Chapter 4: Why
Tords pov
"Tom? TOM!?" I yelled. I ran into his room to see him onthe floor bleeding. I lifted up the small male and sat him on the bed.
"Yes, Tom."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Why do you care?"
"Why do you care about me? I've been nothing but horrible to you, however you've helped me in so meny ways. I noticed that Tom was crying.
"Oh Tom, you havn't been nothing but horrible, in fact, you've been kind. For staters, you let me live here." I could fell Tom relaxing and his tears turned into sniffs.
"Now." I said alot stricter, "would you like to tell how that happed?"I pointed to the blood staining my red hoodie.
"Oh.... that. So basicly, you tipped out all my drinks, and I had a spare stash of Smirnoff ontop of my wardrobe. So I went to go get it, fell off the stool and hurt my arm." Tom wimpered.
"Tom. Why would you need beer?"
"I-I don't know, I normaly drink to get rid my problems. It lasts for two days: day one- Im too drunk to care, day two- I'm dealing with a hangover, and thats the bigger issue."
"Oh Tom, you can't just keep running away from your problems" I mutted as I pulled the smaller male onto my lap and started to run my hands through his messy hair as he nuzzled into my neck.
"I-I know." Tom eventually sighed. I started to get up, but I was held down.
"I-is he gone?" Thomas whispered, "yeah, he's gone-"
"Until next week,"
Tom's pov
I looked up at Tord, I could feel myself relax onto his lap, I thought about when he first move in and I had thrown a bottle at his head. I couldn't help but giggle at my stupidity
"Whats so funny?"
"Remember when you first showed your face and I thew my drink at you? And here we are, cuddling." I chuckled.
"Yeah, I guess your right, heh." I looked up as saw Tord's face, his eye lids started drooping, and small yawns escaped his lips.
"Tord, umm, maybe you should sleep in my bed tonight, its alot more comfy."
"Yeah, but you're getting in here too-" I felt my face go red as I turned away.
"So you don't do anything stupid in the night.... again.."
"*sigh* fine." Tord left to go get a pair of baggy, gray running bottems on and took off his hoodie, too show an old, red shirt."
"I'm going to get changed. Be right back." I spluttered quickly. The image of Tord filled my head. His hair was messy and sticking out in every way, hid shirt was creased and very baggy on him. It made him look like a tired child, cute- what not cute, NOT cute.
I had pulled on a pair of blue shorts and left my hoodie on, since both my arms still hurt. I walked in and saw Tord curled up on my double bed, he lay right on the edge: lesving enough room for me. I walked over and got into the covers. I dodged his injured arm and started to doze of.
"H-hello? Anyone?" I asked in a worried tone. Sweat beading down my face.
"Ah, Thomas," a familier cold voice said. "Glad to see my replacments not around." I froze and slowly turned aroud, there stood Jack. He towered over me and I felt like a small dog.
I held back tears as he punched me in the gut, I fell to my knees and he continued to beat me until I heard another voice.
"Tom, Tom, Thomas, TOM!"
I snapped awake and jolted up. Tears where in my eyes and I felt cold sweat on my palms. I looked around and saw Tord giving me a conserned look.
"Tom are you ok?"
"Y-yeah, what happend?" I was still groggy from just waking up.
"You where having a nightmare, you tossed and tutned, moaning and yelling out in pain."
"Oh ok th- TORD ARE YOU CRYING?!?!"
"N-no," he lied as more tears fell down his chin.
"Tom, what was your dream about?" He asked, "It was him, wasn't it-"
"-um huph..."
"Tom, why didn't you tell anyone about him. Why didn't even tell Edd?"
"I-I didn't want to upset him."
"Tom, it would upset hin more if you still kept it from him." I nodded in agreement, knowing that he was right.
"Anyway, we'll worry about that later. It's half twelve, go back to sleep."
"Sure..." I snuggled under the cover, only to have an arm wrap around me, Tord's arm. The older male made use of my small size and wrapped is body around me. I felt my face blushing, at least its walm in here... After that I dozed off into a dreamless sleep.
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