Chapter 5: A Detective rider business?
Both Y/n and Ai stood in the living while Irina stare at them. The two are shocked that she knows Y/n's is Kamen rider Drive so out of curiosity he ask her.
Y/n: How can you possibly know?
Irina: Well the government discover the laboratory and all the files. One of those files contains a rider system and an address to this home.
Ai: You work with the government?
Irina: Yep. We know some information about the Roidmudes and their activities across some parts of the world.
Mr Belt: How can you monitor them?
Irina: We have our ways. But listen I didn't came this way just to capture you. I came here to offer something far better.
Y/n: Like a mansion?
Irina: (giggle) Well aren't you funny. No. A small business.
Both Ai and Y/n turn to look at each other then back to Irina.
Y/n: A small business?
Irina: Yep.
She then gets off the couch and walks over and hand Y/n an address. Then she kiss him on the cheek then tells him.
Irina: (smirk) It be worth your wild.
She then leave the house and once gone Y/n looks down at the address that also have a kiss mark at the cornor of the note.
(Sometime later)
It was the afternoon and we see Y/n, Ai and Mr Belt sat around the table having a wonderful dinner which Mr Belt says after he was done.
Mr Belt: Very delicious Ai.
Ai: Thanks but can you eat?
Mr Belt: It's complicated.
Y/n: (smile) Still that hits the spot.
Ai: So what should we do about Irina and this small business? Should we go through with it?
Y/n: What do you think Mr Belt?
Mr Belt: Not sure. The government will use the rider system to their advantage.
Ai: Yeah but she said she along with the government has monitor the Roidmudes. You think they have some high tech that allows them to see them while they are slowing down time?
Mr Belt: Hard to say.
Y/n thinks about it for a moment then spoke.
Y/n: Perhaps we go to the address tomorrow and find out ourselves.
Ai: You sure about this? We could be involve with something shady.
Y/n: I know but what choice do we have? We can't just simply wait till a Roidmudes would attack. Plus this house isn't much of a base.
Mr Belt: I mean your not wrong there. I suppose we go to the address but if it is something shady then we are out of there.
Y/n: Deal.
Ai: (smirk) I think there is something else isn't it?
Y/n: Huh? What do you mean?
Ai: (smirk) You find her attractive don't ya?
Y/n: (blush) Wh-What?! Why would you say that?
Ai: (smirk) Well she has wonderful blonde hair, wars a nice outfit, her boobs are large and her voice is smooth.
Mr Belt: And she kiss you on the cheek.
Y/n: (blush) It's not about those things at all!
Ai: (giggle) If you say so. Well I can't join cause I have plans with my team this morning but ring me if something happen.
Y/n: Right. If you see any Roidmudes, you contact me.
Ai: (smirk) You know it.
After they have theie dinner they went off to bed and sleep for the night.
(Next day)
We see Y/n and Mr Belt within the Tridoron as they arrive at the address which was a old abandon police station at the far side of the city.
Y/n climb out of the Tridoron and stare at it. He check the address to see ot is right and it is.
Mr Belt: Guess we are going in?
Y/n: Yep. Here goes nothing.
Y/n picked up Mr Belt and make their way to the entrance door. They knock on the door and after a bit of waiting Irina opens the door.
Irina: You came!
Y/n: Hey Irina. So what is all of this about?
Irina: How's about I show you.
With no choice they walk in and to theie surprise the place is a lot more clean and nice then what it looks like outside. Inside was what looks like the break room with a TV, pinball machine, arcade machine, a TV and so much more.
Irina: (smirk) Like it? Turn this police station into a detective agency.
Y/n: Detective agency? You mean you want me to be a Detective?
Irina: (smirk) Not just a detective. A rider detective. A figure ensure you won't be shot by the police, I sent them letters to inform them that Kamen rider Drive is officially a detective.
Y/n: Huh cool.
Irina: Let me show you upstairs.
The two climb up the steps to the second floor and upstairs they arrive at the monitor station with a large computer with a map of the city.
Irina: This is where you'll get reports of Roidmude activities as well as crime.
Y/n: Damn how much is all of this?
Irina: Let's just say a lot.
Mr Belt: Very interesting.
Irina: There is also a interrogation room on the third room, the living spaces is on the fourth floor and there is a roof that you can take to see the veiw. Also have a massive garage at the bottom to store in your vehicles.
Y/n: (surprised) Cool. So this isn't something shady?
Irina: No and beside we do need someone to combat the Roidmudes and you are the only one.
Y/n: So what about you? What is your job?
Irina: I'll stay here and mind the place while you are gone. Be sure the visit or give me a call. Feel kinda lonely being here.
Mr Belt: What about just hire some people to help?
Irina: We're in the process of doing that but it might take some time. So what do you think?
Y/n: I think this could work. Thanks Irina.
Irina: (smirk) Your welcome. Besides it be great to be working with a cute hero like yourself.
Mr Belt: You do know Y/n has a girlfriend right?
Irina: (smirk) Doesn't stop me. (Wink)
Mr Belt: You have some rizz son.
Y/n: Um where on earth did you learn that?
Mr Belt: On the internet? Doesn't that not mean girls fall for you or something?
Y/n: We'll.....we'll talk about that later.
Suddenly the monitor let's out a beep along with two dot on the screen which Irina explain.
Irina: Looks like a Roidmudes have been spotted.
Mr Belt: Hhmm something isn't right.
Y/n: What is it?
Mr Belt: Not sure but it feels like something is going on. We should head there and investigate it.
Y/n: Right. My brain are in top gear!
Irina: (smirk) Is that your catchphrase?
Y/n: Yep.
Irina: (giggle) Your adorable.
(Sometime later)
Drive arrives at the area where the two Roidmudes are at. The location was at the park so Drive park his Tridoron and climb out of the car and then he enters the park.
Drive: That's odd, I don't hear anything? Irina?
Irina: (radio) Odd, one od the Roidmude is gone.
Drive: Strange.
Mr Belt: I have a feeling we might be walking into something bad.
Drive: Agree. Perhaps we should-
Suddenly Drive gets shot out of nowhere which cost him to roll away. He then turn to where the shots are coming from and sees a figure approaching Drive.
He gets up and gets to a fighting stand as the figure gets closer until he stop and Drive is surprise to see that he is a rider like him but intimidate.
Drive: Whose this guy?
Mr Belt: He doesn't look like a Roidmude.
Irina: (radio) You are standing in front of one.
Drive: So that means that rider is a Roidmude? How can that be possible?
Mr Belt: Why not you ask him?
Drive: Okay. Hey! Who are you!
Machine Chaser: Call me......Machine Chaser.
Drive: Nice name, so your not a rider?
Machine Chaser: No. I am the Roidmudes grimm reaper. My job is to kill any Roidmudes who have gone rogue.
Drive: Like a Bounty hunter?
Machine Chaser: No.
Drive: So does that mean your a good guy?
Machine Chaser: Also no.
Then he fire his shots at Drive which he dodges his incoming shots.
Machine Chaser: Heart told me about you. A rider that stops Roidmude from achieving elevation. Thus you are my enemy.
Drive: Guess we have no choice but to fight.
Mr Belt: Be carful. He looks strong.
Drive: Right. Okay Machine Chaser let's do this!
Then Drive speeds towards Machine Chaser and throws his fist at him but he dodges it, making Drive stumble forward. He thrn turn to throw a kick but Machine Chaser blocks his kick.
Then Drive throws back his fist and thrust it towards Machine Chaser but he catches his fist. He hold his fist for a bit then he strike at Drive with his elbow.
The strike cost Drive to be sent up into the air then Machine Chaser still holding his fist pulled him down and slammed him onto the ground.
He then throws Drive across the park and he slammed into a tree ans crash onto the floor.
Mr Belt: He's very strong. I've never seen a Roidmude this strong. Except one.
Drive: (gets up) Let's stay focus here dad.
Suddenly Drive immigration dodges the incoming shots from Machine Chaser. He turns to where Machine Chaser was at but he was gone.
Then Machine Chaser appear closer and strike Drive several times then throws him away and he lands onto a open area. Drive gets up while Machine Chaser came out of the forest and then rushes towards Drive while Drive gets ready as the two fight.
We then see Heart ane Brain hanging out near the forest watching as the two fight each other.
Brain: Machine Chaser seem to have an advantage.
Heart: Agree.
Heart is busy looking at the Belt that Drive has wrapped around his waist. It looked familiar to him but he can't shake it.
Drive slide back then rushes towards Machine Chaser as the two throw their fists back and then strike at each other as the two continue their tough battle.
To be continued...................................
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