(Act II) Chapter 16: Island of Dreads

At the ship,
Sora and the others heading towards the island until they crashed into something. They looked down in front of the ship and saw a flower bud, everyone looked at Marluxia because he's the only one that controls plants. "Don't look at me, my magic isn't working here." he said, then the bud starting to bloom and it reveals a shape.

"Well if it isn't the sacred shape Square, I'm the beautiful Taowa. I see you and your friends got the nerves to come back here to the Island of Dreads." Taowa said. "Do I know you?" Square asked looking confused, "You don't remember? I was the level The Art of War, my soul was trapped in that level! The reason I was floating to you is because I was searching for a sacred shape to save us! I was crying for help and you left me trapped! You left every trapped souls behind unsaved! Lord Annihilate will free all of us once we shatter you into dust!" Taowa said. Thens ropes of circles appeared an attack the boat like the kraken. "Sora! You need help Square to deal with Taowa, me and the everyone else will deal with these kracken tentacle-looking things." Ship said a he cut one of the ropes of circles. Heli picked up Square and she use the wind as railings for Sora. Sora hopped on it and rides through to reach Taowa, Taowa began throwing projectiles at Sora. "SORA! LOOK OUT!!" Square yelled, Sora dodged the projectiles. "Thanks! Now let's get the level done!" Sora said then Square and Heli nodded. Sora began shooting magic at Taowa while Square jump on Taowa's head to stun her befor she release a beam at the three. Heli uses Aero to knock back the projectiles, Square is charging his attack while Sora is protecting the two. Square is fully charged and jumped to Sora, he grabbed Square and spun him around then threw Square with energy surging around him and land a massive hit on Taowa. She fallen down in defeat, she began to cry in sorrow. "I just want to be free! I failed Lord Annihilate! I failed him!" she cried, "Annihilate isn't saving you, he's been lying to you. The only way to be free is right here." Sora pointed at where Taowa's heart. "My heart...What is this feeling? All I felt before was so cold..." Taowa began glowing yellow then changed from pink to dandelion yellow. "Square...Sora...Thank you...." she then disappeared as a light shined and the ropes disappeared. Then the boat continued sailing as Heli is carrying Square and Sora.

--At the castle--

Cascade finished creating the replica, he got a two syringes of corruption and pure corruption. "Now to finish the final piece." Cascade first injected corruption into the replica, then he injected pure corruption into it and wait for it to respond. The replica began to form into a pure corrupted being. "Ugh...where am I?" the replica asked, "It's good that you're finally awake, your group is waiting for you." Cascade said as he opened a dark pink portal.

--Back with Sora an the others--

They reached to the Island of Dreads, three pure corrupteds saw the boat and went to their positions. Sora jumped out to look around, then Cube noticed some appeared above Sora. "SORA LOOK OUT!!!" Cube yelled as he pushed Sora with his Aero. The spiky panel slammed down and disappeared, the group looked and saw three pure corrupteds.

"You failed to save us! Now you will pay the price!" The one with spikes said, "Who are you three? You must be working for Annihilate too!" Sora asked. "My name is Termination Shock, and these two are Sevcon and Cascade. I'm surprised that you heard of Lord Annihilate, he told us that we will all be free once we shatter the "heroic" Square. Lord Annihilate is in a metamorphosis phase, so can be more stronger than ever!" Termination Shock said. "I hope he will be a butterfly!" Square said, Cascade threw his fist and a blast of beam spreads like a shotgun from it. Vexen jumped in and used his shield to block but he is trying his best to not get knocked back, then Saix about to hit Cascade with his claymore until Sevcon formed the circles around her into a whip and hits Saix with a snap. She pinned him down with her foot on his chest, "The poor puppy is weak, he won't be strong without his dear magic." Sevcon said. "That's. Just. CUTE!" Sevcon harshly stomping Saix's chest, the whip formed to tie him up. Marluxia dashed with incredible speed and about to hit Sevcon but Termination Shock blocked Marluxia's scythe with his arm which is surprisingly in a form of a scythe. "You will not hurt them!!" he said as he kicked Marluxia's leg and yeeted him, Sora don't  know who to help first. Vexen is being pushed back, Saix is being stomped on, Termination Shock and Marluxia are clashing their weapons together. Square dashed in and kicked Cascade in the face, Ship jumped in with his dual sword and helped Marluxia fight Termination Shock. "Sora! Help Saix to deal with Sevcon! Me and ship deal with the other two pure corrupteds!" Square told Sora. Sora nodded and charged at Sevcon then struck his keyblade and Sevcon. She got knocked off of Saix, Saix got up and try to breathe properly since Sevcon stomped on him multiple time. "You wanna go!? Let's go and see who survives!!" Sevcon spins around with the ring of circles and charged at Sora but was stopped by Saix blocking it. "Sora! Strike her now!" Siax said, "I'm on it!" Sora aimed at Sevcon and used fire. It hit directly at her face, she fell back in defeat. Square and the others defeated the last two pure corrupteds, they started to get up. "You...YOU!!! WE JUST WANT TO BE FREE!!! YOU LEFT US AND YOU WILL STILL WON'T LET US BE FREE!!!!" Sevcon yelled. "YEA!! LORD ANNIHILATE WILL SET US FREE FROM THIS!!!! HE WILL!!!!" Termination Shock yelled too. Cascade looks quiet but finally speaking, "He won't set us free...He was just using us to shatter the heroes so he could rule Paradise...During an attack on Paradise a thousand years ago, I was a remaining survivor then I was lost and trapped in the void thus imprinting my name Cascade on the level. When Square came into the void level, I thought I would make him take my spot. But I let myself stay here, I realized that he got a destiny. Right when I gave myself up, I was transported to a castle with Annihilated. I want to leave but my will was in the hands of Annihilated, now I am free!" Cascade said with a smile. "What about us? You're our friend, but...you're not dead like us?" Sevcon said, "I'm afraid not, I'm just a trapped survivor. It's been fun while it lasted, but you two are always still my friends in here" Cascade pointed at his heart. He glows purple and his color changed from pink to amethyst purple as his form change back just like Taowa. Termination Shock and Sevcon glowed indigo and sunset orange as they changed their forms back to normal then the two look at Cascade. "So this is goodbye?" "It seems so, but I will still remember you two! We're still friends!" Cascade hugged both of the levels which it reminded Axel of the days he spent with Roxas and Xion. Termination Shock and Sevcon disappeared and Cascade having tears in his eyes as he watched his two only friends disappear. Sora walked up to Cascade, "Are you going to be alright?" he asked. "Yea as long as they're in my heart, I'll be fine and still remember them." Cascade said. Then he got in the boat as he's now willing to join in on the journey. The otherd climbed aboard and then the boat sailed off to the volcano. "Everyshape, I know this sounds crazy but...I created a replica of a certain corrupted and turned the replica into a pure corrupted." Cascade said. Vexen and Zexion looked shocked about how Cascade created a replica clone. "That's impossible! How did you manage to make one?" Vexen asked, "I have high intelligence enough to make something impossible, I'm also a paladin that's willing to help shapes in needs a thousand years ago. If I remember correctly, the replica at the Volcano of Isolation." Cascade said. "The volcano isnt that far, we will get there in no time! Hoist the sails as we sail to Volcano of Isolation!" Ship said.

--At the Volcano of Isolation--

"Look at the group, they think they can come to MY volcano to stop us? As if, Lord Annihilated is going to hatch out of his phase tomorrow an we will buy time so he could finish." a shape was using super sight. "Look like Cascade decided to side with the uncorrupteds, but too bad I'm gonna shatter him and the heroes." the shape leaned back in the pool of corrupted lava at the top of the volcano. Waiting for the heroes to arrive, a blade was summoned in the shape's hand and examine it. It's a Katana with pure corrupted textures, it looks like it can instantly slice the most hardest object into pieces. It disappeared and the shape began resting, but the shape didn't know that Lycan was spying. She glared at the shape and whispered....

"They will defeat you....F A K E T W I N...."

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