Chapter 7

Wally gently lays Dick down upon the med bay bed and reaches out and grabs a hold of his hand and gives it a small squeeze.
Soon the others come in and Kaldur tells them all that he contacted Black Canary and that she shall be here any moment.

They only wait a little bit before the zeta tubes go off.

Recognized. Black Canary; 1-3
Recognized. Batman; 0-2

The team all look up at Batman's name being called out and await for the two League members arrival to the med bay. As soon as they come, Batman tells them all to leave, all but Wally who is so grateful about.

Batman slowly and silently walks over on the other side of Dick and glance over him before he turns his attention onto Wally.
"What happened here?'' he asks and Wally bites down on his lip before he explains everything to Batman and Black Canary.
"Run some test, we need to know everything'' Batman says before he quickly exit the med bay. 

Wally watches silently as Batman leaves then he turns to look at Black Canary, she looks at him and sighs and begins to get things ready to run some tests on Dick.

2 hours later.

Dick only woke up for a short period and during that short period he woke up and threw up before laying back down and drifting back. Wally sat by his bedside the whole time, he would watch as Black Canary would walk back in so often to either take more blood, check his heart rate and his oxygen levels and his fever. 

Over all he seemed to be doing okay but him still being out worried Wally a lot. He didn't know what it was about this young kid but something was there pulling him closer towards him and something telling him not to leave the kid's side.

Wally's head was slightly falling forward as he was falling asleep but ever once in awhile his head would fall down and he would bolt up in the chair, wide eyes and awake for only a little bit before his eye lids grew heavy and he was drifting back off to sleep.
Just as his eyes were about to finally close, he heard the increase sound of the beeping coming from the heart monitor going off. Wally opened his eyes and moved closer towards Dick. Just as he moved closer he could hear Dick whimpering in his sleep. Just as Wally reached out to touch his shoulder to shake him awake Dick shot up in a sitting position, his blue eyes were wide.

"Hey, it's okay'' Wally said and moved closer. As soon as Wally moved closer, Dick scooted back in the bed. He quickly pulled his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around him and began to cry and whisper, but not in English.

"Nu. Nu, vă rog, opriți. Nu mă răni. Nu mai pot să o iau. Nu, nu, vă rog, opriți-vă. Nu mă atinge. Vreau doar să mă duc acasă. Vreau doar mami și tatăl meu. Te rog, dă-mi drumul. Nu Nu nu....'' [No. No please stop. Don't hurt me. I can't take it anymore. No, no, no please stop. Don't touch me. I just want to go home. I just want my mommy and daddy. Please let me go. No, no, no....] cried Dick.

Wally was standing by at a total lost, he didn't understand a single thing he said but by the sounds of Dick's voice and his sobs and how his voice would break on some words it wasn't good and it made Wally super sad. The med bay doors the swooshed open and Batman walked in but stopped when he heard Dick crying and speaking a different language. His attention then turned to Wally and Batman could see that the young speedster was very confused but also very worried and concern as well.

"Wally, inform Black Canary that I have the results of the test and that her and I will need to discuss things farther'' said Batman. Wally nodded his head but then looked back at Dick, not wanting to leave him but also not wanting to disobey an order from The Batman.

"I'll be right back Dick'' whispered Wally who then quickly ran out of the doors. Batman waited to hear the doors close before he turned around and typed on a small keypad. The med bay doors locked and the cameras turned off. He slowly made his way to the foot of the bed and listened closely to what Dick was whispering about. Some was hard to understand because he was crying a lot but Batman knew most.

"E în regulă Richard, ești în siguranță acum. Nimeni nu te va răni. Îmi pare rău că ai experimentat ce ai făcut, dar cei care te-au luat vor fi localizați și ... " [It's okay Richard, you're safe now. No one is going to hurt you. I'm sorry that you experienced what you did but those who took you will be located and...] Batman stopped speaking when Dick raised his head and locked his broken, red puffy eyes on him. He watched as Dick's eyes ran over him.

"Cine esti?" [Who are you?] questioned Dick.

''Sunt Batman, erou. Nu ai nimic de îngrijorat de Richard. Sunteți în siguranță aici, nu vă va aduce nici un rău.'' [I'm Batman, a hero. You have nothing to worry about Richard. You are safe here, no harm will come to you.] said Batman.

"Eroii sunt oameni buni corecte?" [Heroes are good people correct?] Dick asked and Batman nodded his head before Dick could continue speaking.

"Atunci de ce ... de ce nu zâmbești?''[Then why...why do you not smile?] Dick asked and by the look in his eyes, Dick was studying him. Studying his movements, his features, everything. Bruce was a little taken back by this. He figured Dick would ask him why he looked so dark and scary which many have asked but not this, not ask why he didn' He knew that Dick must have seen this cause Dick looked down as if he was in trouble for asking that. 

"It's okay, you're not in trouble'' said Batman in a calm manor. Dick didn't move to raise his head but his blue eyes looked up at him. 

"O-Okay'' whispered Dick who moved back a bit on the bed, pulling his legs closer towards his chest. He sniffled and bit his bottom lip.

"So, you understand English and speak it'' said Batman almost to himself, taking notes but Dick heard him.

"Da. B-But not...bine? Sau este g-good?''[Yes. B-But not...well? Or is it good?] Dick asked mixing both languages together, trying to get in perfect. He hated when he messed the English language up, especially after all the times his mother tried to teach him.

"It's well.'' said Batman and Dick lifted his head up and nodded his head. Then he saw a slight frown form on Dick's face.
"What's the problem?" he asked which Dick lock eyes on Batman, his eyes silently asking him how he knew something was wrong. Batman almost smirked at this. Dick had traits very similar to his.

"I-I..I miss th-them. Îmi lipsește mami și tati'' [I miss my mommy and daddy] whispered Dick and laid his head on top of his knees.

"Richard-" began Batman but Dick stopped him.

"Dick. I-I prefer Dick'' said Dick in a low voice and brushed the tears off his face, "And y-you?"
Batman looked at Dick for a moment and then looked away for a second to think about it. He knew everything about him and all Dick knew about him was that he was Batman, a hero. So, how was Dick going to  learn to trust him and others if he couldn't trust Dick first. He then looked at him and slowly reached up and drew his cowl back, revealing to Dick who he was, trusting someone with his secrete ID. Most of the League knew who he was but for all he knew the people who kidnapped Dick could have messed with him mind and set him free to gain information on them and be behind something greater than just a simple kidnapped, lost victim. 

Dick's blue eyes widen and he moved towards the end of the bed but kept enough distance between him and Batman.

Bruce's own blue eyes widen an inch and watched Dick carefully as he moved closer towards him. 
Dick slowly reached a hand out and touched Bruce's check. The air in the room felt tight and there was no sound until Dick spoke up. When he spoke his voice was small and broken like. 

"You were there." He said suddenly and Bruce frown his brows wondering what Dick meant. "I remember you. You...You were there that night. You saw-" Dick stopped talking and a tear fell from his eyes as memories of that night popped in his mind and he saw his parents fall once again. Bruce then closed his eyes and sighed for he knew exactly what Dick was talking about. He opened his eyes and could see huge amounts of pain written all upon Dick's face.

"You're Bruce Wayne'' whispered Dick.

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