Chapter One: Blood Luster.

Chapter One: Blood Luster.  

Kyle sits in a chair in his old house reading an old book when his beloved fiancée walks in and and behind him. She hugs him from behind, her arms loosely going around his neck. She kisses his cheek. her human sent fills his nostrils as he breaths in and smiles. He turns his head to the side, kissing her soft lips. She giggles and he smiles wider. He puts his book on the side table, not caring that he just lost his place, he grabs her, swinging her into his lap. Lloydia smiles at her love with a smile as he looks to her lovingly. They kiss one more time before a special little hybrid comes running in. Their daughter, Valkry. All of a sudden, as Valkry jumps into his lap the room goes blood red. He looks to Lloydia, her skin is white, her eyes glow red, and her hair is covered in blood just like her torn clothes. "Why would you turn me into this monster?! You know I'd rather die then be some beast! Stay the hell away from me you demon!" She creams at him, the last words his beloved said to him echo through his mind. "But.... I can't live without you!" He cries as he stands up, tears flowing from his eyes. "THEN DIE YOU BLOOD SUCKER!" She screams and dissipates into the air. He falls to his knees as he looks to his daughter. Her skin is black, her eyes glow red, her once perfectly blonde hair now red with blood. "Why would you let me die daddy? Why? I thought you loved me... Are a monster like mama said?" She asks in her innocent voice. More tears leave his eyes. "No, I.... I just wasn't strong enough to..... I.... I'm so sorry baby girl..." He says as she dissipates as well. He curls up on the blood soaked floor and sobs, begging for someone to save him from his nightmare.

~Dream ends~

  Lloyd shakes Kai awake. "KAI! Wake up!" He says as Kai's eyes slowly open. He looks up to the green ninja. Lloyd looks down to his friends tear stained cheeks with a worried frown. "What were you dreaming about?" Lloyd asks. "Just... A nightmare. That's all." Kai says, sitting up. Kai looks around the room. Zane sleeps soundly in his bed as moonlight fills the room. "What are you doing up? And in my room?" Kai asks the younger ninja as he wipes the tears away. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to walk around the halls when I heard you whimpering in your sleep so I came in and saw you having a nightmare." Lloyd answers, Kai nods. "I see.... Well thanks." Kai says. He's looks at his pillow, no way was he going back to bed now. "Well.... Since we're both awake now, why don't we go spar?" Kai asks. Lloyd nods.  

  Lloyd sits on the bed as Kai grabs his gi to change into. "Do you want to use the course on the deck or the training room?" Lloyd asks as Kai changes, stripping down to his boxers. "Deck, I think some fresh air might be good." Kai says turning to grab his gi. Lloyd nods as he watches Kai. Every muscle flexes as the red ninja moves and Lloyd watches intently, well aware of how creepy he was being. He frowns when he notices the scars on Kai's back.  

  Lloyd stands up and touches one of the scars. Kai freezes at the touch. Lloyd walks around to the other side of Kai and looks to the scars on Kai's chest and stomach. "What... I don't think you've ever been this hurt on a mission Kai. Where did these come from?" Lloyd asks, tracing a giant scar leading from Kai's right shoulder to his left pelvis bone. Kai grabs Lloyd's wrist to stop him. "I... These weren't gotten from being a ninja." Kai says as Lloyd gets worried. "But... How is being a blacksmith dangerous?" Lloyd asks, starting at the scars. Kai watches as the emotions on Lloyd's face change his futures. "I'm not talking about being a blacksmith." Kai says. Pure white fangs become visible in Kai's mouth as his eyes glow red in hunger. How long has it been since he last fed? What, two... Three weeks? Lloyd looks up to Kai and his eyes go wide. He's about to scream when Kai covers his mouth and and drags the green ninja to his room, locking Lloyd's door. Kai pins Lloyd to the wall. "Kai? What's going on?" Lloyd asks in fear. Kai tries to beat his instincts, but he's not sting enough to fight the hunger as his face nears Lloyd's. He turns his head to the side and bares his fangs, letting them sink into Lloyd's neck. Lloyd is about to scream when Kai uses his hand to cover the humans mouth. Tears stream from Lloyd's eyes as Kai begins to feed.  

  Once Kai has had enough to fight against his own nature, he pulls back, his fangs dripping blood. Kai licks the bleeding holes he left behind, cleaning up the blood and healing the wound. Kai then pulls back, eyes still glowing a bright red as some blood trickles from the corner of his mouth. Lloyd's wide, fearful eyes watch as Kai sighs. Kai looks to Lloyd in determination. "I am going to move my hand, but you have to stay quiet. No screaming or calling for help of any sort. Okay?" Kai states with finality to his voice. Lloyd nods with tears in his eyes. Kai slowly moves his hand and sighs in relief when Lloyd doesn't make a sound.  

  "Okay. I know your scared and probably have a lot of questions. First, however, I must ask that you don't tell anyone about what just happened. No one can know. Now, ask away. I promise on my mother's grave that I will answer all your questions honestly." Kai explains away. Lloyd nods slowly in agreement and lets Kai lead him to the bed. Both males sit and stare at each other.  

  Lloyd breathes deeply before talking. "How long have you been like this? Are you a vampire? When and how were you turned? Does Nya know? Why did you bite me? Am I going to turn into a vampire now? Why are your eyes still glowing? How can you go into the sun? Can you turn into a bat?" Lloyd stops there when Kai holds a finger to the boy's mouth. "One question at a time, okay? Wait for my answer, then ask me a question." Kai requests, smiling kindly at the blond with a chuckle, making Lloyd blush. The blond had been crushing on the fire ninja for months now. "Okay, I'll answer what you've already asked. I have been like this my whole life. Yes, I am a vampire. I was turned into a vampire, because I was born one instead. No, Nya does not know. I bit you because I haven fed on my particular kind of food in three weeks so I lost control for a bit and bit you, I apologize for that and hope it never happens again. No you are not going to turn into a vampire. My eyes still glow because I am still hungry. I can go into the sun because it doesn't hurt me the way it is fabled to, it affects me the same way it affects any human. No, I cannot turn into a bat. The whole bat thing is a myth just like with the sun." Kai answers all the already asked questions. Lloyd nods then leans forward, poking one of Kai's fangs and accidentally pricking his finger on it. Lloyd draws his hand back immediately and looks at his finger as a drop blood oozes out. Kai licks the blood off his chin and seems transfixed by Lloyd's bleeding finger.  

Lloyd sees the hunger written all over his friends face and blushes as a thought comes to his mind. The blond ninja leans forward until their faces are only inches apart. Kai begins to blush, not knowing what Lloyd was doing. Lloyd looks into the red glowing eyes of his crush for a foul minuet before sticking his bleeding finger in the vampire's mouth. Kai starts suck immediately as his eyes close, enjoying the taste filling his mouth. When Kai regains control of his sincere he pulls the finger out of his mouth with shock on his futures, eyes still glowing. Lloyd pouts. "Just drink until your eyes can stop glowing, what would you tell the others if they saw?" Lloyd tells him and Kai sighs. Lloyd was right.

Lloyd bares his neck and an excitement builds within Kai, but it wasn't from the thought of feeding. The submission Lloyd was showing right now aroused the young royal vampire as he began to blush up and his nose started bleeding. Kai shakes his head free of the dirty thoughts he was accumulating and wipes his nose before leaning in and sinking his fangs in. Lloyd lets out a moan as pleasure overtakes his body this time. He puts a hand forward as he looses his balance a bit and it ends up in Kai's lap where he fells something very hard through the other's boxers. Lloyd's eyes go wide at the feel of Kai's arousel and he blushes hard. Kai looses a bit of control and pushes Lloyd on his back while feeding. Kai then proceeds to pin Lloyd to the bed, using on hand to restrain the others hands as his free hand caresses Lloyd's side lightly, sending shivers up the humans spine. When his hunger is quenched, Kai pulls back, licking the wound again with the same affects. He looks upon Lloyd's blushing and panting form as his arousel grows. He shakes his head before getting up to leave. "I'll see you at breakfast." He says as he turns to go. Lloyd shoots up and runs to the door, blocking it as his eyes drift down to Kai's crotch. "L-Lloyd? What are you doing?" Kai asks wearily as he watches his green friend. 

(A//N: Beware the gay smut!)

Kai finds where Lloyd's eyes are aimed and gulps before noticing Lloyd's own boner. "Uh-um.... Lloyd?" Kai asks on a shaky voice. Lloyd blushes harder as he walks towards Kai. He places his hands on the elder males shoulders and lets them slide behind Kai's neck slowly. Kai lets out a shuttered breath as Lloyd starts kissing his neck. Kai gives in and grabs Lloyd's waist, pulling the blond closer as their pelvises collide. Lloyd lightly pushes them back to the bed where Kai pins him to the soft sheets and starts stripping him. Lloyd smiles once he's been stripped completely and and starts tugging at Kai's boxers. Kai gladly removes the tight fabric and smiles down at the human under him. They kiss, their lips colliding with one another. Kai lifts Lloyd's legs as they wrap around his waist tightly. He then sticks a finger in Lloyd's mouth as the green sucks on it happily. Once Kai deems his finger moist enough he shoves it up Lloyd's ass. Pushing and pulling his finger in and out of the now moaning mess that is his partner, Kai smiles and adds another finger. Lloyd's breathing becomes labored as Kai stretches him, adding in a third finger. No pain washes across Lloyd's face like expected and Kai smiles, the boy was tough.

Kai begins kissing Lloyd's neck as he adds a fourth finger, making the blond under him squirm and moan with pleasure. Lloyd holds in a scream as Kai adds his last and fifth finger. Once Kai feels this has gone on long enough, he removes his hand and slowly eases his cock into Lloyd who's eyes roll to the back of his head in pleasure and pain. Kai waits, fully submerged in Lloyd, until Lloyd gives the okay with a nod of his head to start slowly moving in and out, getting faster with each thrust. Lloyd moans and whines out Kai's name, getting louder each time until Kai has to shut him to keep from waking the others, so he bends down and muffles the blond with his own mouth, kissing him. They stay like this as Kai keeps increasing speed, hitting Lloyd's prostate with each thrust perfectly. Kai's tung shoves into Lloyd's mouth and as their tunes fight for dominance Kai wins and explores Lloyd's mouth. When their climaxes near Kai gets a sudden urge to bite Lloyd and does so, biting the human below him right where his shoulder and neck meet, effectively marking Lloyd as his beloved for life.

Both cum while Kai's teeth remain in Lloyd's neck and relax as they come down from the high. Kai pulls both his dick and fangs out of Lloyd and scans over his handiwork. Kai looks upon the cum smeared across his and Lloyd's chests and gasps when he sees Lloyd's neck. He gently touches the already healing wound. He watches as the holes seal right up and the blood absorbs into the skin. He watches a black marking mistakable as a tattoo appears to show Kai's staked claim over the human below him. He runs a hand through his hair, tugging at the strains in his moment of stress. Lloyd watches, transfixed, as an identical mark appears in the same spot on Kai's neck, sealing the two as lovers for life.

(A//N: Smut over, quick memo. Kai bit Lloyd where his neck and shoulder meet, marking him. Now both have identical marks in the exact same spot. They are now bound as lovers for life. There is no undoing it.)

  "Kyle." Kai says as he gets off Lloyd, getting dressed and leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room. "What?" Lloyd asks. "Kyle Lust. That's my real name." Kai answers and Lloyd nods. "How are you Nya's brother then?" Lloyd asks, getting dressed himself. "I'm not. She only believes I am." Kai answers as Lloyd walks to him. "Why is that?" Lloyd asks wrapping his arms around Kai's neck and nuzzling his face in Kai's chest. "Because it's what me, Maya, and Ray agreed upon." He answers, wrapping his arms around Lloyd. "Maya and Ray?" Lloyd inquiries. "Nya's parents... Though only her mother is her biological parent." Kai admits. "How so?" Lloyd asks. "I... I'm Nya's biological father Lloyd." Kai answers. Lloyd's eyes go wide and he pulls his head back. "WHAT?! YOUR NYA'S FATH-Mmmm!" Lloyd lets out before Kai cuts him off with a kiss. Kai pulls back. "Yes, I'm her father, now zip it or I'm calling you Jay part two!" Kai says in a whisper-yell. Lloyd scowls at the idea of being called that. "Now, try not to wake the others, would you?" Kai asks of him and he nods. This was messed up.  

"Explain. Now." Lloyd demands and Kai complies. "Okay, so you know how Ray was the master of fire, and Maya master of water and if you didn't then now you know. Well Ray was unable to have kids of his own so he kinda asked me to knock up his wife so they could have a child. I agreed since he was my best friend and I kinda owed him. Since I was living with them and they wanted me to have a close relationship with my daughter, we unanimously agreed to raise her to believe I was her brother. That's when I started going by Kai Smith." Kai explains. "How old are you?" Lloyd asks. "Older then this realm." Kai answers. Lloyd cocks his head to the side. "How is that possible?" He asks. "I am originally from another realm called Loonjago. I fled to Ninjago after the Vampire council betrayed me and tried to kill me. I'm still on the run actually. They keep sending out vampires to find and kill me." Kai explains. "Why?" Lloyd asks. "Because.... Well.... Before I answer that. Will you be my boyfriend?" Kai asks. "Yes." Lloyd says without hesitation. "Would you marry me if I asked?" Kai asks next. "YES." Lloyd answers not even a second after. "I want to marry you. I've wanted that since.... I know it's silly, but I've been in love with you since we met. I know I was only a child then, but it's the truth. "I love you Kai... Err.... Kyle.... I guess?" Lloyd says and Kai smiles. "Either works, but Kai when the others around. Okay?" Kai says and Lloyd nods. "Well..... Then will you marry me?" Kai asks with a smirk and Lloyd grins from ear to ear. Kai has a feeling and covers Lloyd's mouth before he can let any sound escape. "Be quiet, we don't want to wake anyone." Kai says and Lloyd nods, blushing up. "YES!" Lloyd says as loudly as he can without waking anyone.

Kai kisses Lloyd and both chuckle. "Now, they want me dead because I am the rightful king of vampires. They already murdered my parents." He explains in answer to Lloyd's previous question. If they kill me without finding any of my hares then they will rule over vampire kind." He finishes. "Wait, so.... Your technically a king? And hares? Pleural? Nya isn't your only kid?" Lloyd asks. Kai sighs. Why did Lloyd have to be the third nosiest person he knows? "Yes, I am technically a king and yes, I have multiple children." Kai answers. "How many? And how many of them have I met before?" Lloyd asks. "Including Nya? Ten and you've come in contact with all ten at least once." Kai answers. Lloyd's eyes bug out. "One of them just as much as Nya. You see him every day actually." Kai answers. "Who?" Lloyd asks. "Is it Cole?" He asks. Kai chuckles. "No, but your close." He answers. "Jay? Does he know?" Lloyd asks. Kai chuckles again. "Yes, Jay, and no, he does not know. I had to give him up for adoption not long after he was born because I was being tracked by vampire hunters." Kai explains.

"Breakfast! Zane's voice is heard boomy through the bounty. Kai and Lloyd look to each other wide eyed. Had they seriously been talking.... And other stuff.... For so long? They blush and Kai reaches for the handle as his stomach growls. "Better go eat!" He says and Lloyd stops him. "Wait now. Two things. How are Nya and Jay human then and don't eat a different kind of food?" Lloyd says, exposing his neck. Kai licks his lips as his gaze falls on Lloyd's neck. He takes the offered bate, slowly sinking his teeth into Lloyd's neck. Lloyd moans at the feeling. When Kai has had his fill he comes up and after clearing his mouth of blood, kisses Lloyd. As the wound heals without needing Kai's royal heeling saliva anymore, one plus of being claimed as a Royal Vampire's Beloved.

"Kai. Answer my question." Lloyd says sternly when they come apart. "I sealed their vampiric DNA. And before you ask how I did it, I used magic. Duh." Kai says before walking out, leaving Lloyd standing there in surprise. Lloyd eventually comes out of his daze and heads to the breakfast table. Wu sits at one end and Misako at the other. To Misako's right are Nya, Jay, and Cole in that order, and to her left are an empty chair, Kai, and Zane in that order. Lloyd takes the empty chair, blushing as he realizes he's sitting by his new vampire boyfriend.... Err... Fiancé. He blushes even more as he smiles like a fool at that though. Kai Smith.... Or should he say, Kyle Lust, is his fiancé! He loved it. The others look to him strange, except Kai that is.... It's easy for him to guess what's going through his lovers head. Lloyd notices the staring and gives a cheeky smile, sinking in his seat. When he sees Jay and Nya sitting across from him and Kai, he thinks. Jay and Nya would be his step kids.... And they didn't even know. When he sees Nya kissing Jay's cheek his eyes go wide. JAY IS DATING HIS LITTLE SISTER AND NEITHER OF THE TWO EVEN KNOW IT! Lloyd looks to Kai in chock. Kai gets confused. "What?" He says through a fork full of pancakes. "Your letting your son date his sister?!" Lloyd whispers into Kai's ear. That's when it hits him. "How the hell am I supposed to tell them?! Jay doesn't even know he's adopted!" Kai whispers back. Lloyd thinks on that.... That would be difficult to explain.


What do you think of...



The story so far?

This chapter?

I know things are moving fast, but every season up to season six with the sky pirates and all that are considered part of the story, so when you add all that in, then this didn't happen fast enough.

Yes, Kai proposed rather quickly, but he had just marked Lloyd! That's even more binding then marriage and there is no way to undo it! He kinda had to propose.

See yas!

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