meeting grandpa (pt 2)
*Part two of Devi and Ivy meet Kamala's dad for the first time. Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy and send suggestions! Love • Bree 🥰*
Devi happily runs over to the front door, while Kamala, Doug and Ivy all walk behind him.
"Devi, no running please! Don't run!" Kamala says as Doug chuckles as Devi runs even faster.
Devi giggles at his parents and little sister as he dances around in excitement, excited to see everyone,
"Devi, stand with Mama and Ivy while I open the door, okay?" Doug asks Devi nicely and Devi nods.
"Okay!" Devi says as he stands with Kamala and Ivy, holding Kamala's hand.
Doug opens the front door and sees Meena standing on the porch with Maya and Donald standing off the porch.
"Doesn't Doug and Kamala keep a nice little garden, Dad? It's so cute." Maya says to Donald and Donald smiles.
"And look at their Mezuzah! They made this one!" Meena says with a grin.
Doug smiles at his in-laws and opens then opens the screen door.
"Hello hello hello! Welcome! Welcome! Come on in! Make yourselves at home!" Doug says as he hugs Meena before helping Maya with Donald, making sure he doesn't fall coming inside.
"I can walk, Maya!" Donald says a little sternly, annoyed with all of the help.
"I know Dad, but I wanna make sure you don't fall. These steps are steep." Maya says with a sigh.
"Grandpa, we just want you coming back to California in one piece that's all!" Meena says playfully to her grandfather.
Donald sighs before nodding his head.
"You're right." Donald says while accepting his fate.
"MEEEENAAA!" Devi says happily as he runs to give his cousin a hug!
"Hey, kiddo! Hey!" Meena says with a smile as she picks him up and hugs him tightly.
"Hii!" Devi says as he gives Meena a kiss.
"How are you, buddy? You are getting so heavy!" Meena says as she playfully grunts and Devi laughs at her.
"I want my hug too when we go inside, Devi!" Maya says as she playfully pinches Devi's cheek, causing Devi to giggle loudly.
Meena, Devi, Doug, Donald and Maya all walk in the house together and Kamala and Ivy both smile at everyone.
"Dad?" Kamala says with a smile as she walks over to Donald with Ivy holding her hand,
"Hello, my sweet Kamala. It is so good to see you." Donald says as he kisses Kamala before giving her a tight hug.
"It is so good to see you Dad. Welcome to the Navy Observatory!" Kamala says with a big grin.
"It is such a beautiful home. I am so proud of you, Kamala. You are doing a wonderful job." Donald says as Kamala smiles.
"Thank you, Dad." Kamala says, hugging and kissing Donald again.
Meena puts Devi down before Devi runs over to greet Maya.
"AUNTIE!" Devi yells as he hugs Maya's legs tightly.
"Hi, cutie pie! Hi! You have gotten so tall! When did that happen?" Maya says as she hugs and kisses Devi.
Devi playfully shrugs his shoulders at Maya and giggles.
"Ivy! There you are! Can I have a hug, baby girl?" Meena says as she bends down to Ivy's level.
"Mee Mee!" Ivy says happily as she gives her cousin a hug.
"Awww! Thank you! Amara and Leela said they can't wait to see you the next time they visit! You love my girls, don't you?" Meena asks the thirteen month old.
"Ya!" Ivy says with a smile at Meena.
"Ivy! Hi, pretty girl!" Maya says as she begins to give Ivy lots of kisses.
Ivy giggles and smiles at Maya, happy to see her Auntie!
"Aww, your shirt! You are a Daddy's girl, huh!" Maya says to Ivy as she kisses Ivy again.
"Oh she totally is! Always wants to be held by Doug!" Kamala says as she, Maya and Meena all giggle and awe at Ivy snd Doug's relationship.
"Let's all sit in the living room and catch up!" Doug says to everyone.
Doug and Maya stay close to Donald while Kamala and Meena hold Ivy and Devi's hands.
After the adults sit down, Devi and Ivy crawl onto the couch too with the latter sitting in Doug's lap.
"Wait a minute. Kamala? I suppose these two little ones are my grandchildren?" Donald asks with a shocked look in his eyes.
"Yes, yes they are, Dad!" Kamala says with a big smile at Donald.
"This is our son Devi and this is our daughter Ivy!" Doug says proudly as Ivy looks at Donald, curiously on who this man is.
Devi looks at Donald as well, trying to figure out what to do next.
"How old are they?" Donald asks Doug and Kamala.
"Devi just turned two last month and Ivy is a year old as of July!" Kamala says with a smile.
"They are growing up so fast!" Doug says as he holds Ivy close and Ivy giggles.
"They sure are!" Meena says, quickly reminiscing on when Devi and Ivy were born and now they are toddlers.
"It took her long enough to have some babies, huh?" Maya says playfully to Donald, causing everyone to chuckle loudly.
"That's okay. It happened when it was suppose to happen, right Kam?" Donald says as Kamala smiles, holding her Dad's hand tightly.
"Right, Dad. And I agree with that 100%! I feel like Mommy is the reason they are here." Kamala says as Donald nods with a smile.
"I am sure. Your mother loved being a grandmother and she knew you would be a great mother if you wanted to be one. These two are lucky to have you as a mom." Donald says as Kamala smiles.
"Devi, Ivy, this is Grandpa! This is Mommy's dad!" Doug says as Devi happily waves and Ivy continues to look at Donald.
"Hiii!" Devi says as he waves again.
"Hello! You are Devi. You know, that's your mother's middle name." Donald says as Devi ooos.
"Aww, Ivy is being shy!" Meena says with a giggle.
"Ivy, you don't have to be shy, baby!" Maya says as Ivy holds onto Doug.
"She's a Daddy's girl." Doug says as he kisses his daughter on the head, causing Ivy to smile.
"Hello, Ivy. You look so much like your late grandmother." Donald says softly to Ivy and Ivy looks at him again.
"Kam and I agree with that! She's Mommy's twin!" Maya says with a grin.
"She really is. I've seen it so much more since she's gotten older." Kamala says as she fixes Ivy's shirt.
Devi climbs off the couch and walks over to Donald.
"Grandpa!" Devi says with excitement.
"Yes, that's Grandpa!" Meena says with a cheeky grin.
Devi then carefully climbs onto his grandpa's lap, giving him a hug.
"Aww, that's so sweet Devi." Maya says to Devi as she looks at she big sister.
Kamala smiles, trying to not to tear up at the special moment she thought she would never see happen.
Donald hugs Devi back, holding him close in his arms.
"Oooooo!" Ivy says as she gets off Doug's lap and Maya puts her on her grandpa's lap too.
"We need to get a picture of this special moment!" Doug says with a big smile.
"Yes! Let's get a quick picture! Meena, stand behind Grandpa!" Maya says as Meena smiles.
Meena stands behind Donald as Maya, Doug and Kamala take many pictures.
"We are just missing Cole, Ella and baby Hudson for the picture!" Kamala says with a smile.
"Kamala is a grandma now, Dad!" Maya says to Donald with a cheeky grin.
"Yeah, she's a young grandma like my mom. Now she's old." Meena says playfully to Donald.
"Hey! I'm not that old!" Maya says with sass to her daughter.
"Me either!" Kamala says playfully to Meena and Maya.
"We aren't that old, Meena!" Doug says playfully to Meena and Maya as well.
Kamala grabs a picture and shows it to Donald. The picture is a group one of Cole, Hudson, Greenley and Ella from Devi and Ivy's birthday party.
"Dad, this is Doug and I's grandson, Hudson! This is Ella! This is Cole and his fiancée Greenley!" Kamala says proudly, showing Donald the picture of Hudson.
"Oh my gosh that picture is so cute!" Meena says as she looks at the picture of Hudson.
"That baby boy is always smiling!" Maya says as she looks at the picture as well.
"Always! He's crawling now, so poor Cole had to child proof some things. Adventures in parenting, right?" Doug says while shaking his head.
"Where are Cole, Ella, Hudson and..." Donald says not remembering Cole's fiancée's name.
"And Greenley?" Kamala asks Donald and Donald nods.
"Yes, where are they?" Donald asks Kamala and Doug.
"Cole, Greenley and Hudson all live in California while Ella lives in New York." Kamala explains and Doug nods in agreement.
"Sissy!" Devi says as he points at a picture of Ella.
"Yeah! That's Ella, your big sister!" Doug says with a smile.
"Ella clowthes!" Devi says with a grin.
"Ella does make clothes! She makes you, Ivy, Amara and Leela lots of cute things!" Kamala says to Devi.
"Oh my gosh the girls love their dresses Ella made them!" Meena says to Kamala and Doug.
"I'm sure she is making more clothes for the kids for Christmas!" Doug says to Meena.
"You talk very well, young man." Donald says as Devi giggles.
"He sure does! Ivy does too, she's just more shy, right princess?" Kamala says as Ivy nods her head as she looks up at Donald.
"Look at you, Dad. Holding two kids in your lap again! Just like me and Kam." Maya says as Kamala giggles.
"These two aren't wiggle worms like you two were!" Donald says with a smile.
"Oh, they can be! Trust me!" Kamala says with a chuckle.
"Ba ba!" Ivy says pointing to Hudson on the picture.
"That's baby Hudson, that's right!" Kamala says in a babyfied voice.
"I was hoping they could fly in to see you but they couldn't due to work and Hudson having a cold." Doug says to Donald and Donald nods.
"We are going to fly home for Thanksgiving Christmas so we can all get together, Dad!" Kamala says happily.
"I don't recall meeting them so I'd love to meet them again." Donald says trying to remember if he met Cole and Ella.
"You met them before Kam and Doug's wedding I think! That was a long time ago, they are adults now!" Kamala says playfully and Donald laughs,
"Yes! And meet your great grandbaby!" Maya says to Donald with a big smile.
"Hudson sick?" Devi asks with a sad look on his face.
"He had a little cold! But he is feeling better now!" Doug says to Devi.
"A baby cold is the worst!" Maya says with a frown.
"Thankfully it wasn't too bad." Doug says as he takes another picture of Devi, Donald and Ivy.
Ivy begins to grab at Donald's glasses, causing everyone to laugh.
"Ivy, no no baby. Grandpa needs his glasses to see." Kamala says as Ivy continues to try to grab them.
"Independent and a little stubborn just like her mother." Donald says as he smiles at Kamala.
"I'm not that stubborn, am I?" Kamala asks her dad curiously.
"Maybe..." Maya says playfully.
"You're supposed to be on my side!" Kamala says while shaking her head.
"You both are!" Meena says playfully to her mom and auntie.
"Oh, you too!" Maya says playfully back to her daughter.
"Wonder where you learned how to be stubborn?" Doug asks out loud.
"Hey!" Meena says as Donald chuckles.
Devi and Ivy both giggle too and smile at Donald. Ivy then grabs at Donald's glasses and manages to take them off of him.
"Ivy Shyamala! No no! Those aren't yours, baby." Kamala says, causing Ivy to fuss loudly.
"Leave my granddaughter alone. She's a year old so she doesn't know any better." Donald says as he gently takes his glasses back.
"Spoiled!" Meena says in a babyfied voice causing Ivy to giggle.
"I just didn't want her to break them. She almost broke Joe's glasses by accident the other day." Kamala says with a laugh.
"Pop gwasses!" Devi says with a grin.
"Yeah, Ivy almost broke Pop's glasses!" Doug says to Devi.
Donald smiles at Ivy and Ivy giggles loudly at him.
"Grandpa! Pway?" Devi asks Donald and Donald smiles.
Devi happily slides off of Donald's lap and points at his train table.
"Do you wanna show Grandpa your train table?" Kamala asks Devi and Devi nods.
"Uh huh!" Devi says with a smile as he nods his head.
"Let me bring the table over so Grandpa can see it better." Doug says as he walks over to Devi and the train table.
Ivy hugs Donald tightly and Donald hugs her back, giving her a sweet kiss.
"You're so sweet just like your cousin." Donald says as he points at Meena.
Ivy and Meena both smile at their grandpa's comment.
Doug manages to bring the train table over so everyone can play with it alongside Devi.
"Twrains!" Devi says with excitement.
"Aaaaa!" Ivy squeals with excitement.
"Yeah! The train table! Daddy is big and strong and moved it!" Kamala says while Doug huffs and puffs a little.
"I'm big but not that strong." Doug says causing Maya and Meena to bust out laughing.
Ivy and Devi begin to play with the trains while Donald talks about each train he knew about.
Maya and Kamala look at each other, in awe at the moment they thought would never happen.
"Choo choo!" Devi says as he plays with a train while Donald helps Ivy hold hers.
For the rest of the day and weekend, Doug, Kamala, Devi, Ivy, Meena, Donald and Maya all spend it happily together! :)
*Picture of Devi, Donald and Ivy all sitting together. Devi and Ivy are sitting on Donald's lap. Everyone is smiling*
kamalaharris Devi and Ivy meeting with their grandfather Donald for the first time. This was a long time coming and I'm so thankful it finally happened ❤️
*Picture of Doug, Kamala, Devi, Donald, Ivy, Maya and Meena. Donald is sitting down with Devi and Ivy in his lap. Everyone is smiling*
kamalaharris Family time is the best time 😊
*Picture of Kamala, Devi, Donald, Ivy and Doug. Devi and Ivy are sitting on Donald's lap while Kamala and Doug are standing next to them. Everyone is smiling*
douglasemhoff We had a fun weekend with @kamalaharris' father, @mayaharris and @meena!
*Video of Devi, Donald and Ivy all walking around outside together*
douglasemhoff Devi and Ivy walking their Grandpa, showing him around the Navy Observatory!
*Picture of Devi, Meena, Donald and Ivy. Meena is standing in behind Donald. Devi and Ivy are sitting on Donald's lap. Everyone is smiling*
meena Grandpa with three of his grandkids! Just missing @coleemhoff, @ellaemhoff @greenleykl and of course baby Hudson! Hopefully this holiday season we can get an updated picture!❤️
*Two pictures. The first picture is of a selfie of Ivy and Meena. The second picture is of a selfie of Devi and Meena*
meena Aren't these two the cutest? 😊😍
*Picture of Devi and Ivy sitting on Donald's lap. Donald is giving Ivy a kiss and he is hugging Devi*
meena Something we all thought would never happen: My grandpa, met his two youngest grandkids for the 1st time face to face today! ❤️❤️ We had a fun weekend with Auntie, Doug, Devi and Ivy! 😇
*Video of Ivy happily walking around and then walking to Donald*
Maya: "Go see Grandpa! Go see him!"
Ivy: "Aaaa!"
mayaharris Ivy showing her grandpa that she can walk! 😇❤️
*Picture of Kamala, Donald and Maya all standing together*
mayaharris Back together again 😊❤️
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