In The Beginning

In a void of bleak nothing is the world unknown comeplete black and devoid of any life as the universe stood empty

Soon appeared two deities, those gods of greater good the first one is a deity devoid of hair, clear eyes, a black beard, brown garbs, grey pants and black boots and a cape to cloak his body.

And the other deity had an appearance uncannily similar to the avatar as it had a few differences, one of them being his eyes were a deep dark blue, a full beard and his clothes were a bit darker than Steve's.

These deities are named Notch and Herobrine the first creators, the titans of old and these beings are gods unknown where them came from or what they are but all it known is they are the creators they see the void all empty and bleak of any color soon the elder named Notch spoke in a calming magical word

"Let there be Light!"

Then as the light shined, it fills the empty void and darkness with many things from, trees, plants, and so much more.

"This light is called Day!"

But with light comes darkness with anything which is what Herobrine exactly did as he held his hand up and shouted.

"If there is light than there shall be darkness!"

The darkness was formed on the other edge as the void was vibrant with stars of many kind before stones formed around each other to create small lights which he called the moon and the stars before a fiery fire of his brothers creation called a sun.

"Let this darkness be called Night and it's light the stars and The Moon!"

Then both Notch and Herobrine combined their words as they also put their hands forward.

""With light and darkness there will be life!"" They Said in unison

With all their power they soon in their imagine came individuals big and small with robes of sorts that cloth the people that was created in the imagine of flesh and bone of life from the dust from the ground up to create life, these are the images of Notch, while Herobrine creations were in his own image of course. followed by an abundance of animals who also came from dust from the ground and the air followed by the oceans which breed fish big and small all friendly as they swam across the ocean while animals roamed freely emitting sounds.

And immediately Notch and Herobrine were proud and happy with what they created though they wouldn't be lying if they didn't fear of the world that they created would turn into chaos.

It was normal as years past during the years of the villagers in the image of Notch and the man in the image of herobrine worked together as the villagers were the brains of ideas and main source of establish currency, while the Men were the brawn as they build, create what was given to them helping the villagers which yielded amazing results of created giant structures, monuments more grander than the other before it as they expand their creations among their wild imagination have pushed them forward of technology expansion with the help of a new energy sources more renewed than the ones before it, it was a good life for them of expanding for their future ancestors before them.

Notch was happy and proud of them yet Herobrine held it very different seeing how they was creating and building while don't acknowledge their creators which displeased one of the creators who watch the mortal world which filled him with somewhat anger and not liking it one bit before he decide to go to his brother

"Brother why don't they follow us, why don't they worship us?" Ask Herobrine to his brother who he was outraged by their little faith in them.

"We created life to allow them to live their life how they want with them choosing what they want to do, how they do it, where they go is all on their own free will. And if they choose to worship us then they are free to choose on their own, not because we say so"

This answer did not please Herobrine as his annoyance continue to rise.

"It's that exact reason that we should make our presence known we were the ones who created and gifted them life! So what's wrong with being worshipped?" Herobrine asked in what now is anger.

"Again brother it's not for us to do If command them to do what we say it's not really freedom for them"

"We must bring order they are destroying what we created!!!! They need to learn of our existence not as mere being but their creators!!!" Scream Herobrine "how could you let this happen given free will? They are ungrateful for what we done you made errors for them what happen if they make mistakes?!"

"With every mistake they'll make will learn from it to strengthen them, Then what will happen if we do make our presence known to them? How will they react? For all we know they may cower in fear because of your decision"


"Also what exactly is wrong with free will? Are you suggesting that I shouldn't have given them the ability to think on their own? Cause it sounds like you would rather have them to be empty and emotionless only to be commanded?"

Herobrine stood silent as ever before Notch continue

"Brother I need your help of expanding our world we built together for years......"

"Why only you......" before Notch walked away before stopping dead in his track to look at his flesh in blood

"Because its our destiny..." before he walked away as Herobrine stood there completely emotionless angry before repeating the words

"It is my destiny to fix what's right......"

Notch can only look at his brother and sigh in disappointment he walked away and to look at the people he and his brother gave life to and only smile as they show so much sign of improvement.

Herobrine was still not please and soon use his power to teleport to the mortal world with Notch not knowing it

(The overworld)
He was floating looking at the mortal and their accursed creations poisoning the land he and his brother created and see notch incompetent to even have order before his fist cracked and in time he said the same thing

"My destiny to fix these failures..." before he felt his power raise to cause havoc as much possible

City of Trade

The city where it's a trading hub for villagers and man to peacefully trade with emeralds for something valuable fairly which is always fairly creating a profit to expand their city more to be well known its a normal day of course but what they don't know the incoming danger they'll receive.

As one the villagers were with their family and as they were walking to one of the shops one of their kids were tugging on their parents clothes trying to get their attention.

"Mommy! Daddy look a shooting star is heading our way!"

"Hahaha what are you talking about sweetie?"

"There!!!" Said the young villager who the parents decided to look up at the sky to see what their kids are talking about thinking it's all just children imaginations but they see something that's not a shooting star flying at them it's a.....METEOR!!!!

The Parents quickly grabbed their children and started to run away from the meteor as far as they could only to hear the meteor crash and push them back due to the immense force.

They all fall as they heard screaming as more meteors crash down at high force as many cries of pain, misery and tears the children call for their mommies while the husband called out for his wife with no answer back to her it was immense chaos

What became even worse is that the children now noticed the other meteors coming down to destroy more land, but thankfully it was far away from them, but that didn't help them as they were still searching for their parents.

"Mommmm, Daddddddd!!!!!!" Scream most of them who are searching for them as they notice bodies not moving at all as it was burning flesh and a heap lifeless

As they were searching the stench of death and decay of flesh was filling the air meaning that an unfortunate event has happened. Soon many fell victim to the event it never happen before as iron golems try to help them by lifting up destroyed buildings or debris

"What happened? Why did this happened?.....Brother did we do something bad?"

The brother honestly couldn't respond to his sisters question as he wondered the same thing did they do something bad? He wanted to honestly cry with his sister but he had to be brave until he found his parents.

"We can't worry about that now we have to keep searching" He says.

They said as they continue to search on the mist of destruction of course as this city wasn't the first to fall victim to this catsophoe one worse than the other.

City of the sea

This city is grander than the other one as they possess water hydrolic technology to power most things of course a very diverse system for man and villager

As the villagers were living a normal simple life in the city sadly what they haven't notice yet will soon end their peaceful days that they enjoyed so much.

It was good as one of them was a fishermen fishing for fish to sell to make a profit before noticing the clouds gone a bit dark in asuch a rapid pace

"Ohh man must be a mighty storm coming soon" The one villager says as begins to head inside.

"Why would it suddenly grow dark so soon?" Another asked a bit concerned.

"What is that?"

"What is what?"

"That" A Female Villager says pointing at the tidal wave coming near by.

The wave was large and massive so large and very wide which looks very menacing before wide panic sprang the city of the waters

Which engulfed the towns people and destroyed the city buildings due to the force of the tidal wave causing several lives to be taken by the tidal wave.

No one survived as the city is now flooded till there's no trace of foundation left in their destroying the Advance civilization followed afterwards and many towns was washed away from the event

Capital City

In another city people were living in a comfortable city that was a bit modern not to advanced but not to old either, it was comfortable to live in with people coming in from different cities to trade items and materials from time to time. As the people were simply living their life with a male villager with his partner making a successful trade with someone who was willing to giving a very valuable item which made the male villager and his partner more than willing to trade anything they had for the valuable item which was a few tools and some items that would be useful in the long run and once they successful in their deal, they were jumping in joy as they made a big hit only for their celebration to be interrupted by someone speaking out loud that there's some on mist coming into their town. Which they did as they turned around and saw that the mist was nearly covering the whole town which almost made them ignore it until they were hearing a lot of the villagers violently cough and some even falling onto their knees which made the two trades panic a bit.

In a mere second they ran away as one of the traders looked at his partner

"What's going on?!!! What's that mist?!!" Said the trader in full panic

"I-i don't know! W-we need to get out of here as fast as we can!" The other trader says.

As they're running away from the mist they were seeing people coughing from everywhere some were even coughing out blood and their skin falling apart which horrified the two giving them all the more reason to leave.

It was crazy as some of them mostly the man eyes was turning black while screaming in utter pain as their skin is changing halfway

"O-oh..oh notch!!" The trader said feeling nauseous from the scene before them.

"Just ignore them keep running!" The trader says as run even faster.

Before he can get to safety he felt something grab him from the leg very firmly lathed on him which cause the Said trader to trap

"Aggghhh!! Dammit!" He says as tries to pry himself free.

"Hold on I'll help you!" The other trader says attempting to assist their partner.

"No! Just go at this point I'll only slow you down"

"I can't leave you there!!!"

The trader then sees the infected villager bite down on his leg causing him to scream in agony.

"Gahhhhhh!!!! Damn! *Kicks* Bastard!!"* Kicks* the Trader says attempting to kick the infected away.

"Get off!!!" The other Trader says hitting it with what ever was durable.

It was quite effective as the Said infected to drop dead from the force of course slumped down as the other trader looked at his partner "Your alright?"

"Yeah....I think so.... " the Trader says looking at his wounds.

The wound was a bit reddish before they all heard moans from all places

"Damn there starting come from everywhere! Quickly you have to go before the both of us are taken by these infected!" The Trader yells.

"But I-"

"Don't argue with me on this just go!" The Trader says pushing the other Trader but failed due to his lack of strength.

Before the trader ran as fast away from the
Place while he didn't look back and all he heard is screams of pain and zombie snarls of course

While all this was happening Herobrine was simply looking down and witnessing the chaos that he's created but in his eyes he's done nothing but fixed the issue. That is until Notch came floating and was livid and disappointed in his brother.

"BROTHER!!!" Notch yelled as his voice roared and echoed in their safe haven.

"Ahhh! Brother I assume you seen what I've done right? Well? Aren't you proud that I was right?" Herobrine asked actually believing he's done good.

"Proud? Proud?! Your asking me if I'm proud of YOU right now?!! What you did today did nothing more than become extremely disappointed in what you did! Stop this chaos right now!" Notch said as he pointed at his brother.

"I'm fixing what you made an Error I'm Showing order, keeping these mortal in line if you can't I will!!!" Scream Herobrine and at fast speeds did a punch to the face to Botch who fly at fast speeds

As Notch was slowly recovering he started to check for any signs of injury and once he felt blood below his lips he wiped it off and look at the blood on his fingers and just looked back at his brother with pain and anger in his eyes.

" this is what it's coming too, I was hoping we could settle this by words but now we have reached a point where talk is no longer needed" Notch says as he gets in his stance.

"Haha for once agree on something brother!! It's a shame that this is the last time that we'll be agreeing on anything!" Herobrine says as he gets in a stance as well.

It was a standoff of the gods before Herobrine made the first move by coming at fast speeds at his brother who plan to land a kick to Notch.

Only for Notch to dodge Herobrine's kick which gave him the opportunity to low sweep his brother which caused Herobrine to fall flat on his rear end.

"I suggest you stop this now brother your going to make this worse for yourself" Notch says looking down at his brother.

"Heh maybe you should be more concerned about your own safety brother!!!" Herobrine says as he quickly got up and tried to uppercut Notch.

Which failed as Notch caught his brother's fist and delivered a punch right into his face only for Notch to feel a pain on his sides.

"Agggghhh!" Both Notch and Herobrine says.

The two brothers back away a bit from the injury that they gave to each other.

Herobrine spat out blood before shaking his head before he felt his power and prepare to launch a blast at his brother. Notch did the same as he also fired a blast just as strong as his brother's.

Soon the power combined into one beam as one try to over power the other beam

As the beams were struggling a few seconds moving towards Notch, then a few seconds after that it would move closer towards Herobrine and while the two were struggling to dominate each other they knew that one of them will give out eventually.

"Why not just give in brother and let me take the role to rule the world we created I promise you the errors will be fixed by then!" Herobrine says as he pushes forward.

"Your methods only lead to chaos and destruction and I won't allow such a disaster to happen!!" Notch says as he does the same as well.

Before they come closer creating a very large explosion that sent both gods flying to opposites sides.

With Notch he was in a daze trying to pick his self up only to stumble and fall, coughing a bit as the explosion did do some injury on the God of Light. As he was trying to fan away the dust from the explosion he decided to call out his brother to see if he was alright.

"Brother....? Are you there?.....If you are speak to me" Notch says clearing a bit more of the dust.

He was walking a bit further until his brother called him out from behind.


Notch turned around just in time to lean his body back as he avoided his brother's weapon.

"Damn it I was this close to finish you off" Herobrine says in frustration.

"Grave mistake" Said Notch as he formed his weapon out of air and with the creation with his imagination to create the Hammer of course before he try to strike Herobrine"

As the two clashed their weapons they both had the look of determination in their eyes as neither of them would waver in what they were doing. But Herobrine while still hanging in there was starting to lose his footing which eventually caused him to slip up giving Notch the opportunity he needed to attack which he did by kneeing Herobrine in the gut causing him stagger which Notch took as he then striked him in his sides sending his brother flying to the other side. Notch then charged at his brother and jumped in the air preparing to strike him from above. Which made Herobrine look up and avoid his brother's attack which while he did successfully dodged the attack, the shockwave sent him flying just a bit before landing on the ground and was laying there as Notch was just standing there looking at him ready to fight, which caused Herobrine to start laughing uncontrollably which made Notch confused and on guard.

"Ooh brother if only you had that kinda of attitude in the beginning we would have fixed everything in no time! But had be kindhearted..." Herobrine says as he begins to pick himself up as well as his weapon.

"If I had the same attitude as you the world would be in a much worse condition" He says.

Both got ready before they charge at one another with battle cries screaming

"Ahhhhh!!!!!" Before they clash their weapon which cause a immense shockwave of course sending the duo back in great length of Notch slammed against the building while Herobrine to the ground creating a very large crater Herobrine was wounded his clothes tattered and almost destroyed try to get up but couldn't even with his power he couldn't get up as he was breathing as he hold his weapon for support feeling like a mortal a bit.

"What happened?" He Said confused as Notch still have his powers which he float and looked down at his brother who several tattered clothes a bit

"I figured you would have found out immediately but, since your my brother I'll let you know, it's your powers.." Notch says as looks at his brother.

"My powers.......!! Damn you!" Herobrine says.

"You asked for this brother, think of this as tough love"'Notch says.

"You bastard!! I'll make you pay for this!!!" Herobrine yells.

"Until you learn the error of your ways brother I'll have to banish you. And believe me this is the last thing I ever wanted" Notch says as he has his hands up.

"No....Nooo!!!!" Herobrine says trying to attack his brother one last time.

As Herobrine came close to attacking his brother Notch, his actions were immediately halted in place as he looked to see chains wrapped around his arms at first he scoffed at the chains like they were nothing until he saw several more chains coming their way towards him and began wrapping around his body in nothing but chains and began dragging him towards the pit of lava causing Herobrine to struggle even more until he fell in the lava causing him to scream in pain making Notch just look at him in pity which causes him to cursing out his brother.

"Damn you brother you always had to do things your way! I promise you this I will return to reek havoc on our world that you seem to care about so much! So until then may you and your world rot in your peace chocking from it!!!!" Herobrine yells one last time before he completely sinks into the pit of the lava.

Years later

It was another large century as it wasn't getting better at all As the world is the state of chaos with most of the monsters now roaming around a lot the monsters are more dominant during this time and while the monsters roam around the survivors who manage to find hiding places away from the monsters. Meanwhile Notch who used a spell to restrain the monsters for a while making them only roam the night instead of day which will be punished but some manage to overcome it

, is now contemplating on what to do? He never thought his own brother would act out like this, sure him and his brother had their disagreements from time to time, but even he never knew that this would happen and to make matters worse is that some of his warriors were taken out due to again his brother was the cause of it. That was until Notch now realized he may have to create a much more powerful warrior and one that was a lot more durable than his past warriors who all fallen to the undead

He sigh and raised his hand to to create a warrior a being who'll be in the image of the past Steve's and his own brother who use the orb of life the last orb to create the last warrior the last man ever it'll ever be.

"I hope that this will be a warrior that will not only protect but also endure whatever hardship comes his way" Notch says. With all the magic of forming bone, flesh and a living breathing soul to complete the creation and the soul of himself and the titans of Old formed the warrior.

With the warrior now being placed on the grass gently he now lays there asleep for quite a bit until the sun slowly starts to rise up indicating that it's morning with Him turning away from the sunlight slowly creeping up on him. With him starting to look calm than ever.

"Come now Steve it's time to wake up" Notch says with his calm voice in the head of the Miner

And soon the Man who is named Steve slowly starts to open his eyes in response to the voice.

Here's the lore me and RadiantPhantom2  made a little while and took idea of what happens if the Minecraft world have a backstory to them.

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