Chapter 20

Draco ended up spending the night. Harry was too fragile and vulnerable to be left alone. He ordered food in and just held Harry, comforting him in the best way that he could.

The kiss kept replaying through his mind. He wanted to kiss Harry again, so badly, but he didn't know what brought the kiss on in the first place. Harry was so vulnerable, and Draco didn't want to do anything while Harry wasn't in the right state of mind.

Instead, he pressed soft kisses to Harry's forehead and fed him snacks. They finally finished The Conjuring, and Draco felt himself watching Harry more than the movie.

"You were very brave," Harry said solemnly.

"I told you I could watch it."

"Good thing it's a whole franchise! There are three of these movies alone. Then we have the Annabelle movies and The Nun to watch."

"What did I get myself into?"

"That's a very good question," Harry replied with a yawn.

"Go to sleep darling, I'll be here when you wake up."

"We have practice tomorrow don't we?"

"Don't you worry about that Harry. Take care of yourself first."

"Goodnight Draco."

Finally, Draco's fingers running through Harry's hair soothed him to sleep. Draco made sure he was the first one up to prepare a light breakfast, and smiled softly when Harry made his way into the kitchen as Draco was setting the table.

"Good morning," Harry greeted.

"Good morning Harry. Here's my attempt at breakfast."

"I'm sure it's wonderful."

"Not as good as yours, but I'm doing my best."

They ate in silence, Harry slowly beginning to wake up.

"So about yesterday-," Harry began.

"Can we talk about this after practice if that's alright with you?"

"Oh. Yeah. Sure."

"It's nothing bad, I need to focus on my team, not on you, which you make very difficult I'll have you know."

"I just watch and take notes."

"But you look damn good doing it, and I get distracted."

That was enough for Harry to remain quiet and process his thoughts.

Practice was going so good, until it wasn't. Harry's plays had made such a positive impact on the team and they were moving as one. Almost as one, which became even more evident when Smith went down.

The whole team rushed to his side, but it wasn't looking good. Ankles weren't supposed to swell that much, and they certainly weren't supposed to be that color.

"I think I'm going to throw up," Nott lamented, turning away quickly.

"Everyone move! I need to get him off the field!," Madame Hooch yelled.

"What are we going to do? The alternates don't know the routines!," Draco began, pacing back and forth as Smith was carried off the field.

"Breathe love," Harry whispered from beside him. "In and out, there we go. It will be okay."

"This is a disaster. We're going to lose. I'm going to be removed as captain and they're going to put Blaise in and my career is over."

Draco kept ranting quietly and didn't even notice when Harry had left and returned.

"We're running play number 5, get into position."

And there was Harry, in his jersey and a pair of cleats, making his way to the goalie box. He was deserving of a brutal snog after the move.

The rest of practice went by without a hitch, with Harry and Draco being the last two plasters on the field. Harry was sweating, not used to being the one on the field.

"Tell me that you kissing me yesterday wasn't a mistake."

"It wasn't-"

That was all it took for Draco to push Harry up against the wall outside of the locker room and snog the living daylights out of him. Pulling away, he pressed his forehead against Harry's panting slightly.

"I am in awe of you every single day Harry James Potter."

"So I take it that you return my feelings?," Harry asked hopefully.

"I more than return them darling. I caught feelings for you when I was sick but I wasn't sure if I was projecting onto you because that was the first time I felt cared for. The more that I got to know you, the harder that I fell. As much as I would love to continue to shower you with affection, we need to shower. Then I'm taking you out to lunch."

"It's a date," Harry replied with a goofy grin, trying to fight off the blush creeping up his cheeks.

"The first of many," Draco promised.

"I dunno, in my head most of our outings have been dates."

"It would've been nice if I was informed."

After quickly showering in the locker room, the two made their way to a nice cafe out of town for lunch. They held hands across the table, and Draco kept feeding Harry bites of food.

"I have to say that I love how affectionate you are."

"You bring out the best in me darling."

Harry's face once again turned red, and Draco grinned.

"What's the matter my darling? Not a fan of compliments?"

"I never know how to react to them," Harry admitted. "I never got them growing up."

"Prepare to be absolutely showered in love adoration because you deserve it. My wonderful Harry," Draco replied with a soft sigh, leaning on his hand and just looking at Harry.

"My Draco is also pretty wonderful."

"Not as amazing as my Harry. He's kind and caring and funny and tells me exactly what he's thinking, not what I need to hear. He took me in when I had no one and showed me that I could be more than what others thought of me. I'm not afraid to be myself now."

"I'm loving this new Draco," Harry replied softly, connecting their lips across the table.

"I'm loving Harry the footie player. I just need to see you in one of my jerseys now."

"That can be arranged," Harry retorted with a teasing smile.

"Are you really okay with this though? It's a lot to take on so soon. I don't think Smith will be able to play the championship."

"Who are we versing?"

"Surrey," Draco replied, finger tracing the rim of his glass.

"I'm more sure than ever now. I'd love to wipe the floor with my cousin. Besides, this will just solidify my scholarship what with me actually being able to play."

"I just don't want you to feel forced on my account."

"Am I easily forced into anything?"

"No," Draco admitted. "I just get worried you know. I want you to be loud and take up space."

"I get to play a sport that I've come to love, and I get to see my favorite thing in the world? There's nothing bad about that."

"Which is?"

"That look on your face that you get when you lead the team to victory."

"The only thing better is the look on my face when I see you," Draco replied sweetly, allowing Harry to capture his lips in another kiss.

He had almost everything that he needed, right there in that moment.

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