an inauguration gender reveal!
*After all of the inauguration festivities are over, Kamala and Doug reveal the gender of the baby to everyone! Enjoy! Love • Bree 💚*
January 20th, 2021
It has been official since it 12 o' clock on today, that Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is the 46th president of the United States and Kamala Devi Harris is the 49th Vice President of the United States!
All of the fun and exciting inauguration festivities have finally whined down for the day and everybody is finally relaxing and hanging out in the White House's Blue Room.
Joe, Jill, Hunter, Melissa, baby Beau, Naomi, Peter, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Little Hunter, Halle, Ashley, Howard, Maya, Tony, Meena, Nik, Amara, Leela, Cole, Ella and Kerstin are all hanging out and relaxing, enjoying some very much needed peace and quiet without being photographed or videoed by the press and being on tv 24/7 all day today.
Amara and Leela are busy running around, getting some excess energy out, while Beau plays with some toys that Hunter and Melissa brought for him.
"Girls, be careful! Don't touch anything. That's all we need, for the kids to break something in here." Nik says as he chuckles loudly and Meena playfully smacks him.
"It's okay if they do! Don't worry! Things happen! I'm just glad they are having fun!" Jill says as she sips on her champagne and smiles at Joe.
"It is so great to have all of these generations and ages of people here to celebrate today. Kamala and I are very lucky to have all of you here today." Joe says as he wraps his arms around Jill and Jill blushes.
"Mommy! Mommy! Who dat?" Amara asks Meena, pointing up at a picture that is hanging up.
"That's a picture of John F Kennedy!" Meena says with a cheeky grin at Amara.
"Who was he?" Amara asks Meena as she jumps up and down.
"Yeah!" Leela says to Meena as she twirls her dress some.
"He was a president in the 1960s! Right before Auntie was born!" Meena explains to the girls and they both smile.
"Woah!" Leela and Amara both say in unison with big smiles.
"I remember I broke a really really fancy plate when Pop was Vice President, oops." Finnegan says causing everyone to chuckle.
"I remember that! You did it on purpose because you got mad that you didn't get ice cream after not eating your dinner." Naomi says with a chuckle.
"It wasn't because of that, shush!" Finnegan says to her older sister with some sass.
"Oooo, the drama!" Peter says as he laughs at the two sisters bickering.
"And I broke the bowling alley lane when I visited Sasha and Malia. We thought throwing all of the bowling balls in the lane would be a good idea." Maisy says as she laughs.
"Yeah and my dad got stuck when we played hide and go seek at the Vice President house. Pop and Uncle Hunt had to get him out." Natalie says thinking about her dad.
"Dad thought he could fit with me in the hole!" Little Hunter says as he giggles, remembering the sweet memory with his dad.
"Ba ba ba! Ba ba Ba!" Beau says knocking his colorful blocks down causing Melissa and Hunter to chuckle.
"Uh oh! Your blocks fell down!" Hunter says as he sits on the floor with Beau.
Beau stands up and takes a few steps before falling down on his bottom.
"Yay! He is walking!" Ashley says as she cheers baby Beau on, causing him to smile up at his aunt.
"He started walking a few days ago!" Melissa says proudly to Ashley.
The Bidens and the Harris' have all been exploring the White House all day long and now it's time to wind down and just chit chat!
Meanwhile, Kamala and Doug are in another room getting their gender reveal plans in motion! Kamala and Doug have both decided that Inauguration Day would be the perfect day to announce their miracle baby's gender to everyone!
Kamala is almost thirteen weeks pregnant, so she is almost out of the first trimester which is a huge milestone in itself. Kamala is feeling a lot better too!
Kamala did a ton of blood work during the first trimester of pregnancy, checking the baby for any genetic abnormalities or other diseases that the baby could be born with. All of the blood work tests came back and Baby Emhoff is perfectly happy and healthy which is wonderful news to Kamala and Doug's ears. Kamala and Doug both had some worries that due to Kamala's age that the baby would have a genetic problem.
The blood work also revealed the baby's gender, which was a shock to Kamala and Doug because they figured they would have to wait a few more weeks!
Kamala and Doug didn't have a gender preference since they already have one of each in Cole and Ella and their main and biggest wish was a healthy and happy baby.
Before they inauguration festivities started today, Kamala and Doug called Doug's parents Barb and Michael and his siblings Andy and Jamie and announced the baby's gender to the four of them first since they weren't able to be in Washington DC.
Barb, Michael, Jamie and Andy are all very excited and Barb can't wait to go shopping for her newest grandchild!
Since the press is finally gone for the day, Kamala and Doug can finally announce Baby Emhoff' gender to Kamala's family and the Biden's!
"Come on, girls! We need to finish setting this backdrop up for Kamala and Doug's gender reveal!" Ashley says as she, Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, and Natalie all finish getting the backdrop ready!
Kamala and Doug didn't want anything fancy for their gender reveal but the Harris' and Biden's did! They want Kamala and Doug to feel special and loved during this exciting time.
"Oh, this looks really cute, girls! Kamala is going to love that!" Jill says with a cheeky smile.
"I think she will too! Oh, I am so excited for this!" Maya says as she takes pictures.
"How did you guys sneak all of there in here without anybody knowing about this?" Hunter asks his mom and dad.
"Aunt Val brought everything in for us the other day. And your mom and I's close aides blew up the balloons for us." Joe says to Hunter.
"Only us and a few other people know about the baby. Kamala and Doug want to wait a few more weeks before announcing it." Jill says to Hunter and he nods.
"I don't blame them, they don't want the press focused on a baby, they want the press to focus on the administrations great work." Howard says as he sits down next to Melissa on the couch.
"Kamala and Doug didn't ask for a frilly backdrop though." Little Hunter says, not understanding the purpose of the decorations.
"But it would be cute for pictures and videos! It's for memories! Kamala and Doug probably want a lot of pictures to celebrate today. Your dad and I did the same thing for you and Nat." Halle says as she remembers her gender reveal parties.
"Oh I went all out for my gender reveals for both of my kids!" Meena says as smiles.
"You sure did! Boujee!" Maya says playfully to her daughter causing everyone laugh.
"With both Cole and Ella, Doug and I just bought a onesie to announce the gender to everyone." Kerstin says as she fills her glass with some wine.
"That's what Hunt and I did for Beau." Melissa says as she plays with Beau's curls.
"That's really boring, Mom." Ella says playfully to her mom Kerstin.
"Yeah, Mom! So boring!" Cole says playfully to his mom Kerstin as well.
"It was the 90s!" Kerstin says playfully to her two children.
Just then, Doug knocks on the door, causing everyone to get excited for the gender reveal.
"Can we come in now?" Doug says as he peaks his head into the door with a cheeky smile at everyone.
"Yes! Come on in! Let's get this show on the road!" Joe says happily to Doug.
Kamala and Doug both happily walk into the Blue Room, proudly holding each others hands.
*Doug and Kamala's outfits minus their coats, gloves and masks*
"Surprise!" Jill, Ella, Meena, Maya, Melissa, Ashley, Halle, Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie and Kerstin all yell in unison making Doug giggle and smile and Kamala's blushes and smiles.
"BA BA BA BA!" Beau says as Hunter let's him jump up and down on his lap happily.
"AUNTIE! UNCLE DOUG!" Amara and Leela both yell in unison as they run over to Kamala and Doug.
"Hi, girls!" Doug says, squeezing Amara and Leela into a big hug.
"Hi, beautiful girls!" Kamala says as she hugs and kisses Amara and Leela.
"Oh my goodness! This is so beautiful! I love this backdrop! You guys are spoiling us!" Kamala says as she and Doug stand by the backdrop and smile.
"How fun! Did you guys get this backdrop just for us?" Doug asks out loud with a cheeky smile.
"Yes! We all wanted to do this for you guys! We want to make this special!" Jill says as she hugs and kisses Kamala and Doug.
"You guys are going to make me cry! Ugh!" Kamala says as she giggles and smiles.
"We appreciate all of the love and support it really means a lot to us." Doug says to everyone as he hugs Kamala and kisses her cheek.
"Stand here! Stand here! We need pictures, you two before we start!" Maya says, instructing her big sister and brother-in-law to pose for pictures.
"Ugh! I'm so sick of pictures! I think I have took a million pictures today! And the pictures I'm seeing online I look so chunky already!" Kamala says as she giggles loudly.
"Me too!" Doug says as he smiles and holds Kamala close to him
"No, you don't! Stop it! You look great!" Maya says proudly to her big sister.
"But these pictures are so so so special! It's your baby's gender reveal, Auntie!" Meena says with a humungous smile.
"You are with child! You look beautiful!" Kerstin says as she smiles.
Doug and Kamala pose for a few pictures and smile and laugh at everyone.
Doug then puts his hand on Kamala's small baby bump, causing everyone to scream awe loudly.
"Aw, look at that proud dad!" Ella says as she takes some pictures of Doug and Kamala together.
"KISS! KISS! KISS!" Naomi, Finnegan, Natalie, Maisy, Amara, Leela and Meena all yell playfully.
Doug and Kamala kiss each other a few times, making everybody cheer.
"I love you." Kamala says softly to Doug and Doug blushes.
"I love you too!" Doug says softly to Kamala.
Leela and Amara both happily run over to to Kamala and kiss her small baby bump.
Leela and Amara have been extremely excited for their new baby cousin and they asks Meena and Nik literally everyday when the baby is coming.
"Aww, do you two love your baby cousin already?" Kamala asks the girls happily as she rubs their heads.
"Yeah! I wuv dem sooooo much!" Leela yells with a cheeky grin.
"Me too! Me too!" Amara yells as she smiles and jumps up and down.
"Okay! Let's get this gender reveal done! I know all of us are tired and ready to rest after today!" Kamala says playfully as everybody laughs.
"Take your time! We have all night!" Joe says as he chuckles loudly.
"So what we are going to do is have Major and Champ come in to reveal the baby's gender with balloons! They will have blue or pink balloons tied to their collars. Dougie needs to get the balloons on them!" Kamala explains to everyone as Doug rubs Kamala's back and kisses her cheek.
"Hopefully they will cooperate! I know Champ will, he is a good boy and listens!" Jill says as she smiles and drinks some more champagne.
"Hey, Major is a good boy too! He is just a pup!" Joe says playfully to Jill and Jill smiles back at her husband.
"Make your final guesses, guys!" Doug says as he and Kamala smile at each other and give each other a kiss.
One by one, everybody puts their baby gender guesses on the board!
Baby Gender Guesses
Joe: Boy
Jill: Boy
Hunter: Boy
Melissa: Girl
Maisy: Boy
Finnegan: Girl
Naomi: Girl
Peter: Girl
Natalie: Boy
Lil Hunter: Boy
Cole: Girl
Ella: Boy
Kerstin: Girl
Meena: Girl
Nik: Girl
Amara: Girl
Leela: Girl
Maya: Girl
Tony: Boy
"So we have, eight guesses for boy and eleven guesses for girl! How fun!" Jill says as she tallies up the poll results.
"StOp tHe CoUnT!" Maisy says making fun of Trump, causing everybody to laugh loudly.
"This Harris' always have girls! It has to be a genetic thing at this point!" Meena says as she chuckles and smiles as she holds Leela.
"I agree!" Maya says with a cheeky grin.
Kamala chuckles at her sister and niece as Doug kisses her again.
"Okay, Dougie! Go get the pups ready!" Kamala says as Doug smiles happily as he quickly walks over to the room where a White House aide has been sitting with Champ and Major for most of the celebrations today.
"Hello, Mr. Emhoff." The White House aide says with a smile under his mask.
"Hello!" Doug says as waves at the White House aide with a cheeky grin.
"Hi, Champ! Hi, Major! Are you guys going to help Kamala and I reveal to everyone what our baby is?" Doug says as he pets Champ and Major's heads.
"WOOF WOOF!" Major says, jumping up on Doug nearly knocking him over but Doug manages to keep himself up right.
"Major down!" The White House aide says sternly and Major quickly gets down.
"Good boy." The White House aide says, letting Major's head.
Meanwhile Champ yawns, just waiting to get in his brand new comfy dog bed that Jill and Joe bought for him.
*Imagine this is Champ and Major waiting for Doug*
"Okay, let's get these balloons on you two! Everybody is waiting!" Doug says happily to the pups.
"Which color of balloons, Mr. Emhoff?" The White House aide asks Doug, holding the two different color balloons, one each
"Those balloons!" Doug says proudly to the aide, causing the White House aide to smile.
The White House aide puts the group of balloons on Champ's collar while Doug is putting a different group of balloons on Major's collar.
The White House aide finishes tying Champ's balloons to his collar right away while Doug struggles with Major. Major isn't interested in balloons today.
"Come on Major, stay still for a minute, bud!" Doug says, trying his best to get the balloons tied and the White House aide house Major in a tight grip, so Doug can finish the job!
"Okay! Keep them in here until I call for them!" Doug says to the White House aide and the White House aide nods.
"Yes, sir." The White House aide says with a cheeky smile and Doug walks back into the Blue room where everyone has been patiently waiting!
"There's my Dougie!" Kamala says as she squeezes Doug into a hug and a kiss.
"Major didn't want me to put the balloons on him but he and Champ are ready now!" Doug says with a big smile.
"Everyone, gather around! Gather around! It is about to happen!" Joe says with a cheeky smile as he wraps Jill in his arms again.
Everybody gathers around and they all get their phones out to take pictures and videos of this special moment.
"Champ! Major! Come here!" Doug says calling for the Biden pups, but they don't appear.
Doug calls for Champ and Major again and once again, they don't appear.
"Welp, this is really really embarrassing." Doug says as he blushes and chuckles.
"Joe, can you call for them? They clearly aren't listening to Dougie." Kamala asks as she chuckles.
"I told you Major wouldn't listen!" Jill says, proving Joe wrong.
"Well, Champ isn't listening either, Jilly." Joe says making everyone laugh loudly.
"MAJOR! CHAMP! Come here, boys!" Joe says loudly, calling for Champ and Major.
After a few more seconds, Major happily runs into the Blue Room while Champ wobbles into the Blue Room.
*Imagine Champ and Doug with these balloons tied on their collars*
Champ and Major have blue balloons happily tied around their collars!
Kamala and Doug are expecting a happy and healthy baby boy!
"IT'S A BOY!" Kamala and Doug both say in unison with the happiness smiles on their faces.
Joe, Jill, Hunter, Melissa, Naomi, Peter, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Little Hunter, Halle, Ashley and Howard all cheer and get excited for Doug and Kamala!
"OH MY GOD! WHAT! WHAT! AHHHHH!" Meena yells as she jumps up and down with lots of excitement.
"Dang, a lot of us were wrong with our guesses!" Nik says as he laughs loudly and smiles.
"WHAT! You guys are really having a boy? This isn't some prank is it?" Maya asks Kamala and Doug and they both smile.
"Yes!" Doug says proudly with a humungous smile on his face.
"A healthy and perfect baby boy!" Kamala says as she and Doug put their hands on Kamala's baby bump.
"I KNEW IT! I just knew it! You owe me $25, Cole!" Ella says playfully to her big brother and Cole playfully rolls his eyes at his little sister.
"Congratulations!" Kerstin says as she cheers happily.
Peter, Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie and Little Hunter all cheer and smile with excitement.
"Yaaaaaa!" Beau says as he claps his hands and makes everybody smile at him since he is so cute.
"Amara! Leela! You two are going to have a boy baby cousin! What do you girls think about that?" Kamala asks Amara and Leela.
"It's soooo cool! I am so excited to hold him and kiss him!" Amara says as she twirls around with a big smile.
"I sooooo happy!" Leela says as she jumps up and down and smiles.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TWO ARE HAVING A BOY!" Meena says as she is still in shock.
"Doug and I were really shocked because it is all girls on my side!" Kamala says as she smiles at everyone and then up at Doug.
"I just knew we were having a boy but I would have been so excited either way. The baby is healthy and happy and that's all we wanted." Doug says with a proud smile.
"Congratulations to you both! This baby boy will be very spoiled and very loved but all of us and the whole country." Joe says making Kamala and Doug both smile.
"Do you guys have a name for him? I know it is early to think of a name but some parents already know!" Jill says as she chuckles at Kamala and Doug.
"Yes, we do actually! Kamala and I had a name picked out ever since her second doctors appointment. The first name is a gender neutral name so it would have worked either way. Honey, would you like to announce his name to everyone?" Doug says to Jill and then at Kamala.
"His name is going to be Devi Douglas Emhoff. Devi is my middle name and represents my Indian heritage. The meaning of it is also really sweet. It means gift of God, which is what he is! We think he is a gift from my mom." Kamala says as she tears up and Doug comfort her with a hug and a kiss.
Everybody awes and smiles at Kamala's sweet meaning for her and Doug's baby boy's name.
"Devi is an Indian and also Hebrew name as well which represents both of us. And Douglas is after me, we are unoriginal with that!" Doug says as he laughs and everybody.
"I wanted him to be named after his dad!" Kamala says with a cheeky smile as she hugs Doug.
"This is so great! All of us are going to love and adore on baby Devi! August can't come soon enough!" Jill says out loud with a smile.
Everybody hugs Doug and Kamala and they take pictures with them, to celebrate this special night!
Joe, Jill, Hunter, Melissa, baby Beau, Naomi, Peter, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Little Hunter, Halle, Ashley, Howard, Kamala, Doug, Maya, Tony, Meena, Nik, Amara, Leela, Cole, Ella and Kerstin all hang out for another few hours before they all get ready settled down for the night!
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