Soccer Ball (Workshop)
1023 Words excluding (A/N)~ I no own MK/DC~
Written August 1 2020
Posted August 16 2020
Shinichi's breath caught in his throat as he took in his surroundings, it just felt so surreal. He was, in Kid's workshop, the place where Kaito did most of his heist planning. Saguru had arrived on his doorstep early that morning looking quite disgruntled as he roughly dragged him into his housekeeper's car. At first he'd been wary, considering that they hadn't left on a good note the last time they'd met. Eventually, after relishing in the sleuth's nervousness for a good long while, the blond informed him of their destination. The unease was then replaced with some sort of horrible excitement.
"Don't touch anything unless you have to" Saguru's tone was tired as he leaned beside the exit, arms crossed with his gaze pointed at the passageway. It had taken him days to build up enough courage and self control to actually bring the other here. He wanted to keep all the traces of Kaito's presence here for as long as he could. The half finished model of the magician's newest electric grappling hook made his heart clench. He'd helped a lot with that one, and now it would never be completed. It would just collect dust as it sat there innocently on one of the many tables. It couldn't be completed, not without Kaito.
The sleuth swallowed, suddenly very wary of accidentally touching something he shouldn't. He could clearly see the areas that were completely caked with dust "Would it be okay if I looked at the really dusty areas?" The dust was too thick for Kaito to have ever disturbed the area.
Gold clenched shut as the blond lowered his head "That should be fine..." Kaito had left those areas alone to preserve the memory of his father, but the younger magician wasn't around anymore for it to matter "The person who would have cared isn't around anymore" He bit out.
Shinichi grimaced, a new wave of guilt hitting him hard as he silently moved over towards a dusty table. He felt like the other would snap at him if he said anything else.
Normally, he'd put on gloves or get a cloth or something to wipe away the dust, but instead he just picked up what looked to be some sort of pulling device. Azure watered as he blinked away the displaced dust, gently wiping it from the device. It didn't look broken, it just seemed outdated due to it's clunky size since he needed both hands to hold it. Shinichi bit his lip, he'd have the professor look at it to make sure that it was safe to use.
Since people were obviously going to notice that his equipment looked to be mostly outdated, maybe he'd make the heists into themed ones, maybe retro style? Or retro meets the future? Retro and future colliding? He was bad with names.
Azure turned towards somewhat familiar round balls, they were a different colour and size, but he was pretty sure that they were some old smoke bombs, or sleep bombs? He wasn't sure.... But wouldn't they have already expired by now? What if they weren't safe anymore?
He set both the device and the balls on the floor, in a place that he was sure that he wasn't going to step. He'd test out the bombs on himself later, hadn't Kid once offhandedly told him that he always tested everything on himself first? He'd been scolding the thief about how dangerous it was to test new things on others, Kid's response had both surprised him, and worried him. If the old smoke bombs made him sick, then that was fine, he deserved it after all. What was getting sick compared to death?
Okay, so he had a pulling device and some smoke bombs, that was a good start... He probably had the hang glider, if Saguru let him touch it... Kaito probably had spares right? And he obviously had a ton of Kid outfits considering how easily the guy threw them away.
The sleuth frowned, he needed some more tools, maybe he could make some small remote bombs. He knew how to make them, his father had taught him in Hawaii. He wouldn't be able to do any disguise tricks like Kid, so he needed to be more prepared.
Shinichi looked so much like Kaito, it hurt to see the other rummaging around the workshop. The sight was so familiar, yet so different. The silence hurt almost as much as the sight. The only times that it'd been relatively silent here was when Kaito had been too hurt to keep up an idle chatter between the two of them. Whenever the two of them were here together, there was always noise of some sort as the magician tinkered with his tools, chatting about heist plans or random useless stuff.
"Sa-chan Sa-chan Sa-chan!" Kaito was practically vibrating, indigos glowed excitedly as he held out his newest toy for the other to see.
Gold peered curiously at the tiny green balls cupped in Kaito's hands "Something tells me that the smoke isn't just going to be a different colour..."
Kaito snickered, cheeks flushed from the stuffy air, it was summer "It's not actually smoke" A wide grin spread across his face "It's clear slime"
Okay, that sounded like something too simple to warrant such excitement "What does it do?" He inquired, trying to seem calm. Dear lord Kaito needed to stop smiling like that, he wanted to kiss him so bad.
The magician's endearing smile morphed into a devious smirk "It leaves behind a substance that makes you glow in the dark" It was clear so that it'd seem more innocent "It can only come off with vinegar water at a 50% concentration level" Pure vinegar seemed kinda dangerous so 50% should be enough to make them smell for a good while.
"I think that I've collected the items that I could try to use"
Saguru blinked, dragged out of the memory, he eyed the sleuth, the other was filthy and covered in dust. Shinichi also wasn't meeting his gaze "I see..." That messy hair and dusty appearance, combined with the dim lighting... He could almost mistake him for Kaito after a day of working in the hideout... Another ache hit his heart at the thought.
Me: Oh god, I freaking love angsty stuff >^<
I wonder how long this will turn out to be...
Hope you enjoyed~
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