interview with joy reid
*Kamala and Doug do their first official interview as first time parents! Thank you so much to ReneeThornton8 for suggesting this idea! Enjoy! 💙
August 31st, 2021
Today, Doug and Kamala are going to do an exclusive interview with Joy Reid, their first ever interview since welcoming their son Devi Douglas into the world!
Joy Reid and her small team will be coming to the Naval Observatory to make it easier on Kamala and Doug!
Joy and her team are all vaccinated and tested negative for Covid which is a great thing so baby Devi can stay safe and healthy!
Kamala, Doug and Devi are all getting dressed and ready for the interview! Kamala and Doug are very excited to see Joy Reid and to talk with her!
*Kamala's outfit, Doug's outfit and Devi's outfit with gray pants. Imagine the baby Kamala is holding is Devi*
Once they are dressed and ready, Kamala, Devi and Doug come downstairs and they get ready for the interview!
*Joy smiles at Kamala, Devi and Doug as Kamala and Doug sit down and get settled in for the interview.*
Joy: "I first want to say congratulations to the both of you on your new miracle baby boy! He is beautiful and so perfect!"
*Kamala and Doug both smile at Joy, happy to see her*
Kamala and Doug: "Thank you!"
Joy: "I am so happy he is joining us during the interview! Babies are so fun and especially adorable to look at while they sleep like little angels."
Doug: "He loves to be held, especially by Kamala. He is a Mama's boy already."
Kamala: "Doug and I know everybody has been wanting to see him besides pictures so we decided to have him join us during the interview!"
*Kamala chuckles and smiles at Doug and Doug smiles back at her*
*Devi coos and wiggles a little in Kamala's arms causing Joy to awe loudly*
Doug: "Devi's first ever TV appearance and interview at three weeks old!"
*Doug, Kamala and Joy all chuckle together*
Joy: "Kamala, how are you feeling and how are you two adjusting as parents?"
Kamala: "I feel wonderful! Thank you so much for asking. I am still recovering from birth, I have another three weeks before I can get back to exercising and other rigorous activities."
Doug: "I feel fine too! Thank you!"
*Kamala and Joy both laugh as Doug giggles*
Kamala: "And I think Doug and I have adjusted pretty well at becoming parent! The first week was a huge adjustment for us since we were getting into a routine and just learning about our baby boy but Devi is such a wonderful baby. He has slept through the night since he was six days old so we have been sleeping well. I think that has helped a lot on how good we are feeling."
Picture of Kamala holding Devi on her chest is shown
*Doug nods and smiles*
Doug: "He is an easy going little guy. He loves to be held, loves to sleep and loves to eat. He doesn't cry often either. Only if he wants attention."
*Joy smiles and Kamala gasps playfully at Doug*
Kamala: "That's not true! He cries just like any other baby does!"
*Doug giggles and smiles at Kamala and Doug holds Devi's little hand for a few seconds*
Joy: "And for you Doug, what's the difference between having children in your 30's and now in your 50's?"
Doug: "It has been the same so far for me! I'm sure it will be a little different when Devi is older and is on the move. I think it's been easier this time around since I already had two children and they are adults now, so I know I did something right. Both Kamala and I are very fit people so I don't think we will have any issues keeping up with Devi."
Kamala: "Devi will probably keep us super fit actually!"
Picture of Doug sleeping on the couch with Devi on his chest is shown
*Joy, Kamala and Doug all chuckle*
Joy: "Kamala, what's it like being a first time mom?"
Kamala: "Honestly, it has been so wonderful. I am loving literally every single minute of it. Devi is such a little miracle to us and we feel so happy. And it is really nice with Doug already having two kids that he knows what to do if I don't know what to do! I'm not an baby expert despite being an auntie and a godmother!"
*Kamala and Doug both giggle and smile at each other*
Kamala: "I basically know what to do since I helped Maya when Meena was a baby but it is very different when it is your own baby that's for sure."
Joy: "It sure is! You can't return them!"
*Joy, Kamala and Doug all laugh*
Joy: "Has any family members met Devi yet?"
Kamala: "Yes, most of our our family has! My sister Maya, her husband Tony, my niece Meena, her husband Tony and my grandnieces Amara and Leela all came in town last week to visit! It was so good to see them again!"
Doug: "My mom, dad and my siblings are coming sometime in September to visit but they have met Devi and see him a lot on Zoom."
Kamala: "Barb and Mike have spoiled Devi ROTTEN!"
*Joy laughs and smiles at Kamala*
Picture of Doug and Kamala showing Devi off on Zoom
Kamala: "Doug and I are really hoping my uncle and two aunts from India can fly in for the holidays so they can meet Devi. The three of them have also met Devi through Zoom. My cousin Sharada has came over a few times to meet Devi, she is so obsessed with him!"
Doug: "I feel like everyone who meets Devi is automatically obsessed with him!"
Joy: "Oh, yes! Babies make everyone so happy and everyone gets obsessed with holding them!"
Kamala: "That is very true!"
Joy: "How did you two come up with Devi's name? Everybody has been wondering about that!"
Doug: "Kamala and I both knew we really wanted a name with a special meaning because after all he is a miracle baby at our ages. We also wanted to have his name incorporate our backgrounds."
Joy: "So his full name is?"
*Kamala and Doug both smile at each other before Kamala speaks*
Kamala: "Devi Douglas Emhoff."
Joy: "So so sweet! I already knew it I just wanted it to be said out loud!"
*Kamala and Doug both smile at Joy*
Doug: "Everybody really thought his last name was going to be Harris or Harris-Emhoff. Kamala and I never discussed it until someone asked Kamala what his last name was going to be and we were both confused."
Kamala: "I said, his last name is going to be Doug's why? And they said well your name would be better and I just thought that was so weird! I wanted Devi to have his dad's last name and it also matches his older siblings and plus pretty much everybody does it that way. But if you don't that's fine, whatever works for you."
*Kamala smiles proudly as she smiles at Doug with Doug smiling back and they both smile down at Devi*
Joy: "Very very precious."
Doug: "Devi is very precious and so is Kamala."
*Kamala smiles and blushes at Doug before she and Doug softly kiss each other*
Kamala: "Anyway, so Devi is a Sanskrit name and Sanskrit is one of the official languages of India, which is where my mother is originally from. Also, Devi is my middle name.So Devi is honoring my Indian heritage and also myself. The name Devi can mean heavenly, divine, anything of excellence. My mom and dad loved the name's meaning so that's why they made it as my middle name. But as Doug and I googled the name some more, we found that Devi also means gift from God and to us, Devi is a gift from my mother."
Doug: "I think Kamala's mother really wanted a boy to be in this family besides in-laws."
*Joy and Kamala both chuckle as Doug smiles*
Kamala: "My mom would have definitely spoiled Devi and loved him to pieces and her great grandbabies as well."
*Kamala tears up a little bit thinking about her mother and Doug rubs her back, comforting her*
Doug: "Devi is also a gender neutral name so whatever gender our baby was going to be, Devi was going to be the first name. So after the first few appointments we started calling him Devi."
Kamala: "And as for Devi's middle name, I really wanted to use Doug's name and he let me after asking him a few times."
*Doug giggles*
Doug: "Kamala didn't have to but she really wanted it to be Douglas so I was like sure, Devi Douglas sounds good to me."
Joy: "How did Cole and Ella react to meeting their little brother? Cole is almost twenty seven and Ella is twenty two years old now, correct?"
Doug: "Yes, they are! They are all grown up and I'm now super old!"
*Kamala Doug and Joy all laugh and smile*
Picture of Cole, Doug, Kamala and Ella from the baby shower is shown
Kamala: "So, Cole, his girlfriend, Ella, her boyfriend and their mom Kerstin all flew in town while Doug and I were in the hospital. They were at our house when we came home from the hospital."
Doug: "Cole and Ella are the best big brother and big sister to Devi. They were both very excited from the beginning and they bought Devi so many gifts. They would text and call Kamala everyday to see how she was and it was very special."
Kamala: "Ella was so happy and emotional when she held her baby brother for the very first time. Doug always told me she wanted a baby sibling growing up and now she has a baby brother!"
Picture of Ella and Devi is shown
Doug: "She held him probably the most out of everybody those few days they were with us visiting."
Kamala: "Cole held him a lot too! We had to teach him how to hold a baby again because he doesn't hold babies much!"
Picture of Cole and Devi is shown
*Joy giggles and awes*
Doug: "Even though Cole and Ella are much older than Devi, I think they will be very close."
Joy: "I know you both have a close relationship with Kerstin, who is Cole and Ella's mom. Who will she be to Devi?"
Kamala: "His auntie! She chose the name Auntie Keke!"
Doug: "Kerstin was so supportive and happy for Kamala and I. She and Kamala would talk to each other on the phone about pregnancy things and baby things. It was so sweet."
Kamala: "Yes, she, Maya, Meena and other friends really helped me throughout my pregnancy. It was great to have so much support."
*Just then, Devi farts loudly and ends up pooping himself causing Kamala, Doug and Joy to all gasp loudly and laugh*
Kamala: "Devi! Oh my goodness, bud! Did that feel good? Did they feel better?"
Joy: "Well, this is an interview first!"
*Joy chuckles*
Doug: "I'll take him, honey. I'll be right back, I'm going to change Devi's diaper."
*Doug leaves the interview to change Devi's diaper*
Kamala: "My two boys who I love so so much!"
*Joy smiles at Kamala*
Joy: "Were you surprised to have a baby boy after a lot of members in your family had girls!
Kamala: "Honestly, I was! Since my mom had two girls, Maya had a girl and then Meena had two girls I figured I joined the girl club! So when Doug and I found out we were having a boy we were surprised but also so so happy. We had no gender preference at all and we were just so happy to be having a healthy and happy baby."
*Doug begins to gag a little as he changes Devi's diaper in the background, causing Kamala and Joy to both chuckle*
Kamala: "Do you want me to change his diaper, honey? Because I can! It's not a problem for me."
Doug: "No, I can handle it! I just needed a minute. This poop explosion is huge."
Joy: "Having three kids of my own, I know what it is like to change gross diapers like that! Especially breastfed babies have gross poop!"
*Kamala laughs and smiles at Joy*
Kamala: "Devi is fed with both formula snd breastmilk. In my opinion, fed is best and I really do not like the pressure women are put under to breastfeed their children because "it's better and it's healthier." Women shouldn't feel guilty about how they feed their baby. All that matters is that your baby is fed, your baby is growing, your baby is meeting milestones and is happy. It shouldn't matter how they are fed."
Joy: "Doug is a trooper, everyone!"
Kamala: "And for everyone at home, I just want to say that yes, I do change Devi's diapers! Doug and I share all of the duties of having a newborn! Doug just loves to spoil me and likes to do everything for me sometimes. He wants me to rest and take it easy because I still do briefings and meetings at home even on maternity leave. I want to make sure that the American people to know just because I am a mom now, that doesn't take away my love for this country and how hard I want to work to make it even better."
Joy: "We love a dedicated and hands on father who wants the mother to rest and heal. A lot of men don't do that sadly! And we also love a dedicated mom who is also a working mom! You and Doug are showing that even in the highest positions they you two are like everyone else, two hard working Americans."
*Doug walks back into the interview area with a sleepy and happy Devi in his arms. Doug sits down next to Kamala and Kamala kisses Devi's head*
Kamala: "Did he mess up his blanket or his outfit, honey?"
Doug: "His pants he had on got poop on them but I changed them. His onesie and blanket didn't get any poop on it though!
Kamala: "That's good! We can always wash the pants and try to save them! But Devi's blanket is very special to us because Jill got it personally made it for him."
Joy: "I saw Devi's blanket but I couldn't see what it said. It looks gorgeous and very soft!
Kamala: "It is literally the softest blanket ever! I love it! And it says Vice President Baby and Little Second Gentlemen all over it! It's so perfect."
Doug: "Devi loves his Nana and Pop!"
Kamala: "He sure does! He is so loved by Jill and Joe and by Doug's parents Barb and Mike. Doug, Devi and I just met Jacob a few days ago, we wanted to make sure they were all settled in, before coming over and I think Devi and Jacob are going to be best friends!"
*Kamala and Doug both smile and nod happily*
Joy: "They will probably be troublemakers together too!"
*Joy, Kamala and Doug all laugh*
Kamala: "Yes yes! And brothers too! Both Devi and Jacob's siblings are much older than they are, so they will have each other that's the same age to bond and connect with."
Doug: "While we visited, Joe and Jill asked Kamala and I to be Jacob's Auntie and Uncle and of course we both said yes. We are very honored."
Kamala: "I am so honored to be Jacob's Auntie!"
Joy, Kamala and Doug continue to talk for the Interview that will air on Joy's show in a few days! :)
Joy Reid posts these two pictures on her Instagram page!
The first picture is of Joy sitting across from with Kamala and Doug. Kamala is holding Devi and Doug's arm is wrapped around Kamala.
joyannreid I am so honored to be chosen to do Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff's first ever interview after welcoming their son Devi. @vp @secondgentleman @kamalaharris @douglasemhoff
The second picture is of Joy smiling as she holds a sleeping Devi in her arms.
joyannreid Sweet angel, Devi. 👶🏽 He didn't cry during the whole interview! However, he did have a poop explosion and got hungry, fussing just a few seconds! I am so excited to see this little guy grow up! ❤️ #VicePresidentBaby #BabySecondGentleman
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