Chapter 9: The Oscorp Heist (Arc 3)
Black Car, Spider-Woman and Build find themselves in the break room. There were no signs of anyone which was odd even more.
Spider-Woman: Now this is just getting weird. Where is everyone?
Build: Who knows but best not to stand around here and find out.
Black Cat: This place is like a maze. There is no way we can find file room. We need a map. Unless you know where the file room might be?
Spider-Woman: Does it look like I work here? We can't just stand around here and talk about it. We need to find this room, find the rest and get out of here. I have a bad feeling about all of this.
Then Black Cat spotted a security camera moving so she points it out to the two so they look over and see the camera moving.
Spider-Woman: I got it.
She was about to Web shoot it when Build stops her.
Build: Wait! I bet that's Mark and his team finally at the security room.
Black Cat: (smile) Good on them.
Then Build got a notification on his phone so he pulls it out and sees that Mary Jane sent him a image. He looks at it then smile underneath his helmet.
Build: Come on! Now we have a way to get there.
The trio walk down a long hallway with Build following the map that Mary sent him on his phone. They kept walking with their guard then Spider-Woman immediately sense something then stop both Black Cat and Build.
Black Cat: What now?
Spider-Woman: Carful. There might be traps.
Build: Let's find out.
He took out a remote control car which the two ladies wonder where was he keeping that. He place it down and use a controller to drive the car through the hall.
Then the car trip something which cost pumpkin bombs to fall from the sky and blow up.
Spider-Woman: Pumpkin bombs. Looks like Green Goblin might be here.
Black Cat: Looks like it. If I have to take a guess, the further we go, the more traps there might be.
Spider-Woman: Then that means we have to be carful.
Black Cat: (smirk) Good thing you have your spidy sense.
Spider-Woman: Let's just keep moving.
They kept moving down the hall and soon they arrive at twin doors which they have to go through. They open them and walk through a large laboratory.
They walk through the room while being on a guard for any traps. Spider-Woman focus but then begins to feel dizzy. She grab her head then grab to her knees which Build turn to her and rush over.
Build: You okay?
Spider-Woman: I don't know....i feel.....tired.
Then she falls unconscious then Black Cat also feels it as she soon lays down and soon falls unconscious. Build use his helmet to scan the room and sees that the room is filled with sleeping gas.
Build: Seems like he fill this room with sleeping gas.
???: Indeed and now your two allies are laying unconscious!
He then looks over to see the Green Goblin across from him.
Green Goblin: It is a good thing we both are wearing helmets. Otherwise it will be boring.
Build: I guess you wanted us away from those files.
Green Goblin: Correct! Here is your prize!
He then throws pumpkin bombs towards Build so he quickly insert his full bottle and spin the handle around.
Build driver: Are you ready?
Build: Build up!
Build driver: (Funky music)
Build sucks in the pumpkin bombs then once gone Green Goblin throws his blades towards him. He also sucks them as well. Then he charges towards Green Goblin and he throws a kick a him.
Green Goblin dodges his kick then pulls out a blade and then slash at him. Build stumble backwards onky for Green Goblin to try to charge at him. Build leaps up and double kicks him in the chest, sending him back.
He slammed against the wall while Build pulls out his Gorilla full bottle, replacing his rabbit full bottle and puts it in then spies the handle.
Build driver: Are you ready?
Green Goblin charges towards Build and swing his blade at him but Build kept dodging his swings until he was pinned against the wall.
Build: Build up!
Green Goblin was about to stap him until Build lifted up his arm and just in time his Gorilla arm appeared and he block his strike then a kicked him back once again.
Build driver: (Funky music)
He then slammed his Gorilla fist onto the ground, sending out debris into the air and then he use his sounjiki arm to blow the debris towards Green Goblin which hits him.
Green Goblin stumbles backwards and he slammed into the table. He take deep breaths as he looks at Build then tells him.
Green Goblin: You are good. Very good. Not to mention clover. I wished you could join me Build. We both can work very well together. But unfortunately......I have to kill you. God speed Build.
Suddenly a wall behind Build burst and Green Goblin glitter came out with blades sticking out. Build was about to be stabbed when he turn around and use his Gorilla arm to smash it.
The glitter is completely destroyed as Build turn to Green Goblin which he was stunned.
Green Goblin: Well that plan didn't go through. Oh well, plan B.
He throws a pumpkin bomb towards Black Cat and Spider-Woman so Build rushes over and covers them both. There was a large explosion which Green Goblin use this opportunity to make his escape.
There was a wall od fire blocking the trio as they exit out of the room and once out both Black Cat and Spider-Woman begin to wake up.
Spider-Woman: What happen to us?
Black Cat: Sleeping gas. Guess your spidy sense didn't detected that.
Spider-Woman: Seems like it.
Build: Green Goblin was also in the room. I fought him but he pull a dirty trick by trying to kill you both with a pumpkin bomb.
Black Cat: (smirk) Well aren't you my hero.
She kiss him on the cheek while Spider-Woman gets up and turn to the room to see it destroyed.
Spider-Woman: We need another way.
Build: There is but it is along way and we don't have much time. If Green Goblin gets to the file room first then he'll delete everything. We have to get there as soon as possible.
Black Cat: Well how do we get there quickly?
Spider-Woman: Let me see the map.
Build hand her his phone and she looks at the map. Then she had a thought.
Spider-Woman: Build! Does one od you forms have any flight or webs that you can swing?
Build: Yes. Got one?
Spider-Woman: (smile) Yep.
Night Rouge tossed Mark across the hall and he slammed onro the ground. He looked beaten up as he slowly gets up only for Night Rouge to walk over and kick him in the face.
Night Rouge: Your tough. Very tough indeed. It will be ashame that I have no choice but to end you.
Mark: I rather keep on fighting!
Night Rouge: Shame.
He was about to stamp his foot onto Mark's head when webs catches Mark and he was pulled away. Night Rouge looks over and sees Silk pulling Mark away.
Mark: Spider-Woman?
Silk: Silk.
Mark: Oh.....well Silk is actually a good name.
Night Rouge stare at Silk for a moment then sees it will be a waste so he form a smoke around him and disappear within the smoke.
Mark: (gets up) Hey! Where are you going! We were just getting sta-
Mark coughs out blood and collapse on one knee which Silk help him up.
Silk: Your injured. I'll take you to the hospital.
Mark: No way!
Mark looks over and sees an emergency medical kite near so he takes it and begin to patch up his wounds.
Mark: So why are you here?
Silk: To get you and the rest. Where are they?
Mark: Mary and Gwen are away to find Build with Harry.
Silk: Harry is here?
Mark: Yep. I bet they will find them soon.
Silk: We should find them as well. If you can keep moving?
Mark: A man doesn't rest. Never gives up. Now let's go!
Silk nodes and the two head off.
We see Green Goblin at the file room and typing in the code. Once he is granted access he opens the door and walks in.
Green Goblin: Good. Now to delete some files before they get here.
???: Who would get here?
Then he sees Build in his spider and Halfbody form along with Black Cat and Spider-Woman as they stood in front of the door.
Green Goblin: How did you get in here?!
Build: Took a different route. Also next time, close your window or lock it.
Then Green Goblin noticed one of the computers is downloading information so he throws a pumpkin bomb at it but Build shoots a Web which sent it away and then blows open a hole.
Seconds later a few Guardian came through the hole and begin to open fire at the trio. The three get to cover while Green Goblin calls in his second glitter that fly through the hole.
Green Goblin climbs on and turns towards the computer and was about to fire at it. Immediately Build shoots a Web at his helmet, blinding him as Build charges forward, freeze up yhe Guardians then tackle Green Goblin off the building.
They strike a few punches until they crash through another building and land hard onto the ground. Build and Green Goblin stood up and they look at each other.
Green Goblin: Round 2 then huh Build? This time....I'm not gonna hold back.
Build: If Spider-man can beat you within a few hours. Wonder how long till I beat you.
Green Goblin: You'll beginning to sound like him. No matter, I will hear your screams!
Then Green Goblin charges towards him while Build gets ready as he battles the Green Goblin for the second time.
To be continued.....................................................
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