

>>difficult to deal with, remove, etc.<<


that awkward moment when you made a contest for covers and nobody offered 😂😂😂😂 wew nvm

NEW CONTEST: the person who makes the best knock knock joke gets a cameo bc im bored and i need to laugh after being a human equivalent of a stone :D Random yeah but whatever it's just for fun~


"are my glasses okay?"

"you look fine, john."

"seriously ritch, if i look like a nerd---"

"you. look. fine." ringo reassured him, frowning when john kept glancing at his reflection. "stop fussin', you look fine. handsome, really." he said without thinking, regretting it when he saw john's worried face turned into a grin.

"okay." he smirked at him, finally ready thank god. "now come along, child." he said, tugging at his wrist.

"yes daddy," ringo said, rolling his eyes.

on second thought, john wasn't really ready.

"d-did you jus'---"

"call you daddy? yes. now stop sexualizing everything, we're going to be late!"

john huffed. "why doesn't slenderma--- george pick us up? he has a ride, hasn't he?"

ringo gave him a sheepish look. "his sister's using it."

he uttered a rather exaggerating groan. "why are we going to this party again?"

"because george invited us and you said yes. don't be such a sour puss." ringo nudged him playfully.

the last two words made john think of simba. and thinking of him (he was at mo's, probably all snuggled in her thick blankets) made him just want to stay home, watch netflix with ringo and eat popcorn like the good old days.


"who knows? you might meet someone nice," ringo offered, the two of them stopping as the pedestrian light turned red and cars vroomed in front of them.

"but i already met someone nice," john said, turning to look at him.

"and who's that?" ringo asked, blue eyes gleaming with curiosity that john couldn't help but blurt out the true answer.


as expected, his eyes widened. and there was that flicker again. the flicker in his eyes john wanted to know the meaning of.


"green light." john broke in, leading ringo by the hand this time as they jogged across abbey road. "come on ritchie, we wouldn't want to be late."

"o-of course." ringo stumbled out, praying that it dark enough that john couldn't see the silly blush on his face.

m-me?! what does he mean, me? ringo thought. john wouldn't. he... he was just j-joking around---

he tried to get rid of the jumbling thoughts in his head. but the way john's fingers clasped around his hand made him feel something that even george didn't even do to him.

and that didn't help him one bit.


ended in a rather corny note lol haha

im lennstarr trash
you're lennstarr trash
we're all lennstarr trash


Dangerous Woman by Ariana Grande blows my mind woah her voice is so woah

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