Chapter 1: I have arrived!
Everything is completely black all around him as he feels very tired, very weak and his mind completely blank as he thought his eyes are maybe shut but in reality he is staring at a void of nothingness.
Y/n: Where.......Where I'm I......I see....nothing but.......nothingness. My head......I....I don't know why its so weak. I feel like I've been here for.....who knows how long.
Suddenly the black void starts to shine up with stars above him as he looks up, looking up at the stars, wondering if this is all a dream or reality as he reach out his hand, reaching out for the stars when suddenly he look down, seeing his lower body starting with his feet fading away like a digital computer as it start crawling up to his body.
Y/n: Wait! What is this! Is this how a die?! No! I can't die now! I don't know what's going on here!
Suddenly there was a flash of light once he was consumed as everything around him was bright as a sun before quickly turning black.
(Unknown location)
??? 1: How much does he remember?
??? 2: I don't know. Best we find that out because he's waking up.
Slowly Y/n opens his eyes as he find himself sitting against the wall of a unknown room while two girls stood over him. One girl near the controls while the other one close to hij as she kneel down in front of him.
Y/n: Who.....Who are you two?
??? 1: (soft smile) It may not matter who we are, what's mor important is that your here because you have a job to do. You will face threats and challenges along the way but you will succeed. Right now your gonna be on your own but know will meet friends that will fight along side you no matter what.
??? 2: Kafka, we should go now.
Kafka: Coming Sliver Wolf.
Y/n: (thought) Kafka? Who do I feel like I know that name before.
She then pulled out something from her pocket and then place it onto his hand and then tells him.
Kafka: We must go now but know this. This is not the last time you see us. (Stands up) Until we meet again.
She and Sliver wolf turn and exit of a door and once close Y/n slowly gets up, his hand touching the metal wall as he slowly gets up. He was breathing heavily while he look at his other hand, seeing what looks like a train pass or something.
Y/n: Why did she give me this? Is it something to get out or something?
He turns to the door that they go through so he stumbled over there and sees a scanner so he try to use the train pass but it didn't work.
Y/n: Okay that didn't work.
He turn to another door that has no scanner so he gets it open and walk out to the hallway and once he step out of the hallway he doesn't see anyone but himself as he scan around the hallway.
Nervous appeared on his face as he walk the empty hallways and hopefully trying to find anyone that might help him but there was no one while walking down the hallway.
Y/n: What is this place? Is this some sort of a base, building or-
He then come across a window which he turns to and immediately he sees nothing but space meaning he is on a space station as he slowly walks backwards which vost him to hit the wall behind him.
Y/n: Was I.....Was I taking by aliens? N-No. There's no such thing as aliens right?
Just after he said that he heard something down the hallway as he turn and watched as two humanoid like aliens came out wrong tye corner with blades attached to their arms turn and spotted Y/n as they laugh out a roar.
Y/n: (scared) Never mind, they are real!
He turn and make a run for it smile the two unknown aliens charge after him within incredible speed. Y/n turn hallway to hallway trying his best to lose them but every time he turn, they were always behind him.
He keeps running in hopes to find a escape pod or something that can allow him to get off this station. He turn a corner and sees a door in front of him as he runs faster and then gets to the door and once that he slammed hid hand onto the button and the doors shut in front of the aliens as he slowly moves backwards.
He can hear the aliens roaring and clawing at the other side od the door as Y/n breaths heavily and then breath a sigh of relief.
He turns around only to find himself in a huge storage room as he make his way through the boxes and cargo around him.
Y/n: Okay let's refresh the situation I am dealing with here. I've woken up on a space station filled with aliens and two women give me this (train pass) Train pass card and now I am lost , no memory of my past and all alone. Can this day get any more crazier?
Suddenly he heard what sounded like a train horn as he look around and then suddenly a train burst through the room, making a huge hole and crashing through some cargos as the cargos flip over, nearly crushing Y/n as he move out of the way quick and soon everything falls slient and Y/n poke his head over and sees a train crashes into a wall and looking damaged after the crash.
Y/n wasn't sure he should check it out but soon his body moved on its on as he make his way over there and once close he knock on the trains side door whike calling out.
Y/n: hello? Is everyone okay in there? Hello?
Suddenly the train door slide open which made Y/n fall onto his butt in surprise as a figure appear at the door and then step out as the smoke cleared up, revealing a red demon with horns on his head as he look down and sees Y/n as he simply said.
???: Oh, Hi there.
There was a moment of silence until Y/n throws a can at the demon which hits him in the face as he cover his face with his hands and then bark at Y/n.
???: (angry) Hey! What was that for jerk! That really hurt!
Y/n: Are you really asking me that since your Satan! Unless I did die and ended up in hell! Oh god! I'm maybe a bad person!
???: Your not dead idiot and your not dead! Plus I'm not Satan and this ain't hell......Well kinda depending what you're seeing.
Y/n: Then.....(Stands up) Then what or who.....are you?
Momotaros: Call me Momotaros, I'm a Imagin.
Y/n: A....A Imagin? What is-?
Momotaros: (noticed the train pass) Hold your horses! Where did you get that?!
Y/n: (pulls up the train pass) This? A women named Kafka give me this. Do you know what this is?
Momotaros: Yeah. That's a rider pass.
Y/n: What's a rider pass?
Momotaros: Well your about to find out. Because it looks like we have company.
Y/n turns and then another imagin came out behind the cargos and make his way over to them as Y/n quickly stands up as the imagin says to Y/n.
???: Hand over the rider pass human. I swear I will not harm you.
Momotaros: Jeeezzz Bat Imagin, have you gotten any idea how many times villains say that! Man, is this a way we introduce our first evil imagin in the first chapter?
Y/n: What?
Momotaros: Oh nothing just take this!
He tosses him a belt which Y/n catches and looks at it and back to Bat Imagin and then place it around his waist.
Y/n: Okay goes nothing. Henshin!
He swipe his rider pass over the belt and it called out while he transforms.
Den-o belt: Plat form!
Den-o: (looks at himself) Wow! This is amazing! I think I can do this!
Bat Imagin ready himself as Den-o charges towards him while he let out a battle cry as he thrust his fist back and then thrust it forward, landing a punch at Bat Imagin as Den-o, Bat Imagin and Momotaros realised after his punch is that.....
Momotaros, Den-o and Bat Imagin: (thought) That was soo weak!
Bat Imagin: Enough of this!
He kicked Den-o back, slamming him into the right side od the train as he land on the floor for a moment before slowly getting up.
Momotaros: You need some help there?
Den-o: I guess although I'm not strong.
Momotaros: Oh that's fine, i can help.
Den-o: Ho-
Suddenly Momotaros hops into Den-o's body as red electricity appeared over his body as Den-O's head was down but he move his hand and push the red button that glow red on the belt.
Bat Imagin stop his tracks as Den-o lifted up his rider pass and called out in Momotaros voice.
Den-o (M): Henshin!
Den-o belt: Sword form!
Then red armor parts appear and attached itself over the Plat form and now transforming him into Den-o sword form.
(Battle theme start)
Den-o (M): Ore.....Sanjo!
Den-o (Y/n): The Heck! You can possess people?! You sure your not a demon?
Den-o (M): Of course I'm not! All Imagins can possess humans.
Den-o (Y/n): Huh?!
Bat Imagin: So you be willing to defend a human?
Den-o (M): As long I can kick your ass, I can. Now let's fight, fight, fight!
He quickly pulled out parts that formed into a sword and after that he charge towards Bat Imagin and the two begin their battle as Den-o swings his sword at Bat Imagin, slashing at him as Bat Imagin is hit and moves back.
He tries to fly away bit Den-o throws his sword at him, stabbing one of his wings which cost him to crash as Den-o charges towards him and the two throw hands at each other, punching each other as they battled.
Bat Imagin kicks him back which sent Den-o flying back and landing on his feet whre his sword was so he quickly picks it up and charge towards Bat Imagin and he slash at him many times over and over and then he kicked Bat Imagin backwards.
Bat Imagin stumbled backwards and then Den-o pulled out his rider pass and swipe it over the Den-o belt.
Den-o belt: Full charge!
Den-o (M): This is my hissatsu attack! Part 1!
The blade ejected out of his blade as Bat Imagin turns and try to escape but Den-o swings the hilt of his blade which cost the blade to swing at the same movement and slash at Bat Imagin.
Den-o slashes at him a few more times until he finish up off by swinging his blade down and once Bat Imagin is slashed he blow up in defeat as Den-o's sword reattached itself back onto his hilt as he rest the blade onto his shoulder.
(Battle theme eneds)
Den-o (M): Now that's how you begin a story.
Den-o (Y/n): I still have no idea what is going on here and I'm know confused even more.
Den-o (M): Oh yeah you might want soke answers, well let's head inside the train and we'll tell you everything.
Den-o (Y/n): There's more of you?!
Den-o (M): Yeah but good once like me.
Den-o (Y/n): Hhhmmm
Den-o (M): What does that mean? You can trust me. Do I look like a trustworthy imagin?
Den-o (Y/n): Uuuuuuummmmm.
Den-o (M): Let's just get inside the damn train.
And so Den-o walks inside the mysterious train as he will explain everything with his friends inside as this is the begin of his adventure.
Den-o (M): And our adventure as well! (Continues walking) Asshole.
To be continued....................................................
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