Chapter 10: Kidnapping

Mega Man 11 Boss Theme-Background Music

The Justice League sprang into action to fight the villains in the different cities. So far, the heroes were rounding up the villains and repairing the damage done. Right now, Killer Croc, Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, and White Canary were fighting off Metallo, Godspeed, and The Royal Flush Gang in Star City. Flash was running around against Godspeed in a speedster battle while the others battle the other villains.

Kara was battling against Metallo, dodging his Kryptonite blasts, while Oliver and Killer Croc were fighting against the Royal Flush Gang. While the archer and Croc fought, witnesses saw Croc fighting alongside the Justice League. King then lifted a car and threw it at the witnesses, Croc rushes in and grabs the car before it could kill them. As he lifts it, he tells the people to run.

"Go! Now!" He yelled. The people did and thanks him. One of them were two kids, a boy and girl.

"Thank you Croc!" They said as they ran off with their parents. Croc saw this and smiled a bit then turns his attention back to the fight and throws the car at Metallo. Kara saw this and smiled at him.

"Nice one!" She said as she finished him off. Yellow and white lightning zip all around the city. The two speedsters were fighting fast and hard at each other.

"Go help Flash! GA and I got this." Killer Croc said. Kara nodded and flew after the speedsters.

Killer Croc and Green Arrow focus on facing the Royal Flush Gang as they try to make off with the money they stole.

"So far the rest of the League is taking care of the villains from the different cities. Let's finish up taking care of these guys and help the others." Oliver said as he shoots electric-net arrows at them, trapping them.

"I just hope William is okay." Croc said worried as they head off to find Barry and Kara.

"I'm sure he's okay." Oliver said.

Meanwhile, back at the Hall of Justice, the kids and Robot Masters played some games and stand guard, protecting the place and William. Some fun, huh?

Right now, Dirk, June, Jack, Freddy, Suna, William, Guts Man, Ice Man, and Chaotique were playing Monopoly while the others did nothing or did their own hobbies. Wood Man was meditating, Cut Man was taking care of his bonsai tree, Drill Man was playing his violin, Blasto Woman was cleaning her gun, Chemistry Man was mixing and creating new chemicals, Elec Man was playing with his electricity, and Hyno Woman was admiring herself in front of a mirror. Wave Man playing with his alligator while Fire Man leaning in a corner of the building.

"Soooo.... William, what is living with Killer Croc like?" Suna asked.

"It's... nice. I know my dad is a dangerous criminal, but he really loves me. He's been feeding, teaching me to fight, and making sure I'm heathy." William said.

"He gives you food?" Guts Man asked.

"Yes, he does." William said.

"Wow, who knew that the big nasty Croc would have a soft side?" Freddy said.

"Crocodiles don't have soft sides, they have hard, rough scaly sides." Ice Man said.

"It's just a saying , Ice Man." June said.

"There are times when he's overprotective of me. I mean, he never lets me leave the sewers. I did sneak out when he was "working" here and there. But... the last time I did, I got caught by some gangsters who were going to use me as leverage against my dad. He saved me by... killing them." William explained to them.

"Wow, he really loves you to do that. Before you, he cared about nobody but himself." Jack said.

"So what? Life is short and you need to have fun, fun, fun! Live life for adventure!" Chaotique said to the Kid Croc. Will smiled after hearing her say that.

"I mean, we did get into a fight about it. He was really mad at me for disobeying him. But I told him I can't spend my whole life down there." William said.

"Father? Fighting? Oh, that's music to my ears. Go on." Drill Man said as he stops to listen.

"I know I'm still little, but just wish he let me have some fun." William said.

"Overbearing fathers. Who needs them, am I right?" Drill Man said with his drill around Will's shoulder.

"Uhh, that's not what I mean. I still love him, I just... wish he stop being overprotective and let me live life as I want to." William said.

"Easy for you. My dream was to best famous musician. I would play any instruments I could get my hands on, when I had hands back then. But my father didn't care and forced me into the family business as a driller. Destroying my dream. It wasn't until Aki, Dr. Light, and S.T.A.R. Labs gave me back my hands and drills so can do both." He explained.

As Wave man is petting his pet alligator, Fire Man steps out of the corner and rushes up to the kids.

"That's it! I can't stand being here anymore! I'm going to join the fight!" He said as he storms out, but Dirk and Jack stand in front of him.

"Wait! You can't! Oliver said for us to stay here and protect the base and William." Dirk said.

"I'm no one's babysitter, I AM a robot master! A FIGHTER ROBOT!" Fire Man said with his flames bursting.

"You think you can scare me?!" Dirk said as his eyes glow yellow. Jack then steps in between them to stop the fight.

"Enough you two! I'm not happy either being benched from the fight, but we're all that's left to protect the Hall of Justice." Jack said. The two then powered down.

"I'm sorry if I'm trouble for you guys." William said.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Will. With any luck, it'll all be over soon." Suna said.

"Maybe not."

The group turns over to see Quint and Aki on the HOJ's computers working. They decided to see what the two were up to. They then see that they're watching the Justice League from the satellites.

"What are you to doing?" Hypno Woman asked.

"Something's strange. Why would all the villains attack the cities at the same time?" Aki asked.

"Oliver, Skulker and the others said it was probably to distract them from real target." Guts Man said.

"Yes, but what is it? Me, Aki, and Mega Mini have been trying to find out what." Quint said as he types on the computers.

"As long as we don't have fight, it's fine with me." Blasto Woman said.

"Still... why would they do this?" Danny asked.

"Do you think the Ultra Rogues are behind this?" Cut Man asked.

"It's possible, but the satellites are not picking up Anti-Matter's dimensional energy. So if it's not them... then who?" Aki asked. Suddenly, the alarms went off.

"Ummm, Boss, I think we have a problem. Hall of Justice's security system just went off." Mega Mini said. Quint turns on the cams to see two people with gangsters and robot soldiers behind. The cams zoom in to see two familiar faces. It was Amunet Black and Goldface. Armed and ready for a fight.

"It's Amunet Black and Goldface!" Quint said. Hearing those names made William shake with fear. June and Jack saw this and went comfort him.

"Hey, Will. You okay?" Jack asked.

"Dad warned about those two and said they're dangerous." William said shaking. June puts her hand on his shoulder comforting him.

"Don't worry. We won't let them get you or us." She said.

Quint then puts a earplug into his right ear from the console.

"Gideon, initiate Babel Protocol!" He said.

"Babel Protocol initiated." Gideon said as she activated the forcefield over the Hall of Justice.

Outside the two with their army sees the forcefield activated.

"I thought you said the heroes all left." Goldface said. 

"It appears that some stayed behind. Doesn't matter, gents and bots, be a dear and break the shield down." Amunet said. The men and bits begin shooting the shield to break it down.
Back in the HOJ

"What do we do now?!" Guts Man said panicking.

"We're all going to die!" Wave said panicking along with Guts Man.

"We need to call the JL to get back here." Danny said as he goes to call them.

"It's no use Danny, the protocol blocks any communication from getting in or out. It also keeps anything from getting in or out. The protocol was originally designed to stop the Justice League in case if any of them went... evil one day." Quint explained as he works on the computers.

"Oh, well, that's just great! We're trapped in here!" Fire Man said.

"Perfectly obvious." Cut Man said.

"Maybe they'll leave?" Wave Man said.

"Totally doubt it. We need a plan." June said. Freddy then turns to William.

"William, you need to go hide in the Time Vault. You should be safe there." Freddy said.

"Okay." William then headed into the Time Vault. It's also where the League puts some of the stuff they collect. Weapons, artifacts, suits, gadgets and stuff like that.

"So what's the plan?" Ice Man asked.

"What we need is a surprise attack." Wood Man said.

"Me and my team will deal with Amunet Black and Goldface while you guys deal with the thugs and robots." Freddy said.

"Sounds good to me." Wood Man said.

A few minutes and the crooks couldn't, until one use a sonic vibrational absorbing gun(similar to how Godspeed extracts Speed Force energy from a speedster) the shield starts to break.

"Uhhh, guys? They're breaking the shield!" Suna
said seeing the shield breaking.

"Finally! Some fighting!" Fire Man said excited.

"Meganize me!" Aki said as Mini activates Aki's Mega Man form. Armed and ready to fight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"I'm going GHOST!" Danny said as a blue halo ring covers him, transforming him into his ghost form.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"Everyone get ready! We can not let them take whatever it is they're looking for!" Freddy said as his fist burst green energy and morphs into his werewolf form. The kids and robots get ready to fight.

Amunet Black and Goldface with their gang walked into the Hall of Justice to see it vacant. No one was inside.

"Huh? I guess no one's home." Amunet said. Suddenly, energy blasts hit them all. They recovered to see the kids and Robot Master jump out and surprise attacked them.

"Seriously? It's just a bunch of kids and some walking scrap piles. This will be easy." Goldface said as he whips his gold chains.

"Don't underestimate us!" June said as Dirk transforms into his monster form and Robots get ready.

"Very well. I had no interest in fighting kids, but I guess I'll make a exception." Amunet said as she shoots shards at them. Guts Man pats his stomach, sending out a shockwave, knocking the shards away.

"That was a imperfect mistake." Cut Man said as his blades come out.

The fight begins.

Jack, Quint, Dirk, June, Freddy, Danny, and Aki fought the criminal duo while the robots, Rover, Suna, and Rush fought the robots and gangsters. The kids were fighting hard against the two metas. Firing their powers or hand-to-hand comeback skills were what they were doing. Dirk goes the slam punch them but Amunet creates a shield blocking his attack.

Jack, June, and Goldface lock into battle with sword, spear, and chain.

"What do you even want from here?" Jack asked as he dodges the chain whip.

"Me and my love are here to take a Meta-Human called Fallout's nuclear power for ourselves. Including a... small... crocodile." He said. Jack goes pale. They knew about William.

"You're not getting it or him." June said as he slashed her spear at Goldface. As the fight goes on, Aki then gets an idea.

"Mini, replication activation." Mega Man said as he begins to replicate Amunet's power. A new upgrade given to him. Now he can replicate Meta powers too.

Amunet sees this and tries to stop him but fails as he dodges her attacks. Finally he got the schematics.

"We got the schematics, boss." Mini said.

"Activate Amunet Black's schematics." Aki said. He then changes to a black and gray metal color scheme. Aki then pulls some shards to him to control.

"You think you can handle my powers?! Prove it!" She said as she fired a spear made of shards at him but he breaks it morphing it into a ball at her.

As for the Robot Masters, Suna, Rover, and Rush, they were doing fine against the tugs and robots.

"It that all you got?! Come on!" Fire Man shouts as he fires to blasts at a robot. Suna and Rush knocks the thugs together. They turn to see River head-charge at them, knocking them down like bowling pins.

"Good boys." Suna said to Rush and Rover. They both lick her face. The robots are scrapped as the Robot Masters come out fine from the ruckus.

"That was soooooo much fun!" Elec Man said with Chemistry Man by him.

"Those good for nothing bots were no match against me." Air Man said.

"Come on! Let's go help the others." Suna said as they go to join the others.

Goldface and the kids were winning against him. Quint fires a electric blast at him, stunning him long enough for Danny and Freddy to fire at him. Freddy then see the others coming up.

"Now! All together!" Freddy shouts. Freddy, Danny, Fire, Elec, Ice, Wave, Air, Wood, Guts, Cuts, Hypno, and Blasto combine powers into one blast, knocking the two meta against the wall. The heroes surrounded them.

"It's over. You two lost." Jack said.

"It appears that... We underestimated you. But... it's a good thing we brought this." Amunet said as she and him put on gas-masks on and threw a bomb which sprayed gas all over the room.

The kids cough and gag as they try to fight it, but go unconscious. Leaving Mega Man, Rush, and the Robot Masters standing alone with the metas.

"Hah! Your gas doesn't affect robots like us." Fire Man said confidence.

"Should have thought of that." Mega Man said.

"Oh, we did." Goldface said as he throws a metal plate on the ground that electrocutes the robots, knocking them out. The two get up along with their thugs and with the remaining robots.

"Good thing we brought that small EMP emitter." Goldface said. They then head to the Vault.

A robots blasts the door open to see all the stuff the JL collected. The weather wand. The Sonic Scepter. Savitar's suit. Eva's mirror blaster. A Moonband. Captain Cold's Cold Gun. Trickster's Acid Squirter. Golden Glider's Gold Gun. A Oni Mask. Rupture's scythe. King Shark's crown. A Wilderwolf blood gauntlet. Skulker's ghost catcher. A Gargoyle robot suit. A offline Nindroid called Nitro. A offline Samuroid. The Thinker's Chair. Psycho Pirate's golden mask. A giant Monster belt.

Finally there was a capsule of Fallout's radioactive energy. Hiding behind the Gargoyle suit was William who was trying to be quiet.

"There you are." Amunet said as he takes the capsule off the shelf. As she does, she then noticed William behind the Samuroid. Goldface came to him.

"Hello boy. Looks like your daddy isn't here." He said to the scared kid. Will steps back into the wall.

"Wait! Please! Don't do this!" William cried before getting stun unconscious by the robot's stun blaster. Amunet goes over to look at the Croc kid closer.

"I know who will pay nicely for a croc like you." Amunet said to the unconscious croc kid. The robots picks him up as the other kids and robots get taken away.

Central City

The heroes had finished capturing all the villains and are being sent to Iron Heights Prison. Flash, Green Arrow, Supergirl, White Canary, Vibe, Heatwave, Killer Croc, Redwing(Brooklyn), Batwoman, Goliath, Black Wolf, Atom Smasher, Tigre Rojo were finished up with taking care of the villains. Jon, Weather Wizard, Top, Mirror Master, Ragdoll, Trickster, and a Wilderwolf were cuffed and being sent to prison.

"Hey, do you think we'll still get pay?" Trickster asked. Flash grabs him.

"What do you mean?" Flash asked. Trickster remains quiet. Brooklyn then grabs Jon.

"WHO HIRED YOU TO DO THIS?!" He roared. Jon just snickers.

"Amunet Black and Goldface. This was all to distract you from your precious base while we..." Jon said before being knocked out by Tigre. Barry then sees Croc with a pale and scared face.

"My son... MY SON IS IN DANGER!!!" Croc shouts as runs to head back but Atom Smasher stops him.

"Hang on, Croc. We got a fast way." AS said.

"Vibe! Breach us back there, now!" GA shouts. Vibe opens a breach and they end up back in the Hall.

They look around to see the place a mess and some broken bots. Killer Croc runs around to find William, but no luck. As well as the other kids and the Robot Masters. They too have been taken.

They were ALL gone.

Croc fell to the ground and let's out a roar in pain for losing his son. He starts to cry with his hand covering his face. The heroes then see that the kids are all gone. Oliver goes to him and comforts Croc.

"We'll get them back, Croc. I promise that. We will find them." Oliver said. Croc sat there silence until he got up, wiped his tears, and got ready.

"Oh, we will. And when I get my claws on those two, they will regret taking my son from me." Croc growled as storms outside.

Barry, Oliver, and Kara saw this and was worried about him. This would not only be rescuing William the kids, and the Robot Masters, but a test for Croc to face. Test of to kill or not kill.

Only two chapters left! Next chapter, Killer Croc will be tested on his ability to be a killer or not.

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