Chapter 4: The art of stealing
It is the middle of the night at the art museum within the city. Things are quiet within the museum as we cut to a lone security guard sleeping on the job.
He snore until he was woke up by tilted his chair back a bit and he nearly fell. He let's out a yawn then looks through the security cameras and his eyes widen in shock.
He then rush out of the security room and rush to the art galleries only to find them gone. He check every singal art work but all art within the museum is all gone.
He stood there confuse as he wonder how this would happen but he quickly race back to his security room, pick up the phone and call the police.
Security guard: I need to police here now! The museum art has been robbed! I repeat, the Art museum has been robbed!
(Next day)
The police are seen parked in front of the art museum with police taps blocking the entrance while a crowd of people is gathered while the officers outside try to clear them away.
We cut to some officers inside the art museum looking around for any clues while we see a female officer name Yui Uehara asking the security gaurd some questions.
Yui: Did you hear anything?
Security guard: No I didn't hear anything.
Yui: Any entrance ways that the thief could have gotten through.
Security Guard: I checked and none was not broken or open. I even rewind the security taps but one minute there were there then "poof" they were gone.
Yui: I see.
Security Guard: I can't explain this at all.
Yui: Your not the only one. We have reports of other art museums also being robbed without any trace of the thief.
Security Guard: This is bad. If there is art pieces being taking then this city will not have no more art.
Yui: The police are doing their best to find the theif.
She turns and walks away, she doubt they can. Within any evidence then this case is impossible to crack.
We see Y/n and Mr Belt watching the news about an Art museum being robbed while Ai is at the kitchen washing the dishes.
Y/n: Another art museum robbed?
Mr Belt: Without a trace. Hhmmm. I feel like this may involve with a Roidmude.
Y/n: Sense they can slow down time they can just simply grab the art before the security guard can even get to one of them.
Mr Belt: True but we need to find out where.
Ai over hears theie convincing then have a thought and walks in.
Ai: I actually may have an idea where you can go to. I heard there is a new art museum that is going to be open soon. Its small but maybe go there and take a look.
Y/n: Seems like a good start. I'll start up the Tridoron.
Mr Belt: Perhaps we take a different vehicle. In case anyone would identify you as Drive.
Y/n: Oh that's right. I can't believe you told me to buy another sports car for a race instead of using the Tridoron.
Mr Belt: No one must not know your drive. Besides you have tones of money, don't be greedy.
Y/n: Alright, Alright. Let's just go there and take a look at this new art museum.
Ai: (smile) Have fun you two.
She then walk back to the kitchen while Y/n picks up Mr Belt and head out.
(Sometime later)
They arrive at a small art museum with Y/n wearing a disguise which Mr Belt suggested as a inspector of the Art museum. Mr Belt hides underneath a coat that covers him.
Y/n approaches the door then knocks on the door. He stood there for a moment then soon the door opens and a man stood at the door.
???: Who are you?
Y/n: (clear his throat) Greetings sir, I'm a impactor. I have cone here to see your new art museum.
???: Ah you came early. Please come in and let me show you around.
He let's Y/n in and once inside he looks around and there was nothing much. Just a large room with art work that is covered by a white sheet. Y/n looks around while the man introduces himself.
Ken: (smile) You may call me Ken. I recently open up this small art museum but I'm sure this will gain a lot of attention to a lot of people.
Y/n: Pretty impressive. Must cost a lot to get all of these art.
Ken: (light chuckle) Indeed it has. I enjoy art and I wish everyone would appreciate the art I have. May I offer you with some tea? Maybe some coffee?
Y/n: No thank you. Say, do you have a bathroom?
He points him the right direction so he splits off with the owner. Once he goes to the other room and out of sight, he investigate the covered up art.
He lifted the sheets and sees they are not the art work that was stolen. He check the rest and none were not.
Y/n: Looks like this place isn't it. Now what?
Mr Belt: Maybe there is still something here we haven't looked at yet.
Y/n agrees and scans around the room. Then he spotted off about the wall. He walks over and touch it but then sees its just paper. He rips it to reveal staircases that go down.
Y/n: (smirk) My brain is at top gear right now.
He climb down the steps and soon he made it at the bottom to reveal a door. He walks over and tries to open it only for it to be locked.
Y/n: Damn it!
Mr Belt: It looks like we need to find a key.
Y/n: That's gonna be hard. Let's go nothing will-
???: Freeze!
Y/n turns around to see Yui standing on the steps and pointing her gun at him.
Yui: Hands up in the air!
Y/n: Wait! I'm not the thief.
Yui: Is that so? I got news about this place so I came here to investigate it. When I come in I saw you going down some steps which I knew this must be where the stolen art is at. You must be the thief.
Y/n: Look you need to keep your voice down otherwise he will hear you.
Yui: Who will?
???: Me.
She quickly turn only for Ken to grab her gun ans breaks it. This shocks her as Ken smiled then reveal himself into a Roidmude.
He laughs as he then pushes Yui into Y/n then the two crash through the door and land onto the ground. The two get up, as they shake theie heads they open their eyes and sees all the stolen art within a nice pile.
The Roidmude enters and introduces himself.
Paint Roidmude: I am paint Roidmude and I was the one who took this cities paint.
Yui quickly gets up and was about to pull out hee radio when paint Roidmude slow down time and gets in front of her and slapped the Roidmude out of her hand.
She turn only to see that the other person which was Y/n is gone. He then grab her neck and stare at her.
Paint Roidmude: I hoped the art will allow me to evolve and be the greatest artist ever lived than the humans.
Yui: Your not making Art.....your just stealing them.
Paint Roidmude: I'm taking "inspiration".....but it's not like you will not tell anyone about it. Have a good day, officer.
He was going to end her while she shut her eyes when suddenly they heard.
Mr Belt: Drive Type Speed! (Upbeat Jazz music)
Drive dashes over and kicked Paint Roidmude away while he catches Yui before she hit the ground. She open her eyes and is surprised to see Drive as he stood her back up.
Yui: (surprised) Your this legendary hero name Drive.
Drive: Indeed officer. Leave this Roidmude to me.
She node whole Drive turn to Paint Roidmude while he gets up and looks at Drive.
Drive: Time to start my engines!
He and Paint Roidmude use theie slow down ability to slow everything down as they charge towards each other qnd they strike blows at each other.
Drive and Paint Roidmude strike punches while dodging each others attack until Paint Roidmude grab him and the two rushes towards the wall and break it down.
They now fight within the alleyway as they continue to fight each other. Then Paint Roidmude kicks Drive back but Drive lands his feet onto the street.
He looks over and Paint Roidmude rushes over and goes for a punch but Drive quickly dodges and he slide back. Paint Roidmude turns to him and the two kept on fighting until Drive double kicks him and leaps backwards.
He land on his feet then pulls out his max flare shift car and insert it into his bracelet and thrust it.
Mr Belt: Tire Koukan!
Paint Roidmude was about to blast him with paint when the Tridoron drives up between them and opens its side door and hits Paint Roidmude. The max flare wheel came out and attaches onto Drive.
Mr Belt: Max Flare (Elctric guitar squeal)
Then his passager side door opens and shoots out his Door-Ju which he fires at Paint Roidmude. He gets shot while Drive kept shooting then he rushes over, slides in front of the Tridoron then firing at Paint Roidmude.
He rushes over and then slammed his hand which sent Paint Roidmude shot out of the ground with flames between him and sent flying to the sky.
Drives pulls out Max flare shift car and insert it into the Door-Ju.
Mr Belt: Hissatsu! Max Flare!
Drive aims his Door-Ju at Paint Roidmude while he is falling then he pulls the trigger then fires a large full ball like blast that hits Paint Roidmude.
Mr Belt: Full Throttle! Max Flare!
Paint Roidmude yelled then soon blows up just as Yui rush out and sees that the battle is won.
Mr Belt: Nice Drive!
Drive: I say case close.
Mr Belt: Looks like it.
Yui: Hey you!
They turn to Yui as she rush up to Drive.
Drive: You good?
Yui: Yeah I'm okay. Thank you for saving me.
Drive: Nah just doing what hero's do. Better call someone to pick up the art pieces.
Yui: Right! Thank you again.
He nodes ans climbs info the Tridoron and then drives off. Yui is amazed to meet Drive for the first time and hopefully she can meet him again someday.
They arrive home and Y/n walks in with a sigh then walks into the living room then tells Ai.
Y/n: What a long day but the job is done.
???: That's good to hear.
He then sees a a very attractive blonde woman sitting on the couch across from Ai as she look at Y/n with a smirk face then introduces herself.
Irina: (smirk) My name is Irina Jelavic. A pleasure to meet you Y/n....or should I say....Kamen rider Drive?
To be continued...........................................
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