Chapter 8: The Oscorp Heist (Arc 2)

Mark, Mary and Gwen walk down a dark hallway so dark in fact Mary pull out glow sticks and hand one to Mark and Gwen.

Mark: (turns glow stick on) Since when do you have Glow sticks?

Mary: (turns glow stick on) I've always come prepared.

Gwen: (turns glow stick on) Even though we have light it's still creepy. There isn't anyone here.

Suddenly they heard doors open ahead of them. They quickly turn and thought it was security guards but they hear something mechanical and heavy.

Out of curiosity Mary took out another glow stick and toss it over. The glow stick land in front of whatever it was and seconds later the glow stick gets shot multiple times by bullets and soon was destroyed.

Mark: Yeah this is worse than security guards.



Gunfire rang out as Guardians open fire at them only for Spider-Woman to stuck one with her webs and sling over and punches one in the face.

One was about to fire at her when Silk tosses a bin at the Guardian and the two spiders kept fighting. Build fire his kaizoku hasher at the Guardians while Black Cat slice them up with her claws.

They kept fighting the Guardians and after a while all were destroyed. They get together and Spider-Woman ask Build.

Spider-Woman: So what is your plan? If Oscorp is working with Faust, what is your plan?

Build: We need to get to the security room and shut down all security system. But seems we might not need to do that anymore.

Black Cat: However the entrance to file room maybe locked. Perhaps there is a password or key code in order for us to go in.

Build: True.

Silk: Guess we should be get going then.

Black Cat: Us? You two are joining us?

Spider-Woman: Seeing what these robots are capable of. They could be even more dangerous if working with the likes of Faust.

Silk: So we wanna help. If you don't mind?

Build: It be a good idea. Besides Spider like powers would give us an advantage.

Spider-Woman: (smile) Agree.

Y/n: I bet our other team could be in trouble. Silk will you go and find them.

Silk nodes and heads out to find them while the trio head off deeper to the facility.


Mark, Gwen and Mary hide within an office with Mark at the door. They keep quiet as Mark slightly open the door and sees a massive Guardian standing in the middle of the hallway scanning for anyone.

The Hard Guardian walks up to an office door then use its claws to break down the door and step inside. Mark sees this and closes the door and singal the two that the Hard Guardian is checking the offices.

They panic a little as the Hard Guardian step out then goes to the next. They try to find a place to hide but there was nowhere to hide.

They sat there, listening as the Hard Guardian gets closer and closer. Soon it was right next of them but luckily it gone to the office across of them.

Mary had an idea and open a door slightly and after sewing the Hard Guardian inside and looking around, not facing towards them.

She singal them to get out and they did. They hide to a room that the hard Guardian have already checked and watch as the Hard Guardian go into the room they were in and burst it open.

They breath a sigh of relief as the Hard Guardian looks inside. After seeing no one inside he make his leave. Mary lead them out as they go the opposite way to the Hard Guardian.

Mark turns around to check and after seeing the Hard Guardian leaving he turns back only to knock over a table with a pot on it.

Gwen and Mary turn around and grind their teeths in panic as the pot dances around the table as they beg for the pot to not fall.

The pot was close to the edge and they panic even more and then it fell. But quick Mark catches the pot before I can hit the ground.

The two girls sigh in relief once more so does Mark. Then a small table fell and hits Mark on the head.

Mark: Ow!

The Hard Guardian turns around and spotted Mark on the distances.

Mary and Gwen: MARK!

Mark: Sorry!

Mark quickly gets up and throws a pot at the Hard Guardian but it wasn't phase and then aims its heavy machine gun at him. Gwen pulled him over as the Hard Guardian open fire at the trio.

They begin to make a run for it while Hard Guardian chases after them.

They ran through the halls with the Hard Guardian chasing behind them. They turn corners and drop things just to slow the Hard Guardian down.

It sorta works and they were in enough distances to quickly hide in the closes room they see and close the door behind them.

They sat down with their mouths covered as the Hard Guardian runs up near to the room they were in. It begins to scan around while the trio are completely silent.

The Hard Guardian turn to the room they were in and was to burst it open when a noise gets its attention. Then he heads towards it and after they couldn't hear his steps they breath a most satisfy sigh they have ever made.

Gwen: I don't know what's worse. Being chased by a serial killer or a gaint robot.

Mark: Good thing it's not both.

Mary: Hey, we're here.

They noticed they were in the security room as they get up and approach the turned off monitors.

Mary: Looks like someone turn them off.

Gwen: Must be Y/n and Black Cat.

Mark: I don't think it's them.

Mary: (turn to Mark) What make you say-

The girls were silent when they see what Mark is seeing which were two dead bodies of the security guards. They have holes on theie chests meaning they were shot.

Gwen: (shocked) Crap. This is not good.

Mark: Yeah I may think someone else is here.

Mary: Then we need to find Build and tell him.

Gwen: But how? This place is like a maze. It will take us forever to find him and Black Cat.

Mary turns to the monitors then she types into the keyboard and gets them on.

Mark: Hey I thought we were suppose to turn the security system off?

Mary: Just the cameras. Besides the cameras might be useful for us. We can navigate Build and Black Cat around the facility and gets to the fil room quicker.

Gwen: Smart idea.

The monitors came back on and while some of the cameras aren't working, most of the cameras are still working. They spotted Build and Black Cat at the break room along with Spider-Woman.

Mark: Is that Spider-man?

Gwen: No that's Spider-Woman. How can you not tell the difference?

Mark: Hey I've been kidnapped for a long time! How was I suppose to know he had a sidekick.

Mary: The correct term is partner.

Mark: Really? Huh.

Gwen: So how can we contact them from here?

Mary: Let me try something.

She then move the camera at the break room in hopes they noticed. After what seems like a long time, Black Cat noticed the camera and points it out to the two which they look over and noticed it.

Spider-Woman was about yo destroy it but Build stop her.

Mary: Yes! They know we're I here. Mark, see is there is a map to this facility.

Mark looks around then finally finds it. He heads over and place it onto the table and opens if.

Mark: According to this map, the file room is at top of the facility. They need to head up, take a right and then keep going straight and they can see it up ahead.

Gwen: I got this.

She walks over, took a picture then sent Build a text including the directions they needed to go. She then sent it and they watch as Build pulls up his phone, sees the message and they left, Build gives them a thumps up and they head off.

Mary: (smirk) Looks like we did our jobs.

Gwen: What now?

Mark: I'll say we meet up with them and get any information we need and get out of here.

Mary: Right. Let's go.

Mary turns off the monitors then step out of the security room and walks down the halls. They turn a corner only to be blasted by light of a flash light.

They thought they are caught by Guardian then the person walks up to reavl it to be Harry.

Harry: Mark? Gwen and Mary? What on earth are you three doing here?! You three shouldn't be here.

Mark: Harry?! Why are you here?

Harry: My father hasn't come home. I figure he came here to work so I came to check up on him. But he's not fact, no one isn't here. What's going on?

Mary: It maybe best you get out of here.

Harry: I'm not leaving until I know what is going on here.

???: I suggest you listen to them.

Then they turn around to see Night Rouge standing across from them. He then aim his Transteam gun at them when Mark rushes over while shaking his dragon full bottle and lands a punch at Night Rouge.

Night Rouge take a few steps back while Mark tells the three.

Mark: Go! Find Build and the rest! I'll take on this guy.

Harry: Wait Build is here?

Gwen: We'll explain but for now let's go!

They make a run for it while Mark puts his fist up at Night Rouge as he stare at Mark.

Mark: You remember me asshole?

Night Rouge: Indeed. I could never forget the one who escape. You are impressive.

Mark: I'm going to make you pay for kidnapping me and use me as a lab rat!

He shake his full bottle which cost his fist to burst into blow flames as Mark stare intensely at Night Rouge.

Mark: Bring it punk!

Night Rouge: (aims his Transteam gun at Mark) You first, Mark.

To be continued................................................

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