

>>somewhat fat<<


ringo frowned, confused on why john was completely walking the opposite way.

"hey john," he spoke up. "isn't dairy queen that way?"

"yup." john said, popping the 'p'.

he gave him a look. "aren't we going to dairy queen?"


"what ice-cream shop are you taking me, johnny?" ringo asked, looking at the surroundings as john led him by the wrist. john already assumed that he was thinking of taking pictures.

"there's this new one that jus' opened up. and it's tastier than that preservative diabetes-causing crap."

ringo rolled his eyes. "all ice-cream causes diabetes if you eat it too much."

"yeah but, dairy queen has like a shit ton of sugar. and as much as i think that you're cute with puppy fat---"

"wait, wait, wait." ringo stopped abruptly in his tracks, making john turn around. "you think i'm cute? with... puppy fat?"

john felt a twinge of relief when ringo focused on the puppy fat.

he shrugged. "you're still the adorkable ringo any way. doesn't george think you're cute with a little bit of puppy fat?"

ringo opened his mouth but then closed it again. his gaze when from john and down his sneakers, suddenly interested at the rubber material.

john gasped. "no."

the smaller flushed. "i-it doesn't really matter, john. george jus' wants me to be healthy and, you know, not chubby."

john looked like he was seriously offended. and he was offended. what kind of person wouldn't think ringo was cute being just a little chubby? a little! ringo was fucking perfect and he didn't need his "boyfriend" to tell him to trim down!

"okay. that is it."

john scowled and practically dragged ringo to the side of the street.

ringo furrowed his eyebrows. "what it?"

"look," john began. "ever since you dated greg---"


"---- you've been going on diets! you never cared about your weight before!"

"i jus' wanna be a bit more healthy, that's all." ringo said, a bit surprised by how strong john spoke.

"healthy my ass." john scoffed. "there's nothing wrong about being chubby. that's practically healthy! you know what?"

ringo gulped. "what?"

"forget what i said about the diabetes things. i'm going to buy you the biggest tub of ice-cream they're selling. my treat." john added hastily as they crossed the street.

ringo blushed. "johnny, y-you really don't have to..."

john gave him a look and ringo knew that there wasn't any force on earth to stop his best mate going on an ice-cream rampage just to prove his point.

"you really don't think i'm unattractive being chubby?" ringo asked quietly.

"you couldn't even be unattractive if you tried." john replied, glancing at him, wondering if he just gave the wrong freaking impression.

he watched as ringo's lips curled up in that smile he loved so much.

"thanks johnny."

the corner of his mouth tugged up.

"any time, ritch."

and that was when john realized that even if ringo was a bit chubby, his feelings for him wouldn't change. not even a bit. because ringo was perfect and there wasn't anything john would change in him.


i wish someone would treat me a big tub of ice cream *cries bc mom is putting me on a less sugary diet

vote and comment~~

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