Chapter 11: Tommee bear...
Tord's p.o.v
Tom's shaking started to get really bad and his mumbling got louder,
"Left us." "Poor." "Fights." "Alone." "Worthless." "Salt." "Pity." "Jack." "Dad." "Father." "Edd." "Matt please stop." "Tord." I couldn't take it anymore, just as I was about to wake him, it stopped, the shaking stopped, the mumbling stopped. He just seemed to be frozen in time, and to be honsist, it freaked me out even more. He wasn't peacefuly sleeping, he was on edge.
"Tom," no responce, "Tom!" Still nothing, "TOM!" This time he shot awake. He started hugging and rocking himself, he looked like he'd been to hell and back, beads of sweat where rolling down his forehead, his skin was paler than normal and the bags under his eyes where more significant than before. "Tom are you-"
"N-NO!" He randomly screamed, making me jump. I recovered from the sudden out burst and looked at the smaller male. His knees had been brought up to his chest, he trembling and breathing heavily. He had grabbed his hair and started mumbling god knows what again. I tried to think of ways to calm him down, I suddenly remembered that when we where kid, he would have break downs like this often, and only one thing calmed him down: Tommee bear.
I quickly got up and ran to what was suposted to be my room, after digging around boxes marked 'survived' I found the bear. I took a quick glance at it and imidiatly guilt started surfacing. The edges of the bear where black, it half an ear missing and it just looked tatterd and old, but thats understandable considering Tom's had it since he was in a cott.
Tom's p.o.v
"I've not done anything."
Yes you have,
"W-What have I done then?"
You've stayed alive.
Edd, Matt and Tord would be much better without you. For you that might've been a nightmare, but for them it was a dream come true.
"Shut up, Shut up! SHUT UP!" I covered my ears but I couldn't stop my thoughts echoing through my mind. I couldn't stop thinking it, why couldn't I just be happy, why did life hsve to choose me to have the unfair life, why- My thoughts where interupted by something soft peck my nose, I looked up to see Tord smiling holding Tommee bear.
"Boop." Tord giggled, and held ou Tommee for me.
Gasping, I quickly grabbed my bear from Tords grasp, I roughly hugged Tommee to my chest and thanked Tord, I smiled at his small gesture. It's true, while at school I would have countless painic attacks and Tord would immediatly know what to do, nothings changed.
I felt Tord wrap his arms around me. The walmth from his body like a blanket, it was comforting to say the least. He slowly rocked me back and forth, whispering in my ear, I couldn't hear it properly but just knowing he was there helped. I slowly began to calm down as he unwrapped himself from me.
"Thanks," it was a mumble, but Tord still heard.
"No worries, breakfast?"
Tords p.o.v
Tom nodded his head so I went of to make pancakes. As I poured the batter in, I heard Tom shuffle into the room.
"Yum." His voice was quiet and groggy, but I could still here excitment in it.
After setting down the pancakes, Tom had chocolate spread on his, I just had honey, nice and sweet. I looked up to see Tom had already started eating, he had a large chocolate smile, messing the spread everywhere. I chuckled lightly at his childish ways. But soon turned to serious.
"So, what was that about?" He looked up at me, then away.
"I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."
"The nightmare Tom." He tenced slightly.
"How did you-"
"Sleep talking."
"Tom, I want to help, but I can't if you won't talk to me."
"Fine." Sighing Tom told me everything that happend last night.
"-Then you locked me back up and left."
"T-Tom, I would never- I couldn't ever."
"Its fine Tord."
"Its not fine,"
"You can't control what goes on in my head, as much as you want to."
"I know, but I still feel bad." He gives me a reasuring smile before standing up and washing his plate.
"D-Do you like me?"
"Tom, what kind of question is that, yes I like you." I love you god damnit!
"Ok, sorry."
"No, its fine." He seemed staified with my answer. So I went over and got a handful of bubbles from the sink.
"Hum?" He turned to look at me and I put the bubbles on his nose.
"DUDE!" He tried to look mad, but a small smile found its way on his face. He quickly grabed some and dropped it on my head, making a bubble hat.
"Uncalled for."
"Never!" He laughed, we carried on the bubble war for a while, until both of us where soaked.
"We should proberly go get changed." Tom nodded in agreement.
"Dibs the bedroom!"
"Damn, fine. Just let me get my cloaths from it."
"Kay." I picked up the pastel pink hoodie Matt had given me, ("It's kinda like red,") and slid it over a yellow t-shirt and just kept on my shorts. I quickly put on the flower crown I had gotten, and tilted it to make it look squew. It fit nicely in my two tuffs. I looked at the scars on my face, and the ones down my arm, they had all healed now and my left arm was resposive again. Nothing much to do about my one blind, silver eye.
Sighing I walked out the bathroom and sat down next to Tom. Who was flicking through channels.
"Gotta hand it to Matt. Pastel does look good on you."
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