Chapter 18 "Birthday Disaster"
A few days later
"Happy birthday bestie!", Jacky bursts through my room with all kind of balloons and a small cake with the number 17 on it.
"Jacky! Thank you so much!", I squeak jumping off the bed to receive the cake.
"I have a gift for you"
"What is it?", I clap my hands from excitement.
Jacky grins wide pulling out a bottle of Ciroc from her huge purse.
"Of course"
"We're drinking this up with the models"
"Let me guess you want them to get drunk and splutter all of their dirty secrets like last time", I giggle.
"Yup!", Jacky pops the "p".
"Princessa your birthday breakfast is ready", Eloisa softly says through the door.
"Let's go", I hastily say to Jacky feeling super hungry.
We make our way downstairs into the kitchen. Eloisa made pancakes, sausages, bacon, hash browns, scrambled eggs, and cut up various fruits.
"Thank you everything is so delicious", I smile stuffing my self with pancakes.
"Muy bueno!", Jacky says gulping apple juice.
"Is it cool if I invite Isaac?", Jacky nervously asks.
"Yeah, he seems cool as longest it's just him", I raise a brow taking a sip of milk.
"About that... uhm... Ace wants to come", Jacky mumbles.
"Since I meet him he's been so rude", I roll my eyes.
"He's an orphan maybe he just never was taught manners I don't know", Jacky slumps her shoulders.
"I guess well I guess he can come too, but no Jason", I sternly say.
"Don't worry about that I already told Isaac and even he thinks Jason is a jerk"
"Wassup with you and Isaac?", I waggle my eyebrows at her.
"Uhm... I like him.. he's so hot", Jacky blushes.
There she goes blushing over the mention of Isaac.
"He's cute.. are you guys just friends getting to know each other?", I tease.
"Aleysa your making me feel uncomfortable!", She squirms.
"It's just you never blush over guys and now look at you", I giggle.
"He's different", she lovingly says.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend that day we all kicked it at Jason's place", she scratches the back of her head.
"Oh my god! What did you say?!", I squeak.
"I said no", Jacky frowns.
"Whhaat! Why?"
"I barely know him.. before I consider a relationship with him I need to know him first you know.. just look not to long ago we found out they sell weed", she sighs.
"True, you were right these boys are so mysterious"
"Total bad boys hot baddies", Jacky chuckles.
"I got myself a good boy", I steer.
"Don't tell me your with Alejandro?", Jacky raised a brow.
"Why haven't you told me?! Since when?!", Jacky mutters.
"You've been spending quality time with Isaac and it was just a couple of days ago"
"You could of still texted me!", Jacky groans.
"My bad I didn't think about it much", I truthfully say.
I haven't told anyone about Alejandro not even my mother.
"It's okay it was a couple of days.. it's forgivable"
We both chuckle and I start to tell her everything about Alejandro and I becoming official.
"You look so bomb!", Jacky winks.
"Thank you now take a picture hurry!", I hastily say handing her my phone.
"1.. 2.. 3 !"
"Let me see.. I love it"
"Come on now let's party!", Jacky squeaks pulling me by the hand heading towards the doors.
"I freaking love how it came out!", I grin.
"I told you I have talent!", Jacky smirks feeling very proud of herself for pulling the theme off.
"Thanks for your help Jacky", I tug her in for a hug kissing her cheek.
"Come on let's go get drinks to start the night"
"Two tequila sunrises please", Jacky orders.
"I see Isaac and his friend!", I tap Jacky's shoulder pointing at Isaac and Ace who's heading towards us.
Jacky became a nervous wreck as she beams at Isaac. As for Isaac he's checking her out almost like he's imagining her naked.
"Hey girls", they both say.
"Hello thanks for coming", I smile taking a sip of my drink.
The four of us start drinking eventually getting buzzed.
"Your hot", Ace whispers into my ear.
"Uuh thanks Ace", I mumble feeling a bit awkward.
"I love how you say my name", he flirtatiously says getting close to me.
"Aleysa baby!", my mom comes out of blue.
I look towards her direction my eyes sparkling by her presence. She looks so beautiful in her red skin tight dress.
"Mom!", I squeal running towards her.
"Happy birthday and congrats graduate", she lovingly says stroking my back.
"Thank you and you look so sexy", I respond.
My mother blushes by my compliment. Suddenly Alessandra makes her presence known.
"Hello loves"
"Hi Alessandra", my mother responds however I say nothing back.
"You look great Angela", Alessandra compliments beaming at my mother up and down.
"Yeah she does.. she has curves, boobies, and an ass", I smirk.
Alessandra quickly throws a death glare at me and I chuckle. It's not like I'm lying it's not my fault Assandra is just a stick.
"Aleysa behave", my mother mutters.
"Happy B-", my father comes from behind Alessandra quickly losing his words as he beams at my mother.
My mother warily watches him in silence. I'm standing between the two who for some reason are gazing at each other.
Alessandra peers at my father a angry expression appearing on her face.
"What were you about to say babe", she scolds nudging him.
My father snapped out of his frozen state averting away from my mother.
"Happy birthday my little graduate", he clears his throat.
"Thanks and I'm so happy my two parents are here with me", I genuinely say ignoring Assandra's stern glare.
"So Angela has Ben told you about our engagement?", Alessandra splutters a evil smile on her face showing off her engagement ring.
My mother is baffled by the news that was just thrown at her. However she maintained calm and if she was hurt in anyway. She definitely hid it good.
"No he hasn't, but congratulations to the both of you", my mom smiles.
"Thank you love.. maybe in our engagement party you can meet a handsome fella.. right Ben?", Alessandra blankly says resting her head on my dad's shoulder.
"Yeah", my father coughs looking uncomfortable.
"I'm dating someone", my mother quickly responds raising a brow.
My dad is stunned looking a bit bothered.
"Who is he?", he splutters.
"He's chief in my department", she smiles.
My father raises a brow at her not to fond of this 'chief ' guy. I wonder if my mother is saying the truth or if it's something she made up.
If you could cut through butter with a knife or even with my hand right now it would slide through smoothly with the amount of tension there is right now between them.
"Let's have fun", I chirp breaking the silence.
They all nod and leave their separate ways and I headed back to Jacky and the guys.
Jason's pov
I'm a loner in my condo blazing a blunt as I watch Netflix.
My two idiot friends are at Aleysa's party most likely having fun unlike me who's sitting at him bored.
After what I did to Aleysa it's not shocking that I'm not invited.
I know I'm a prick for playing with her again, but seeing her at the police station waiting for me really rubbed me the wrong way.
Ace and I were selling dope at our usual spot until somehow cops spotted us and chased us down trapping us.
I was so furious at Isaac for even bringing Aleysa, but that guy has let Jacky get into his head already.
Aleysa doesn't belong in my world. I'm so stupid for even trying to have something with her.
Isaac is stupid for even convincing me too and he's even more stupid for bringing a girl into his world. Jacky thinks Isaac 'used' to sell weed, but she has no idea of his criminal past or the shit we've done to survive.
Aleysa is better off with that lover boy of hers whatever the fuck his name is. I won't lie seeing her with him pisses me off, but that rich goody goody bastard can offer her a normal life.
It's better this way either way I don't deserve to be happy after all the shit I've done at least thats what the guards at Juvie always told me which after awhile I started to believe.
A criminal that has taken lives after they've pleaded to live, a criminal that has beaten others up to the point they're almost dead, a criminal that has gotten used to being in and out of Juvie seeing that place as a home and that's all my life will ever be.
Someone like me won't ever have a happy life nor a happy ending. At least I'm realistic unlike stupid Isaac or even Aleysa that lives in this bubbly world of hers.
"They're all stupid!", I say to myself inhaling and exhaling my relaxation.
Aleysa's pov
By this point we're all drunk dancing on the dance floor. I've noticed Alejandro still isn't here which has me curious.
It's already midnight and my boyfriend that should of been here from the start isn't here.
"Where the heck is Alejandro?", Jacky furrows her brows.
"I don't know", I frown.
"Fuck that guy.. I'm here", Ace smirks standing near me.
All night Ace has been trying to spit game on me and he sure doesn't know how to take no for an answer.
I ignore Ace and send a quick text to Alejandro.
Text message sent to Alejandro
Where are you?
Text message from Alejandro
My bad I thought I texted you earlier. I had to leave this morning due to an emergency at home. I'm so sorry babe. I promise I'll make it up to you
For some reason I roll my eyes at the text and just brush it off not letting it ruin my night.
"Can you show me where the bathroom is?", Ace drunkly splutters.
"It's down the hall to your right ", I say pointing towards the hall in the back.
Ace nods stumbling all over the place getting nowhere.
I drape his arm over me holding him firmly by his waist and I help him walk towards the restroom.
"Your sexy you know that?"
I ignore
"I want to rip that dress off of you"
I ignore
"Let me show you what I can do in the bedroom rich girl"
I ignore
"Jason is stupid for not hitting it.. let me pleasure you"
"Ace shut your drunk ass up!", I mutter annoyed as we finally reach the restroom.
Ace tries to kiss me and I quickly turn my face the other way his lips landing on my ear.
"Ace back off!", I hiss trying to pull away.
"No one rejects me!", he grumbles pushing me back on the wall his hands gripping my ass.
I swat his hands and push him back, but he's too strong for me.
Ace grabs my hands pinning them against the wall. I try to yell for help, but he smashes his lips on mine forcefully kissing me.
I shut my eyes tears slipping down my cheeks thinking of the worst that is about to happen.
Suddenly I hear a loud bang and Ace lips brush off of mine.
My eyes flutter open seeing Ace on the floor cuffing his cheek wincing in pain.
I then look up on my left seeing a furious Jason staring down at Ace with his fists clenched. His right fist looking red.
My body is trembling, my shaky hands wiping my stained cheeks dry.
"Are you okay? Did he harm you?!", Jason scolds a worried look on his face beaming at me.
Nothing comes out of my mouth no matter how hard I try to at least say one word. So I just shake my head looking at Ace who's beaming at me with anger.
I turn my heel running far away from Ace. All I wanted to do is run into my mother's arms and break down.
At this point I didn't even care about Jason being here all I knew was he saved me. If Jason would of never shown up what would of happened.
I snap my head back seeing Jason sprint towards me.
"Are you okay?"
My vision blurs and just like that I break down. Jason pulls me in for a hug comforting me.
"Don't worry about him he's gone from here", he whispers into my ear.
"I-I was so scared", I mumble.
"Let's get out of here you need to just sleep all of this off", Jason insists.
"It's my party though", I sniffle.
"Tell Jacky to end it early.. tell her your too drunk and heading home to sleep", he advices.
I nod in agreement and I text Jacky with my trembling hands. I could see Jason peering at me and a frown appearing on his face when he notices my hands wouldn't stop trembling.
Text message sent to Jacky
Jacky, I'm so drunk I headed home to sleep.
Text message from Jacky
Okay don't worry I'll end the party in an hour and if my dad's calls you tell him we're both sleeping at your mom's place.
Jacky is most likely going to party all night long with Isaac. This girl is so crazy, but I love her.
Text message sent to Jacky
I got you but don't do anything stupid!
"Let's go", Jason says pulling me near him protectively as we walk out of the building.
Jason requested a Uber driver and we're on our way to his place. I remained silent completely zoned out.
Once we arrive at his place we make our way into the door.
Jason right away leads me upstairs into his room. He takes out from his closet black sweats and a black t shirt.
"Here change into this", he says handing me his clothes.
"Bathroom is over there"
"Thanks", I softly say.
I take off my dress and heels and change into Jason's clothes that smell so good like him.
I take my makeup off with water and soap. A girl gotta work with what she has.
I open the door stepping out of the restroom seeing Jason sitting on his bed.
"Thanks Jason if it wasn't for you I d-"
"Forget about it just sleep", he cuts me off.
He obviously has no knowledge of how girls work and the ways girls function to get through things. Girls can't just 'forget about it and sleep it off'. Us females need to let it all out.
"I can't just sleep Jason I'm petrified of what Ace did.. what he tried to do!", I snap tears sliding down my cheeks again.
Jason just stays quiet intently looking at me.
"I tried my hardest to fight him, but I couldn't I'm weak.. while everyone was down the hall partying Ace was having his way with me! I was so scared Jason I've never been through some shit like that in my life.. if you would of never came when you did I don't know what would of happened to me!", I screeched.
Jason stands up from his bed walking towards me. He hugs me stroking my back.
"Aleysa I would never let anything happen to you.. I'll take care of Ace I promise", Jason softly says into my ear.
For some reason hearing Jason say this makes me feel safe.
Jason grabs my hand gently pulling me towards his bed. I scurry on his bed getting myself comfortable under his bedsheets.
Jason lays beside me hugging me from behind playing with my hair.
"By the way happy birthday". Jason whispers causing me to smile.
My eyes start to feel heavy and I shut them going to sleep feeling safe.
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