuri: You have been chosen to become a Kamen Rider.

Comai froze up after hearing what Tsumuri just said. He then took the box, and open it to see...

Desire Driver

Along with...

ID Core

Comai: My moment to become a Kamen Rider... Has finally come! And I have the right costume to go with this.

He then placed the driver on his waist. After that, when he inserts his ID core...


He got teleported to another world. He then turns around to see a large building.

Desire Temple

He sees a lot of people entering the temple. A few of them had the same belt as him, but others didn't have them.

(A/N: The participants without a Desire Driver are all characters in many anime)
(Disclaimer: I do not own any of them)

He follows them into the temple.

???: Welcome, one and all to the Desire Temple

Comai looks up and sees...


(Instruments) The Desire Grand Prix logo appears and spins around to show it as a Desire Card.

(Invitation todoita Nara Open up the dungeon nozomi wa nani?) Comai was chained up in barbed wires. He looks up and changes into his Geats Magnum Boost form.

(Sanka nara No Claim Dare ga naru no? Ace (Get Ready?) Shut it down, Hikikaesenai) Tsumuri shows up with a smile, as it rains in the background. She walks to Comai and presents him with the Desire Driver and ID Core.

(Hateshinaku tsudzuku inochi no rasen Jikū mo tsukinukete Subete tokihanata reru made) Comai walks in his cosplay of Ukyio Ace while the sky was shifting from day to night in seconds.

(Shihai yoku? Mata wa Diamonds? Love & Peace? don'na yabō mo) Epithymía looks up at the ceiling in the Desire Temple and holds a grasp in the air. Many hands grab Desire Drivers.

(Sekai wa kimi no omoidōri) Kairi, Mako, Haruka, Kuroki, Ren, Akame, and Comai show in their Desire Grand Prix outfits with silhouette riders behind them.

(Come on! got to go the next round Kachi kitte misete) Comai in his Entry Form uses Boost and Magnum Buckles to transform into his Magnum and Boost form.

(Unmei no shunkan o standby Sorezore ga daku drama) Geats ride on Boostriker while many different colored hands try to grab him, all before it transforms into its fox form.


(Furiotosaretara soko de Drop out (Wow) Geats shoots Magnum Shooter 40X at the screen shattering it. The screen then shows the scoreboard of many Kamen Riders along with the main characters.

(Dareka o kizutsukete shimatte Kizutsuite orarenai game) Kairi appears with a serious expression with his Tycoon Entry Form in a fighting stance with Chrome and Kazuma next to him, Mako appears with a cute smile with her Na-Go Entry Form doing a cat pose, Haruka appears crossing her arm while her Mary Entry Form pumps her arm up with Yang, Amari, Aoi, and Aisha were behind her, Kuroki appears giving a thumbs up while smirking with his Ginpen Entry Form in a fighting stance with Naofumi next to him, Ren appears staring with a stoic look with his Buffa Entry Form cracking his knuckles, Akame appears with a bored expression with his Da-Paan Entry Form crouching down with Shouto, Zora, and Levi behind him.


(Mune ni wakitatsu yokubō hi o tsuke (Go for the WIN!) Comai appears doing a gun pose with his Geats Entry Form doing a highlight pose. The Desire Gand Prix symbol appears before them.

(Azamuki kazamuki yomitori Mata te o kumi uragiri Kitai to negai akiramenai) Comai pulls the barbed wires as Geats revolves and shows many upper-half forms.

(Kachitotta yume no naka de Tell me Nani o mitsukeru?) Geats stare at the coast. The title shows: Kamen Rider Geats: Multiverse Desire Grand Prix.

Back to the Story

???: You all wish to know who I am and why you are here. So I shall tell you... I have been called by many names over the years. Ishikawa Goemon, Robin Hood, William Bonney, Clyde Barrow, and most of all... Arsène Lupin. But who I truly am is Epithymía... The God of Desire.

Everyone remains confused about what Epithymía said.

Epithymía: I see you all have no idea who I am. It is because of my time in many mortal worlds with many names, history has forgotten to know my true name. You are all chosen to face off a threat known as the Jyamato. A race of monsters of unknown origins.


All gods of one and all gone to face against the Jyamato.

Epithymía: "Once the gods tried to eradicate them, but even they could stop them from annihilating humanity."

All the gods' corpses lay on the battlefield. Except for Epithymía who stands staring at all the corpses.

(End of Flashback)

Epithymía: So to prevent them from causing the human race to extinction, I have created the Desire Grand Prix. That too is natural you everyone to not know about. I have made it so anyone who witnessed any Kamen Rider attack forgets the experience. Those with a Desire Driver, have their memories restored from the experience of a Jyamato attack. Those without a Desire Driver, have been chosen to assist a Kamen Rider through the Desire Grand Prix.

They all converse with each other about the Desire Grand Prix. Yang Xiao Long then speaks up to Epithymía.

Yang: So the reason we don't those Desire Drivers is because we have to help Kamen Riders.

Epithymía: Precisely. You are to assist them in battle, based on your ability in combat, strategy, etc. You are their support partners.

Naofumi then goes up to ask Epithymía.

Naofumi: How will we be assigned to the Kamen Rider we fight with?

Epithymía: That is basically your decision.

Everyone was shocked to hear what Epithymía said. He then explains.

Epithymía: In this game, you will not be assigned to any Kamen Rider by my decision, only you can decide on which Kamen Rider you wish to fight alongside. But that decision is when your first mission starts. For now, all Kamen Riders will be sent to their rooms.

Then 26 maids and butlers come up to those with Desire Drivers and escort them to their rooms.

Epithymía: The rest of you will be escorted to the bunker to wait.

Then 104 maids and butlers come up to those without Desire Drivers and escort them to the bunker.

With Comai

Comai goes up a door with the mask of his ID Core on it. As he enters the room...

(A/N: All Kamen Riders' rooms are all identical)

He was amazed to see the interior of his room. The maid just stands in his doorway.

Maid: The pad on your left side of the door will grant you whatever decorations you wish.

She gestures to the pad on the wall to her right.

Maid: For food or drink, call forth a maid or butler. Contact with friends or family is permitted as long as you don't mention the Desire Grand Prix.

She then stopped explaining the house rules.

Maid: You will be called for when your first mission.

The maid then bows to Comai and exits the room closing the door. 

Comai saw on the desk another phone.

(A/N: All players get this phone with their ID sign when they enter their room)

Comai then went up to his bed. He takes out his phone and binge-watching Super Sentai series.


After a few episodes, Comai got an alert on the pad next to his door.

'Mission Alert! Meeting at the Desire Temple.'

At the Desire Temple

All the Kamen Riders and supporters have regrouped back in the Desire Temple. Tsumuri stands in front of a holo-scream that shows all Kamen Rider status.

Tsumuri: Greeting everyone! I am the Desire Gand Prix navigator, Tsumuri. For a recap; those with a Desire Driver will transform into Kamen Riders and fight the Jyamato menace, and those without one will aid a Kamen Rider you wish as Epithymía-sama mentioned. But what he neglected to mention was that the one Kamen Rider who survived, the victor, will be crowned as the Demi-God of Desire. They will be granted the power to change their world with one wish as they see fit.

Everyone go interested in what Tsumuri said in 'granted the power to change their world.'

Tsumuri: To put it simply, any of your wishes will be granted. So, I implore you.

She then snaps her fingers and everyone is given a card and quilt.

Tsumuri: Before you is a Desire Card. Please write your name and desire on it.

Everyone then wrote what they wish.

(Scene Change)

Everyone was then sent to the forest.

Tsumuri: "For your first round, your mission will be a treasure hunt. You must reclaim the loot crates that were stolen by Jyamato. Inside them are items called Raise Buckle for your taking to use against them."

After Tsumuri explained the first round, Jyamato appear out of nowhere targeting everyone. They start to attack only those with the Desire Driver. As the Driver wearers and the assisting participants were fighting them for loot crates, a young girl with a driver was hiding behind a tree until three Jyamato found her and target her. As they were about to attack her a woman taller than her with a Driver comes in with Yang Xiao Long, Aisha Belka, Aoi Ichijou, and Ameri Azazel.

She goes up to the girl hiding

???: Are you okay?

???: I am now that you came along. Will you team up with me? A lot of men with and without a Driver left me here.

???: When I find them they'll be sorry. But as of now, you can come with us.

She then held her hand at her.

Haruka: You can call me, Haruka.

She then took Haruka's hand. Haruka helps the girl up.

Ameri: My name is Ameri.

Aoi: The name's Aoi.

Aisha: I'm Aisha.

Yang: Yang.

Mako: I'm Mako.

The five girls then continue on their hunt.

With Comai

Comai faces off against three Jyamato. He took out one and gain a pink loot crate.

He opens it to see...

Comai: A faucet?

The two other Jyamato close in on him.

Comai: I can't be picky about this.

He then inserts the faucet into his driver.


Comai: Henshin!

He then twists the faucet and he transforms into...

Armed Water!

Kamen Rider Geats (Armed Water)

Ready? Fight!

He then shoots a stream of water at them, but all it was is a water gun.

Comai: What? I thought it would be a powerful stream, but this is just a water gun.

He then uses the water gun like a rod to hit the two Jyamato on the head and obtain two more pink loot crates.

(Scene Change)

A guy with glasses runs away from two Jyamato along with Chrome, and Satou Kazuma until...

???: Duck!

The three of them duck from a tree branch that then hits

Then Naofumi then punches the pawn in the head. The other pawn dropped a pink loot crate next to the driver wearer with glasses. He then opens it to reveal...

Chrome: Damn, what is that?

???: I don't know, but... It is really awesome-looking.

He then turns to the other driver wearer.

???: Thank you! You saved us.

???: No worries. I mostly did it to get this.

The dark-sounding driver wearer then opens his loot crate to see...

???: But my instincts always tell me to prevent innocent people from dying.

He then turns to the driver wearer.

Kuroki: The name's Kuroki. And this is my partner, Naofumi.

Naofumi just stands there in silence.

Kairi: I'm Kairi.

Chrome: I'm Chrome. Genius science-user!

Kazuma: I'm Satou Kazuma.

(Scene Change)

The five of them regroup at a nearby lake.

Kairi: So Kuroki... why are you participating in the Desire Grand Prix?

Kuroki: Before I answer that... Why are you participating? What do you want to change in your world?

Kairi: A world of peace and happiness.

Kuroki chuckles from that answer.

Kairi: I always have a feeling, if the world is happy then I'm happy. So what do you wish for, Kuroki?

Kuroki: Something personal...

Kuroki then pulls out a picture of him and his sister.

Kuroki: My little sister is suffering from cancer. I talk to the doctors and they said that it's impossible to remove it. For an operation on cancer that she has cost so much money... I can't even pay for it. So I wish for a world where she is healthy. She is all I have left in my world.

Kairi, Chrome, and Kazuma were sad to hear what Kuroki desires.

Kuroki: This game is the only way for me to save her.

Then a man in comes up to them from behind.

???: Congratulations on winning an item.

They turn around to see the man.


Girori: Please, follow me.

(Scene Change)

They enter a totally breathtaking fancy lounge.

Girori: This is where participants can rest between rounds. You can use it free of charge. Courtesy of Epithymía-sama.

He bows.

Chrome: Damn, this place is amazing.

They then see other participants. Introduce each other. All except Da-Paan and Buffa, aka Akame and Ren. Then Comai enters the lobby.

Comai: So six of you are Kamen Riders?

Ren: Who would like to know...?

He looks at his phone to see Comai's name and rank.

Ren: Geats.

Comai: I am indeed Kamen Rider Geats. And you must be Kamen Rider Buffa.

Ren scoffs.

Ren: What gave you that idea?

Comai: Your purple hair.

Ren: I guess, but you took long enough. Found anything?

Comai then reveals the three Raise Buckles he has: Water, Arrow, and Shield

Ren then smirks.

Ren: So you got useless trash. Da-Paan has Magnum, but he won't trade with anyone.

Comai: What is your problem with me?

Ren: Nothing personal. Just... all Kamen Riders are my enemy. Along with support fighters. I work alone.

The two continue to stare at each other. Comai then notices Kairi had Boost Raise Buckle, until the phone rings. Girori picks up the phone and then hangs up.

Girori: You are called for the final round.

At the Desire Temple

Tsumuri: The treasure hunt has ended. Those who didn't obtain any items have been disqualified.

They were shocked to see a lot of players disqualified and wonder what happened to them.

Ren: Only seven remain.

Mako: What happened to those that were disqualified?

Tsumuri: They have been sent back to their homeworlds. Along with the support players, they too are returned to their worlds. But once you encounter any of them they will not remember anything about the Desire Grand Prix. As for now, the boss of the Jyamato bandits has finally appeared. Your next objective is to defeat all Jyamato. Survivors will make it to the next round.

Akame: Survivors?

Tsumuri: In this game, your life is on the line.

Akame then smiles to come up with an idea.

Tsumuri: Although, any attempt to attack any players, you will receive a points deduction.

Akame then groans from that rule.

Comai: I'm sure if we all work together-

Ren: No way. I work alone.

Akame: I only work with strong players.

Akame walks with Shouto Todoroki, Zora Ideale, and Levi following him.

Comai's attempt to have a team-up failed.

Tsumuri: Well then, let the mission begin!

She then made a Rider Henshin pose.

Tsumuri: Henshin!


They were then sent to a forest and they transform into their Entry Form.

Tsumuri: We have Mary, Na-Go, Tycoon, Buffa, Da-Paan, Ginpen, and last but not least, Geats!

Everyone except Buffa, Da-Paan, and Geats was surprised by their transformation.

Then a group of Jyamato Pawns appears with the Rook. He ordered them to attack.

Na-Go: I'm counting on you, big sis Mary!

Mary: Make sure you can keep up with us, lil' sis Na-Go.

They then take out their Raise Buckle

They insert them in their driver.


Mary and Na-Go press their Raise Buckle (Shield and Hammer).

Armed Shield!

Armed Hammer!

The two gain a shield and a hammer.

Ready? Fight!

Mary: Let's do this girls!

Then Team Mary went off to fight.

Ginpen stares at his Raise Buckle, thinking about his little sister in the hospital.

Ginpen: I have to win this... no matter what!

He then inserts the Raise Buckle.


He pulls the bow.

Armed Arrow!

He gains a crossbow.

Ready? Fight!

Ginpen and Naofumi charge straight toward the Jyamato army.

With Da-Paan

Da-Paan inserts his Magnum Buckle.


He then spins the barrel then presses the trigger six bullets fight out shooting down three Jyamato. Then the Magnum upper half appears and a mechanical hand pulls it onto him, changing his form.


He then receives a gun and converts it into rifle mode.

Ready? Fight!

He jumps up to a tree and shoots at the Jyamato that closes in on his teammates.

With Buffa

He stands on one of the pawns that came up to him.

He then inserts his Raise Buckle.


He then twists a release lever.

Acid spews out, the Zombie upper half appears, and a mechanical hand pulls it onto him, changing his form.


He then receives a chainsaw sword in his right hand, on his left... a claw.

Buffa slashes the Jyamato.

Ready? Fight!

He then goes for more to gain points.

With Geats

Geats whacks many Jyamato pawns on the head with his water gun, Ginpen shoots arrows with his crossbow at incoming pawns, Naofumi protects him from close coming pawns, while Tycoon and his support team observe by hiding behind a tree.

Until the boss comes rushing towards Ginpen.

Naofumi tries to hold the rook fall. Geats then see that they were near a creek. He twists the water gun's faucet, and a hose appears out of the water. Geats pull the trigger which unleashes a more powerful.

Naofumi: Thanks.

Ginpen: You know your power.

Geats: Thanks.

Team Tycoon then comes out of hiding. Tycoon then reverts to his normal form.

Chrome: Damn! How did you know that would happen?

Geat then reverts to his normal form along with Ginpen.

Comai: I just do. I'm from a world where Kamen Riders are not just heroes, but also superstars on television. I have admired Kamen Rider since I was a kid ever since one saved me. And now I'm living the dream of being one.

Kuroki: What did you write on your Desire Card?

Comai: To help save the world. With a team of Kamen Riders.

Kairi: Some desire. I desire a world of peace and happiness.

Comai smile at Kairi.

Comai: You sound like a Kamen Rider already.

Kairi: But... I don't want to die yet. My father died, I left my big sister, and I never met my mother yet. For so long, I tried to get into universities, get a job, volunteer for fundraisers, I ever donate blood... and yet I can't even change my world to be greater. I then realized that... I couldn't change anything... Whether it's a world where all of humanity is turned to stone or a world with a demon king causing terror... you can't change it. It's inevitable.

Kuroki: Like how my little sister has cancer. But all I want is to save her... and this game is my only way to save her! I continue to fight for her... When my parents died, all my sister did was cry until I comfort her. The many part-time jobs I take were to make her happy, for her birthdays, dance recitals, and even for her anniversary with her friends. I continue to do everything for her... Even if it cost my life.

Comai stares a the determination in Kuroki's eyes and smiles at that determination.

Comai: I guess this is a waste of time for me to be here. But I'm staying... for the sake of my desire.

Both teams look at Comai confused. Then all of a sudden the Rook comes out of nowhere. Comai then inserts his Raise Buckle and twist it.

The two teams watch Geats fighting the Rook.

Kairi thinks about what Comai said. He then takes the Boost Raise Buckle out and stares at it. As he was about to insert it in his driver.

Geats: Give that thing to me!

Kairi was confused by his request.

Geats get pinned by the Rook.

Geats: I know everything about that Raise Buckle!

He pushed him aside enough that he was able to shoot the same powerful water stream again. Kairi looks at the Raise Buckle again until...

Geats: You might not know me. But I believe that your wish will come true, with my help, all six of us might win this together.

Kairi: Okay!

He then throws it to Geats.

Geats stop the water to catch the buckle. He then inserts it on the left side of his driver.


He then twists it like a motorcycle handle and fire comes out.

Chrome: Damn!

Dual on!

The Boost lower half appears on his left and a mechanical hand pulls it onto him...

Adding Boost to his form.

Boost! Armed Water!


Geats: In the words of Geats... It's time for the highlight!


He then charges straight toward the Rook and throws a roundhouse kick, the Rook too. As their kick counter against each other, the exhaust pipes on his leg shifted and unleashed a strong boost for his kick to throw the Rook.

He then throws his water gun and rushes at the Rook at superspeed. Geats then jump and kick with the exhaust pipe unleashing a stronger boost. Then another roundhouse and a back kick with the stronger boost.

Geats then kick the trigger of the water gun, shooting a strong stream of water. Then punch the Rook to the river.

As the Rook gets back up, Geats charges at it. It slams its axe at Geats, but Geats dodges and whacks down the waterfall.

Geats then press a button on his driver and then he rotates his driver.

Revolve on!

Then he revolves.

Geats: I always wanted to do this.

He then twists the faucet and then the handle.

Then he slides his feet like a circle making a stream of water around him, then all of a sudden and mechanical fox appears behind him screeching.

The mechanical fox drank all the water then the exhaust pipes aimed toward the Rook.

Boost Time!

Geats then twist the Boost handle again.

The mecha fox then shoots the water streams pushing him while his exhaust pipes and giving him a boost.

Boost! Water! Grand Victory!

Geats Rider punches the Rook, causing it to explode.

Then Team Ginpen and Team Tycoon arrive at the scene.

Chrome: Damn, Boost Buckle packs a punch!

Geats: It sure does. But... sorry for taking it Kairi.

Kairi stares at him in question.

Kairi: Why are you sorry?

Geats: The thing about Boost Buckle is there are two perks to it. Pro one, is that you can summon a bike to get around places in the game. Con one...

Boost Buckle starts to overheat and blast out Geats driver.

Geats: You can only use it once.

Kairi: That is why you apologize.

Geats then take his faucet buckle out and revert back.

Comai: But in exchange...

He brings out his Arrow Buckle.

Comai: I give you this...

He then tossed it to Kairi.

At the Desire Temple

Tsurumi: That concludes our first round of the Desire Grand Prix. And the best part... no one has been eliminated.

Everyone was relieved that no one has been eliminated.

Tsurumi: Everyone with Desire Driver must return to their rooms, while those without, return to the bunker.

Everyone then left to their room.

(Scene Change)

Kuroki visits his sister in the hospital.

(Scene Change)

Mako makes a new video until two American men with suits found her and try to send her home but she got away.

(Scene Change)

Haruka works her shift at a bakery.

(Scene Change)

Comai stands on a building staring off into the distance.

Comai: My wish has finally come true... I am a Kamen Rider.

Desire Rules:
Once the Driver and ID Core arrive,
that is your one-way ticket
to being a Kamen Rider.
There is no going back.

To be continued...

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