Chapter 2: The mysterious organisation

(2 weeks ago)

Everything was dark for Mark as we see him laying in what seems like darkness. He lays there until he suddenly wakes up with a yell and tries to get out but a group of masked men pulled him down.

Soon the area around him changes and revealing to what seems like a laboratory where he find himself within a pod filled with mysterious chemicals.

The group of scientists try to pull him down but Mark soon breaks free. He pushes the scientists and leaps out of the pod and begins to battle the scientists. He fought them and soon they were taking down.

In a panic he quickly runs through twin doors and run down the hallway. He keeps running and running trying to find a way out. He can hear screams from different rooms and begging as Mark continues running until he made it out.

Guards try to stop him but in a stage of panic he overpowers them, goes over the fence and makes a run for it. Gunfire can be hard behind him as he keeps running and running and running as fast as he could. He doesn't turn away and just keep on running to somewhere so he can be safe.


(Present day)

We see a small coffee in a small alleyway where we see Gwen sitting down on the table and looking around. She glance over Mark who is still unconscious and then noticed some rules above Mark which at first was normal until she noticed the last one said" Never let the owner make coffee!"

At first she was a bit confuse when the owner came over and set his coffee in front of her.

???: Here you go. I bet you may need something to drink.

Gwen: Oh thanks.

She takes a drink and immediately spits it out as she funds its terrible.

Gwen: Gross! What is in that tea?

???: Yeah Y/n and my daughter told me to never to make tea.

Gwen: That would explain about the set of rules.

Soichi: Indeed. Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Soichi Isurugi, I'm the owner of the Nascita.

Gwen: Names Gwen Stacy but I bet you know my father.

Soichi: (smile) Ah yes I do. So I bet you have a lot of questions.

Gwen: Yeah like a lot. I'm just waiting for-

Suddenly there was a very loud noise which cost Mark to wake up and spring up. He look around and turn to see the two and he quickly demands to know.

Mark: Who are you people!? Where am I? Where have you taking me?!

Soichi: Easy now, your safe. (Walks over to Mark and hand him a cup of tea) Here, have this.

Mark takes it and before Gwen would warn him he takes a drink and immediately spits it out.

Mark: The hell is this?! Are you trying to kill me?!

Soichi: (chuckle) That's why the last customer ask me. Welp, time to see what Y/n is up to.

Soichi heads over to the fridge, he opens the fridge and climbs through. Shocked the two walk over and see stairs that go deeper.

They go down and soon they made it down and they are amazed to see a massive laboratory along with a large machine which the doors open and a young teenager girl step out and walk pass Soichi.

Soichi: (smile) That's my daughter Misora.

Gwen: Cool. Hey there.

She walks pass them and drops onto the bed and falls asleep.

Mark: Well she's a friendly one.

Y/n: Perfect!

They turn to see Y/n looking at a new fullbottle which cost a singal hair to spring up.

Y/n: (smile) I can't wait to see which fullbottles is a best match!

Mark: Hey!

Y/n looks over to see Mark and Gwen which he walk over and said.

Y/n: I see you are awake Mark. (Gives Mark a banana) Here, this would help.

Mark: Oh thanks- Wait hang on a minute here! What the hexk is going on here and what is this place?!

Gwen: Yeah and a lot of questions that we want answered.

Y/n: both have questions. Where to start?

Soichi: we should start by the Smash.

Y/n: Ah yes. Well you see those monsters you saw are called Smash. Humans that were turn into Smash by this mysterious organisation.

Gwen: Huh any idea who they are?

Y/n: Not sure but however they have been kidnapping people and turning them into Smash. Whenever a Smash appears I battle them and once defeated I take their essences and use that machine to turn them into Fullbottles.

Soichi: (smile) With Misora's help. She has an ability to turn blank Fullbottles into Fullbottles like Rabbit, Tank and our new one Gorilla.

Gwen: Huh well that seems to check out.

Y/n: We never been successful of getting someone from this organisation until now. Mark since you escape from wherever they are, how's about you tell us what happen. Tell us from the start.

Mark: Okay then.

He closes his eyes for a moment and then he begins to tell his story.

Mark: Chapter 1: My birth. I was born with great health with lovely parents and-


Mark: Ow!

Y/n hits Mark with a newspaper which cost Mark to step back while Y/n tells him.

Y/n: I meant by how you got kidnapped in the first place! Not your whole back story!

Mark: How was I suppose to know!? Fine! Okay. I was just walking home from school like any other teenage would do when suddenly there was this fog and I was suddenly knocked out from behind. Next thing I know....I woke up in a cell with these robots and I was taking to do these experiments. I wasn't sure how long I was gone but it felt like forever. Eventually I escape and...guess I must have stumble apon you two before I passed out.

Y/n: Robots Huh. Well this is interesting. However they are they must be using robots as their army. If only we can know more.

Soichi: Um guys, you might want to see this.

They turn to Soichi looking at the TV which they came over and sees that a shopping mall is under attack. Y/n immediately springs into action and climbs up the steps and rushes to the scene.

Gwen: You think he'll be fine.

Soichi: (smile) Sure he will, have some faith. I make more coffee if that would-

Mark and Gwen: No thank you!


Y/n arrives on the scene and once there he rush through the entrance and find himself on the second floor and looks down to sees a Burn Smash attacking people and shooting out flames everywhere.

Y/n: Looks like this is the job for the genius hero.

Build driver: Rabbit! Tank! Best match! Are you ready?

Y/n: Henshin!

Build driver: (Techno Rock music) Hagane No Moonsault! RabbitTank! Yeah!

Build leaps down towards Burn Smash as he was about to burn two people when Build lands in front of them and swing his drill crusher which cost Burn Smash to stumble backwards.

This give two civilians to flee while Build fights Burn Smash. Burn Smash shoots flames at Build but he dodges his attacks and then changed his drill crusher from sword to gun.

He fire a few shots at Burn Smash and then rush up and strike a kick at Burn Smash. Burn Smash stumble backwards and then begins to shoot flames at Build which he continues to dodge it.

He then leaps up back onto the second floor and once on the second floor he breaths a sigh and looks down to see it will be hard for him to land attack if he continues to shoot fire at him.

Build: Hm let's see what I can come up with.

He pull out both Diamond Fullbottle and Gorilla Fullbottle and then he test them out. He insert two Fullbottles into his Build driver.

Build driver: Gorilla! Diamond! Best match!

Build: Best Match?! Yyyyyeeeessss!

He then spins the lever around and around until he stop.

Build driver: Are you ready?

Build: Build up!

Build driver: (Tropical Rock music) Kagayaki no destroyer! GorillaMond! Yeah!

Build leaps back down and once on the ground snd rushes towards Burn Smahs. He shoots fire at Build but he lifted up his diamond arm and summon a large Diamond shield to block the flames.

He gets close and uses his Gorilla arm to punch Burn Smash across the room. Burn Smash crashes into the wall but leaps out and shoot out flames but Build summons a large Diamond shield to block it.

He then pushes the Diamond shield towards Burn Smash which he gets hit. Burn Smash rushes at Build and the two fought but Build gets the upper hand and kicks Burn Smash and then begins to turns the lever around while Burn Smash gets up.

Build driver: Ready, go! Vortex finish!

He then creates a massive Diamond in front of him and then he pulled back hid Gorilla arm and strikes a powerful blow that shatter the Diamonds into pieces and they were launch towards Burn Smash which he gets it and then he falls onto the ground and blows up.

Build: I'm such a genius.

He walks over and pulled out a empty Fullbottle and captures the Smash essences. Once that is done he was about to leave when he heard.

???: So your the one that is been destroying my Smash.

He quickly turn to see a smoke but there was a figure and soon the smoke fates away to reveal what looks like a bat kamen rider.

Build: Indeed and who are you?

Night Rogue: I am Night Rogue, leader of Faust.

Build: Faust Huh? I suppose your response of turning these people into Smash right?

Night Rogue: That is correct.

Build: If that's the case then why are you doing this?

Night Rogue: Simply put.....changing the world to my liking.

Build: What do you mean by that?

Night Rogue: This world is fill with cruelty, suffering and disorder. The hero's are just sucking up to the government and haven't done anything to help those who are truly suffering.

Build: By what? Turning people into Smash against their free will.

Night Rogue: Sacrifices has to be made in order to change the world. If you continue to ruining my plans....then you will be my enemy.

Build: That's fine by me.

Night Rogue: Very well then. This is not the last time we see each other. We will meet again.

Then he gets consumed by the smoke and seconds later the smoke clears up and he was gone. Build dehenshin and he quickly make his leave before the police will show up.

Little did he know a card from the Nascita was dropped and then someone came over and picked it up.

To be continued.....................................................

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