Chapter 5: Drunk Chats
Still Toms Pov
I woke up and checked my phone, it was 12 pm, I then noticed that I restricted by a large arm. I jolted around to see Tord. Suddenly memories of last night flooded into my head.
"Another nightmare, jeezzz. *sigh* I need a drink, something to make me forget life.... again.." I muttered under my breath. As I tried to sit up the large arm held me down. God sake Tord. I lifted the restraint with loud grumble from the other male, but then soon turnd over and light snores escaped his lips. Sighing with releif, I swung my legs round and stood at tge edge of my bed, I took one more look at Tord, Im sorry, for whatever I'm about to do... Grabbing the stool that went with my white desk, I put it infront of my wardrobe and got to my emergancy Smirnoff.
Tords pov
I woke up, moaning, I turned around to find Tom missing and his stool infront of his wardrobe. For guds skyld Thomas (For god sake Thomas) I swung my out of bed and went into the kitchen.
I saw Tom sitting in the corner of the room, his face was red and his hair was mangled. He was holding a semi-large bottle of beer in his hands every now and then talking a large swig from it, with several others littered around him, castaway on the checkerd floor. I looked him sadly before picking him up.
"-agh- oi, get off me you damn Commie!" He screamed at me, along with a few other cuss words.
"Tom, Tom, TOM," I said as he snapped his attention to me.
"Why where you drinking, why are you drunk?" I asked, slightly demanding an answer.
"Why do you care? You tried to kill meeeee!" He pointed an accusing finger at me as his words slurred.
"I-I-I.... You made Edd a deal, a deal that is now brocken." I said softly, I must of gotten through to him because he kicked me back and screamed at me to shut up. Then he wrapped his arms around his knees and started crying.
"Im sorry Edd..." More whispering, fairly simmiler, filled the room. I started to walk towards him, but he pointed a razor blade at me,
"Not another step, Norski!" He commanded.
"Tom whats that?"
"My new razor blade, now go away..."
"Tom, show me your arms."
"SHOW ME!!!" I jumped ontop of him and pinned him into the floor, I grabbed the blade, cutting my thumb in the prosess. As soon as I got the 'wepon' away from him I pulled his sleeves up, and as I had guessed it... Cuts... from his wrists right up to his elbows. Blood was dried around the new marks. I could hear Tom wimpering as I pinned him down, whats wrong with him??? Its like he's having a panic attack, or PTSD all Im doing to him is pinning him down.... on the floor.... by his arms... not letting him up... OH MY GOD!!! The realisation hit me like a brick wall, I'm pinning him down like Jack, his nightmare was about Jack, his cuts were from Jack, his drinking problems, from Jack.... his 'unstablness'..... from.... Jack... I slowly got up and helped Tom up. I couldn't help it, I brought him into a hug,
"Commie, what are you- agh-"
"It's ok, he's gone.... You're fine, you don't have to do this to your self, no cuts, no beer, no panic attacks... He's gone and I'll make sure that he NEVER hurts you again." My mind buzzed with all the things I want to do to him for all he's done. I suddenly felt my chest wet, I looked down and didn't even notice that we where on Tom's couch, nor did I see that Tom had curled onto my lap and cried into my chest. I sighed and checked the time. It was only 4 pm.... This is going to be a looonnnngggg day... I started to run my good hand through Tom's hair and held him as steady as I could with my useless one.
Toms pov
I was lying in TORD's lap. I was crying into TORD'S hoodie. My rival then I remembered what he said.... was he still my rival? I don't even know, I'm to drunk to think, to drunk to move.... But no to drunk to throw up!
I jumped up and ran to the kitchen bin and threw up all my alchol, Tord had followed me to the kitchen and stood behind me rubbling my back in a figure of eight motion, like I was his child with a stomach bug, not a twenty-odd year old man with an unhealthy alchol addiction. I shivered as more sick came out of my mouth.
When a finished I attemted to walk over to ny other hiding place, however my legs felt like they were going to colapse. I need to get to Susan's room. My unsides were empty and I needed the burning sensation of whisky to fill them up. I used Tord as a crutch as I got to the room and opened the draw under the bed. There was about five or six... or fifteen bottles in there. But before I could Tord had grabbed the majority of the drinks in his good arm and led me to the kitchen so I could watch him pour out my juice, after he finished the first 7, he grabbed the remaining whiskys and did the same with them.
I was nearly sober, well at least I wasn't under the influence of the alchol.
"Now. You are going to show me the rest of your drinks." The red devil commanded.
"T-thats all of them," I lied,
"No its not."
"Fine, come with me..."
I took him to the spare room first, it had a stash of 3 ontop on the shelf behind two massave books, then I brought him to bathroom where it was littered with hinding spots. Slowly we made our way around the house, (Im too lazy to wright all the rooms.) Tord was suprised by the amount of spots I have fulled with the drink.
"Thats all of them," I yawned, exsausted,
"Omg Tom, why the HELL did you have so many?" I shrugged my shoulders,
"Edd doesn't like me drinking,"
"Edds not the only one," I heard Tord mutter under his breath.
"*yawn* we should proberly head to bed," I slurred.
"You still sleeping in my bed?"
"After today... Yes." He said simply,
"Ok, lets go then." I started to walk to my bedroom, and I heard Tord mutter a yeah as we made our way to bed.
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