TWO. the connection of a ghost and a "fan of sunset curve"

LENNON HAD never been so confused in her life. Just like that three boys in her room, one of them sounding like he was in despair. They had just been in her room and just like that, they were gone.

She began to press play on her laptop again, hoping for her sanity in that they wouldn't come back. She hoped it was just like that one time she stood up too quickly and thought she saw Captain America standing in the corner of her room.

She quickly hit pause on the song before getting her true answer of if she had completely lost her mind or not.

She was scared, to say the least. Her headache soon drawing back as the sounds of what sounded like a drum and two guitars played. She knew it couldn't have been her laptop playing the music. It sounded like it was being played throughout her room.

Lennon didn't have a TV in her room. So it ruled out that option. Her "seven-in-one dream machine" had been off for a couple of hours now. Her phone... nope. Her dad pulling into the driveway... nope.

Lennon sat on the floor, her back pressed against the bed frame. The only thing she could look at right now where the peanut butter crackers she dropped on the floor.

MEANWHILE, THE three boys who had magically appeared in Julie's garage had been rockin' out. It felt good to be able to just touch their instruments and not to hear Alex cry for ( according to Julie ) twenty-five more years.

Julie stomped into the garage and stood in front of the trio. Calling for them to stop as the entire neighborhood could possibly hear them playing at a late hour.

"Wait. People can hear us play?" Luke asked.

The shaggy brunette held his guitar close. Alex, the blond drummer, stood up from his seat, holding his drumsticks tight, and Reggie, the short-haired brunette, was ready to hear whatever the girl had to say.

"Yes! And so did my dad and my brother!" She answered.

"W-W-Wait. Wait." Alex stuttered out, "So, you and the other girl can see us, but everyone can hear us? I mean, what kind of ghosts are we?"

"Who cares, man?" Luke smiled, "People can hear us play!"

"We might be dead, but our music isn't." Reggie said.

Soon, the double doors of the garage opened. Julie's father, Ray Molina, walked inside, checking on his daughter who had been outside for quite a while.

A small conversation brewed between them and soon Julie rushed her dad out, telling him she would be inside soon.

Luke smiled, "He likes our song."

"Oh yeah. He doesn't count. He's a dad." Alex said.

"Why can't you guys just be normal ghosts?" Julie asked, "Hang out at an old mansion. I hear Pasadena's nice."

With one last groan, Julie left the garage. Luke sighed and poofed towards Julie, scaring her, but causing her to stop in her place.

Julie wasn't having it though. Her bad- awful day was ruined. She could not only see ghosts but she could now hear them play music.

Luke explained that this was probably one of the best things to happen to them since dying and finding out themselves that they were ghosts.

"What I just felt in there actually made me feel alive again. We all felt alive again." He explained, "So, you can kick us out if you want, but we're not giving up music. We can play again. That's a gift no musician would ever turn down. You gotta know that. Clearly, your mom is into music."

"Was. She passed away."

"I am... so sorry."

"We- we didn't know."

Julie looked over to see Alex and Reggie standing close by. Julie asked if they had seen her mother around. Hopefully, just like them, somewhere being a ghost. Alex had explained that they had only ever seen each other while sitting in the dark area.

"I guess... if you guys need a place to stay. There's a bathroom in the back and a couch that turns into a bed if you still use any of that stuff."

"Dibs on the shower." Reggie said, "I just really like showers and sometimes the occasional bath."

"This... This is just too weird."

Julie headed towards the gate before facing them again, "You mentioned another girl... who?"

"Ah, we don't know. Just like you, we just poofed into her room." Alex responded.

Julie took a couple of steps back towards them, "Anything thing that stood out about her? I mean, someone else can see you, something had to stand out to at least one of you."

The three boys looked at each other. Luke bouncing on his tiptoes try it remember something about their quick interaction with the girl.

"She had a movie on... if that helps." Reggie slowly said.

"Not really." Julie replied, "Anything different? Anything that you didn't see in the garage?"

Luke held his head in his hands as the singing started, "You guys don't hear that?"

Julie looked up at him. Alex sighed and Reggie only held back a joke.

"He's been doing this for months." Alex said, "Hearing the singing that no one else can."

Julie quickly looked between the three of them. She had just had a conversation with Lennon about something similar.

Lennon mentioned that she could hear someone singing. Julie didn't believe her as she couldn't hear the singing at all. Lennon apologized if she had made Julie think she was going crazy.

But if Luke wasn't the only one that could hear the singing, she knew Lennon wasn't as crazy as she thought.

"Lennon." Julie said, "Lennon Sunder. She's a girl who goes to my school. She said she could hear the singing, saying that it sounded like someone was in the room with her."

"Exactly!" Luke said, "I told you this wasn't just in my head." Luke faced Julie, "You gotta talk to her about it."

"Why me?"

"She'll believe you. You're friends right?"

Julie held a tight smile. If anything Julie and Lennon were associates. Like Lennon and Flynn and Lennon and Carrie. Those girls were associates to Lennon.

"I'll talk to her, but for now. I'm going to let you all figure all this weirdness out."

Julie turned and headed inside.

"Don't." Alex said.

"Don't what?" Luke asked.

"Don't go to Lennon. Julie said she would talk to her. We'll figure this out with Julie."

But Alex should've known that Luke Patterson wasn't going to listen to what he had to say.

LENNON'S DESK lamp was the only light on in the entire house. She had turned off Sunset Curve entirely. Her comfort movie not bringing her much comfort at this moment. So, to bring her more comfort, to ease her mind, she sat crisscrossed in her chair, glasses pushed up, and read her comfort book... Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

She was somewhat alert with her surroundings as she read. Looking over her shoulder every so often, making sure her electronics were off and her "seven-in-one dream machine" was unplugged from its socket.

Lennon did believe ghosts existed. Especially since she first watched Casper and things such as Scooby-Doo. Lennon thought more about the situation from earlier. She was too busy screaming to even notice what they looked like. Familiar enough for her to take a second glance and realize who it could've been.

She didn't look over her shoulder for a second. A second too long as the sound of her "seven-in-one dream machine" began playing Imagine by John Lennon.

"So this is what you've been listening to. By all means, a good song but sometimes I want to hear you sing something else."

Lennon didn't hesitate to turn around and throw the book at the boy who was back in her room. The book did no damage as it went through him with ease.

"Hey! That's rude."

Lennon held her breath. The book just went through him. Yeah, she believed in the supernatural and ghost but she always thought they would look like Casper, not a teenage boy. Maybe she needed to be more realistic.

Lennon stood from her chair, gripping on it like her life depended on it, backing into the corner of her room. She was too worried about what was happening to realize her headache had slowly gone away.

"Come on... do I scare you?" He asked with a smile.

"No, but-"

She cut herself off and hopped onto her bed, trying her best to distance herself from the boy who, and the more she looked, the more familiar he appeared.

She grabbed the Sunset Curve CD and pulled the black paper from it. She opened it up and looked at the four boys in the picture.

She looked up at the boy and back down at the picture. Looking back and forth between the image and the person in front of her.

Lennon turned the picture around and let Luke look at it.

Luke smiled, "Hey, you're a fan."

Lennon let her shoulders drop. Obviously, Luke had no intention of hurting her in any shape, way, or form. With his recent comments, she had no reason to be scared of him or the other two that had been with him earlier.

"Why are you here?" She asked, "How are you here?"

Luke pointed towards her "seven-in-one dream machine" the song still playing, "You're the one that's been singing in my head."

"How are you here?"

Lennon wasn't stupid. The CD came out in the late nineties. She just wanted him to say what she had been thinking this entire time.

"I died."

She didn't expect him to be so flat out with his answer.

"I'm sorry." She sighed, "But that doesn't explain why you're here with me."

Lennon's soulmate couldn't be Luke. No matter why or how he was here. Maybe fate, maybe just by pure luck. Regardless, he was dead, she was living, and they couldn't be soulmates.

"I can hear you. All the time. You singing in my head. You have to be able to hear me sing. This can't be a one-sided thing."

"How do you know it's me?"

Luke's smile dropped, "You're right. I don't know. I'm only going by what Julie told me and my own intuition. I wouldn't have shown up here without there being a reason to."

"Julie? Julie Molina? What did she tell you?"

"She said that you asked if she could hear the singing and she couldn't. I know you heard me singing to you this morning."

Lennon let out a breath, "Yeah, I hear you all time. Just like this morning, but you could've at least sung a different song."

Luke became giddy. Finally, after months ( possibly years ) of the singing and his friends thinking he was crazy, he'd finally found the girl who had been singing to him.

"But what now?" She asked, "You know it's me and I know it's you... what happens now?"

Lennon didn't want to throw the idea of him possibly being her soulmate. What could the two of them even do? How could this possibly happen? Why was this happening? They always said don't believe everything you read on the internet. So why would she start now?

"Uh, I don't know." Luke answered, "I didn't plan this far. I honestly never thought I would stop hearing Alex cry if I'm being honest."

Lennon softly smiled. She heard her phone buzz from her desk. She eyed Luke before grabbing it.

A message from Julie. The only reason she had her number was because they were partners for a chemistry assignment.

Hey, can you stop by my place in the morning? I know it's super weird, but I have to talk to you. Have a goodnight... this is Julie by the way, just in case you didn't have my number saved.

Lennon sent her a text back, reassuring her that her number had been saved and that she would meet in the morning.

She put her phone back down and saw Luke laying out across her bed, feet swinging in the air.

"Let's get to know each other." He said, "I'll start first. You have got to listen to something other than John Lennon all the time... and Casper. You watch it twenty-four seven."

"How would you know I'm watching something?"

"The movie came out a couple of months before I died. Trust me, I know when the ending is coming, especially when you sing it all the time."

"It's my comfort movie. Just like that song is my comfort song. My mom really liked John Lennon." She smiled.

Luke, however, did not smile. She had said liked. Past tense. He didn't want to think negatively, but after Julie had mentioned that her mother passed away he could only regretfully assume.

"Is she... is she here?" He asked.

"No. She, uh, passed away a year ago, but I'm fine if that's what you were wondering. That's why I have my comfort movie." She answered, "Sometimes the silence is a little too loud. It's not just the movie that helps."

She grabbed the notebook from her desk and sat down next to Luke. The two of them falling more and more into a comfortable conversation the more they talked.

"Just a bunch of songs that I like. All in different categories."

"Am I in there?"

"Yeah, but you don't have to know the categories, okay?"

"It's nice to have a fan who isn't a dad."

Lennon furrowed her brows, "Don't- don't worry about it." He said.

She slowly nodded and let out a breathy laugh. She returned the book to its original spot and sat in her desk chair, facing Luke.

"Ask me something." Luke said.

"I don't really know what to ask."

Luke rolled over on her bed so his back was pressed against the mattress and groaned.

"Come on, we've been in each other's minds for months, and you have nothing you want to ask? I could ask you a million questions."

"I'm sorry, but I wasn't expecting to meet the person that's been in my head for months. Especially since you told me to shut up this morning."

Luke's eyes widened. He rolled back over, "You heard that?"

Lennon nodded, "Was I not supposed to?"

"No, you were. You wanted me to stop singing. I just didn't think you could hear me because I wasn't singing to you."

"You're funny." She said, "Maybe tomorrow I can ask you a question, but I've got school and I'm supposed to be meeting up with Julie, so tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow." He smiled.

He stood up, ready to poof out the room. He thought about his next steps and once he decided to go ahead with his actions he tried to touch her. His hand went straight through her shoulder.

"Just wanted to see if I could touch you. I mean, we can hear other singing from so far away, I thought maybe we had some type of connection."

She held her hand up. Luke furrowed his brows before the realization hit him.

"I'm not doing that."

"You don't even know what I'm doing."

"That stupid little hand thing they did in Casper when he tried to touch her and his hand when straight through hers."

"Please?" She begged, "It would be like recreating something that's actually not CGI."

She held her hand back up. She gave him a soft smile hoping that it would work. He shut his eyes for a moment before letting his hand easily go through hers, only for them to feel some type of shock.

The two of them quickly pulled their hands away from each.

They couldn't explain it. Maybe since they both tried touching each other the shock happened. They couldn't come up with any other reason why the shock happened.

"I'm... gonna go."

Lennon nodded, "Goodnight."

He sent her a "goodnight" back and poofed from the room. To only quickly return.

"By the way. You're really talented."

She smiled, "So are you. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He smiled and poofed from the room, officially gone.

She turned her desk lamp off and flopped on her bed. She had just spoken to a ghost and apparently, two others were with him. She shut her eyes for a moment.

No way did that just happen to her. No way did she just speak to a ghost. No way this ghost was her soulmate.

She grabbed her phone from the nightstand and reread the post again. No sign of that person's soulmate being dead.

She shut her eyes again, the phone still in hand as Luke started singing again.

"Oh my, God."

She could only hear him singing. He was singing softly for sure, but still loud enough for her to hear him. She thought it would stop. That's what happened to the guy and his partner in his post. He said that once they met the singing stopped.

She opened her eyes ( the singing from Luke not stopping ) and continued to scroll on the blog post.

She finally found another story more similar to hers... expect this person wasn't dead. Shockingly.

The post read that she had her singing. A female voice. The two of them having two very different tastes in music. She hadn't known what to do. First, she's hearing nothing but the teacher talking about chemical bonds, and the next thing she knows the loud sounds of something completely rocking out the next. She had finally found this person in their local coffee shop, but for them, the singing didn't stop. The singing only continued, sometimes it was there and other times it was completely silent, other than her own thoughts. The two females didn't think they were soulmates, but it was "time testing them" and sure enough, the singing stopped. They couldn't hear each other singing anymore. They had deemed themselves, soulmates.

So, Lennon had no excuse to say that Luke wasn't her soulmate. He was still singing to her and he wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

It was like the two of them had some overnight connection.

Lennon couldn't believe everything she read on the internet, but this time... she might just have to.

- lucy has something to say
(word count: 3075 three thousand seventy-five)

hey y'all it's me :) i should probably update other stories but no :)

i like this story more and sometimes i get to the point of not wanting to update a story because i don't want it to end.

anyway i love lennon that's all


bye :)

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