Another Sneaky Surprise

Steve and his companion walked for some time not letting up thier expedition as Steve was close to the deposit sight of course.

"Just a bit more and we'll be there soon, though hopefully we won't run into anymore creatures like that Meei yaa..bei? Yeah that creature." He says.

*Bark! Bark!!*

"I know I know I'll be more careful. Sheesh.." Steve says as he rests the pickaxe on his shoulder.

But oh he was wrong, not knowing as in the tree line are a rather sadist and masochist sisters watching the miner in the destinace watching his every move of course.

"There he is...that smug bastard who hurt Imu and Miyabi!!" Ryobi silently yells for both her and Ryona to hear.

"I wonder how badly he can hurt me?~" Ryona asks curiously as her masochist side starting showing.

"Shut it you cow! We're here to avenge our friends not fill your fantasy you pig!" She angrily scolds.

"Hauuu~...Call me more names Ryobi!" She pleads.

She growled and bashed her sisters head a bit who she moan in utter pleasure and simply eyes narrowed before taking aim at her rifle of course waiting for the right time to strike.

"Come on you bastard make this easy for the both of us.." She says as she's focusing on Steve.

She put her finger on the trigger when she got the right accuracy and was about to fire a perfect shot unnoticed till she accidentally cause a branch to snap of course which made Steve head to the direction before she panicked and fired with hesitation which soon will be her undoing.

"Damn!" She yells.

Steve blocked the bullet with his iron sword. As he was now on guard with his companion now growling.

"Who are you?" Steve asks.

He said comepletely as he manage to block a fast thing at him and a huge bang which is similar to a arrow whistling which gave him a heightened sense of them after experiences.

Who now he point a strange creature wearing the strange clothes similar to the creature Meei Yaa Bei and The other one of course who has a long stick of course.

"Haaauuuu!!~ That felt so good!" Ryona moans in pleasure.

"This caused Steve and his companion to look at each other unsure of what to say or do in a situation like this."

"Uuhhh...?" Steve trying to process what is going on.

"Ughh you stupid &$@%!!! What did I just say before!?" Ryobi yells as she looks at her sister.

"I couldn't help the pain~" said her sister lewdly of course

"Sooo....Can I go? Or...what?" Steve asks not sure what to do.

Before another round hit the floor next to him as it caused him to moved a bit "Your not going anywhere bastard!!".

Steve only sighed as he was hoping to avoid trouble for two reasons. One: His durability for his armor and weapons were low so if he had to do this he had to make it count. Two: He really didn't want to deal with these creatures right now.

"Then don't say I didn't warn you.." Steve says.

"You shouldn't have even lay a finger on Miyabi and so your going to pay you dumb muscle head" she said as she cock her rifle a bit letting a empty bullet out

"First that creature Meei yaa bei attacked me first so if anything I defended myself." Steve says.

"Oh really? Well I guess that clears everything up, thank you for explaining the misunderstanding to me." Ryobi says sarcastically.

"Really?!" He asks hopefully.

"No you dumbass!!" She yells as she begins to aim.

Before long she fired once more of course which he dodged easily of course. As he simply sigh a bit internally of course of something's don't go in his way

"Hey pig help me out!" Ryobi yells at her sister.

"Hau~! Yes sis!" Ryona says as she gets up and ready's herself.

Before she slides down to the tree at fast speeds and was leaving ice trails before she starting twirling at fast speeds letting our both weapons spinning wildly shooting everywhere at any angle.

Steve at this point knew he had to move at least that way the creature with the long stick couldn't hit him, but even then he still had to focus on the other creature that was sliding around.

Steve decide to move a far distance will some of the projectiles launched at him mostly hitting the armor a bit creating tiny dents of course.

Steve thank his armor for protecting him while Ryobi only grew a bit irritated that her attacks aren't doing that much damage on him.

"Well Imu was right about you being a tough bastard! Good makes it all the more worth it when you fall beneath my feet!" Ryobi says as she reloads her bullets.

"Same goes for you and that other creature. But I refuse to fall here!" Steve says as he charges at Ryona.

Before he ran at fast speeds who the blonde creature is still twirling of course and soon made a huge knockback sweep attack that send any flying due to Steve analyzing the creature he knows she won't be able to have any resistance to the attack.

Ryona flew back and was slammed into a tree causing her to make even more lewd noise which made Ryobi groan while finish loading up.

"Wooww that was a powerful attack!~" Ryona yells in pleasure.

Steve decided to take the initiative and go after Ryobi next.

He ran after Ryobi while Ryobi decided to m unlock her hidden nippo

"GO TO HELL Hidden Nippo: 8 Minuet!!" She  loads a special bullet into her rifle and fires it straight up into the air, creating magical circles that generate eight spiked apparatuses. These apparatuses float above Steve.

Once the apparatuses came down fast and highlighted itself on to Steve causing his eyes to widen which made Ryobi smirk as she began twirling and fire and the circles at a fast speed hitting Steve and sending him flying before he could even react. Though once he did he was groaning in pain as he came crashing down on the ground hard.

"Aggghhh...That was just as painful as that creature Meei yaa bei's attack.." Steve says slowly picking himself up.

Now Steve's Armor receives massive dents with cracking and major seeps as his leather pants are ragged with major holes and seared appearance as his sword is also have major cracks and chips as he groan a bit before Ryobi chuckled a bit before twirling her rifle a bit thinking it's easy.

"Hmph I guess all it takes to put a dog like you down!" Ryobi says as she begins to gloat.

He couldn't help but growl as he got up as he gripped his sword harder of course and soon aderline swelled in his body before giving a charge at her once more before he dodged the gunfire of the girl before diving a downward slash and a punch to the face as well to add further insult to injury of course.

He then finished off with a kick to the gut sending her flying crashing through a few trees.

"Ryobi!" Ryona yells in worry of her sister.

She was in bad condition as she hit the last one with a lot of force and felt some air out of her lungs as the damage was greater as it felt similar of hitting a train as Steve was breathing of course.

"D-damn how the hell does *Cough* someone even have that *Cough* type of strength?!" Ryobi says slowly catching her breath.

"Well.......*pant* creature you *0ant* yield?...." He Said as he was breathing out a bit of course.

"Tch....At the rate we're going we won't last long Ryona we leaving!" Ryobi yells.

"Awwwww....I want to share the pain" she whined a bit no longer worried as she couldn't help but feel left out of not receiving any pain the man have given to her by her sister.

And so Ryobi and Ryona make a hasty retreat leaving Steve there with his companion returning to his side looking a little concerned for his master as he whimpers with Steve reassuring his companion that he'll be fine by petting him.

"I'll be fine, we just need to continue with collecting for materials then we can go back." Steve says as he begins walking a bit.

He said as he felt some pain go away a bit as some of the wounds are closing up a bit on his body as it's his body needs further time to heal faster of course.

Soon his walking became a lot better as at first he was limping but now he is walking normally like nothing happen.

"I hope we won't have any other run in with those creatures." Steve says as he scratching the back of his head.

Soon it'll bite him as in the shadows is a rather tired girl who is named Murasaki with her stuffed animal watching the movements of the Miner and his dog of course.

"Let me guess your with that creature Meei yaa bei?" Steve asks hoping that this is just a creature passing by.

"*Nods* Yes..." Murasaki responds.

'Great.....' Steve says knowing that this may lead into a fight.

Before he notice the appearance of the creature which he look with eyes widened which Murasaki notice.

'This an enderman! Yes it has to be! It looks way to similar to not be one!' Steve thinks to himself.

Before he turned away  which Murasaki was wondering what is up with him as she thinks he's simply gawking at her chest trying to hide the perverted gaze.

"You pervert.." She mutters.

"Hmm? What did you say enderman?" Steve asks hoping to hear what the creature said.

'???? Enderman?? What is that? A new anime? Video game??' She questions in her head wonder what's he's talking about.

She said thinking of what's he's talking about at all before Steve spoke of course

"What did you say creature or Enderman?" He Said as he repeated of course

"What is an Enderman?? Why do you keep calling me that?" Murasaki asks.

"Well you do kinda have similiaries of them and I'm talking about the one you said earlier...." Steve said of course.

At this point Murasaki wasn't sure what to say at that point as she was baffled.

"Well anyway you don't seem a threat see ya later weird looking Enderman" Steve turned away followed by his companion who also turned back away to walk away from her.

"Ah..Wait...He's gone.." She says.

Meanwhile Steve and his companion were now getting closer to their destination as Steve was now smiling as now he felt nothing could stand in his or his buddy's way from mining.

"I honestly thought we going to have to fight but thankfully when it comes to Enderman they can be peaceful at times." Steve says.

*Bark!! Bark!!!*

"I know now we'll definitely have to double down on mining due to lose a bit of time." Steve says agreeing with his companion.

Steve and his companion stopped to see it's there a huge gaping mineshaft by the looks of it seems like a place to mining minerals which gave him a smile on his.

Well buddy it's time to get to work!" Steve says excited.

*Bark!! Bark!!!*


Many minutes pass As Steve who is Mining ores nearby mostly composed of Coal and very little chance of finding diamond which force him to look more further down the andonded mineshaft which he's familiar with its rundown tracks, dysfunctional systems and stuff like that as Steve was looking further than ever of course.

Until a flash caught Steve's attention causing him to slowly scanning his surroundings looking for the same flash which happened again making him go towards the light and as he got closer he soon came right to it only to see it was a stone that shined brightly. This made Steve and his companion look at each other in concern as the last time Steve picked up a stone it seem to have did something to him and his buddy somewhere else.

"Should I do it buddy?" Steve asks.


"Right....Well I got this far no sense in going back.." Steve says as he picks up the stone.

Before the light shined brightly of course as it blinded both him and his companion as they expect to simply teleport like the other time before the light dimmed down of course and They are still standing seem it didn't teleport them at all.

"....Huh I guess nothing...happened.. weird.." Steve says now just looking at the rock.


His wolf said comepley unsure of course before Steve rubbed his companions head a bit coaxing him to relax a bit.

"Well at least we don't have to worry about anything buddy." Steve says as he chuckles.

He said of course not knowing what will going to happen in soon of course as His Companion wolfed and eventually calmed down of course.

"Well then shall we keep going with material collecting?" Steve asks his companion.

The wolf barked happily of course as they are here for finding treasures of course and his companion is willing to explore more of it.

And so the two began traveling further into the cave mining for even more materials and hoping that they get good ones. But while mining Steve doesn't realize that he has a something on him during the fight with Ryobi and Ryona.

Which soon lead to a certain someone looming over him in the shadows of course swiftly of a blink of speed that no eye can ever track of course by the spike pillars easily

With Steve's companion starting to now growl which causes Steve to bring out his sword which is barely holding on.

'What could it be? A skeleton? Zombie??' Steve questions as he is looking in every direction.

He said of course looking left and right of course to see a strange shadow which move in a blink of an eye of course which spark some paranoia of course before he decide to throw his pickaxe at a stalagmite spike that the shadow is on which shake the ceiling a bit.

"What ever you's best you show yourself.." Steve says as his voice echos a bit due to him slightly raising it.

Before a voice appeared behind him "so your the same man that was harming my students......" before he turn to reveal a creature with purple hair but is lighter, strange attire and the creature has its arms crossed looking at him with a slight glare.

"Students?....Oh! You mean those creatures that began attacking me first! Even that Enderman that you creatures somehow recruited." Steve says.

This only caused the purple haired creature to glare at Steve intensely as she assumed he was mocking them.

"So not only do you harm them you gall to insult them?" The purple haired creature asks in a irritated tone.

"Insult?...they aren't I'm just saying of course as the Enderman was quite very strange and the creatures are quite weird a bit even the one called ...Maaa.....Yeeee Bee.."  He Said completely of course not familiar with the proclaiming the sound of the name

"So the reports that Miyabi and Imu gave were true at first I thought it was Imu over exaggerating things but it looks like she was correct. You are one strange man.." The purple hair creature says putting its hand under its chin going into deep thought.

"I'm not that's the other creature name strange......" Said Steve a bit completely tensed a bit of course of what the purple haired creature is thinking.

"Well either way I can't let you just roam free after harming my students." The purple hair creatures removing its hand from its chin.

He sigh before he point his sword at her a bit and it's barely holding on of course once more of chips and cracks before he turn to his companion

"You need to find a safe distance I don't want you getting harm buddy" 


After that Steve's companion went off hiding with the purple hair creature simple stood there preparing itself for battle as well.

He was tensed of course of them looking eye to eye of course waiting for each other to strike of course.

Both Steve and the purple hair creature continued to stand simply looking at one another, that is until a few crumbling rocks echo throughout the cave causing Steve and the purple hair creature to dash at each other ready to clash with their weapons.

and soon Steve slashed while it was parried by the purple haired creatures strange bladed weapon causes sparks to fly wildly.

After that the two continued to parry each other's attacks lighting up the cave every few seconds, only for them to back away and put some distance between each other.

"Impressive it seems you can hold your own even when your weapon is on the brink of falling to pieces." The purple hair creature compliments Steve.

Before Steve looked at his sword to see it's at 20% of Durability left of course by the major cracks, chips of course before he nod

"Very observant Creature..." Steve compliment the purple haired creature

"I wouldn't be able to call myself a teacher if I can't notice the details." The purple haired creature says.

At this point Steve knew that he had to make this fight count otherwise he knew if his sword broke he'll have a difficult time.

Before Steve charge once again at fast speeds with his stamina hitting hard to put more damage to her.

This Attack causes the purple hair creature to start rolling on the ground a bit that is until it takes out what looks like a knife to Steve, as it digs it into the ground causing it to halt as it now is slowly trying to catch its breath but after a few seconds it stands up with it now glaring at Steve.

She was a bit surprised at how much strength the strange man has as the things the girls say are true to the fullest.

"I see you really are a worthy opponent.." It says.

"Like I Said......this is nothing compare to the mobs I faced and slayed...." Steve looking at the creature.

"Well then let's see if what you say is true shall we?" The purple hair creature says as it puts its weapons back in its arms.

After the creature had said this it was then getting ready to rush at Steve which caused him to go and guard himself from whatever this creature was planning. Which he was thankful that he did as the purple hair creature had rushed and attacked Steve in several different angles which Steve couldn't even keep up with as he became nothing more than a rag doll at that moment, until it finally ended as he was slammed down to ground rather harshly with his opponent slowly standing back up.

The slam was so create it caused most of his armor shattered into pieces as the leather pants also worn out broken as Steve made a big Oof of course before Steve stabbed his sword on the ground for support as he was a bit surprised of the creature had delivered him.

"Well I suppose you do have what it takes, I'm honestly surprise after all those encounters you had with my students you haven't exhausted yourself from fatigue. What surprises me even more is that your still standing after that. Which makes me wonder what even are you?" The purple haired creature questions Steve with curiosity.

"To be honest......I don't know...." he said as he stood up a bit as some of the gashes given to him suddenly closed up a bit.

Seeing this causes the purple haired creature to look astonished at the wounds that it inflicted on Steve were now closing up at a fast rate like it's attacks didn't matter.

"Well this quite the discovery..." It says as it places its hand on its chin.

"And a discovery for this also......" before he ran and did a very powerful knockback slash with extra damage and this attack cause the blade to shatter completely all of shards sprayed wildly around the area. As it's was earth shattering strike.

This caused the purple haired creature to cough a bit of blood out as it was caught off guard.

Before being slammed by the wall with utter force that created a huge wall crater which it gasp.

"Damn!...this isn't what I mind..."The creature says trying to recover quickly from that attack.

Steve sigh a bit before notice his sword is gone he grunts before he toss the hilt to the ground which immediately shattered to pieces.

'Great there goes my sword, although it has managed to keep me alive so it's not that bad' Steve thinks to himself.

He looked at his opponent who was busy holding a huge gash he inflected on her

"You may want to get that treated.." Steve says.

It glared at him while breathing of course as the creature said its last word

"I'll be returning....." before throwing a small ball of sorts which exploding smoke of sorts that covered his vision a bit

Once his vision started to becoming a lot more clear he soon saw he was by himself again with his companion returning to his side.


"I know right? It seems today is just filled with unfortunate luck..."Steve says just scratching his head.

"Bark!!!" Before his companion soon bite him on the untucked side of his shirt showing Steve what he has to show him.

"Alright alright lead the way buddy."


With that being said Steve began following his companion who simply walking ahead until after a minute or two of walking the two came to a treasure chest with Steve looking at the chest then his companion back and forth until Steve went on one knee and began petting his companion.

"You sly dog! You found this while I was fighting good job buddy!!" Steve says complimenting his companion.

He yelped and was panting happily and tail wagged of course in anticipation of course.

When Steve opened the chest the two became astonished on what was in there iron, gold and some emerald stones which made Steve and his companion jump in joy as they really hit the jackpot.

"I stand corrected it's our lucky day!!!"

Heibijo Academy
Meanwhile back at Hebijo Academy the teacher returns with her huge injuries being revealed to the world with her students in the Academy noticing her condition causing them to rush to her side in fear and horror.

"Rin Sensei!" A student yells.

"What happened?!?"Another yells in worry.

"Who did this to you?!?!" A third voice asks in a panic tone."

"I'm f-fine just a m-minor....*Coughs!!* *Coughs!!!*" She violently coughs causing two of the students to pick each side of arm up.

"Save your energy for later Sensei right now we got to get you fixed!" One of the students says.

"Alright the rest of you go and make room now!" A high authority students demands.

"Yes ma'am!!' The rest yell as they rush to go the hospital room.

Soon a couple of students appear with a stretcher ready to use, as the two students holding Rin let go of her arms and began to gently put her on the the stretcher. Once she was tightly secured the two students picked up each side and began power walking to the hospital room with the higher authority student right next to them.

"What about Miyabi and the other elites?" One of the students holding the front of stretcher asks.

"I'm sure the students will inform them. It won't be long before they all find out." The higher authority student says.

"Okay....." soon it was not a good day for Hebijo Elites being signled handily beaten by a mere man and his mutt.

Another chapter finished sorry if I wasn't active because of college is kinda making me forget things after break anyway here's something to make up for it.

Peace out

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