Can't Save The World Alone
The six heroes were in the jet, flying out of Gotham. They were inside as Cyborg visualized what would happen if the Three Mother Boxes were to merge. "The Unity, as you guys are gonna call it, brings all three boxes together in perfect sync," he explained, "its power builds until it can't be contained. If I can cause a delay between each box even for a nanosecond, its energy will cascade form a loop that feeds on each other, and that's it. We just pull them apart, no fuss, no muss. Separating the boxes will still cause a massive surge. I have to be there but you guys should think about getting clear." Wonder Woman looked at Cyborg and said, "We're with you to the end." Aquaman shrugged and nonchalantly said, "Honestly... I think we're gonna be dead way before that. And you know what? I don't mind. It's an honorable end. But we've gotta shut Steppenwolf down. Superman and Green Lantern are no-shows, I think." He pointed at Batman and Batgirl and blurted, "You two got no powers, no offense." He pointed at Cyborg and said, "You're part machine and could easily get a virus, I don't know." He pointed at Flash and said, "You're tripping over your feet, and mine..." He looked at Diana and admitted, "Wow, you're gorgeous, and fierce... and strong. I know we went to war with the Amazons, but that was before my time. You know what? I don't wanna die. I'm young. There's shit that I wanna do. I just feel like... I didn't really embrace the sea or the land. I've been a loner my whole life. But being part of something bigger, like this... maybe I'm scared because... I'm meant to..." Batgirl smiled and said, "Um, Arthur..." She did her best not to laugh.
Arthur looked down, and realized he was sitting on Diana's Lasso of Truth. He gave a look of embarrassment and quickly got it out, and tossed it back to Diana. "I think that was beautiful," she said, smiling. "Don't worry Arthur, this conversation won't leave the room," promised Batgirl. Aquaman glared at Flash and threatened, "You say a word about this, you'll meet every piranha I know." Flash sheepishly shrugged and said, "...I honestly didn't hear anything after we're all gonna die." Batgirl chuckled and said, "Sure you didn't." In less than an hour, The Jet then landed in the small village in Russia. The Unity was beginning, turning the sky red. Parademons were flying everywhere. "I can see where Steppenwolf is," said Cyborg, "I'm sending you the coordinates right now." Batman saw the coordinates and said, "Alright, let's get there. Batgirl, you're with me in the Batmobile, shotgun." Batgirl nodded and said, "Let's do this." Batman and Batgirl got in, driving in the town that was slowly transforming into what was supposed to be Apokolips. The Batmobile used its guns to blast at several Parademons and anything that spawned out of the ground. Suddenly, some Parademons started to destroy the gun, causing critical damage. The pod window was destroyed, and the Parademons were ready to attack, when Aquaman impaled them with his trident. "Thanks for the save Aquaman," said Batgirl, relieved. The battle raged on as the heroes stopped every Parademon in their wake, and soon they made it to where Steppenwolf was. Wonder Woman came to face Steppenwolf and asked, "Is this what conquering is? Hiding from the fight?"
"Oh no," replied Steppenwolf, "You are all mine..." Suddenly Aquaman tackled him, and then Wonder Woman fought Steppenwolf with her sword and shield. Flash took Cyborg to where the Three Mother Boxes were and Victor said, "Thanks for the lift." Flash nodded and said, "Yeah no problem, you got this?" A Parademon snuck up from the front, and Cyborg blasted at it. "These things are gonna keep coming," he warned. "Okay, you get technical, I'm on bug duty," said Flash. "Let's do it," said Cyborg. Flash then took care of every Parademon, getting slime all over him. "Yes!" he said triumphantly, then in disgust, "That was gross, ugh!" Flash stopped almost every Parademon he could run at, almost, because he stumbled, nearly falling. Batman was thankfully there to stop him from falling. "Thanks..." he groaned. Cyborg bonded with the Mother Boxes, realizing this was a lot of power. Batman and Batgirl proceeded to fight every Parademon, using whatever was in their utility belts, and even some blasters. The fight against Steppenwolf wasn't going so well for Wonder Woman and Aquaman as he pushed them out of the way, and he grabbed Cyborg, trying to stop him from separating the Mother Boxes. He choke-held Cyborg, asking, "Now do you see it?" Wonder Woman then used her braces to cause a mighty impact, destroying the ground, causing Cyborg and Steppenwolf to fall, freeing Cyborg of the choke-hold. Cyborg then got up, getting away from Steppenwolf. Nearby, a village family was driving away from the carnage ahead. Alfred said on the radio, "whatever you're in the middle of, that power is spreading for miles. Satellites show civilians moving east. They're not gonna make it."
"Barry, I need you to go walking," ordered Batman, and Flash got what he was saying. As Flash ran out, he said, "God, I hope this is east." Steppenwolf tried to follow Cyborg as he flew away, but Wonder Woman used her lasso to stop Steppenwolf, using all her strength. She struggled though, and Aquaman came in to help her with this heavy load. It got him on the ground, but Steppenwolf lashed out, causing debris to nearly crush Aquaman. Wonder Woman used her shield to protect the Atlantean from getting crushed. Steppenwolf flew back up, slashing at Cyborg's shoulder. He shouted, "You're not worthy to touch Mother!" He grabbed Cyborg and growled, "she is power, and power is the only law." He tore out Cyborg's leg, and slammed him on the ground. Aquaman and Wonder Woman got out of the debris. Everyone saw Steppenwolf threateningly loom over Cyborg, saying, "They're all too weak to see the truth." Suddenly from behind, someone said, "Well, I believe in truth." Steppenwolf looked to see who said that, and lo and behold, he turned around to see Superman and Green Lantern. "But I'm also a big fan of justice," said Superman. "You call for the cavalry?" asked Green Lantern as he smirked. Superman and Green Lantern then punched him together, then high-fived each other, doing "to the side," and "too slow." Steppenwolf was knocked to the other side. "Superman! GL! you made it!" Batgirl said with surprise and joy. "Hey, we weren't gonna let you all hog all the fun and glory," joked Green Lantern as he winked at her. "Kryptonian!"shouted Steppenwolf as he charged at Superman, "You were supposed to be dead!"
"Not today Steppenwolf," said Superman, noticing Steppenwolf ready to punch him, and Superman swung out of the way, and punched Steppenwolf again with all his strength. With him on the ground, Aquaman tried to stab him with his trident, but Steppenwolf caught the trident. As Batman helped Cyborg fix his leg, Superman and Green Lantern flew to Batman, Superman asking, "Is there anything Hal and I can do to help?" Batman stood up and said, "We buy him some time, we can stop that box from destroying all life on Earth. We hope." Green Lantern looked at his ring and said, "Well I don't know about you guys, but I totally want to fight Maleficent over there." Superman chuckled and said, "Be our guest." He then used his super hearing, and heard distant screaming. "Civilians..." he said in realization. "Barry's headed," Batman attempted to say. "There's too many of them," protested Superman. He then flew out. Cyborg got up, and went back to work on the Mother Boxes, and Green Lantern joined Wonder Woman and Aquaman in fighting Steppenwolf while Batman and Batgirl blasted at every Parademon that tried to hurt Cyborg. As Flash ran to the civilians and Superman caught up to him. "I'll take the ones on the right," offered Superman, and the two separated to do that. Flash saved a family on the east, and Superman saved more civilians on the west. As Superman flew back, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman fought Steppenwolf. He glared at Hal and said, "You are afraid, Lantern... You will fail..."
"You're right on one thing Steppenwolf," said Green Lantern, "I am scared. But I can overcome fear, which is what makes me a hero. And you're wrong. As long as these guys are with me, I won't fail... I believe in myself... In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night... No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might; beware my power! GREEN LANTERN'S LIGHT!!!!" He then used his willpower to lift Steppenwolf high enough, and Superman jokingly asked, "This guy still bothering you?" He punched him to the ground hard. As Cyborg attempted to separate the three Mother Boxes, he said, "Superman! We gotta pull these things apart! A couple more seconds, you'll see your opening." Superman flew in and asked, "Any blow-back?" Cyborg nodded and said, "Big time. But I think we can take it." Superman chuckled and said, "Good, cuz I like being alive." Cyborg also chuckled and said, "So do I." They then used all their strength to separate all three Mother Boxes, and it caused a massive explosion. Green Lantern used the willpower in his ring to create a giant force field that shielded him, Batman, Batgirl, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman. The explosion knocked Superman and Cyborg back, and they were flat on their backs, the wind knocked out of them. "Thanks for the save Hal," said Batgirl. "No problem," said Green Lantern, "I hope those two are okay." Superman and Cyborg groaned, confirming Hal's hope. "I take it back - I wanna die," groaned Superman. He and Cyborg laughed in pain. "Man, my *toes* hurt!" groaned Cyborg, "I don't even understand the physics of how my toes hurt!" As Hal let go of the shield, Wonder Woman scoffed, "boys. I work with boys..." Batgirl chuckled and said, "I know what that's like." Flash rushed in and said, "Uh... have you guys seen what's going on outside?" Suddenly, he was grabbed by Steppenwolf and tossed to the side. Aquaman retaliated by pushing him to the side, stabbing his shoulder. Steppenwolf was on his hands and knees, growling, "I am... The End of Worlds..." He got up and asked, "Who are you, you worthless wretches? This world is my right!" He raised his ax, and Wonder Woman ran towards him, sword in hand. Superman flew in and used his super breath, freezing the ax. Wonder Woman then smashed it with her sword, destroying his weapon. "No, this cannot be," Steppenwolf said in denial. "Oh, but it is," quipped Aquaman. Steppenwolf's Parademons then swarmed at him, and then they were all dragged back to Apokolips, and that was the end of him. Cyborg then said with pride, "Boo-ya." Everyone went out, standing proudly. The Justice League saved the world.
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