Chapter 10: The Oscorp Heist (Arc 4 final)
Both Mark and Silk climb up the steps with Silk helping him due to his injuries. He kept climbing up the steps when suddenly there was a large explosion which shook the building a bit.
Mark: That did not sound good.
Silk: We gonna find them fast.
Mark: Right.
They keep walking up the steps and soon open the door only to see Black Cat and Spider-Woman rushing towards them.
Silk: Where's Build?
Spider-Woman: Fighting the Green Goblin.
Mark: And the files?
Spider-Woman pulls out the chip and hands it over to Mark. He takes I ans store it into his pocket then Black Cat ask him.
Black Cat: Where are the girls?
Mark: Not sure. We are just looking for them before we ,etc you two.
Spider-Woman: They have to be somewhere.
Silk: We need to find then quick and get out of here.
Spider-Woman: Agree and help out Build with Green Goblin, come on!
They all head off to find them before something bad would to happen to them.
Green Goblin flies around the lavatory with his glider while throwing pumpkin bombs as Build. Build avoids the pumpkin bombs. He leaps over desks and freezing up pumpkin bombs with his fridge arm.
He then shoots a Web at Green Goblin at his face then pulled him off of his glider. He slammed onto the ground then Build rushes towards him and goes to throw a punch but Green Goblin dodges his fist and then kicked him in the stomach.
Build slides back until he slammed into a metal bar that is holding the walks above him. Then Green Goblin pulls knives then throws them towards Build.
Build quickly freezes them into ice then he use the frozen floor to slide towards Green Goblin. He then Web swings and then swing kicks Green Goblin in the face.
It sent him flying back and crashed through two walls. He slide into another massive lab which he quickly pulls out a pumpkin bomb and throws it into thr room where Build is in and then it exploded.
Green Goblin: (gets up) It is a shame that your not Spider-man otherwise I would enjoy this even more. How's about you go back to building something than being a hero!
Build driver: Gorilla! Rocket! Are you ready? (Funky music)
Build flies through the burning hole and strikes a Gorilla punch at Green Goblin. He flipped around while flying and then crashed into some monitors while Build lands on his feet.
Green Goblin quickly jumps back up and then launches himself towards Build. Build use his Gorilla arm to block his incoming punch then he use his rocket arm to upper cut him in the face.
It sent him flying up into the air and then he cam back down only for Build to strike him with a Gorilla punch. Green Goblin slammed into the wall but he gets up and is starting to get mad.
Green Goblin: Your starting to piss me off!
Build: Sorry? Want this fight to be easy?
Green Goblin gets even more mad so he pushes a button and his glider came out of the hole and fly over to Green Goblin. Green Goblin jumps on and he begins shooting missiles at Build.
Build avoids the incoming missiles by using his missile arm to fly around the lab. Green Goblin kept shooting missiles at him while he is flying around. Then suddenly Harry, Gwen and Mary burst through the door on the upper floor and sees Build and Green Goblins fight.
Build also spotted them then suddenly one missile flies over then exploded near them. It not Harry and Mary away but Gwen flies off and fells off.
Mary: Gwen!
She was about too hit the ground when Build flies over and catches Gwen. He slide the floor and once he stopped he check on Gwen and she is fine.
Gwen: Thanks for that.
Build: Maybe stay away from edges while a battle is going on.
Gwen: Copy that.
Green Goblin: What is this? Can she be your lover?
Green Goblin flies in front of them while Build tells Green Goblin.
Build: You jealous that you don't have a lover?
Green Goblin: The only thing I love is your death!
He throws pumpkin bombs at Build but he catches one then returns it back to Green Goblin. He then leaps up and kicks away the other pumpkin bombs as he then boost over and punches Green Goblin in the face.
Green Goblin flies off of his glider and hits the ground. Then Build turn the handle of his Build driver and once done he boost towards Green Goblin.
Build driver: Ready, go! Vortex attack!
He then landed a powerful punch at Green Goblin and he was sent flying and then he crashed into a wall and then collapse onto the floor.
His suit is completely damaged to the point that none of his gadgets don't work. He slowly gets up while his helmet is taking off and he looks at Build. Everyone can see it's Norman which shocked Harry.
Build: Not gonna lie it make sense due to the suit, gadgets and gliders seem too expensive for just a super villain unless they are rich.
Norman: (chuckle) Your smart. So what now? You'll kill me?
Build: That's not what I do. But what I want is answers.
Norman: Answers?
Build: Many years ago Oscorp funding Faust, the old Faust before they were shut down and disbite being shut down the New Faust are using your companies tech. I want to know is what Faust plan? Why are you helping them?
Norman: (smirk) Is that why you broke in here? Just to see our plan? Hahaha! Fool! Our plan will ensure a change apon the world.
Build: What do you mean by that?
Then Norman slowly gets up then stumble pass Build and stood above the skylights which he turn to Build then goes on to tell him.
Norman: (smirk) There are more secrets that you may not know. You don't know but I do. He told me and he promised that I will be apart of his plans.
Build: What plan is it? Tell me?
Norman: (smirk) If you wanna know? Then look through the files you stole. They may answer a few of your questions.....but also.....gave you more questions.
He begins to laugh when suddenly a missile came down and there was a large explosion.
Harry: Dad!
Build looks up to see Night Rouge on the skylight as he look down at Build and then he walked away. Seconds later Mark, Spider-Woman, Silk and Black Cat burst in only to see the aftermath.
Harry was sadden of his father's lost while Mary place a comfort hand on his shoulder. Soon everyone is gathered outside od the company with the police and ambulance arrive to to clean up the mess.
Harry sat down while the rest stood around him with comfort then Harry finally spoke.
Harry: Just want to say I'm sorry about about my father done. I didn't know he was-
Mary: It's okay.
Harry then looks over at Build then ask him.
Harry: I know this might be a wild guess but since you know Mark, Gwen and Mary, you must be Y/n, right?
Build: Yeah. Sorry for this secret and breaking into your father's company.
Harry: No its alright. I know you all did it just to try to uncover some truth on what is going on. Especially with that bat man like figure.
Mark: That was Night Rouge. He's a leader of Faust.
Harry: Night Rouge? He's more like a bat but can't argue with his name. So what happens now?
Build: We'll take the files we downloaded and see what we can find.
Harry: Right. I can also help by looking through my father's things. Maybe there is more information that I can find.
Gwen: You sure? It might be dangerous.
Harry: Night Rouge just killed my father. I want to make hij pay. If by helping you guys out then so be it.
Build: Right. Stay safe Harry.
Harry: (small smile) Same to you guys.
Build and Harry fist pump and once that they left. While walking Spider-Woman and Silk tells them.
Spider-Woman: Guess we leave you guys do yoru own investigation while we do our jobs.
Build: Thanks for the help you two.
Spider-Woman: (smile) Anytime. If you need help, contact us.
Silk: Take care.
The two then swings off while Builf turns to Black Cat.
Build: Aren't you not going?
Black Cat: (smirk) I still remember the deal we have.
Build: True. For now let's just head back to base.
Mary: Agree. Doing a night mission is tiresome.
Gwem: You and me both.
They walk off as the group make their way back to base to rest up for the night.
At a base in a unknown location we see Night Rouge looking through the window of a massive factory going on when the door opens and Norman walks through.
Norman: Honestly did you have to shoot a missile at me? Seems kinda extreme.
Night Rouge: Your alive at least.
Norman: I suppose so.
Norman walks up next to night Rouge over seeing their guardian robots being made while Norman ask him.
Norman: They are a few steps closer of uncovering our plan.
Night Rouge: Do not worry. Once they figure it out, it will all be too late.
Norman: So what is our next phase of the plan?
Night Rouge: We need to gather some allies. I figure out one allie that would be extremely useful.
Then Night Rouge shows a photo to Norman which Norman have a concern look then ask him.
Norman: You sure he can help us? I don't really think he'll be willing to listen to us.
Night Rouge: True however I have a plan that we can make him as our allie.
Norman: Hope so otherwise he can also a massive problem to us and to the plan.
Night Rouge: Perhaps but if we play our cards right he'll be our allies for sure. For now we must stall Build as must we can until the time is right that we will have him as our greatest allie. Once he is one of us, Faust will ensure absolute victory!
Norman smirks while he glance over the window of all he Guardian robots being made soon be stored into containers and being shipped off everywhere in the world.
To be continued............................................
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