Chapter 10: The Battle of Chicago Part 3
All the Autobots have reach to the battlefield. Sam and Carly exit Bumblebee and hide in a bus stop. The Autobots transform and draw their weapons out. The Justice League charge their powers and open fire on the Decepticons.
"Autobots, attack!" Sideswipe shouts while shooting his gun.
"Time to kick some ass!" Mudflap said to his twin brother.
"You damn right!" Skids said.
"Open fire, guys!" Sara shouts to the team.
Bumblebee transforms and Ratchet sees a mortar operating team. Dino activates his blades and charges into combat with Flash following.
"Mortar that bridge!" Ratchet said to the mortar team.
They begins pounding the bridge with mortars. John sees a spider Decepticon walker from the other side of the bridge. He creates a B-4 gun and locks on. With the projectile loaded, John aims the gun and fires it. The round flies out and hits the target dead center. The Decepticons near the spider get blasted from the explosion. The Green Lantern grins, knowing his willpower has grown.
From the roof of the building...
"It's our world now! Commence transport!" Sentinel declared all around. The transport opens and Cybertron is approaching Earth. Everyone can see Cybertron from the ground and the roofs of buildings.
"Oh my God. Oh my God." Sam said.
"We can't let happen, Justice League. Fight harder!" Oliver shouted to the team.
From the skies above, Optimus and Kara sees the battlefield and and from above them was Cybertron.
"Oh my god." Kara said.
"Sentinel has planned all along. He's going to bring Cybertron here!" Optimus said.
"We got to stop him!" Kara shouts.
The Autobots keep on fighting along with the Justice League. Sideswipe sees Optimus and Kara flying in.
"Look! It's Supergirl and Optimus Prime!" Sideswipe said.
Optimus and Kara unleashed their firepower on the Decepticons. Kara stays airborne while Optimus lands on the ground. He detaches his flight tech and unleashes his fury on his enemies. He dissolves his guns and draws his Energon Blades. He cuts Drcepticons from left and right, Kara fires her heat vision on clearing a path for Optimus. She then rushes to a Decepticon with fire and fury in her. She flies and punches it's head off.
Shockwave sees Optimus and shoots but Optimus dodge rolls out of the way. Shockwave is badly wounded from the assault by Lennox, Epps, and the other soldiers. Optimus rushes in and activates his spikes from his hands. With a yell, Optimus punches Shockwave in the gut. He then punches him in the face as Shockwave falls to the ground.
"You die!" Optimus shouts. He grabs Shockwave's eye and pulls it off from his head killing him. Kara aims her heat vision and together with Optimus who grabs Shockwave's arm cannon, they shot a round at the control pillar. The column falls to the ground with the control pillar stopping the transport.
Optimus and Kara are now confronting Sentinel Prime. The showdown is about to begin.
"Get down here, Sentinel!" Optimus shouts to his leader.
"Come down and face us, you coward!" Kara shouts.
"Optimus, you forget your place." Sentinel said. He readies his lance and slides down the building. He brings his shield up as well, "I bring you Cybertron! Your home! And still you choose humanity."
Optimus draws his battle axe and sword while Kara readies herself.
"You were the one who taught me freedom is everyone's right." Optimus said.
"And the world always rely on freedom." Kara said in agreement.
They charge at Sentinel and Optimus pins him to the wall of the building.
"I will retrigger that pillar!" Sentinel shouts.
"Then you'll have to go through me and Supergirl." Optimus said.
Sentinel head-butts and kicks Optimus back and tries to attack. Kara blocks Sentinel's lance with her fist. She then goes for his head only to be stopped by shield.
"You kill those people so you can bring Cybertron here, Prime! I will make you join them!" Kara shouts.
"Charge the pillar!" Ratchet shouts.
"We got Autobot and Superheroes!" Epps shouts while shooting.
"Kill them all!" Vibe while shooting his vibrational bursts.
The Allied Forces charge across the street towards the pillar. They kill any Decepticon that stands in their way. Sam and John charge across the area towards the pillar to confront Dylan.
Optimus and Kara continue to fight Sentinel. A Decepticon reaches to Optimus but Kara sees him and attacks. She fires at the Con's neck. She continues to attack.
"Reinforcements! Decepticon ships, fire at Optimus and Supergirl!" Sentinel shouts.
A bunch of Decepticon ships turn around and head for Optimus and Kara.
"We're taking fire! I need those Tomahawks in now!" A SEAL Captain shouts on the radio.
"Fire wave inbound."
Outside Chicago, a group of Tomahawks are flying in to take out the targets. The soldiers advance across towards the bridge blocked by a few Decepticons.
"We've got to cover for Optimus and Supergirl." A soldier shouts.
Jazz, Arcee, Ironhide, Jazz, the Twins, Jolt, and the others cover fire. Heatwave opens fire on the Decepticons. Killer Frost freezes the Cons in place. Black Canary sonic screamed at the Decepticons knocking them away. A soldier fires on Sentinel and waits with Optimus in the way. Kara attacks Sentinel with her powers until Sentinel bashes her with his shield. Optimus is knocked back behind a statue. Soon they come under fire from the enemy ships. Optimus takes out his blaster to fight back. Sentinel comes under attack from the Autobots and the Justice League.
"Decepticons, trigger the pillar!" Restart that pillar!" Sentinel shouts.
From the subway, Dylan reappears. He recovers after he was blasted by Vibe earlier.
"Trigger the pillars." Dylan said.
"Green Lantern, you got to stop them!" Atom shouts as he blasted a Decepticon into pieces.
"Go! We'll cover you!" Citizen Steel shouts.
Kara shoots the enemy ships. Optimus shoots them as well with his blaster.
"We're taking heavy fire! Get those Tomahawks in here now!" Kara shouts.
"The ships have us pinned!" Optimus shouts.
"Inbound, ten seconds! Danger close!" A NEST soldier shouts.
A SEAL uses a target locator to send coordinates for the cruise missiles.
"Mark-Lima-Echo-Echo, 1-4-2-5-0!" A SEAL said.
"Positive surface contact."
"Target I.D."
"Target acquired."
The Tomahawks found their targets and strike. All the Decepticon ships attacking are shot down. The skies are nearly clear but battle still rages on. Kara back flips before attacking Sentinel.
Dylan reaches for the ruined column. Sam reaches to him.
"Dylan! Wait! Wait-"
"Noooo!" Dylan shouts. He kicks a column which knocks over Sam. Sam reaches to Dylan but the traitor pulls out his pistol and aims at Sam.
"Stop! Stop! No! You can't do this, okay?" Sam said.
"There's only one future for me." Dylan said.
"You have no future, traitor!"
John shoots a laser and knocks Dylan off the column. John readies his ring. Just then a yellow beam hit John in the gut and gets thrown back. It was Dylan and he is wearing a yellow ring before John recognizes it.
"You're one of them." John said in disbelief.
"That's right, Green Lantern. You thought that you and your team are the only special people in the world. I have fear in me." Dylan said as he transforms into his Yellow Lantern uniform.
"My God." Sam said in awed.
"Sam, take cover. This will get ugly." John said.
"Kick his ass." With that said, Sam runs for cover. Dylan and John stare at each other and prepare to fight.
"I'm not letting you retrigger the pillar, Gould. You will have to kill me first." John said.
"This is my future and I will take personal responsibility for making sure all competition requirements are met. And I will be achieved just like my father!" Dylan shouts as he creates a spear and a axe.
"No matter what your circumstances are, your future is still unwritten!" John creates a sword and shield and charges at Dylan. He pins Dylan to the wall.
"Cybertron shall be recreated!" Dylan shouts.
"We rather die than serve!" John opposed.
Dylan head-butts John and pushes him back. John swings his sword but Dylan parries the attack. He throws his shield and it hits Dylan in the gut. He falls to the ground and John jumps to strike. Dylan flies into the air and shoots with a machine gun construct. John rolls out of the way and takes cover. He then grabs the column and whacks Dylan in the gut. John then constructs a mini-gun and shoots. Dylan creates a shield and blocks the bullets. When the gun stops shooting, Dylan throws his round shield and it hits John in the stomach. He then grabs John and lifts him off the ground.
"You don't seem to understand, soldier! I want what my father wants me to do." Dylan said.
"You have that when you shut down the moon program!" John said.
Dylan tosses John on the road. He turns to the control pillar.
"No, Dylan!" Sam shouts.
Dylan blasts Sam away and reactivates the control pillar. The beam re-opens the bridge for Cybertron. Mick sees the movement.
"Lantern! Destroy that goddamn control!" Mick shouts in anger.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Sideswipe shoots before getting blasted back. Hooch aims the rocket launcher.
"Rocket!" Hooch shouts. He fires his rocket and it hits Sentinel directly in the chest. He gets knocked back a few feet. Sentinel grabs his weapons and transforms with Optimus and Kara chasing after him. Dylan kicks Sam towards the edge and kicks him off.
"You choose sides? You chose wrong." Dylan said.
John spears him, pins him to the ground and punches him in the face with rage.
"The only side you chose is Satan himself!" He shouts.
They roll with Dylan on top. John kicks him in the gut and toss him over gaining space.
"I chose my own side, Lantern! Now you shall fear me me!" Dylan said. He uses all of his fear power and constructs a mech-suit 10 feet tall out of yellow energy.
"Ring, now would be a good time to give me everything you and the Guardians got!" John said. The ring creates a power suit the same height as Dylan's. Sam watches as the two opposing forces prepare to clash.
"Dylan Gould! Beware my power!" John shouts.
They assumed fighting positions and they charge at each other. Optimus and Kara reach Sentinel by a bridge. Optimus strike, but Sentinel quickly transforms and avoids the attack.
"Always- the bravest of us!" Sentinel shouts. Optimus keeps attacking Sentinel but he blocks them with his shield. Sentinel but he blocks with his shield. Sentinel pushes him back, "But you could never make the hard decisions!" Sentinel forward slashes Optimus but Prime backs off and misses. He grabs his left arm and disarms Optimus' axe. "Our planet will survive!"
"N-No!" Optimus shouts. He charges but Sentinel stabs his blade into Optimus' right shoulder and rips it off making Optimus yell in pain.
"Optimus!" Kara shouts. She charges and attacks Sentinel. Prime pulls out his blaster, but Kara jumps on the gun and slices the gun in half. Sentinel bashes her in the head and knocks her down. Sentinel then kicks Optimus and and pins him with his lance.
"We were gods once. All of us. But here-" Sentinel kicks Optimus again.
"Please!" Optimus begged.
"There can can only be one!" Sentinel declared.
"NO!" Kara shouts in horror.
Just as Sentinel prepares to finish him off, he gets blasted in the back. Kara slowly recovers and goes to Optimus. Megatron comes in shooting at Sentinel. He kicks Sentinel's helmet off and starts beating the old commander.
"This is my planet!" Megatron shouts.
Meanwhile, John is struggling with Dylan. His willpower is running out. They both lock arms and struggle.
"I feel your fear growing. You will be dead soon.." Dylan said.
"In brightest day, in blackest night..." John said, saying the oath.
"...and when you are gone, I will destroy everything you loved..."
"... no evil shall escape my sight..."
"...Cybertron will be reborn and your world will be no more..."
"...let those who worship evil's might..."
"The entire human race will serve the Decepticons because you, Green Lantern, are afraid."
"...beware my power, GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!"
John glows pure green and it flashes Dylan. He rapidly punches him in the face and stomach until he is weaken. John then rams Dylan and he knocked into the pillar and it shocks Dylan dissolving the construct. He falls to the column. John dissolves his construct lands next to Sam and Dylan recovers in front of the pillar. John creates a large brass knuckle while Sam holds a pole with a rock attach to it.
"It's over Dylan. You trusted Carly, the Moon Program and the world, but you destroyed it all! Time for the ultimate payback!" John said.
"I just saved a whole other world. You think you're a hero, huh? You think you're a hero?"
"No. I'm just a messenger." Sam said.
"And you're the messenger's bitch!" John said.
John jumps and punches Dylan in the face and Sam whacks him, launching him into the pillar. He screams in pain as he gets electrocuted before falling to the ground, dead.
"The pillar's still connected!" A soldier shouts. The others have arrived just in time to destroy the pillars.
"Let's go! Bring it up! Bee! Let's do this!" Epps shouts.
"Let's go, let's go! Move, move! Pillar's still connected!" Lennox shouts.
"Rip that pillar down!"
"Bumblebee, end this now!" Flash shouts.
Bumblebee activates his mask as Ratchet and the Justice League shoot the pillar. Bumblebee jumps and slams into the pillar, destroying it. Waves of beams begin grabbing the Decepticon ships and troops and lift them back to Cybertron. The beam then hits the surface and the planet begins sucking itself into a black hole. It was over, Cubertron is long gone. Megatron grabs Sentinel as Kara helps Optimus up.
"Now. We need a truce..." Megatron said. "All I want is to be back in charge. Besides... who would you be without me, Prime?"
"Time to find out." Optimus said. He activates his battle mask and grabs his axe. He jumps behind Megatron and stick his axe in. Optimus pulls the axe and it rips Megatron's head off. His body falls to the floor and Optimus drops the axe with Megatron's head attached to it. Megatron has been defeated again.
"Optimus, all I ever wanted was the survival of our race. You must see why... I had to betray you." Sentinel said.
"You don't understand, Sentinel. There are three things in this world that I hate. Fools, liars, and traitors. A fool I can teach, a liar can forgive, but a traitor I would shoot and do you know why? You Sentinel, are a fool and a liar!"
"And you didn't betray me." Optimus said as he cocks Megatron's shotgun before aiming at Sentinel, "You betrayed yourself."
"No, Optimus!" Sentinel shouts.
Optimus shoots Sentinel before Kara flies and strikes the traitor's spark. Sentinel is presumed dead and the war is over. Optimus looks at Kara before throwing the shotgun to the floor. All of the soldiers, SEALs, Justice League members, and the Autobots have gather around Optimus and Kara. Sara and the Justice League flew and ran towards their leader before embracing. Kara looks at Optimus before she plants her forehead against his metal.
"It's over, Kara." Optimus said.
"But at what costs, Optimus?" Kara said.
"In any war, there are calms between the storms. "There will be days when we lose faith. Days when our allies turn against us. But the day will never come... that we forsake this planet... and its people."
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
There you go. It's finally finished. Coming soon... Justice League Transformers: Age of Extinction.
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