Dinner with green and purple...
Tords p.o.v
I watched as Tom left to go get changed out of his wet outfit. Sighing I did the same, I looked around for something to put on. Most of my iteams are still at the base or used for heat while I was homeless. I eventualy found a pair of Tom's jeans, I'm sure he wouldn't mind too much... I then took of my soaked hoodie, to discover that it had protected the top underneath. This will do. I looked in Tom's brocken bedroom mirror, wow I guess luck really is a thing, since he's had nothing but a punch in the face from life.
"Tord? Nearly done?" I heard a voice snap me out of my thoughts,
"Yep, just gotta brush my hair."
"Ok, Matt, just hurry up." I chuckled at his little joke. I smiled, remembering how Matt would wake me up at 5 in the morning so I could take him to the shops for more stuff, he hated to be seen 'underprepared' as he called it, so we had to go early.
I wandered over to Tom still in my daydream, "Hay!" He clapped his hands near my face. "Oi, Starboy (I'm going to hell) get you head out of the clouds, come on." I looked down at Tom and smiled slightly, he's forgiven me, after everything I've done, he's finaly forgiven me.
I watched him sigh as he opened the door and knocked on Edd's door.
"Coming~" a happy voice called. The door opened to show the small, cubby male, standing rather sasily: he was leaning on the door frame, one hand on his waist, the other loosly holding onto a Cola can, he had a huge goofy smile on his face. "Hi, Tom, Tord." He grinned at us.
"Hay Edd, is Matt around?" Tom asked,
"Yeah. HAY MATT, GET OVER HERE!" A very groggy Matt stumbled over to us.
"What- oh hay Tord, Tom." He seemed to almost imideatly snap awake, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small flip mirror. "Oh god, I look a mess- like I've just woke up."
"You have just woke up, you where sleeping in my couch for 2 hours."
"Yeah, well I don't want it to look that way," I could see a small red dust fall onto his face.
"Anyway-" Tom continues, " Tord and I was wondering if you would like to come round for dinner?"
"Sure, I would anyway, Matt?" The green boy asked.
"Yeah, sure, just let me get ready."
"I'll drag him over in about half an hour-"
"-HALF AN HOUR, THATS ALL I GET?" Edd just simply smiled in response, waved us goodbye and shut the door.
"Wow, that was easier then I thought."
"Ha, clasic stupid-"
"Say it, I dare you..."
"-Clasic stupid.... Tord."
"Sure, why not." I giggled at Tom's reaction. He hasn't changed.
Tom's p.o.v
As much as I tried to keep a strait face, I couldn't, Tord's giggle was so adorable. I smiled and walked into our apartment.
"So, what should we make for dinner?" I questioned, Tord walked in and sat on the counter, shrugging. "Well, this was your idea and- wait... ARE THOSE MY JEANS?"
"Why the hell are you wearing my jeans?"
"Cuz.... my stuffs ripped, wet, at the bace or lost."
"*sigh* you know what... I'm not even suprised at this point."
"Oh, then I'll just have to try harder~"
"Please dont." I said flatly while looking for some food. "We could make burgers?"
"Sure, just like old times-"
"Ok, where is the giant robot?"
"Oh haha Thomas,"
"I'm nothing if not my humor."
"Sure, whatever, so burgers?"
"Looks like it, your making it."
"Cuz you make the best burgers ever!" I wasn't even being sarcastic, as much as he gets on my nerves the boy makes a killer burger.
"True, fine I'll make it."
"Yay!" I smiled and left him to his work, I stated flicking through channels, until I heard a knock on the door. Wow, Edd accually managed to get Matt over here in half an hour.
I walked over to the door and peaked through the letter box,
Edd sighed before answerings, "Tord sucks."
"Umm- EXUSE ME?!" I heard Tord yell from the kitchen,
"Correct!" I opened the door to let Edd, and a very pouty Matt in.
"Hiya guys, we're having burgers,"
"Yeah," Edd's eyes went wide as an extreamly large smile covered his face. Matt, however was wondering around the room, looking for something.
"Mirrors in the bathroom."
"How did you-"
"Matt, I have lived with you for god knows how meny years now."
"-true." He walked to the bathroom while pulling out a hairbrush. Rolling my eyes I turned back to Edd.
"So, Matt's been around yours alot lately-"
"Y-Yeah, well T-Tords been around yours alot too-"
"Tord lives here."
"Oh. Oh yeah," a small blush appeared on his cheeks,
"You have a thing for him!"
"Shhh, no I-I don't..."
"OMG, Thats so cute."
"Fine maybe I have a little-"
"Yeah, as little as Matt's toy collection."
"A little crush on him," he repeated, ignoring me. I smiled as Edd confessed.
"Burger in about five." I heard Tord yell, I gave Edd one last smurk before going to Tord.
"So, Edd has a thing for Matt..."
"I know."
"What WHAT? How did you..."
"Well, when I went over to get your tea, Matt was there, asleep-"
"He seems to be asleep alot lately,"
"Yeah.... I guess your right.... You should ask Edd about that."
"Will do, anyway, about before?"
"Ah yes, well I started to tease him about it, and he started blushing like an idiot."
"Yep." Suddenly I smelt, fire?
"Damn it," I started laughing like a mainac as Tord ran to sort out the bugers, only to slip on some spilled grease, and then set the smoke alarm off. By the end of it, Tord was out of breath and sweaty and I was gripping my sides holding back tears from laughing too much.
"Edd! Matt! Burgers are done!"
(Time skip to them eating brought to you by.... this adorable picture
Your welcome)
Tords p.o.v
We were all sat at the table, Tom was laughing his butt of, trying to explain to Edd and Matt what happend in the kitchen earlier.
"A-A-And then-"
"Ok Tom, I think you've imbarrased me enough." He pulled a pouty face at me, his cheeks still pink from laughing too much, god was he adroable like this, he's accually happy, for once, he's well and trully happy, we all are.
"Um..." I was brought back to reality by Tom, Edd and Matt looking at me, "sorry, daydreaming."
"Well," Edd spoke up, "I was just saying how nice it is to all sit down and have a meal again, just like old times," he said. I wanted to cry tears of joy, it was nice, hell it was all I ever wanted, I missed my friends, so much. I was so happy I let a big goofy smile fall on my face.
"Yea, it is."
A/n: Yay, a happy chapter, also since it the 1st I'll expain my version of why 'Tom' doesn't like Christmas....
Warning, some semi-deep stuff.
Ok so Tom thinks that Christmas sucks because everyone his happy and cheery and stuff and they forget about all of life problems. The biggest things on their minds are getting a walm coat. However there is people out there who just want a meal or a bed.
Also, Tom's life accually sucks and his mind doesn't allow him to be happy or have tge Christmas spirit, so to him it's just a cold, bleak, wet time.
It also effects his sleeping times and his hunger, meaning he doesn't eat/sleep.
And when he was a kid, not only was his family christian, so made it a big deal, but his dad left him for god knows how meny years. This ment that when other kids would talk about what their dads would get them, Tom would be quietly breaking, just wanting his dad to come back, he did.... eventually.... but that didn't end too well.
But he learnt to sort find a love for Christmas again thanks to his family. However this year his thoughts and the way winter effected him were really bad, so he hates it more than normal.
Wow, that was sad..... Heres a cute picture to make you feel better:
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