Chapter 2


I looked down at my feet, I know Matt would proberly forgive me, just as long no one brought up me punching his face.... But Tom, that was another story all together.

Edd had led me to Matts apartment.
"*sigh* yeah," I knocked lightly on the door, and heard a familier carasmatic voice answering.
"One sec Edd, just gotta finish brushing my hair." A few moment later the wooden door had swung open, "howdy neighbough, and Todd? What are you doing here." A sigh escaped Edd, as he elbowed me forward.
"H-hay Matt, its me Tord?"
"Oh hay, Tord,"
"I would just like to say," I took a deep breath, "Im sorry..."
"For what," figures I thought to my self,
"Matt, Tord was the one who caused.... The 'thing'" Edd breathed.
"Oh, oh well. It ok Todd." I just smiled, not really bothered that he didn't get my name correct.
"Now, lets takle the bigger issue," I muttered, as Edd led me and Matt to what Im guessing is Tom's house.
Edd sighed and knocked on the door slowly, a slurred "Im comin'" came from inside.

Tom pov

I stumbled over Smirnoff bottles to get to the door, I know Edd had told me to stop drinking but I enjoyed the burning it caused in my stomach and how it alowed me to forget my problems. I grabbed my fourth bottle of half empty beer, took a large swigg, then opened the door.

As the door swung open I could see Matt, Edd and Tord... Wait... TORD! I pushed Matt out the way, careful of his face (I might be drunk, but Im not a moster,) and threw my now nearly empty bottle at the demon. I hit him on the shoulder, as he was dazed I took my chance to pin him to the floor.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I could hear my words sluring as I screamed at him on the floor.
"T-Tom, get off him-"
"No Edd, he ruined everything, he distroyed out house, nearly killec me, you and Matt, accually killed Jon and he lied to us-"
"-Well thats something you two have in common."
"W-what the HELL are you on about Edd-"
"-You said you would quit, you accually helped me clear out all ypu acohol bottles, you crossed you heart Tom," I could hear hus voice wobbling and I slowly got up off Tord,
"Edd Im, don't even think about getting up Commie, Edd Im so sorry, but I can't help it." Tears where rolling down both of our cheeks now, Edd pulled me into a hug, I worry about you, you lemon," he said. I've never heard Edd cuss, and Im guessing he's planning to keep it that way. He took a deep breath and signed for Tord to get up, I grunted as I lifted my foot of his chest.
"Umm.... Tom... Tord has come to apoligise." I saw him lightly poke Tord.
"Uhh.. yeah.. I'm sorry Tom for everything I di- WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING??"
I was about 30 centermeters away from Tords face, however I had to tiptoe to accually be almost as tall as him.. Damn he's gotten tall, I saw all the scars on his face and how his left eye was of putting-ly pale, I can't really say anything about weird eyes tho.
"Did I do that?"
"Y-yeah," I could feel Tord squrm under my gaze.
"Damn... next time I'll aim closer to the right, then you'll be equally pitiful." I said with a smurk.
"Tom." Edd said sturnly,
"Wait, wait, wait. You two ACCUALLY forgive him, after all he did?"
"Tom, he's hurt and homeless,"
"And thats my problem, how?"
"Tom. Tord needs somewhere to stay, and we don't have anyroom."
"So, you're getting him an apartment?"
"No Tom, I mean-"
"Nonononono, Im not having some phycopathic, communist, army-leader-"
"-ex-army leader," Tord corrected.
"Did I say you could talk? No."
"Please Tom, you have an extra room-" Edd pleaded,
"Yeah, but Im using it,"
"For what?"
"Well I trying to fix Susan, you know after a certain giant robot piolt distroyed her. And its got the bag full of the last 'not-ash' parts of Tommee Bear, but what the point in keeping them 'cuz they're unfixable. Wanna answer that one Tord?" I spat at them both. However Edd was loosing his temper.
"Look. Tom. Do it for me, besides this can be how you repay me for not keeping your word about drinking." Damn he had me there. "Fine, fine." As I led Tord inside, I imideatly went to my harpoon gun.
"Oh yeah, you can't 'accidently' kill Tord." I sighed an backed away from my gun. Tord was looking around uncertain what to do with himself.
"You're rooms down there don't touch my stuff, also sorry, you can't hide an ilegal wepon in there, too small." I scoffed. As he shuffled away I went strait to my fridge. The unheathy stack of whisky and beer had halfed in size sice the last few nights. "Sorry Edd," I mutted under my breath. I grabbed two bottles and sat on the couch, after the second swigg, I was out, cold.

Tord pov

I looked around what will now be my new room. My eyes layed upon the brocken 'Susan' in the corner. I did this, I distroyed Toms most important item, one of the very few things that gave him joy that wasn't acohol based. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a loud crash from the living room.
Tom? Tom? TOM?" I ran into the room and spotted Tom asleep on the floor with a circle of glass bottles around him. Sighing I picked him up, checked for any cuts from the glass, when I notaced red marks on his arm, under his blue hoodie. "Tom, hva har du gjort med deg selv?" (A/n english=Tom what have you done to your self?) I carried him to his bed and looked around for what could be the cause of the cuts. I found a small razor blade in his bathroom, a pair of scissors in his draw and countless shards of glass everywhere. I sighed and dumped them all. Then set to work on the bottles: 12 in his room, 4 in his bathroom, 2 in my room, 15 in the living room, 6 in the kitchen and 22 in the fridge. "Nei (no)" I grabbled them all and threw them all away.

I will make you quit Tom, even if I have to get someone to follow you.

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