My fingers raked against the soil soaked in the Guardian's blood. My lip quivered as I stared at the creature's lifeless body. Its eyes were open, cold and black, void of sunlight.

I had not known the beast as a God, but all of Udan worshiped it like it was. It was a divine beast that brought to them peace of mind and protection. It was enough to make me weak to know that their faith was dead.

I reached out a hand toward the beast with tears in my eyes. I wasn't sure why I felt so sad. Perhaps it was because they were one in the same. Lost creatures that were searching for themselves. My hand fell, glowing blue against its now black fur. The beast had lost it all its color. My hand quivered, shaking as the ground vibrated underneath me.

A large tabloid towering over me. I stood, gasping as the ancient words lit up in the same blue. I walked toward the stone, the glow growing.

I couldn't understand the language written, but it was almost as if the structure was calling to me.

I reached out, and placed a hand on the tabloid. My hands vibrated, replacing the one from the ground. The words were almost speaking to me in a whisper. I leaned in, placing my head onto the stone.

With a breath, I heard it. "Danger is among you and so is a traitor," the tabloid spoke in a dark male voice. "Go back home and save your land."

My blood chilled. I pushed off the stone, rushed past the beast and through the forest. I listened, hoping I would hear Dari's voice or something to signal that he was still alive.

It couldn't be Dari that was the traitor. It had to be Lenox, perhaps, that was why he had sent me away to begin with.

I broke through the treeline. Lenox was leaning over Dari with a vial in his hand. I picked out the dagger I stashed in the lining of my dress, and threw it. I watched, hoping it would at least distract him.

With a swift glide through the air, the dagger pierced Lenox's flesh. Lenox gasped, holding onto his hand. He lifted it, showing that the dagger had driven straight through. I was not sure where the power had come from, perhaps it was the drive to save Dari. Blood seeped from the wound, spilling down his wrists. I flinched, remembering when the binds had cut into my flesh.

I stormed forward. "Don't move," I hissed with a snarl. "Or I'll kill you."

"Have you gone mad?" he asked, wincing as blood streamed down his hand to his forearm. He shook it, nursing it to his chest. "You must have because you have injured me!" He seethed his teeth, rocking back and forth.

"You are a part of the Rabaka," I hissed. "A traitor to your kind!"

His eyes widened and his rocking ceased. "How did you know?"

I was not honest. "I knew something was wrong when you sent me away."

"Wrong?" he questioned with a laugh. "Aye, I guess that is the word to use here."

I rushed forward at such a speed I didn't know I possessed. I pulled the dagger from his hand. Lenox fell to his knees with a scream, gasping for breath. I acted, driving it to his throat. A lump emerged. If Lenox swallowed, the blade would pierce him.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Please understand, Queen Mara. Please. M-my son," he whispered, trying not to move his lips as much as possible. "They have my son."

"Your son?"

"They stole him the night you announced the departure to unite with Kaija," he answered. "I was instructed to follow you and keep you from Udan. I was trying to save my son, my queen ! Please understand that I am only a traitor to save my kin!"

"How dare you!" I screamed, pushing the tip of the dagger in. He winced, holding up his hands in a defensive position. "You are a coward and traitor to your kind!"

Tears welled in his eyes. "My Queen," he said with a quiver of his lips. "I was not in my right mind. Please forgive me for going against you. I sent you into the woods to show you the truth. You saw what those monsters have done, right? I am on your side now. I just wanted my lad back. Understand, my queen ! "

"How am I supposed to trust you? Because of you, two Udanians are dead!"

"Because I would never risk the life of my family," he whispered. "Never."

"How am I to know that you are telling the truth?"

"Allow me to show you," he answered. "Just let me go into my pocket."

"Fine," I answered, not moving the blade. "Make it quick."

He pulled the cork on the vial he was holding. A dusting of violet magic fell before me. "What is—"

I was back in Udan. I looked down at my hands, noticing they were ones of a man. My laugh was joyous and free like Lenox's. He had placed me into his memories.

"Like this Papa?" a little boy with brown hair asked, blinking wildly as he wound a string on a piece of wood.

"Aye that's it, lad," he said, patting his back. "We will go fishing at the river in no time."

From behind us, Dari cooed her name, drawing me away from the memory. "Rodi."

I blinked, staring at Lenox. I thought he would try to run but he remained on the ground with his hands back in the air.

"I have a son," he said. "Now you know. I have to save him."

"Just because they took your boy doesn't excuse you from their deaths! They were innocents," I screamed. "They died because of you!"

He shook his head. "Not I, but the creatures in The Sacred Forest."

"You knew about them before we entered?"

"Aye," he admitted.

"What were those?"

"Servants of the Guardian," he answered. "Now that it is dead, they are guideless, wreaking havoc wherever they see fit. There was once a balance, but now there is no more."

I gritted my teeth. "Give me a reason not to sever your head."

"I can bring you back to Udan as soon as you are done speaking with the King in Kaija," he said. "I do possess magic, that was true. Udan is in danger. You need me! You cannot kill me! Spare me so!"

"We have days till we reach Kaija, you've claimed so!"

"No," he breathed. "I was lying."

"Where are we!" I screamed. "Tell me now."

"Beyond the carcass of the Guardian is Kaija," he explained. "It's below the cliff."

I released the dagger from his throat. Lenox fell forward, laughing. He scrunched his fingers, pulling the bloody grass from its spot.

"We need to move then," I answered. "How far is it by foot?"

"A few minutes," he explained.

"We must make haste," I replied. I leaned down, tearing a piece of fabric from my dress. I moved, tying Lenox's wrists together, letting the wound on his hand still bleed. If he died, it would be without honor. He deserved death for betraying his own. A sense of deja vu rushed over as I pulled the knot.

"You are held prisoner until I know you will not betray me," I hissed. I looked over to Dari who was still hallucinating. "If you are a user of magic, conjure a spell to cure him," I said, pointing at Dari. "If you kill him, I won't waste a breath in killing you."

"My hands are bound," he whispered.

"Now!" I screamed. "Or I will not hesitate to slash out your tongue next!"

"Fine!" he called out. "Reach into my pocket."

I hesitated then shook my head, driving my hand into his pocket. I felt something hard from within.

"Pull it out," he encouraged, laughing.

"This better not be a joke. If that is your member, you will lose it."

"No, no," he answered, "no joke."

I pulled, bringing a lengthy black vial from the depths of his trousers. I stood, keeping a careful eye on Lenox before stalking over to Dari. Kneeling, I uncorked the vial, pouring the liquid in his mouth.

"If this doesn't cure him, I'll kill you."

"How many threats does this make now?" he mocked, clicking his tongue. "Oh, four."

"Shut it," I hissed, watching as Dari's pupils returned to normal.

He sat up, groaning. "What is going on?"

"We are near Kaija," I answered, sparing details of Lenox's betrayal. "Help will be gathered soon."

Dari stood, his knees shaking. He fixed his blouse and stalked toward Lenox. "Why is he tied?"

"Because I ordered it. He is not the man we thought him to be," I answered, walking forward, I grabbed a handful of his bind. "We move now. There is no time to waste, and plenty of it has been wasted because of this fool."

"Forgive me, my queen ," Lenox hissed. "But it seems you are the true fool."

Dari shook his head. "Give me the order and I'll cut out his tongue."

Lenox rolled his eyes. "These same threats aren't having the same effect as before, y'know?"

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