
song: west coast by missio

KAI FIDGETED WITH HIS HANDS as he watched Daisy walk around her room, opening numerous drawers for her stash of weed. He lay leaned back on her bed, trying not to laugh at the fact that she'd look in the same spot three different times now.

"Maybe you already smoked it." Kai suggested, just trying to get her to come sit down.

"No I know I didn't." Daisy responds, now taking a look at the mess she'd just created in her room. "Allison probably found it." She says, a look of realization on her face. "I'll be right back!"

"It's really oka—" Kai began, but stopped as Daisy was already out the door.

Kai leaned back onto her soft light pink pillow with a huff. He glanced around her room, at the floral wallpaper that were covered in posters of her favorite bands and actors. He liked the innocence that came with her room that she so desperately tried to cover up. He wished she wouldn't, though. He liked it when she was vulnerable, and soft, and delicate.

His eyes trailed over to her dresser, where the drawers hung open and messy. He didn't like mess. He hated it actually. He couldn't focus on anything if something was messy.

He pushed himself off of her bed, and walked over to the old dresser that had an assortment of flowers painted on it. He picked up her clothes from the floor, shoving them back into their rightful place, when he realized he had a pair of her underwear in hand.

Kai stared at the pink silk panties in hand as he lazily tossed everything else back in the drawer. He grazed a thumb over the laced hem as he thought of her, as he thought of her body, and the sounds she made when he pleasured her.

He quickly heard footsteps returning back to her room, and he shoved the panties into his back pocket right before Daisy reentered. "She doesn't have it either— sorry." She lifts an eyebrow. "What are you doing?" She says.

Kai shuts the drawer. "Just looking around." He says.

Daisy smiles faintly and lets out a sigh as she wanders back over to her bed and plops down. Kai sat beside her. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

Daisy nodded. "Honestly, yeah." She says. "I've barely thought about it today."

"They'll find the body soon." Kai says, blandly.

Daisy scoffed at the quick turn in conversation. She tried to hide the nerves that swept over her body at his words. "That's comforting." She spoke sarcastically.

"Then the police will come to our school, probably talk to everyone who was at Mark's party." Kai adds. "Do you remember what you have to say?"

Daisy felt the urge to roll her eyes, but held back. "We got into an argument by the pool, he stormed off, I went to look for him, and he was fucking Carol in one of the bedrooms. And that's the last I saw him."

"And that makes—"

"That makes Carol one of the last people who saw him." Daisy interrupts. "Taking the pressure off of me." She raises an eyebrow at Kai. "New topic, please."

He smiled at her, she was learning, getting more comfortable. And a lot quicker than he had initially expected. "Okay." He said.

"Maybe we could go to Cody's and get some take out." Daisy suggested, as the two had been sitting in her room doing nothing for two hours. "I'm really craving a burger right now."

Kai didn't really process her words, or care to, instead he leaned towards her and gently planted kisses on her neck. It was impossible to contain himself when she was near, he could kiss her all day and wouldn't get tired of it. It was his way of making up for lost time, he'd held himself back for too long.

Daisy chuckled at his desperate urges and continued on. "Maybe we can get shakes too." She added.

Kai scoot closer to her, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her closer as he lined her collarbone with soft kisses. "Or we could just stay here." He whispered into the kisses.

Daisy swallowed. "I haven't had dinner." She spoke, shivering at his gentle touch.

"Dinner can wait." Kai responded back, bringing his mouth up to hers and colliding their lips, almost knocking the air out of Daisy's lungs from the sudden crash.

He let his eagerness get ahead of him and brought his hands back to Daisy's back, gently laying her down onto her soft bed. She swallowed hard as she readjusted her head on her pillow. "Take your shirt off." Kai spoke, not really processing his words before letting them out.

Daisy eyed him cautiously, he wasn't looking at her, more at her body. She felt her stomach rumble with hunger, but ignored it as Kai clearly had different intentions for the night.

She pulled off her black sweatshirt over her head, revealing a pink bra, the matching pair to the panties Kai had sitting in his pocket. He felt his breath hitch at the sight, at her subtle innocence. He wondered if she'd worn that bra on purpose, if she'd known what it did to him. Daisy's light eyes looked up at him as he admired her.

What was he thinking about? Daisy wondered. They were so close but they were also in two different places. He didn't really seem to be thinking of her, only the thought of her.

"You're beautiful." Kai whispered, as he leaned in towards her again, planting a slow kiss on her lips, dragging them down to her neck, her collarbone, and down to her tummy.

An obnoxious ringing sound blared from Kai's jacket on the ground, and Daisy lifted her head up and looked around confusedly. "What is that?" Daisy asked.

"It's fine." Kai said, quickly unbuttoning Daisy's jeans as she continued to look around.

"I think it's your pager." She responded, as the beeping came to a stop.

"It's fine." He repeated, pulling down the zipper and beginning to slip the jeans off of her.

Daisy leaned her head back again, trying to relax, but sat back up when his pager started ringing again. Kai shut his eyes in frustration, pulling himself off of Daisy's bed with a groan.

Daisy pulled her pants back up and sat up completely, watching as Kai wandered to his jacket and grabbed the blinking disc from one of the pockets. "It's my dad." He said, with frustration in his voice.

"Do you have to go?" Daisy asked, brushing her hair behind her ears as she slouched over, uncomfortable with being topless now.

"Apparently." Kai rubbed his eyes and turned to Daisy to let out another sigh. "I'm sorry." He said.

She shook her head. "It's okay. It's late, anyways."

Kai frowned and walked back over to her, leaning down and kissing her again before pulling away and putting his jacket back on. "I'll see you in the morning." He said, as he unlocked the window and pushed it open.

"Bye." Daisy said with a faint smile, as he slipped out the window.

Kai walked into his house, being met with the eerie silence of all his siblings being asleep. He hung his jacket up on the coat rack and lazily strode into the kitchen, where the only light in the house  was on.

His father, who sat at the kitchen table with papers and books, glanced up at his son over his glasses. "Where have you been?" Joshua asked.

Kai knew that he knew where he was, why else would he care? He opened the pantry, grabbing his half eaten bag of pork rinds and leaning against the counter as he popped one in his mouth. "Daisy's." Kai responded.

Joshua rubbed his temples. "Kai, I don't think this is a good idea." He said, setting his pen down.

"What are you working on?" Kai asked, as he noticed the large grimoire sat beside all of his father's work.

"Stuff— for the Coven—" Joshua says, he opened his mouth to continue but Kai leaned off the counter.

"Can I see?" Kai asked, as he walked towards the open grimoire.

"No." His father spoke sternly, he shut the book quickly, sliding it away from his son. Kai narrowed his eyebrows. "Not now."

Kai scoffed. "O-kay."

Joshua took a deep breath. "I don't think you should get involved with that Daisy girl." He stood up from his chair, taking his glasses off and setting them beside his things.

"Actually, you don't want that Daisy girl to get involved with me." Kai corrected his father. "It's okay, you can say it."

"Can you blame me, Malachai?" Joshua questioned. "I know how you get with these kinds of things."

Kai scoffed, tossing his now empty bag of pork rinds in the trash. "Yeah? How do I 'get' then, dad?" He said, turning back to face Joshua.

"Obsessive." Joshua said, with no hesitation or time to think. "Obsessive, fixated, controlling, dangerous—" He stops himself from continuing on. "That girl has a good family, a good life ahead of her. I don't want you to take that from—"

"You don't know anything about her." Kai stops him mid sentence. "You don't know anything about us."

"I don't need to." Joshua says. "I just know you."

"I love her." Kai said abruptly.

You could see the disappointment in Joshua as his shoulders and head fell at Kai's words. He rubbed his temples again, trying to keep calm. "Malachai, you barely know her." Joshua says.

"That's not true." Kai says, shaking his head, his eyes pleading for his dad to believe him.

"Malachai!" Joshua shouts. "You are going to ruin that girl!" He yells, snapping his head up towards his son, accidentally letting his anger take over him.

Kai jumps slightly at the sudden raising of voice, widening his eyes at his father. As the shock faded, he felt his body begin to tremble with anger and frustration. The anger from his eyes showed the scared child within, the boy who was taught to be isolated and starved of the love he craved.

Kai grabbed onto Joshua's forearm tightly, siphoning his magic before he could even realize what he was doing. Joshua groaned in pain as Kai kept his eyes glued onto his father, tightening his grip around his arm. Kai used his other hand to use Joshua's own magic against him, holding his hand up towards his father face and squeezing it into a fist.

Joshua groaned loudly as he felt his skull begin to concave into his brain. A spell that was nearly impossible to master at Kai's age, a spell that most Gemini's didn't even teach.

Kai breathed heavily, satisfaction sweeping his face. "Leave us alone." He said, glaring down at his father. "If you don't— I won't hesitate to—"

"Malachai!" Kai's mother shrieked as she rushed towards them. Kai reopened his hand, releasing his father from his grip and letting him fall down to the floor below him. He watched as his mother, who had panic plastered all over her, bend down and go to  Joshua's aid.

Kai stepped back a bit as he admired his work, letting a little proud chuckle escape his lips, magic still lingering in his fingertips. His mother looked up at him with fearful eyes, but he just watched his dad struggle to stay conscious.

Joshua opened his mouth, and spoke weakly. "You don't have to worry about me getting in between you two." He spoke in between wheezy breaths. "If you stay in her life, hers won't last much longer."

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