Chapter 4

A/N: I don't know much about seizures or epilepsy so i do apologize if I do get anything wrong.

The med bay doors swooshed open letting Batman to walk quickly into the room. He laid Dick down on the bed as Black Canary rushed over and began to look for something in the cabinet. Both Green Arrow and The Flash came into the room watching the scene unfold before them.

"Hold him down'' ordered Batman and those two quickly followed the order and held Dick down just in time for Black Canary to stick a needle into his arm. After about a few minutes Dick's body stopped convulsing and his whole self seemed to relax. 

Green Arrow and The Flash let go and took a step back and looked from Batman to Black Canary.

"Leave us'' said Batman and without second thought they left but Dinah stopped at the door. She waited for him to turn around. He did and he quickly looked at her and she nodded her head and pressed the small key pad on the wall, making the room sound proof and shutting all the cameras off so that the whole room was secure.

Batman then pulled off his cowl and looked back over at Dinah before turning to look at Dick on the hospital bed.

"Bruce-" Dinah said, "What you said out there. Do it possible that-" but Bruce cut her off.

"I need to run a blood test first to be sure but...but I do think that he might be him. Dinah if it is him-" said Bruce.

"I know. I know Bruce.'' said Dinah who looked down at Dick. She reached down and touched his forehead before she ran her hand through his black hair and then went over towards the cabinet and grabbed something. Bruce watched in silence while she hooked him up to an IV before putting something in it.

She turned to look at Bruce and sighed. "He has a small fever'' she said before she turned and left the room, leaving Bruce to take his blood sample to run his tests. Soon after the zeta tubes announced Batman departure making Wally stand up and race down towards the med bay, towards Dick.

The door swooshed open and Wally rushed towards Dick's bedside. He glanced down at him and  quickly reached down and took Dick's hand in his. 
As soon as his hand touched Dick's an electric shock went through his hand. Wally gasped and pulled back quickly.

Just then the heart monitor starting going off and Wally took his eyes off of his hands and looked over at Dick. Just before he could take a step forward towards him, the med bay doors opened and Black Canary rushed in and brushed right past Wally. She went start to Dick, who's eyes suddenly opened up. He tried to sit up but he couldn't because he was strapped down to the bed, which he realized right away and started to panic.

Wally could see the fear lanced within his wide bright blue eyes. Black Canary was standing beside him whispering to him that he was okay and to calm down but nothing was calming the boy down.

Wally walked over quickly to be right next to Dick, to be in his line of eye sight. Dick turned his head to look at Wally, his eyes were pleading with him to help him again. Wally nodded his head and began to undo the straps holding him down.

"Wally'' said Black Canary but he ignored her and continued to undo them. Once the straps where off, Dick's breathing and heart rate went back to normal. He sat up quickly, but it was too fast and the room started spinning around him. Dick reached out for something to steady him. Wally's hand grasped tightly onto Dick's hand and he took a step forward and wrapped his arm around Dick, who then laid his head on Wally. A tiny blush brushed his checks, he glanced up at Black Canary who wore a smile on her face, making his face go redder.

After a few seconds, Dick pulled away and nodded his head to Wally, silently thanking him. Wally smiled at him and nodded his head back. Dick sat up and looked down at his wrists, rubbing them slightly as if he was rubbing off the memories of being trapped, strapped down with no power to be able to get free.

"Honey, I need to ask you some questions if you are up for it?" asked Black Canary.

"I don't think that this is the time-" said Wally but Dick's small voiced silenced him from speaking any farther.

"I-I...I'm o-okay." said Dick who sighed. It was much harder for him to speak right now since he just had a small panic attack, plus he was speaking in English which he understood but didn't really know who to speak it.

"Okay. Can you tell me your name and how old you are?" asked Black Canary. Wally could see Dick thinking over the question and almost answered for him. He knew his name, it was Dick, and if it spared the boy from going through pain or pressure then Wally would do it and Dinah saw this and shook her head 'no' at Wally, she wanted Dick to answer. But Wally was nervous that it could be too much for him. He was already shaking and he could see that Dick was both scared and nervous about all of this.

"It's okay, just take your time. If you can't say it, how about writing it down?" Dinah said but Dick shook his head quickly, he couldn't write, he didn't know how to. A small frown came across his face and it made Wally's heart ache slightly, he didn't know what it was about Dick but there was just something extremely special about him and that they shared a connection somehow.

"Numele meu este-" [My name is] said Dick but Black Canary stopped him from saying anything more.

"English please hun.'' she said and gave him a reassuring smiled. Dick nodded his head and inhaled sharply.

"M-My name is Di-Dick-" began Dick but stopped talking when the med bay doors swooshed opened and Batman stood right infront of them all.

"Your name is Richard Grayson.'' said Batman and Dick's eyes doubled. Wally looked from Batman to Dick then back at Batman. He heard a small gasp and glanced quickly at Black Canary who had her eyes glued on Dick. He had no idea what was going on but appearently Richard Grayson was important and maybe that's why they had a connection. Wally looked back over at Dick who pulled his knees up to his chest and buried his face, hiding from all of them.

"Este bine Richard, ești în siguranță acum.'' [It is alright Richard, you are safe now.] said Batman in such a kind voice that it sent shivers up Wally's spine. He took a step back as Batman walked to the foot of the bed. Dick slowly lifted his head up and a single tear escaped and ran quickly down his face.

His shoulders began to shake as he slowly broke down and cried. 

"Sunt liber.  Sunt liber!'' [I'm free. I'm free!] thought Dick as he continued to cry, he never thought this day would come, he was finally free and safe and that both broke his heart and made him so happy.

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