Chapter 1: Change to Life
Judy Hopps was warm and content, a blissful heat
permeating every fibre of her being, she couldn't remember a time when she felt more relaxed.
She snuggled closer to the source of the warmth, burying her nose in a mass of cream coloured fur, inhaling a scent of violets and blueberries.
"I think your love of blueberries might be going too far."
The warm thing she lay on chuckled.
"I'll have you know it is the manliest of scents."
"Sure Slick, whatever you say." she teased, looking up at the smiling face of her boyfriend, Nicholas Wilde.
The pair were snuggled up under the covers of Nick's bed, in their basement apartment. The fox was curled around the bunny forming a warm, furry barrier, while Judy lay right in the centre of the mass of fluff. Nick was wearing a loose vest and a pair of boxer shorts, while Judy was in a pair of checked pyjamas.
"Wish we could stay like this forever," she mumbled, once again burying herself in the vulpines fur.
"Do my ears deceive me? Does workaholic Judy Hopps wants to spend the day snuggling?" chuckled the fox.
"I'm not a workaholic," she moaned.
"You brought the whiteboard home, three times, in one month. Carrots, it's safe to say you are a workaholic. He tenderly kissed the top of her head.
"But you're my workaholic."
Judy smiled.
Their mornings had been like this for a while, ever since what the media had dubbed, 'The Flash incident. It had definitely been a dramatic, and unusual, case. The whole incident had been like something out of a comic book, as Barry Allen, or The Flash as he was known, travelled to their world by accident when training his super speed. What started with a fire in Sahara Square ended with
a battle between super powered mammals and the ZPD, as well as one of the most heart shattering moments of Nick's life.
While fighting the enhanced mammals, Judy had saved his life by throwing him out of the path of an explosion. Nick felt the pricking of tears as he remembered seeing her on that hospital bed, the larger than life bunny looking so small and frail. If it wasn't for Barry, she would have died. It was in that moment Nick had confessed something he had known for a while, but been afraid to admit, that he
was in love with her. He remembered, clear as day, her raspy, tired voice, the sound barely audible as she gently squeezed his paw and admitted that she loved him to.
As Judy had recovered their relationship slowly developed. It started with Nick having to take care of her, but once she was well they did things for each other taking turns making dinner, going to their favourite films together or simply snuggling on the sofa after a long day. It didn't matter what they did, what mattered was they did it together.
Which was both a blessing and a curse, as official ZPD guidelines forbid romantic partners working together. Furthermore, as interspecies relationships were not considered to be the norm, they hadn't admitted their relationship to their friends or family, as they were afraid of their reaction. So, for nearly a year they had somehow managed to keep everything secret. The alarm clock decided to ruin their moment with it's incessant buzzing.
With a sigh, the pair reluctantly separated themselves from one another. Stretching out her arms above her head, Judy felt a few muscles pop just as Nick unrolled himself out on the bed like a furry blanket.
"Ah well, it was nice while it lasted," said Judy.
"You know we'll just be doing that again tonight fluff," quipped Nick.
"I know, I just wish it would last longer."
Nick smirked and brought his muzzle right up to hers to steal a kiss.
"Then maybe we should have an early night."
"Charmer," she replied.
"You know you love it."
"Do I know that?" she said, feigning confusion before gently cupping his muzzle with her paws. "Yes, yes I do."
She lightly pecked the fox's smiling lips.
"You get the bathroom first fluff," said Nick. "Ill get
started on breakfast."
As the fox sauntered out of the bedroom, Judy hopped off the mattress and darted through a door across the hall. Stripping down to her fur, she stepped into the shower cubicle and twisted the taps, sighing as the cascade of warm water relaxed her mind and body. Once she was sufficiently showered and groomed, she wrapped a towel around her body before heading to her room to change. Though they preferred sleeping in the same bed, the pair
had yet to move their things into a shared room.
Stepping into the hall, the rabbit inhaled the divine scent of fried eggs and veggies. Looking towards the kitchen area, she spied Nick at the grill, dancing to a piece of music that emanated from the TV set. She couldn't help but smile as the fox swung his hips and tail in time to the beat.
Heading into her room, she discarded the towel and slipped on her uniform before heading back to the kitchen, where her partner was plating up their morning meal.
'Punctual as ever Carrots," said Nick, setting out the plates on their coffee table. "One Nick Roadhouse Special, perfect for those hunger pangs."
Settling down on the sofa, Judy accepted the veggie fry up and glass of carrot juice. Nick set his own plate of chicken sausage and eggs down next to her and they ate in a comfortable silence, occasionally commenting on whatever was going on on the TV as the music programme shifted to early morning cartoons.
Nick laughed uproariously at the animated characters hijinks, while Judy smirked at his behaviour.
"Don't you think you're a bit old for cartoons?" she asked, playfully.
"Moi? Old? Carrots you wound me," he swooned
dramatically, causing her to snort in amusement.
"Doesn't matter how old you are fluff, cartoons will always be funny." Nick said.
As the show ended and time ticked on, the pair finished their breakfast and Judy set about washing up, turning her head just in time to see Nick's tail disappear into the bathroom. Looking at her watch, she let out a small laugh, Nick would always do this. Yet, despite the fox's efforts, they had never been late once, mostly thanks to her setting their clock ahead a few minutes. Putting away the dishes and setting up their coffee machine, new from a yard sale, she flicked through the TV channels, eventually stopping on an early morning news report.
The anchor Peter Moosebridge, was sitting behind a
desk while images of a battle between the ZPD and an oversized Rhino played behind. Judy's face fell, this was something they had been dealing with since Barry left, enhanced mammals left over when
their boss, a rat named Sawbones, had been apprehended. As she poured their coffee, the report ran on in the background.
"These were the scenes last night as the ZPD's Enhanced Task Force took on the rhino known as 'Brick. The former enforcer of Sawbones had escaped prison earlier this year and was believed to be in hiding until a ZPD operation exposed him. The incident took place in Sahara Central and at it's conclusion several mammals had been critically
injured, including many of the attending officers."
The bunny felt her heart sink, the Enhanced Task Force was armed with some of the most advanced gear in the word, courtesy of their new partnership with Zootopia Biolabs. But the engagements were getting worse, they simply couldn't contain the enhanced mammals and casualties were mounting. Officers had even started calling the task force a 'Suicide Squad'.
Her somber mood was interrupted when a pair of warm, furry arms wrapped themselves around her. Looking up, she saw Nick, now showered, groomed and dressed in his uniform.
"It's getting worse," worried Judy. "Those mammals...what Sawbones did to them was terrible, but why won't they listen? They don't have hide or be criminals anymore, why are they doing this?"
"I'm sorry Judy," he replied, sadly.
"But some mammals are just like that. Remember, Sawbones mainly picked mammals that were crippled or suffered a debilitating injury. Once they got a taste of power they became willing to fight anyone to keep it."
She laid a paw over his.
"I'm scared." she admitted. "If mammals keep getting hurt like this, the ZPD won't be able to handle regular crimes, let alone these guys, we're struggling as it is."
Stepping around the sofa, Nick knelt in front of his
girlfriend and took both her paws in his and looking into her amethyst eyes.
"I know Carrots, I'm scared as well, but so long as I have you at my back, I know we can face anything." Nick said.
Judy smiled as her heart swelled, what had she done to deserve him?
She leant in and pressed her lips to his, feeling the warmth and affection as he pulled her close.
"You know," he muttered. "We could be late...just this once."
"Not going to happen slick."
"Worth a try.
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