Chpater 35

Jordan's Pov

I wake up wrapped in Tom's loving arms. In less than four hours hours he's gonna be my husband.

I kiss Tom gently and he instantly kisses back.

"Good morning Thomas." I whisper brushing his wild morning hair back.

"Morning Jardon." Tom leans up to kiss me again.

"Tom you can have the first shower." I whisper as Tom fights to stay awake.

"What time is it?"

"9 a.m. hun and knowing you you're gonna wanna be early." I pet Tom's head trying to get him to wake up.

"Its not like Martha's not gonna force us to be early anyways!""

"Hey! Be nice, she is, in a way, my daughter." I say and Tom rolls his sleepy eyes.

"Fine." Tom gives me one more quick kiss before getting up to take a shower.

Time Skip

We meet Martha at the cathedral the wizards built for us.

"Okay you two, say your goodbyes before the wedding." She says.

Tom gives me a peck on the cheek, "See you soon." He whispers then walks off with Tucker and Steve.

Wag shows up and we walk into our little dressing room area.

Time Skip (dress)

Steve and Tucker walk over and we all, the girls included, look amazing, in the manlinessest way possible.

"Excited?" Ianite asks taking my arm.

"How could I not be?!" I say happily. "Have you seen Andor?" I feel myself go pale, Sonja's face drains of all color as well.

"He's er..." Steve starts but seems as if unable to explain.

"He's giving Tom 'the talk'!" Tucker blurts and I smile. Understandable.

"Well you lady's look amazing. You all look so tall." I say trying to talk my nerves out.

Tom's Pov

"...and if you hurt him my vengeance will be swift. Hear me!" Andor snaps but I'm not really paying attention.

"If you touch again him my vengeance will also be swift." I murmur adjusting my tie.

"Whatever now I've gotta go...." Andor turns to leave but I know if he does I'm gonna let my nerves get the best of me.

"Andor wait! If you go send Tucker or Steve my way! Please." I say my voice tappering off.

"Why? Everything ok?" Andor raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah I'm just nervous I guess." Andor nods and runs off.

Jordan's Pov

Andor joins us, about time I guess. His eyes are everywhere but me. I can't even begin to imagine what he's feeling right now. But he smiles before giving me a quick hug.

"Tom's crazy nervous, so Tucker you may wanna go listen to him talk his head off. That's basically what I've let him do for the past hour." Andor says placing a gentle arm around Ianite.

"Wizard, you look quite handsome." Ianite says blushing. Wag also blushes, how could I make this anymore awkward?

"And you, gorgeous." Wag says bending down to kiss Ianite's hand.

"Jordan." Martha pauses and look be dead in the eyes.

"Its time. The church is packed full! All wanting to see our hero's wedding." She says. Tucker and Steve rejoin us. I see Steve fiddling something in his pocket and I have a strong feeling I know what it is. He nods at me and mouths,

"I'll explain later. Waiting for the perfect moment."

Martha kisses Steve's cheek before taking Tucker's arm and getting in line. Next Sonja and Andor, then Steve and Wag.

They each walk in and the church doors shut just after Steve and Wag walk in.

"Ready?" Ianite asks and I nod. She takes my arm and we both stand up as straight as possible.

Terrance nips at the them of my pant leg and I hand him my ring.

The doors open, my breathe gets stolen from me.

Thw cathedral is beautiful! All lit up in red and purple lights! The church is packed to its fullest, Martha didn't lie.

Ianite and I walk down the isle slowly. Its now I realize how much Tom's appearance has changed.

His once lurky green skin is now natural toned. His hair faded neon blue.

He looks, as always, super handsome. Tom steps down and Ianite kisses my cheek before handing me off to Tom.

Tom walks me to the alter, then takes my other hand in his own.

"Ladies and Gentlemen we are gathered here today to celebrate Jordan (Sparklez) Maron and Thomas (cassell) Syndicate." The preacher pauses.

"Jordan, do you take Thomas to be your lovely wedded husband?"

"I do." I say and I swear I hear Tom let out a sigh.

"Thomas, do you take Jordan to be your lovely wedded husband?" The preacher asks,

"I do indeed." Tom says half smiling. My nerves ease a bit, but they aren't gone quite yet.

"The rings." The preacher snaps and Terrance shutters down the isle.

Tom takes my ring and slides it on my finger, I do the same to him.

"Now the couple will recite their vows. Jordan." The preacher says quite strongly.

"Okay! Tom from the moment I opened my eyes, in the other world, I knew we'd be something more than friends. It was something about the way you held your sword confidently and how you cared so much about me. I remember......" My voice cracks causing me to pause.

"I remember when I attempted suicide and you....." Tears are running down my face, Tom's as well.

"You sat beside me everyday. I herd you talk to me, like I was still conscious, I felt your kisses on my forehead every morning. Tom I couldn't be more thankful to have someone as amazing as you are in my life. Thank you, for everything." I release Tom's hand only to wipe a tear.

"Well damn you Sparklez! How am I suppose to top that!" Tom yells jokingly. Everyone who was once crying, myself included, laugh.

"Anyways, Jordan I hadn't realized how much I actually loved you was when I killed Dianite. I realized it then because I saw, when my arrow pierced Dianite's heart, you. I saw you and how concerned you looked for me. Then I knew I wanted to spend eternity with you. I love everything about you, even the annoying things. Like the way you wrinkle your nose when your confused, and when you pace when your nervous. But my favorite thing about you is your horribly bad puns. They can make me laugh when I'm in tears. I know I've said this a ton, but I love you with all of my heart, and I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Welp I assume you two....." Tom pulls me close, and kisses me more passionately then ever before.

I pull away, only for air. Tom takes my hand and walks me back down the isle.

Once the doors shut cutting us off from other civilization Tom pulls me into his arms.

"I love you." He whispers and I let my eyes close.

We walk into the reception hall which is just as beautiful as the ceremony area.

Everyone claps as Tom gives me a peck on the cheek. I see Wag googly eyeing Ianite, my smile grows bigger.

"Everyone had a purple rain?!" Tom yells to everyone. Most of which raise their glasses.

Tom and I take to our table as the main course of chicken and salad is served.

Time Skip

Tom cuts a bite of cake for me and I him. "Go easy on him Tom!" Tucker yells.

Tom rolls his eyes before attempting to feed me the bite of cake. I do the same ans we both fail miserably.

I wipe Tom's face gently before giving him a quick kiss.

After cleaning my own face, I notice Andor surrounded in girls.

"Look at him." I say and Tom wraps his arm around my shoulder.

We walk over and Andor's face is a flush shade of pink.

"Oh hey!" Andor says realizing we had walked over.

"Who are your new friends?" Tom asks,

"Well this is Marisella..(mrpsella)"

"I'm Ginger (Gingerninja1011)" A redheaded girl says excitedly.

"Indeed. now beside her is Madison, (Herobrine_is_Boss354)" Andor says and I shake Madison's hand.

"Its a pleasure to meet you." I say and she blushes.

"I'm Cimber but feel free to call me Hoot! And you two are just about the cutest gay couple I've ever seen! #SyndiSparklez!(owlgirl121)" A girl with black hair, blue streak, says.

"#SyndiSparklez indeed." Tom says giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Next in line is Nalan.(Nalan1234)" I can tell just by the way Andor said her name he feels for her.

"Hello!" I say and give her hand a shake. "Congratulations hero." She replies sternly.
"Andor I can introduce myself thank ya very much!" Another girl says. "I'm Sadie!(SadieWritesMCYT) Now shake my hand!" She cherps causing Tom to smirk at her confidence. Tom reaches out and shakes her hand.

"I'm Janet.(JanetplysMC)" The last one mumbles and glances down. She has black hair that's tied to the side. Her eyes are wide and are a dark shade of brown.

"Thank you for coming." I say which causes her to look back up.

"No thank you. For everything." She says but really we haven't done anything!

"For what?" I ask stupidly.

"For saving Andor." I smile which causes her to. Andor on the other hand is a shade of red. Its funny to see him blush.

"Lastly this is Punken." Andor gestures to a girl with a light brown hair. She clearly follows Dianite.

"Wonderful another Dianitee!" Tom cherps and everyone laughs.

"You'd be surprised, Mr. Syndicate, how many of us there actually are!" Punkin says.

"It was a pleasure meeting all of you! Have you tried our drink of choice yet? I'm assuming you're all of age." Tom says and they all nod.

"Its great! Taste like heaven!" Sadie says happily. "Glad you like it. Took Steve and I long enough to make them!" I reply.

We walk over to Steve who aks Tom is he can steal me for a bit.

I walk off with Steve as Martha talks to Tom about lord knows what.

"I'm waiting for the perfect moment. I've carried this around with me for the past three months waiting for the perfect moment." Steve says and pulls out the ring.
Its a beautiful opal ring. I believe she talked about wanting a opal once.

"Perfect go get her Steve!" I joke and we rejoin the little group.

Time Skip

Tom's Pov

Everyone cheers as Jordan and I speed off in 2fast2ferious. Just Married tagged all over its windows.

"Where we going?" Jordan asks and I smile. "You'll see."

I'm taking Jordan to a completely new and unexplored area. Well the wizards amd Steve have seen it, but that was only to build our house!

We arrive just before sunset as of planned. I park the RV and open Jordan's door for him.

"What a gentlemen!" Jordan jokes pulling me into his arms.

"I'm so lucky." He whispers and I hold him tighter.

"Come on!" I say pulling from our hug. I pick Jordan up bridal style, he weights less than Sonja! That makes me nervous. I hope he's.....

"Tom?" Jordan asks and I carry him over the threshold.

"Oh I see how it is." Jordan says but quickly starts exploring our honeymoon home.

"Tom this is amazing!" Jordan yells from upstairs. I run up and join him.

"Its nothing really. I just wanted us to have a get away place if we ever needed it. But hey come with me." I say taking his hand in my own.

I walk Jordan outside and sit us down to where we have a clear view of the sunset.

"Tom." Jordan whispers and I see his eyes water up. Why is he upset?! I don't want him like this on the best day of our lives?!

Jordan's breathing speeds up and tears run down his face faster and faster.

"Jordan?" I ask but he doesn't reply. Its as if he's in a gaze. Jordan's only looking at the sunset.

"Ianite!" Jordan yells and I give him a shake.

He snaps out of his gaze, then instantly folds himself into my arms.

I pull Jordan to where he is sitting on my lap, his head buried in my chest.

"What's wrong?" I whisper kissing the top of his head.

"Ever since Ianite returned I've beem getting flash backs. Of my past life and our old world. But they only happen when I watch the sunset. The night Andor....the night he kissed me I watched myself attempt suicide then end up with you. Its hard to explain." Jordan says knotting his fists in my shirt hem.

"No I understand. You could've told me and I...." Jordan interrupts,

"I didn't want to mess anything up. I can tell how hard you've worked on this."

"Hey Jordan." I say his name seductively.

"What Tom" he replies. I flip us to where I'm rested gently on top of Jordan.

"Remember when I said some night special? Well......" Jordan cuts me off by kissing me.

I kiss back but more harshly. Jordan licks my bottom lip and I smile. I pull away which causes Jordan to frown.

"You don't have to ask anymore." I whisper before nibbling on his ear. I pin Jordan's hands above his head and let my kisses trail down Jordan's neck.

I stop right on his sweet spot. I begin to kiss it gently and I feel Jordan laugh to himself.

Jordan's Pov

Tom thinks he's such a tease! He's gonna half to work before......

"Tom." A moan escapes my lips. Tom's kisses lead back up to my lips.

I sit up and Tom wraps his legs around me. Our kiss never breaks through the process.

I take Tom's shirt off quickly eager to get back to kissing him. He does the same.

"Your so buff!" Tom mocks and we both laugh.

I pull Tom as close as possible and resume our kiss.

This time its my turn to be the 'tease'. I run my fingers through Tom's hair and suck on his sweet spot.

Tom's Pov

Jordan kisses and sucks on my neck. I throw my head back and pleasure, I feel Jordan smile. I don't want to pull away but its getting fucking cold!

I carry Jordan inside and gently lay him on our California King sized bed.

I smile before kissing Jordan again. His hands trail from around my neck, to my pant line.

I let Jordan undress me as I do the same to him. Jordan smirks and I feel a feeling I haven't felt before. Am I insecure?

"Sparklez." I moan as he kisses down my chest.

Whoa! Time skip! If u want me to finish just mssg me. Although I am quite rubbish at writing smut but whatever floats ur goat!

Tom's Pov (still)

Jordan plops down beside me, both of us are panting.

All I can do is laugh. My laughter causes Jordan to laugh.

Then he yawns. "Awww is my Sparkle sleep!" I laugh and he nods.

I pull him close and he nussles into my chest.

"I love you. So much." He giggles before falling fast asleep.

He doesn't even know how much I love him after that.....

"THOMAS GET YOUR FUCKING HEAD OUT OF WHAT JUST HAPPENED AND SLEEP!" I meantaly yell at myself. I give in and close my eyes.

*Three Days Later*

Jordan's Pov

Tom and I sit outside. He's nussled into my chest.

The sun starts to set and Tom sits up. "We need to go inside." He says but I pull him back in my arms.

"No. They've been better now that I have you." I whisper and kiss Tom's head. Usually the tables are turned but sometimes he's gotta let me baby him. No matter how much he hates it.

"Jordan, promise no matter what Ianite or anyone says you'll always be mine." Tom says his voice sounds weak like he could cry!

"Tom. I promise I'll never, ever, ever, leaving you for anyone or anthing ela in this world. I'm always gonna be right here. Never for......."

A little basket lands just at Tom's feet. He seems to recognize it because he sits up to get it.

Tom's Pov

This came straight from Dianite. He used to send me these all the time, back in the other world.

"What's that?" Jordan asks.

"Its from Dianite." I open it and pull out a long sheet of paper. Damn a hand written note!

"Dear Cassels,
             Thing's will NOT be all sunshines and rainbows. I can't tell you much yet but know she's mine. Jordan don't run to Ianite she won't tell you anything. But do wait for me, when I come I can explain everything. Take care of her! I'm counting on you! I'll see you as soon as possible
                        Lord Dianite

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