Chapter 16 Senran Kagura Part 1

Last time on Kamen rider Decade x Animeverse!

Our heroes has meeting the Secret Organization Agency known as Special United Force or S.H.F, they have been protecting humanity after the Quirks has existence in this world.

Meeting the Commander and Leader of Earth Branch in S.H.F. Doggie Cruger alongside with his sub-commanders Swan and Hugh Stein.

And now (Y/N) accepted become the position become the Agent of S.H.F and working alongside with the fellow Kamen riders Agents.

Will (Y/N) will to become what it mean... To become of the True Kamen riders? 

And now seeing of Rachel releasing of yawning, sleeping in her bed peacefully. Before glancing and narrow eyes to glaring at her rival... Airi Kurenai.

She currently sleeping in peacefully and happiness, while she hugging the hugging pillow of..... (Y/N) (L/N).

As Rachel couldn't help to making a gagged in disgusted seeing her weirdness and disgusted. She always thought the Granddaughter of previous Kamen rider Kiva. Wateru Kurenai was too be shy.... But to be see her lovey dovey toward (Y/N).

Inner Rachel: Great..... I can't believe she going  be roommate, after she has joins us and she become close with (Y/N). It keep me frustration! But I think I needed to clear my mind that... Pudding!

She smiles happiness, to thinking of her favourite food. Before she removes her blanket off her, and then get off bed.

As Rachel going downstairs in quietly, while she says pudding in repeating time. Pudding is her favourite foods it always help her calm down when she sad or angry, to forget thing.

Rachel: Pudding, pudding, pudding, pudding, pudding! 

She arrives in the fridge, she has the secret fridge that has all of the pudding inside. She hid it from (Y/N) and even her rival Airi, if they found out she had pudding, before opens it seeing of her happy looks has gone.

Suddenly her skin went into like pale and her feeling went in filled with horror on her eyes, seeing there is no pudding inside of the fridge.

Rachel: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!

Making the birds flicked out their wings to fly away, scared from the screamed, making everyone to be turns on the lights, startled from the screams. 

As (Y/N) with Ryuji, George and Airi rushes to go downstairs, as they are arriving seeing of Rachel crying in miserable and sadness.

(Y/N): Rachel, what wrong?!

Ryuji: Are we under attack?!

As (Y/N) take out his ride booker in sword mode, as Ryuji takes out his fists for some combat in defensive stance.

As Rachel weeping and crying, before she turns facing toward at her friends and grandmother.

Rachel: Guys..... My pudding.... Has been taken....

(Y/N): You have the pudding?!

Airi: Pudding here?!

Oh yes...  Airi is the big fan of the pudding? 

Rachel: Now you freaking care for that?! My pudding has ca...

However she was interrupted.

They're heard the sounds of the creaks from nearby close to them, making them turns facing at the random directions. As Ryuji closeby to the switch light, he turns on the light.

Revealing the S.H.F agent was eating of Rachel's secret Pudding! Are Takuya Kujo, Daizo Mondo, and Glenn Smith! Plus Snake Eyes with them!

As they're awkwardly staring at each with the reaction looks on their face, unable to let out of the words from their mouth. As Daizo decided to break out of the silence from his mouth out.

Daizo: Howdy y'all? It a nice day, don't you thinks?

Glenn unzipped his jacket revealing the words out.

"We're dead. We're so much busted."

Rachel: So it was you!!! 

She lunged charging at the trios of Agents with the angrily sharped teeth in comically, and sharps eyes.

Making the agents let out shrieked in fears, while the three of them hugging each other while Snake Eyes standing in bit fear meter, as Rachel made contact with them making the cloud dust to forms. 

While Snake Eyes standing there, before he take out of the signed popped out of nowhere. Saying "Idiots".

(Play Journey through the Decade by Gackt)

(Kamen rider Decade, he has been given the power of a destroyer. And what will he do to see if he travelled through all the world to save them?) As the song started focus on Decade, who just already transformation, standing here in a white room filled the cubes and face the camera.

(Miageru hoshi sorezore no rekishi ga kagayaite) Rachel covered (Y/N)'s eyes until she let's go. His eyes zoomed in and is soon replaced by the camera, his camera, and later his Neo Decadriver which includes the 19 including himself. His Machine Decader is shown in parked of front a pile of smoking rubble where (Y/N) sitting alone before, in the white. (Y/N) grabs one of the cubes and looked at the camera.

(Seiza no you sen de musubu shunken hajimaru legend) The scenes changes to shown the worn down warehouse with all the riders sitting out of one of time. Rachel grabbed the bottle and (Y/N) looked back. Ryuji slumps back his TryChaser200 with Boku no Hero Academia's characters and Toaru Majutsu no Index are here standing or sitting down. Showing of Gai, Daizo, Takuya, Glenn and Doggie in the seat of his chair, before the shadow figures behind them in their HQ looking at the camera. As the silhouttes of the riders appeared one by one. Rachel throws the same bottle down on the floor.

(Oorora {aurora} yurameku jinkuu koete. Tobimoku meisou suru Parallel world) On the side of the dark riders charge while the other of the Riders of Good did the same. The same bottle shatters as (Y/N) look as through he was about to collapse but not before his face changing into each of the Rider's helmets. Backed to the warehouse all 19 riders line up doing their signature poses and with Decade in the centre and behind him was Rachel.

(On the road dare no tobi no tonchu. Hontou no jibun jishin deau tame.) All of the 19 riders were in circle and fending off the dark riders as they surrounded by them. (Y/N) is shown on his bike getting his helmet on and Rachel was riding passenger. Rachel hold on tightly around his waist before we see Decade showing off his fighting skills especially with the Attack Ride: Slash card. And soon back to the Rider, everyone doing their best trying to watch each other's back while against Dark Riders.

(Atarashii yoake e to tsuzuku michi ni kawaru no darou) (Y/N) sits alone exhausted tearing coming out of his eyes down to his face. Until Rachel was in front of him with his camera and offering the other to help him up. We soon Ryuji ride along with (Y/N) and Rachel on their respective bikes. Back on the battle Blade was having trouble with Glaive until Decade shows up and pushed Glaive away. Ryuga was about to use his Strike Vent on Decade until Ryuki uses his first to save Decade.

(Mokugekise yo Journey through the Decade.) The riders are helping each other trying to take down their respective foe. Soon Rachel smile in Decade's mind. But Decade focuses on the battle and helping his comrade's. Decade was soon driving on his bike driving out of the Dimensional Wall with pictures of the other 18 riders in it circled the logo.

(Opening ended)

And now seeing of Rachel squinted her eyes, and glaring daggerly at the S.U.F Agents sitting on the chairs with the nervous looks. While sitting down on the couch, while the other teens on other sits.

As Ryuji can't help to be focus toward on the Ninja is playing and sharping on his sword, as George arriving with the tray of Tea.

George: Here your teas, Mr Mondo, Mr Kujo, Mr Smith and.... Mr Snake Eyes, sorry! I don't even know your names.

He let out laugh in nervousness. 

As Snake Eyes glancing his head, facing at George. As he let out of the yelped and anxious and fear expression on his face. Instead Snake Eyes give okay sign.

George let out of the nervous chuckles.

George: I see...

(Y/N): So.... Sup, Secret Agents Riders what you doing here?

Takuya: As you can see Kids.... Me and the Ace Squad has been tasked by our boss in order to protect you from dangers.

Team Decade: Protect us?

They let out of the Confusion and dumbfounded expression from the statements what the Elite Members Agents.

As Daizo taken over with serious looks. 

Daizo: That correct. Our boss has given the tasked to protect you guys in vigilantes, knowing there is the threats who wanted to killed you. Because everyone in the other dimensions see you as the threats because you held the power of the Destroyer will destroyed of the another worlds and even the Whole Multiverses!

Team Decade: The Whole Multiverse?!

They outbursts in shocked.

As Glenn proceeded to nodded his head in agreement.

Glenn: Correct, but that is our missions to stop you to be leading to the dark path as the Evil Riders. But you must choose the path as...

Glenn open his jacket, before he unzipped to exposing the side of his t-shirt. Making the other heroes to be flabbergasted and gawked while the other agents facepalmed.

Glenn looks down in confusion, revealing he made the goddamn mistake on his shirt. Revealing it... "Destroyer of Worlds!"

Glenn: Ehehehehe, sorry about that. Wrong one.

Changing to "Savior of Worlds" on his shirt.

Daizo: You so freaken weird, Glenn.... I have no idea why your fashion sense of style is so poorly man..... 

Glenn: The fuck you says to my fashion sense! You fucking have no fucking love life because you are a virgin, bro!

Daizo: The fuck you says, bro?! 

Glenn: Come at me, bro!

As two agents began to be bickering and arguing, as Takuya tried to stopped his colleague.

Takuya: Guys, stop, enough. Calm down...


Takuya: The fuck you says?! Come here!

As three agents began to be arguing and beating up, to be forming of the large dust surrounding on them.

While the others began to forms the sweatsdropped, as Rachel give the stink looks and deadpanned expression on her face.

Rachel: Are they really the S.U.F Agents becoming as the riders? They're so.... Idiotically and immaturity.... Like you (Y/N)....

(Y/N): Yeah.... Wait, what?! Hey! You just jealous, Rach!

Rachel: What?! Why you little! Come here....

She blushed in flustered with red tomato on her cheek, she hardly glaring at her adoptive brother/crush while she gritted her teeth.

She attempted to jabbed his neck with her thumb up, but he quickly dodge in react of time. he run away, as Rachel jump up and circling around to jabbed her crush. While Airi protect her lover.

At Narutakai

Narutaki: Hai! Decade is going to preparing of travelling to his new world in his next journey. I sent you of his coordinates. 

???: [Good.... I send my agents to killed him... And then we can handle of Dark Decade...]

As Narutaki let out of the evil chuckles.

Narutaki: It been we're last time talk old friends...

At Mystery Person's Office

???: Yeah...

He hang up the calling on his phone, before placing down the phone on the landline. Currently focusing on the large screen in front of him.

He slowly turns his head to facing the object on the table. Revealing the Old Photoframe the light cover on two persons, one is the female, the other one might be the leader,  and the last one is Hugh Stein!

???: Hugh.... Why do you protecting Decade, he is the Devil and destroyer of the World...

He let out of the scowl, bitter and hatred on his tone.

Timeskipped brought you by meme!

At World of Senran Kagura

(Y/N): So.... This is the world of the Ninja.

Seeing of (Y/N) with his gangs alongside the Tokusatsu Secret Agent, arriving in the new world from the Wallpaper.

(Y/N) is currently looking at the Final Omniverse Form card, but it looks similar of the girl on the picture, next to her is the shurikens.

Ryuji: It is the non-rider this time?

(Y/N): Yeah.... But.... Why Dark Decade sending his goons to the other non-riders universe, but just appeared on Riders' worlds.

He muttering in concern and curious about his arch nemesis evil counterparts has been appearing in different world.

Rachel: That is true, don't forget we are in the new world. It definately looks like the ninja world to me.

Airi: Hate to say of my rival is right. It is true, all of us wearing of Ninja costumes as disguised.

They're proceed to be looks down, revealing their usual casual clothes has changed into the uniform of the ninja.

Ryuji: Huh, not going to be lied. This uniform looks kinda cool, too late Izuku has to be missed out...

(Y/N): Yeah..... Too bad for Izuku is busy to be training with All Might in order to be get stronger for the U.A Exam in prepare....

Meanwhile at Izuku


All Might releasing of laughing in enthuasiatic in encouraging on Izuku. But thanks for his weak arms he unable to move on.

Inner Izuku: Oh geez!!! I wish I shouldn't with (Y/N) and others!

At (Y/N)


She pointed her index finger accusing of the other agents.

While Daizo is typing on his phone doing the hardest quiz, Takuya is giving the dirty and sexual words to his girlfriend as they flirted, Glenn being.... As the idiots as he showing his clothes, being as terrible sense and for Snake Eyes.... He doing seiza as normal persons.

Daizo: Because.... We are the Secret Agents part of the S.U.F. We're known the activities of what you kids, also about changing our clothes. It doesn't changes because we're wearing of our uniforms with the fabric of special secret material kids.

Airi: But.... Why this guy being so weird?!

Pointed at Glenn as he weirdly dancing around to showing off his terrible clothing. But it effect on their eye which causes them wanted to kill themselves, or gagged out of vomits from their throats.

Except for the other agents because.... They get used to it, and already feel of their pains.

Daizo: Right... Also, Rachel Watanabe, right?

Rachel: Yes?

Daizo: You don't have any weapons to defend yourself? It okay... We have the special weapon to defend yourself. Here take this.

He take out the item from his pocket handed to Rachel, as she grabbed it.

She examined the item, revealing it some sort of the high tech looking of the phone.

(A/N: Ignore the Len, also Replace the Gold with Blue)

Rachel: What is this?

Daizo: This is S.H.F Blaster Phone, it is the successor and new model of Morphin Blaster from Go-Buster.  It has the communication to called your friends and the other S.H.F and detected of the Kaijins if they nearby. Also it can transformed into a gun. It also uses for the civilians like you.

Rachel turns the gun into gun mode, as it surprised her.

Rachel: Sugoi! 

Takuya: The Blaster mode has the high effect against the Kaijin in powerful with the lethal mode, the energy blast can destroyed the goons has the weaker body and the other kaijin has the strong body, has effect on bit but stunned them. Won't destroyed them. 

Rachel: Then, can it effect on human?

Takuya: Well...

He forms the sheepish smiles.

Suddenly he was interrupted when Rachel accidentally pulls the trigger, causing the bolt fly to random direction in reflexes, causing them let out of the shrieked as it unfazed Snake Eyes. As the bolt hit on Glenn's butt!!!

Glenn: OWWW!!! Hey what the fu-...

Suddenly Glenn's body started slump down on the ground, as the groups except for Snake Eyes get closer to Glenn. As Rachel felt horrified thinking he kill him, but....

Glenn: ZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

Takuya: That would be knock them out, it has non-lethal toward against on human and the gun has the A.R targeting lock to harm on Kaijin and not harm on human.

(Y/N): Uh.... Make sense.... Anyway we got no time to do, let go!

Groups: YEAHHHH!!!

At Dark Decade

Seeing of Dark Decade is sitting on his throne has been spying on (Y/N) with his group, but the S.U.F is here, knowing they be treat for their plans. 

Shadow Moon: My lord, Decade and his friends has arrive to this world.

Dark Decade: Yes, I know Shadow Moon, also.... What are the Inter Dimensional Force are doing?

Shadow Moon: Don't worry, the Inter Dimensional hasn't been wary and suspicious on us... Our spy intel planning their next move attack on Decade on this next dimension.

Dark Decade: Good.... Also.... Send our new Recruit to his first mission...

Making Shadow Moon bit surprised and intrigued of his master's order. True he has high respect toward on his master, but sending too him so early.

Shadow Moon: My lord, it is fine to send him out? He...

Dark Decade: It fine, Shadow Moon... Because it is the game has began already and also.... Soon Decade and the others doesn't know he capable of. The Power of Reiwa Era.....

He let out of the evil chuckles.

He placing his hand on the armchair of his throne, revealing of the driver has the mark of stamp on side and the handle on right side looks like has sword on it.

At Decade



Seeing of the Decade's gangs with the S.U.F's agents arriving in the new worlds and complaining about how much further they are going.

But they have no idea where are they supposed to go.

Takuya: Ahhhh..... bro, did you even update your phone since Doc made the new software update to travel another dimension, also we're here! This is amazing we're travel another dimension don't you think!

His sheepish smiles turns excitement while spinning around.

As he felt the dark menacing aura, making him flinch while the other but Snake Eyes, startled by the aura. Revealing with Daizo with the pissed off looks, his eyes are red with sharp.

Making Takuya to be sweating dropping in fast bullet on his head.

Daizo: The hell you says....

Takuya: I.... I.... I... Say Doc has made the new update on our S.U.F phone if we were going to travel another world with the kids, it can have the new data gathering and information when we're arrive in this world...

Takuya let out of trembling in fear.

As Daizo remained in silence, his hair shadow covering on his eyes. And then...


Making the groups of teenagers let out of the sweatsdropped of his behavior, while he clutching his head.

Suddenly Snake Eyes lifted his head up, felt the senses of the movements of air. He glances toward facing at his fellow teammate, before he rushes with the quick speed as the ninja.

Suddenly there is the shurikens popped out of nowhere, Daizo unaware the shurikens toward at him, suddenly Snake Eyes swiftly spin with one foot before take out his katana to deflect the shurikens with quick speed.

Sending the shurikens in random direction hitting on the tree. Making everyone to be looks surprised with opens wide.

Daizo: Holy crap! Snake Eyes you save me!

Snake Eyes reply back, to respond with thumb up.

Making Daizo let out of the sheepish smiles, sometime he doesn't understand with the ninja because they are silent.

Making them heard of the rustles from nearby forests and bushes, making them to be cautious and on guard. In blink of eyes, some of the five figures are fully exposes to the outsides making them forms the surprised looks.




(Y/N):...... Hot Ninjas....

He forms the nosebleed, he form the reaction look on his face, causing his entire body systems to be frozen.

Making Rachel and Airi glaring daggerly at (Y/N) and then glaring in jealously of their breasts. Of how bigger then theirs!

And also for the blond hair chick..... She has exposing of her body! Just what the hell wrong with this world?! 

Ikaruga: Those who enter in the Hanzo's forest! Who are you?!

Takuya: Okay, okay, okay, this must be misunderstanding my name is Takuya Kujo. This is my colleague Daizo Mondo who is my bro/besties.

Daizo: Sup.

Takuya: Our silent ninja Snake Eyes.

He respond back with okay sign.

Hibari: Hey looks! He the other ninja look us, Yagyu!

Yagyu: I see it, Hibari.

As the white hair girl with the twin hair and stoic looks expression on her face, while the other girl has pink hair with intrigued and cheery expressions.

Takuya: And with our juniors who are (Y/N) (L/N), Rachel Watanabe, Ryusei Godai and Airi Kurenai. We are just wandering.... If you could let us out for this....

He forms the nervous smiles hoping they could let them out, and doesn't wanted to be involve of their business and go to trouble. 

But they not going to let them escape easily. 

Ikaruga: You think we can let you out in easily, but you guys are suspicious and threat toward us. Even to him!

She pointed index finger toward on (Y/N), while he was standing....  Still frozen with the reaction like an idiot. Still He forming the long dripping of nosebleed to the ground.

Making Ryusei and the other agents of S.U.F cringes at the scene while Rachel facepalmed in embarrassing ashamed. While Airi take sample of his bleed with her finger sticking before sucking her finger.

Which causes her enthusiastic with the lust of blood.

Inner Airi: This is.... The blood of my darling... Oh dear Fangire! I just wanted to "destroy" me!!! 0///0

Snake Eyes: What the hell is wrong with this kid?

He takes out of the sign out of nowhere, feeling disgusted and disturb of the young girl who is granddaughter of Kiva.

While the other girl wielding of the twin sword, doesn't looks has the same expression with her other fellows ninjas. She looks gentle and soft doesn't seen them as the trespassers or the intruders.

Asuka: Guys.... Just thinks what we're doing? Those guys doesn't looks suspicious or threats to us...

Ikaruga: Asuka, don't be foolish and naive! We have to eliminate and search the other academy who sent to our class!

Katsuragi: Yeah! I'm just wanna test with the oldies!

She forms the cocky grins.

Causing the two agents felt ticked off, while Snake Eyes felt irritated and intimidate toward at the blond hair girl is she a ninja. He have to keep his cool down.

Takuya: Oldies?! Listen kid! Just let you know I am....

He was interrupted, before in the blink of eyes when Katsuragi throw the upper cut, losing his guard as the foot made the contact his face, causing him to be stunned and stumbled back.

Seeing of Takuya forming of nosebleed, his nose got injury, he check his blood on his nose. He looks stunned.

Takuya: Did you just kick me in the fa....

He was cut when his face got kicked multiple times in a few, causing Takuya to be walked back to his fellow agents.

Making three agents takes out of their weapons in combat stances, Takuya with dual pistols, Daizo with cane and Snake Eyes with the katana while the shinobis girls form the combat stance except for the pink hair girl.

As the S.H.F mentally thinks she doesn't looks like the strong type, kinda a meek and clumsy. They decided not fight her, because she looks so goddamn adorable and innocent 

As the fight begins, Takuya firing his double dual pistols at Ikaruga and Katsuragi, but two girls dodged out in jumps from incoming bullets charging at them, Katsuragi dashes sprinted at the doctor agent wielding pistol.

He quickly dodge in time to moving his back, making her forms the surprised looks for git and then gritted her teeth in frustrated. She try to throw a few kicks at attempted to land hit on him but he kept dodging with quick reaction, before deliver of palm strike on her chest forcing her to be pushed back to flying in air.

Katsuragi's feet landed on the ground safety, Takuya senses of danger behind him making him swiftly turns reacting in time before block using of his dual pistols, forming the colliade clashed of his pistol against the blade of katana. Revealing is Ikaruga with serious looks. 

They having few staring for a minutes, before they're pushed back for the bit, Takuya shooting rapidly his guns at Ikaruga but she too good and deflecting his bullets.

He tried pull the triggers, but realizing he ran out, he senses of incoming danger coming behind his back making he move his head to dodge from aside of incoming kick. He swiftly turns facing at two ninja girls.

Takuya: You pretty good, kids.... Not bad for well as the ninja like you, maybe you can taken the lesson from our friend Rei here.

He unloaded of the empty magazine from his pistol. Before reload magazine in his gun.

Katsuragi: Hehehehehe.... You too, you're not too bad and got prime in your skill, went badass with the guns.

Ikaruga: Katsuragi, enough and focus on him.

Takuya: Game on, kids.

He spins his pistols forming the smirks on his face.

Meanwhile at Daizo he currently swinging his cane to deflect from incoming rapidly multiple bullets charging at him, from yagyu using her fucking umbrella with the guns on it!

He give the one last deflect the bullets, before placing his cane touching the mud with the smug grins while Yagyu with the emotionless look.

Daizo: Tell me, are you being force answer the quiz while we're fighting, O or X?

Yagyu: What the hell you saying...

Daizo: The correct is O.

He give the thumb down.

As Yagyu being dumbfounded staring at him, suddenly she screamed in pain feeling electricity forcing her kneel down.

She panting to catching her breath.

Inner Yagyu: Why do I feel pain of electricity shock? He hasn't made the move.... But don't tell me...

In blink of eyes Daizo dashes in front of Yagyu attempted to hit, swinging across toward at Yagyu's cheek forcing her react in time, before take big leap backward.

To dodge incoming cane, as they fight walking in backward Daizo swinhing his cane in multiple time attempted to hit her, but Yagyu uses her signal eye reacting in quick movement to block with her umbrella. 

Daizo: Next question Do you ever think you can defeat me, O or X?! 

Yagyu: What the hell you saying?!

She swing her umbrella in horizontal toward at Daizo's gut, before he quickly dodge in time with quick timing, but Yagyu could thrust her umbrella forward attempted to jabbed his abdomen.

Suddenly she screaming in pain before the electricity shock forming around on her body, forcing her kneel down.

Daizo: Ohhhhhhh, this isn't looks good for you good, kid. Maybe you should give up kid and go home and get some rest with the nice recovery.

Yagyu: To become a coward to failed my mission? I don't think so! I swore on my life that I would protect Hibari.

As Daizo releasing of the exhausting sigh and knowing he has the code, never hurt the innocent lives of people.

Before he could approach to her, but he was stopped by Hibari in front of Yagyu defending her while she spread her arms out to defended her.

Hibari: Don't! Please don't hurt Yagyu! 

Making Daizo let out of the sigh.

Daizo: Listen kid, I know you two have the special relationship, hell you remind me of my cousin who is deaf. I just you and your friend to be...

Suddenly he was finished when Hibari, releasing of battle cried charging forward at Daizo. He unable to react in time when she throw her foot toward....

His "egg" got murder by the girl!


Forcing to Daizo to be fall down on the ground, while tightly holding his nut. Making Hibari cover her mouth with her hand felt anxious.

While Yagyu forming smug grins....

Hibari: Oh my god! Are you alright, mister?!

Daizo: I'm okay.... Also.... Good job, kid....

At Snake Eyes

Asuka unable to keep up and defend herself, seeing the Ninja called Snake Eyes swinging his sword in multiple of furious slashes against her twin katana she kept blocking from his blades to avoid touching her.

Snake Eyes attempted thrust his sword attempted to strike her, but she quickly react in time to block from katana. Before she pulls out of item and throw it to the ground creating the large puff of smokes surrounding them, before Snake Eyes cover his visor.

Snake Eyes to be on cautious, knowing he is the ninja and she the ninja like him, but he activate the heat thermal on his visor. Seeing the heat signature of Asuka hiding in the smoke try to attack him.

But they both battle like the ninja.

Inner Asuka: Amazing! He is fast, silent, well train as the ninja! Always remain calm, but he could be my ninja teacher!

At The groups

Ryuji: Guys! How the fuck we're going do that?! And also.... Why the hell (Y/N) standing here like an idiot?!

He shouted in complain, before pointing toward at (Y/N) while he kept standing like idiot after seeing the beauty of ninja girls.

While Airi whining, kept slapping in softly but it didn't work, to bring him back to reality. While Rachel looks annoyed and deadpanned.

Airi: Mooooooooooooooooooouuuu!!! Darling, please return to us!

Rachel: Allowed me...

She requested in menacing with dark aura surrounded her.

As Airi could argued, but started to be agreeing, making her rival step forward facing at her foster brother. She releasing of roaring before throwing her fist toward....


(Y/N): Wh-Wh-What the fuck, Rachel?!

He let out pained while he covering his nut and kneel on the ground, while Rachel with the annoyed and intimidating looks. And stick her thumb up.

Making (Y/N) to be let out shivered in fear and gulped.

(Y/N): What you need boss?

Rachel: Can't you see we have the situation of this!

Ryuji: Yeah man! Mr Kujo, and Mr Daizo are keepa in bit of troubles with the guys! Also about Mr Snake Eyes.... He kinda like badass...

(Y/N): Ohhhh.... Can't we show them a scroll about he like exchange student?

Making them froze and stop fighting.

As Ikaruga and Team Hanzo are reading of the scroll and realizing they are transfer student. And they apologize and Hibari apologize to Daizo kicking his nut and Daizo reassure to her. But he get the stink glare from Yagyu for his arrogant of the quiz. Also they revealed they're forms another world but they decided to talk in privately. (A/N: Also... I am like nearly done and I kinda have like writer block and lack of idea)

But they were unaware watch by someone

???: Looks like.... Everything is according to master's plan of arriving to this world, saa.... Let us enjoy in Hell...

Revealing it's.....




























Kamen rider Evil!

To be continued!

That's all guys! Thank you guys for your patient and sorry for taking so long and never update of this book. Because I was kinda busy like my other books and new ideas of the stories. Plus busy from schools but done them!

Also next they going meet the Hanzo Academy and stopping the Yoma invading of humans realms allied with the Dark Riders and.... Kamen rider Evil from Kamen rider's Reiwa 3rd of Revice! And.... He work with Kamen rider Dark Decade! See ya soon, when (Y/N) and the others going to train and applied for U.A for their upcoming exams! 

See ya later! Destroy everything! Connect everything! 

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