Chapter 5
This chapter is for: TheMysticWolfGirl I hope you like it and thank you a bunch!!!
''Sunt liber. Sunt liber!'' [I'm free. I'm free!] thought Dick as he continued to cry, he never thought this day would come, he was finally free and safe and that both broke his heart and made him so happy.
Wally gently reached over and placed his hand on Dick's shaking shoulder. It took a few minutes before Dick raised his head and looked over at Wally. Wally's green eyes made Dick feel calmer and he inhaled sharply and then threw his arms around Wally and cried in his chest. Wally's eyes widen, he didn't see this coming but he didn't reject it at all, he welcomed this hug, Dick's desperate need to be clinging to something or more like someone he trusted. Wally wrapped his arms around Dick and looked over at the two League members who stood there silently watching.
Dinah reached over and patted Batman's shoulder and nodded her head towards the door. He looked like he didn't want to leave the room, to leave Dick and Wally seemed a little confused by this. Why did it seem like Batman had a strong connection to Dick as well. But the two League members left the room, leaving the two young boys together.
Dick eventually calmed down and pulled away from Wally. He brushed the tears from his face and smiled up at Wally before speaking almost as a whisper, "Th-thank you'' he said. Wally smiled down at him and nodded his head, in some way Wally liked how Dick stuttered when he spoke, it was cute to Wally. Dick then looked down at his hand and noticed the IV, he began to pull it out but Wally placed his hand on top of his and the same electric shock went through both of them. Wally jumped back and held his hand in front of his face, turning it out looking for a reason why that was happening.
Dick pulled his hand towards his chest and lowered his head. He hated this, he hated all of this, all of what his captors did to him. He hated all the needles, the pain and experiments they did on him, he hated it all and it all made him feel like a freak. Wally then looked at Dick as saw that he looked sad.
"Hey!'' said Wally but he got no response from Dick. "How about we go into the kitchen and get you something to eat?'' Dick then raised his head, there was a tiny spark in his eyes. Dick didn't know when he last ate something, so the thought of going into a kitchen excited him. He nodded his head quickly at Wally and Wally chuckled. Food always made things better in Wally's mind. Dick then yanked the IV out and hissed at the slight pain it caused.
Wally then reached down and pulled Dick's hand up towards his lips and kissed the spot where the IV was two seconds ago. As soon a he let go did he realized what he just done. His face got so hot and red he figured that it was redder than The Flash suit. He turned around quickly to not face Dick who he figured was disgusted by what he did but in fact, Dick had a small blush across his face.
Then a memory flashed and he held his hand close to his chest.
{Memory flashback}
Dick was running around in the circus with a huge smile on his face and joy in his eyes. He suddenly did a double back flip but didn't notice that where he was going to land was a small pile of boxes of the circus things. The circus was on the move again, going to see a new city. A city his father told him was full of lights and animals.
Dick flipped and just as he was about to land, his eyes widen. He crashed down upon the boxes and cried out in pain.
Hearing him cry out, his mother rushed to his side. She quickly picked him up and placed him on her lap so she could look over him.
"O pasăre mică, ești bine?" [Oh my little bird, are you alright?] asked a frighten mother. Little Dick shook his head 'no' with tears streaming out of his beautiful eyes. His mother pulled him into a tight hug to calm him down which worked instantly. After he had stopped crying she pulled out of the hug and looked over her son. She then found a scrap across the top of his hand and his wrist was now a dark blue and purple color.
"Micul meu Robin, e în regulă. Ești bine, o să o sărut ca să fie mai bine." [ My little Robin, it is alright. You are okay, I'll kiss it to make it all better.] said Dick's mom. She gently kissed his hand and then smiled up at him.
"Vezi, mai bine fiul meu acum.'' [See, all better now my son.] she said. She picked him up and carried him off towards a different tent.
" Dar încă doare mami!" [But it still hurts mommy!] cried Dick who laid his head on her shoulder. She rubbed small circles on his back then planted a small kiss upon his forehead and looked into his shinning blue eyes.
"Stiu ca mi-e dragul, dar durerea ramane cu noi si alte dureri dispar. Această durere va dispărea într-o zi, dar iubirea mea pentru tine nu va mai fi niciodată. Ești bine, Dickie, îți promit asta." [I know it does my dear, but some pain stays with us and other pain fades away. This pain here will disappear one day but my love for you never will. You're okay Dickie, I promise you that.] she said then kissed his hand once more and smiled down at her son.
{Memory Flashback ended.}
Dick looks up from his hand and smiles. "Mi-e dor de mami!" [I miss you mommy!] thought Dick and a tiny tear fell from his eye. He brushed it away quickly before reaching out and pulling on Wally's t-shirt. Wally quickly turned around and his face was still a little bit red which made Dick's smiled a little bigger. "El este dragut.'' [He's cute.] thought Dick who held his hand out towards Wally.
After a minute, Wally took his hand and helped him out of the bed. As soon as his bare feet hit the cold tile floor Dick shivered and lean closer towards Wally who smiled widely. "He is so cute!'' thought Wally who then shook his head, trying to get that thought out of his mind, but he couldn't and he couldn't get rid of the feeling that was bubbling up inside him. He liked Dick, he really did but he didn't know what that meant.
Wally then lead Dick out of the med bay and down the hall towards the kitchen.
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